ABCDE Prices may vary in areas outside metropolitan Washington. M2 V1 V2 V3 V4 Mostly sunny 90/70 • Tomorrow: Partly sunny 89/67 B8 Democracy Dies in Darkness THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2018 . $2 President signals a shift in strategy with new attorney ‘GLOVES MAY BE COMING OFF’ WITH MUELLER Defense lawyer is a veteran of White House battles BY ROBERT COSTA, Emmet Flood CAROL D. LEONNIG has been AND JOSH DAWSEY called a “wartime President Trump’s growing de- consigliere” sire for his lawyers to more force- for President fully counter the ongoing special Trump’s legal counsel investigation drove yet team. another shake-up of his legal team on Wednesday, putting the White In his place, Trump tapped Re- House on a war footing with feder- publican defense attorney Emmet al prosecutors examining Russian Flood, who brings experience interference in the 2016 cam- wrangling with investigators paign. when he represented President White House lawyer Ty Cobb, Bill Clinton during House pro- who repeatedly urged cooperation ceedings to impeach him. with special counsel Robert S. Flood will soon work alongside a Mueller III and assured the presi- remade group of personal lawyers dent such a strategy could shorten LAWYERS CONTINUED ON A6 the investigation, announced he MICHAEL ROBINSON CHAVEZ/THE WASHINGTON POST would leave his post at the end of Warning to DOJ: Trump pushes for the month. release of Mueller probe details. A4 HOOP DREAMS IN DANGER Giuliani: Trump repaid A public housing crisis AIRO, Ill. — There are not as McBride housing complexes, where many pickup basketball games about 400 people used to live and now Cohen for hush money is threatening the existence C these days. Not as many kids only a few dozen families remain. dribbling in the street after school. But first there was an important of a southern Illinois town Not anymore, at least. Not since the game of one-on-one basketball to BY DEVLIN BARRETT, he did know the general arrange- where ‘basketball is life’ town’s two biggest public housing play. Two little boys bounded toward ROBERT COSTA ment, that Michael would take complexes closed a year ago. baskets on each side of the block, AND JOSH DAWSEY care of things like this, like I take Except some afternoons still have a focusing hard to keep the ball from care of things like this with my BY JESSE DOUGHERTY slow pulse, like on this Thursday in striking the uneven pavement and Rudolph W. Giuliani, the for- clients,” Giuliani said. “I don’t AND BOSWELL HUTSON early April, with a handful of kids bouncing out of reach. mer New York mayor and a burden them with every single skipping around a skinny block on Jermar Collier, a 9-year-old in a recent addition to President thing that comes along. These are Cairo’s northern end. In an hour or so, baggy blue shirt, said he wants to be Trump’s legal team, said Wednes- busy people.’’ they would all be called in for dinner like Golden State Warriors star Ste- day night that Trump made a Later, Giuliani said in an inter- and leave skateboards and scooters phen Curry when he grows up. Ra- series of payments reimbursing view with The Washington Post and bicycles scattered on the side- shad Harrison, 10, has a different his attorney Michael Cohen for a that when Cohen paid the settle- walk. The street would then fall quiet hero. $130,000 settlement with an ment to actress Stormy Daniels, again, like the ones next to it and the “I’m going to be the next Paypay adult-film actress — despite he knew he would eventually get ones across town and the ones weav- Taylor,” Harrison declared, referring Trump’s assertion last month paid back by Trump, as he was for ing through the Elmwood and CAIRO CONTINUED ON A14 that he was unaware of the other expenses. payment. Giuliani said it was his under- “The president repaid it,’’ Giu- standing that repayment from Chance Pearirs, 6, shoots baskets in Cairo, Ill., which once aspired to greatness but now is struggling to survive after the liani told Fox News Channel’s Trump came in a series of trans- Department of Housing and Urban Development closed the town’s two biggest public housing complexes last year. Sean Hannity. actions after the election that he Trump “didn’t know about the believes were completed in 2017 specifics of it, as far as I know. But COHEN CONTINUED ON A16 Democrats face calls for On the outside? Big Ben! Inside? Leaky loos. fresh House leadership Westminster, home of Britain’s Parliament, prepares for a restoration that will cost billions lina district that stretches from As Pelosi says she’d run Charlotte’s suburbs into more BY WILLIAM BOOTH Rather, Westminster is rotting rural counties. “I think we need a AND KARLA ADAM from the inside, its water and for speaker, candidates whole new generation of people waste pipes sclerotic, its