November 28, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1823 reserves to an historic level. Her successful dress issues including gang awareness and INTRODUCTION OF THE COLUMBIA leadership has led her team to entice new child abuse prevention and to review methods NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM CRIT- businesses to locate in Lakewood. to protect children from abduction. He also ICAL AUTHORITIES ACT OF 2012 Kathy’s collaborative nature was dem- created an annual ‘‘Cradle to College’’ Parent onstrated when she spearheaded an effort to and Youth Empowerment Seminar to em- HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON save a Lakewood middle school from closure. power families and enable parents to build OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Now, that school is part of the International upon their progeny’s strengths to avoid the pit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Baccalaureate (IB) program and home to Jef- falls of youth. Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ferson County’s first Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Speaker, may our country continue to Among her successes, Kathy is president of benefit from the civic actions of committed and Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, The National the Metro City and County Management Asso- laudable community leaders such as Eric L. Park System Critical Authorities Act of 2012, ciation and sits on the Jeffco Schools Capital Adams. which I introduce today, is a bill that I have Asset Advisory Committee. Also, Kathy was Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join worked on with the National Park Service appointed by Governor Hickenlooper to the me in paying tribute to New York State Sen- (NPS), at its request, to create greater effi- Red Rock’s Community College President’s ator Eric Adams. ciency and to address three common-sense Advisory Council. issues: (1) snow removal from federal agency I extend my deepest congratulations to property in the District of Columbia, (2) visitor f Kathy Hodgson for her well deserved honor by and employee access to historic NPS prop- the West Chamber serving Jefferson County HONORING CONGREGATION erty’ in Virginia, and (3) uniform penalties for and to thank her for her commitment to our AHAVATH SHOLOM violations on NPS lands. community. I have no doubt she will exhibit Section two of the bill amends a 1922 law the same dedication and character in all her by making federal agencies in the District re- future accomplishments. HON. KAY GRANGER sponsible for the removal of snow and ice in f OF TEXAS public areas associated with their buildings. For years, agencies have taken this common- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO ERIC ADAMS sense approach in the District and assumed Wednesday, November 28, 2012 this responsibility, but the law has never been HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS updated to reflect the practice, leaving NPS OF NEW YORK Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to with legal liability. This bill simply brings the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor Congregation Ahavath Sholom for its law in line with current practice. 120 years of dedication to the Fort Worth Wednesday, November 28, 2012 Section three of the bill promotes greater ef- community. Congregation Ahavath Sholom ficiency and protection to NPS, the Central In- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to was established in1892, and is the oldest Jew- telligence Agency (CIA), and the Federal High- pay tribute and to honor Eric L. Adams, a ish congregation in Fort Worth, Texas. way Administration (FHWA) by authorizing a former Captain of the New York City Police Led by Rabbi Andrew Bloom and Cantor small interagency land exchange near the Department and current member of the New Shoshana Abrams, this Conservative Con- George Washington Memorial Parkway. Cur- York State Senate. gregation holds a deep commitment to Tikkun rently, Colonial Farm Road provides public As a Captain in the NYPD, Eric Adams be- Olam, repairing of the world. Through inter- and staff access to Claude Moore Colonial came well-known to New Yorkers as a tireless faith programs and outreach, Congregation Farm (the Farm), but also serves as an en- and thoughtful advocate for the people and Ahavath Sholom acts upon this commitment. trance road to the CIA’s George Bush Center communities he served, and he earned wide- For many years the congregation has col- for Intelligence and the FHWA Turner Fair- spread praise for creating innovative programs lected food for the Tarrant County Food Bank banks Research Center. NPS and FHWA on issues ranging from conflict resolution to on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish have a written agreement permitting visitor ac- child abuse prevention. Eric Adams co-found- calendar. This year, Congregation Ahavath cess to the Farm. However, the three agen- ed 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, Sholom is holding its 2nd Annual Community- cies have discussed concerns over