AGENDA ITEM No, .l...l...l...m a North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 10 November 201 1 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 10th November 201 1 Page Application Applicant Development/Site Recommendation No No 5 10/00952/PPP Hazledene Homes Residential Development (In Refuse (P) Shotts Ltd Principle) Request for Hearing Land At Stable Road Shotts 16 11/00122/FUL Healthcare Erection of Clinical Waste Grant Environmental Treatment Facility, Incorporating Services Ltd Thermal Treatment Plant Hassockrigg Former Opencast Site Shotts Road Shotts 47 11/00495/FUL Mr Paton Erection of Two Storey Grant Detached Dwellinghouse Land At 86 Glen Road Wishaw 56 11/00754/FUL Green Dimension Erection of a Temporary Grant Ltd Meterological Monitoring Mast of Height up to 50.2m. Land North Of Springhill And Leadloch Road Stane Shotts 63 11/00787/FUL Central Scotland Erection of 7 dwellinghouses Grant Forestry Trust Land South Of Southfield Request for Site Visit Crescent Stane Shotts 73 11/00863/FUL Mr Martin Downey Change of Use of Industrial Unit Grant from Light Engineering to Used Car Sales (In Retrospect) Unit 4 & 5 Block 2 Roseberry Road Chapelhall Industrial Estate 2 79 11/00926/FUL Mr Gerard Erection of a Greenhouse Grant Gollogley Extension to Front of Flat (In Retrospect) 2A Kelso Quadrant Summerlee Coatbridge 85 11/0094O/FUL A. B Ashraf Installation of New Shopfront Grant 54 - 56 Castlehill Road Ove rtown Wishaw 92 11/00953/FUL Mr Robert Change of Use from Business Grant McGregor Unit to Car Sales/Showroom lmex Business Centre 260 Main Street Coatbridge 99 11/00990/AMD Bellway Homes Substitution of Flatted Grant Scotland Development with 37 Detached, Semi-Detached and Terraced Dwelling Houses Former Motherwell College Dalzell Drive Motherwell 108 11/00994/FUL Mr & Mrs Robert & Change of use of Land to Grant Lorna Forrest Private Garden Ground Ground North Of 11 1 Omoa Road Cleland 115 1 1/0101 6/FUL North Lanarkshire Change of Use from Public Grant Council Open Space to Public Parking Area Site Adjacent To 212 - 238 Calder Street Whiff let Coatbridge 121 11/01023/AMD Mr Robert Fullarton Erection of Three Storey Block Grant Accommodating Twelve Flatted Dwellinghouses (Extension of Time for Planning Permission 06/0121 3/FUL - Non compliance with Condition 1) The Four Aces Barrowfield Street Barrowfield Coatbridge 3 129 11/01062/FUL North Lanarkshire Construction of a Park and Ride Grant Council Facility of 127 Parking Spaces Land At Foundry Road Shotts 137 11/01063/FUL North Lanarkshire Construction of a Play Area Grant Council Vacant Land North Of 109 Gibb Street Chapelhall (P) 10/00952/PPP If minded to grant, Section 75 agreement required for off site road works. 4 Application No: Proposed Development: 10/00952/PPP Residential Development (In Principle) Site Address: Land At Stable Road Shotts Date Registered: 24th August 2010 Applicant: Agent: Hazledene Homes Shotts Ltd Brian Muir 1 Colme Street Muir Smith Evans Edinburgh 203 Bath Street EH3 6AA Glasgow G2 4HZ Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Major Application Yes Ward: Representations: 012 Fortissat Four letters of representation received. Charles Cefferty, Malcolm McMillan, James Robertson, Recommendation: Refuse Reasoned Justification: The proposed residential development does not accord with the Rural Investment Area zoning of the site and is therefore contrary to the Southern Area Local Plan 2008, the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan, the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure. It is also considered that the proposal will adversely affect the existing industrial and commercial uses on Stable Road. 5 D Depot Thk map is reproduced from PLANNING APPLICATION 10 / 00952 / PPP Produced by Ordnance Survey material North Lanalkshire Council M the permission of Planning and Environment Department, Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesw Residential Development (In Principle) Stationery Offioe. 0 Crow copyright Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Land At, Stable Road, Shotts rwire copyright and may lead to couad prosecution or civil procaedings. Nuth LanarkshireCouncil Representation K te101698 27427 100023396 2008 * 1:3,000 fax 01698 403053 Recommendation: Refuse for the Following Reasons:- 1. That the proposed development fails to the meet the following criteria within Strategic Policy 9 of the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Joint Structure Plan 2006; SP9 A(ii), as the proposed development is considered to be a significant housing development of 10 or more units at a site outwith community growth areas identified in Strategic Policy lc and is not included as an additional housing requirement identified in Schedule 6(b)(ii); SP9B (ii) a, (v), (vi) as the site includes the development of greenfield land in the wider countryside and does not promote sustainable transport aims; SP9C(ii) as it is unlikely that appropriate transport facilities could be provided and maintained that would minimise the dependency on the private car to access the development site. Accordingly, the development is contrary to the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Structure Plan 2000 Incorporating Fourth Alteration 2008. Furthermore, the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the development is an appropriate departure from the plan as set out within Strategic Policy 10. 