Swanley (School Days Only) From Monday, 8th March 2021 Suggested Start End with Same Duty No. Sign On. Sign Off. Must be LEZ? Routes Notes Fuelling Location Fuel Card Vehicle Vehicle 117 07:15 19:45 N Small Solo Y Go2 & S2 Co-op - Swanley Keyfuels 120 05:30 16:50 N Large Solo Y 429, go2 & S1 BP - St Johns Hill Keyfuels 201 06:50 18:20 N Small Solo Y 429, D1, D2 & D3 Texaco - W.Kinsgdown Keyfuels 201N 08:30 18:20 N Small Solo Y 429, D1 & D2 Knockhall School Closed Version Texaco - W.Kinsgdown Keyfuels 202 05:50 16:45 N Small Solo Duty 221's Vehicle 412, 474 & 475 TBC TBC 203 06:10 17:30 N Versa Y 413 & 429 Texaco - W.Kinsgdown Keyfuels 204 06:10 17:30 N Versa Duty 220's vehicle 413 & 429 TBC TBC 205 06:30 17:45 N Versa Y 289 & TW10 Texaco - W.Kinsgdown Keyfuels 206 06:30 18:30 N Metrocity Y 208 Co-op - Swanley Keyfuels 207 06:30 17:30 N Double Decker Y (412,) 429, D1 & D2 TBC TBC 208 07:25 16:50 N Y S14 Operated by Kings Ferry N/A N/A 209 06:40 17:40 N Versa Y 280, 289 & TW11 Texaco - W.Kingsdown Keyfuels 210 BASED AT OTFORD 211 06:40 17:35 Y E400 Y S31 School & School Duty Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 212 BASED AT OTFORD 213 06:45 17:10 Y E400 Y S32 School & School Duty Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 214 06:50 19:20 N Metrocity Y 208 Co-op - Swanley Keyfuels 215 CANCELLED 216 06:55 17:25 N Double Decker Y S13 School & School Duty Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 217 06:55 20:15 N Double Decker Y 429, S11 & go2 2x Fuelling on Duty 2x Fuelling on Duty 217A 06:55 09:40 N Double Decker Y S11 School & School Duty Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 217P 14:15 20:15 N Double Decker Y 429 & S11 Texaco - W.Kingsdown Keyfuels 218 06:45 17:05 Y Enviro 400 Duty 218's Vehicle S10 & S33 Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 218S 06:45 18:15 Y Enviro 400 Duty 218's Vehicle S10 & S33 Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 219 CANCELLED 220 07:10 19:10 N Double Decker Duty 204's vehicle 429 & S12 Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 221 07:10 20:30 N Double Decker Duty 202's Vehicle 412, 474 & 475 Co-op - Swanley Keyfuels 222 13:35 16:25 N Double Decker Y 429L School & School Duty 223 06:35 17:50 N N/A N/A T3b Operated by Redwing Coaches N/A N/A 224 07:05 17:10 N Double Decker Duty 224's Vehicle S10 & S33 Sainsbury's - Otford Allstar 298 07:05 17:05 N Double Decker Y S10 / S12 299 06:55 17:25 N Double Decker Y S11 / S13 Total Keyfuels: 9 Total Allstar: 8 Monday to Friday Sign On: 07:15 Duty 117 SCHOOL DAYS ONLY Sign Off: 19:45 Start Date: Monday, 8th March 2021 Suggested Vehicle:Small Solo Personal Check List - Face Covering Blind No - 7022 S2 - Personal hand sanitizer Trip No. 2 - Driving Licence - CPC Card REFER to bus park guidance - Fares sheet Trinity & Weald of Kent Schools 15:45 - Routes booklet specific to your duty Knole Academy 15:55 Crampton's Road Stop 15:59 Blind: 0001 Out of Service Otford Pond 16:04 Otford Depot 07:30 Otford, Willow Park Stop 16:08 Shoreham Station 07:50 Shoreham, Church Street 16:20 Blind No - 7021 S2 Blind: 0009 Go2 Service Trip No. 1 Sign onto app at: 16:30 Shoreham Rail Station 07:50 Shoreham Church Street Shoreham, Church Street 07:53 Follow app at all time, any problems Otford, Willow Park Stop 08:02 contact Tech support via the