ventila- seek ‘new generation’ in D.C. That’s part of why I’m london — The Palace of West- tion shafts congested, its neural running; we need some new minster, with its cinematic Big networks — the communication, blood.” Ben clock, set beside the River electric, fire systems — nearly Democrats across the country Thames, is a survivor — of epic shot. BY DAVID WEIGEL are locked in an awkward dance fire, German bombs, sulfuric And so earlier this year, after a AND PAUL KANE in which candidates sensing a smog and bad plumbing. decade of delay, study and de- chance to win GOP-held seats are An eccentric masterwork of bate, British lawmakers ap- charlotte — Democrats sense increasingly distancing them- Victorian genius, its dual cham- proved one of the most ambitious a growing opportunity to unseat selves from the party’s longtime bers for lords and commoners restoration projects of the mod- Republicans as part of a national liberal leader from San Francisco are the living, breathing heart of ern age, a $5 billion scheme that wave that could put the House — at the same time that the constitutional monarchy, the would see the entire Parliament speaker’s gavel back in their par- 78-year-old congresswoman is home of Parliament, and one of — the lawmakers, clerks, staff, ty’s hands. boldly holding on to power. the most photographed build- guards, journalists, bartenders, There’s just one catch: Many So far, 10 Democratic candi- ings in the world. everybody — decamp to nearby Democratic contenders aren’t dates have said they would op- But Westminster is a wreck, its buildings for six years while a willing to say they support re- pose Pelosi’s return to the speak- caretakers say. massive refurbishment is under- turning their party’s leader to ership, while at least another 10 The palace is not falling down. taken. power. have conspicuously declined to Not at all. Its bones, the super- It’s like redoing your kitchen “I’ve said since Day One that I PELOSI CONTINUED ON A6 structure, are solid enough, and — times a million. wouldn’t vote for Nancy Pelosi as LAURA HYND FOR THE WASHINGTON POST carrying on, in British fashion, Or imagine the U.S. Congress speaker,” said Dan McCready, 34, Speaker race: Midterm concerns Interior work at the Palace of Westminster in London is scheduled even if its dermis of Yorkshire emptying out of the Capitol to who is running in a North Caro- loom over Paul Ryan’s exit. A4 to begin in 2025, and Parliament will decamp to nearby buildings. limestone is spotty. REVAMP CONTINUED ON A10 IN THE NEWS cials will begin trade posed, officials said. B1 talks in Beijing as Presi­ Users on 4chan spewed Inside dent Trump’s policies racism to try to hurt the THE NATION that EPA Administrator continue to sow uncer­ odds of an all­black LOCAl LIVING As they welcome girls, Scott Pruitt planned to tainty. A12 female team in a NASA Cooking up color the Boy Scouts are re­ take to Australia last As eating habits competition. B1 Six ways to bring hues of moving the word “boy” year, according to feder­ change and commodity Residents are split as warmth and friendliness from their name. A3 al records. A7 prices fall, farmers are Montgomery County to the all-white kitchen. Cambridge Analytica, A lonely 85-year-old getting less of every weighs providing legal a political consultancy Chinese man put him­ dollar Americans spend aid for immigrants fac­ STYLE that worked for the self up for adoption. A8 on food. A13 ing deportation. B1 Tough-guy gospel Trump campaign and After weeks of pro­ U.S. service members Jordan Peterson’s “12 was attacked for its use tests, the leader of Ar­ will no longer be able to STYLE The African American Rules for Life” draws a of Facebook data in menia’s pro­democracy buy ZTE and Huawei following — and flak. C1 other elections, said it movement urged his phones on bases, ac­ museum will continue its Wednesday program RASHON NELSON AND DONTE ROBINSON. JACQUELINE LARMA/AP would cease operations flock to rest. A9 cording to a new Penta­ in the United States and The admiral expected gon directive. A15 for visitors without passes. C5 Philadelphia settlement Two black men United Kingdom. A7 to be nominated as am­ BUSINESS NEWS........................A12 bassador to South Korea THE REGION COMICS........................................C7 arrested at a Starbucks accepted $1 each and THE WORLD SPORTS OPINION PAGES..........................A17 would be another hawk D.C. Council member DAILY CODE, DETAILS, B2 secured city aid for young entrepreneurs. A2 A Washington-based Capitals forward Tom LOTTERIES...................................B3 on President Trump’s Jack Evans is under in­ OBITUARIES.................................B6 consultant who had Wilson was suspended 3103 foreign policy team.
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