2. That the proposed development is contrary to the terms of following policies of the Southern Area Local Plan 2008: ENV8 (Rural Investment Areas ) as there would be no significant long term economic benefits and no specific locational need for this scale of housing development in this area; HSG2 (Private Sector Residential Development) as the proposals involve the development of land within the Rural Investment Area; HSGI 1 (Housing in the Green Belt and Countryside) as the proposed development is outwith existing residential areas as defined under policy HSG2 and 7, and is not an identified housing site or considered to be a development site identified in the Housing Schedules and is not justified under the terms of ENV8. 3. That the proposed development is contrary to following policies of the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan: NBE 3 B (Assessing Development in the Rural Investment Area) as the proposed development extends beyond the revised settlement boundary for Shotts and as such significantly exceeds the amount of residential development intended for Shotts in the draft plan; DSP 1 (Amount of Development) as the scale of the proposed development is contrary to the Structure Plan policies and cannot be justified against the criteria of SPIO; DSP 2 (Location of Development) as the location of the development site is not consistent with the following policy criteria: 0 64 (Accessibility) as the development does not support the hierarchy of walking/cycling/public transpodprivate transport; 65 (Community) as the proposals do not necessarily secure an appropriate combination of services and infrastructure that would improve community facilities at Shotts. 4. That the proposed development is contrary to Policies TR13 of the Southern Area 7 Local Plan and Policy DSP4 of the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan, in that the proposed means of vehicular access through an industrial area to serve a residential development would lead to an unacceptable impact upon the adjoining land uses adversely impacting on road traffic circulation and road safety. 5. That the applicant has failed to demonstrate that suitable noise attenuation measures to adequately reduce the low frequency industrial fan noise from the adjacent industrial unit can be implemented to protect the amenity of the proposed dwellinghouses. Note to Committee If approved the decision notice will not be issued until a Section 75 Legal Agreement has been concluded for the provision of off site road works. Backaround Papers: Representation Letters Letter from Debbie Lumb, SNT LTD, High Street Industrial Estate, Shotts received 22nd September 201 0. Letters from Mrs Laura Lane, Nicol Boilers Ltd, High Street Industrial Estate, Shotts received 21" September 2010. Letter from Graham Jinks Planning & Development, 28 Eriskay Avenue, Hamilton, ML3 8QB received 1 1th October 2010. Email from Laura Lane, Stuart Nicol Transport, High Street Industrial Estate, Shotts, ML7 5DR, received 24'h October 201 1 requesting a Site Visit and Hearing. Emails from lan Nicol, Nicol Boilers Ltd, High Street Industrial Estate, Shotts, ML7 5DR, received 24'h October 201 1 requesting a Site Visit and Hearing. Consultation Responses: Memo from Transportation 1gth November and 12'h August 201 1. Memo from Geotechnical received 5'h October 2010. Memo from Greenspace Services received 22ndSeptember 2010. Letter from Scottish Environment Protection Agency received 7th September 201 0. Letter from Scottish Natural Heritage 11 th October 2010. Letters from SPT received 2ndNovember 2010. Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Fraser Miller at 01698 2741 19 Report Date: 1" November 201 1 8 APPLICATION NO. 10/00952/PPP REPORT 1. Site Description 1.I The application site is located to the north east of Stable Road, Shotts and extends to some 6.77 hectares. Access to the site is taken from Benhar Road, via High Street and Stable Road. The site is bounded to the south and east by the South Calder Water, and beyond that by open land and water, to the north by open land and to the west and south west by roads and a variety of industrial uses. The site itself has a mixture of buildings and plant throughout associated with its previous use as a general industrial site including a coal wash facility. The site remains derelict and vegetation has not established across the site. Bunding runs around the perimeter of the whole site and the site slopes down from north to south with no dramatic changes in levels. 2. Proposed Development 2.1 Planning permission in principle is sought for a residential development on the site, accessed from Stable Road.
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