app or Otford Pond 08:05 01732 463 964. Crampton's Road Stop 08:09 Knole Academy 08:15 Sign off app: 19:00 REFER to bus park guidance Sevenoaks AREA Trinity & Weald of Kent Schools 08:25 Blind: 0001 Out of Service Blind: 0001 Out of Service Sevenoaks AREA 19:00 Trinity & Weald of Kent Schools 08:25 Fuel bus enroute at: Co-op Swanley Sevenoaks Bus Station 08:30 using: Keyfuels Card Meal Break Start 08:30 Swanley, Depot 19:35 Meal Break End 09:00 Blind: 0009 Go2 Service Sign onto app at: 09:00 Sevenoaks Bus Station Follow app at all time, any problems contact Tech support via the app or 01732 463 964. Meal Break Start 14:00 Meal Break End 14:30 During Break: Hand Over bus to duty 122 Sign off app: 15:15 Sevenoaks AREA Blind: 0001 Out of Service Sevenoaks Area 15:15 S2 "Bus Full" Blind No.: Trinity Sch / WoK Annexe 15:40 7029 Monday to Friday Sign On: 05:30 Duty 120 SCHOOL DAYS ONLY Sign Off: 16:50 Start Date: Monday, 8th March 2021 Suggested Vehicle: Large Solo Personal Check List: - Face Coverings, - Personal Hand Sanitizer, - Driving License, - CPC Card Blind: 0001 Out of Service Blind: 0001 Out of Service Swanley, Go Coach Bus Garage 0545 Sevenoaks, Knole Academy 08:30 W.Kingsdown, Portobello 0558 Fuel bus enroute at: BP, St John's Hill using: Keyfuels Card Blind: 4293 429 Trip: 1 Out Sevenoaks, Bus Station 09:30 W.Kingsdown, Portobello 0600 W.Kingsdown, Hever Road 0603 Blind: 0009 Go2 Service Farningham, The Pied Bull 0607 Sign onto app at: 09:30 Swanley, Go Coach Bus Garage 0616 Sevenoaks, Knole Academy Swanley, Rail Stn/Azalea Drv 0618 Follow app at all time, any problems Swanley, High Str 0620 contact Tech support via the app or 01732 Swanley, ASDA 0622 463 964. Blind: 0001 - NOT IN SERVICE Meal Break Start 1x 1hr Swanley, ASDA 0620 Meal Break End W.Kingsdown, Portobello 0635 Sign off app: 15:20 Sevenoaks AREA Blind: 4293 429 Trip: 2 Out Blind: 0001 Out of Service W.Kingsdown, Portobello 0640 Sevenoaks AREA 15:30 W.Kingsdown, Hever Road 0643 Sevenoaks, Knole Academy 15:45 Farningham, The Pied Bull 0647 Swanley, Go Coach Bus Garage 0656 S1 "Bus Full" Blind No.: Swanley, Rail Stn/Azalea Drv 0658 Swanley, High Str 0700 7019 Swanley, ASDA 0702 Blind: 7012 S1 Meal Break Start 07:05 Trip: 2 OUT Meal Break End 07:35 Sevenoaks, Knole Academy 15:45 Riverhead, Tesco 15:51 Blind: 0001 - NOT IN SERVICE Riverhead, Bullfinch Lane 15:55 Swanley, ASDA 07:35 Chipstead, Square 15:57 Westerham, Hartley Road 08:00 Sundridge, The White Horse 16:01 Brasted, The White Hart 16:03 Westerham, Hartley Road 16:06 S1 "Bus Full" Blind No.: Westerham, Green 16:09 7019 Blind: 7011 S1 Blind: 0001 Out of Service Trip: 1 IN Sevenoaks AREA 16:10 Westerham, Hartley Road 08:00 Swanley, Depot 16:40 Westerham, Green 08:03 Brasted, The White Hart 08:07 Sundridge, The White Horse 08:09 Chipstead, Square 08:12 Riverhead, Bullfinch Lane 08:16 Riverhead, Tesco 08:19 Sevenoaks, Knole Academy 08:25 Sign On: 06:50 Duty 201 Monday to Friday Sign Off: 18:20 7th Dec Personal Check List - Face Covering Blind: 0101 D1 Blind: 0101 D1 - Personal hand sanitizer Trip: 1 Out Trip: 3 Out - Driving Licence - CPC Card Dartford, Market Str 0920 Dartford, Lowfield St 1120 - Fares sheet Wilmington, Orange Tree 0923 Wilmington, Orange Tree 1123 - Routes booklet specific to your duty Wilmington, Tree Est/Mead Rd 0928 Wilmington, Tree