crossing a group comprised of law enforcement per- wide Chanukah Candle Lighting in which the property lines, the need to improve security sonnel and their supporters, to provide assist- City of Fort Worth has joined as an official and add perimeter fencing, and the need to ance and subsidies to community-based orga- sponsor. Mayor Betsy Price and I will serve as have uninterrupted access to their properties. nizations that strive to improve their neighbor- honorary candle lighters. The agencies have identified parcels on their hoods. He also is a former Chairperson of the boundaries suitable for exchange that will pro- Grand Council for the Guardians and serves Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, com- memorates the rededication of the Temple in vide access to the Farm, and provide the on the board of the Eastern District Coun- means to improve security for the CIA and seling Service, an organization that assists Jerusalem after the Jewish victory over an op- pressive army of Syrians and Greeks in 165 FHWA facilities. former substance abusers to live productive Section four of the bill eliminates inconsist- lives without dependency on drugs or alcohol. B.C.E., who had not allowed the Jewish peo- ple to live or worship freely. This Festival cele- encies in federal penalties for crimes com- On November 7, 2006, Captain Adams ended mitted in certain park units. The inclusion of a his 22-year career in the New York City Police brates the freedom of religion, culture and self-determination that God has granted to all number of military and historic sites in the Na- Department; Eric L. Adams traded his blue tional Park System during the 1930s resulted uniform for a blue suit when the resident of human beings—a founding principle of our country. in a disparity in criminal penalties, which un- the 20th Senatorial District elected him to the dermines fair and effective law enforcement Congregation Ahavath Sholom participated New York State Senate. and criminal prosecution. The bill would rem- in Mayor Betsy Price’s ‘‘Connect with the Eric Adams is well known for his efforts in edy this problem by making violations subject Community’’ program on October 25th. During closing the gap through changing relationships to the same penalties. the ceremony, the Congregation was honored between law enforcement and the residents of I ask that my colleagues support this no- for its participation in the Tarrant Area Com- New York’s diverse neighborhoods. His highly- cost bill. regarded instructional workshops, ‘‘What To munity of Churches and Fort Worth Housing f Do When Stopped By The Police,’’ has helped Authority’s ‘‘Clean for Quarters’’ program—a thousands of young people throughout New program allowing those who were formerly JEANNE OLIVER York learn to interact more appropriately with homeless to have clean clothes ready for job the police by using established conflict resolu- interviews and work assignments. HON. ED PERLMUTTER tion skills. The forums have been duplicated Through Rabbi Bloom’s involvement and OF COLORADO throughout the country and provided a genera- leadership, the congregation has enjoyed new IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of youngsters with a better understanding initiatives in the areas of pluralism and cultural of reliable methods to resolve difficult con- diversity in collaboration with the Fort Worth Wednesday, November 28, 2012 flicts—not only with the police, but also with Intermediate School District, and has worked Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise teachers, peers, and others. Senator Adams to foster greater understanding between faiths today to recognize and applaud Jeanne Oliver also created a series of free public safety with its neighboring churches, the Brite Divinity for her continued commitment to our commu- seminars for New York City parents to ad- School and Texas Christian University. nity. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:32 Nov 29, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28NO8.022 E28NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with E1824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 28, 2012 Jeanne Oliver is an essential member of the In recognition of her services she has re- ber 20th, Taylor broke the NCAA single game executive management team for the Jefferson ceived citations from me, City Councilwoman scoring record by scoring 138 points in one Center for Mental Health. Her position encom- Robinson, The NYC Police Department, The game. The Grinnell Pioneers won by a final passes many roles including corporate com- 79th Precinct Council, The Brooklyn Job score of 179 to 104. munication, marketing and fund development. Corps, A.I.D.P. at P.S. 26, Hebron Baptist Taylor, a sophomore at Grinnell, broke the Jeanne is the center’s Public Information Offi- Church, Greater Cross Road Baptist Church, NCAA record by 25 points. The previous scor- cer and is a part of its Political Action Net- Bridge Street Development Corporation, The ing record was set at 113 points back in 1954.
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