Est/Mead Rd 1128 Dartford, Heath Retail Pk 0933 Dartford, Heath Retail Pk 1133 Blind: 0001 Out of Service Dartford, Shepherds Ln/Havelock Rd 0937 Dartford, Shepherds Ln/Havelock Rd 1137 Swanley, Depot 07:05 Dartford, Wilmot Rd 0943 Dartford, Wilmot Rd 1143 Dartford, Lowfield Str 07:35 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 0947 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1147 Dartford, Lowfield St 0950 Dartford, Lowfield St 1150 Instructions for "school" routes - When bus full, change destination display Blind: 0102 D2 Blind: 0102 D2 to "bus full" where applicable Trip: 1 Out Trip: 3 Out - DO NOT drive past stops where pax are waiting. Stop, report and Dartford, Lowfield St 0954 Dartford, Lowfield St 1154 advise - 01732 469800 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 0958 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1158 - Instruct all pax to be seated, Dartford, Livingstone Hospital 1000 Dartford, Livingstone Hospital 1200 NO STANDING - Ensure vehicle is clean in-between school Dartford, St Vincents Rd/Carrington Rd1002 Dartford, St Vincents Rd/Carrington Rd1202 trips Dartford, Attlee Drv/Morris Gdns 1004 Dartford, Attlee Drv/Morris Gdns 1204 - Accept ALL pax for travel minus bus passes until Monday 14th September Dartford, St Edmunds Rd 1006 Dartford, St Edmunds Rd 1206 - Do call depot for advice if in doubt! Dartford, Keyes Rd/Bronte Grv 1008 Dartford, Keyes Rd/Bronte Grv 1208 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1014 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1214 Hand over bus IN Dartford, Lowfield St 1217 Dart 3 Instructions Blind: 0101 D1 SERVICE to Duty: 1 - Check passes & record passengers as Trip: 4 Out "punch" on your ETM 207 Dartford, Lowfield St 1220 2 - Record passengers & stops on extra sheet Wilmington, Orange Tree 1223 3 - Contact office in event of problems Meal Break Start 10:20 Wilmington, Tree Est/Mead Rd 1228 Blind: 0103 Dart 3 Meal Break End 11:10 Dartford, Heath Retail Pk 1233 Trip: 1 Out Dartford, Shepherds Ln/Havelock Rd 1237 Dartford, Lowfield Street 0743 Take over bus IN Dartford, Wilmot Rd 1243 Dartford, Instone Road 0745 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1247 SERVICE from Duty: Dartford, East Hill 0749 Dartford, Lowfield St 1250 St Vincents Road 0751 207 Blind: 0102 D2 Attlee Drive, Morris Gardens 0753 Blind: 0102 D2 Trip: 4 Out Trevithick Drive, Keyes Road 0757 Trip: 2 Out Dartford, Lowfield St 1254 Burnham Road, Francis Road 0800 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1114 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1258 Marsh Street - (Go bus stop) 0804 Dartford, Lowfield St 1117 Dartford, Livingstone Hospital 1300 London Road, Welsh Tavern 0818 Dartford, St Vincents Rd/Carrington Rd1302 Knockhall School 0833 Dartford, Attlee Drv/Morris Gdns 1304 DO NOT open doors until school staff Dartford, St Edmunds Rd 1306 are ready / 0840 Dartford, Keyes Rd/Bronte Grv 1308 Dartford, Rail Stn/Home Gardens 1314 Blind: 0001 Out of Service Dartford, Lowfield St 1317 Knockhall School 0830 Blind: 0101 D1 Dartford, Market Str (Stop M) 0910 Trip: 5 Out Dartford, Lowfield St 1320 Wilmington, Orange Tree 1323 Wilmington, Tree Est/Mead Rd 1328 Dartford, Heath Retail Pk 1333 Dartford, Shepherds Ln/Havelock
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