Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-5-1987 The BG News November 5, 1987 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 5, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4720. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4720 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THE BG NEWS Vol.70 Issue43 Bowling Green, Ohio Thursday, November 5,1987 North's Racism solutions proposed accounts by Amy Burkett "Racism is a form of ignorance and can studied staff reporter be corrected only by education." WASHINGTON (AP) - For- Several organizations gath- -Frank Castro, Latino Student Union mer National Security Council ered to pool its resources aide, I.t. Col. Oliver North, met toward fighting the problem of our desired goals." there needs to be a continued yesterday with prosecutors in- racism on campus last night at Ken Butler, vice president of push for the multicultural vestigating the Iran-contra af- a forum on Racism and Minor- the Black Student Union, said course requirement. fair at the U.S. Courthouse, ity Enrollment. more activities on campus will "It is needed now, not three where a grand jury probing the The forum was sponsored by help both retention and re- to five years from now," he case also was| the Undergraduate Student cruitment of minority stu- said. meeting. Government. Sherri Houston, dents. The Latino Student Union North, who I • USG minority affairs and hu- In recruitment, he said min- also pushed for the multicul- is under in-' f man relations coordinator, ority recruiters should let tural course requirement. vestigation for , said the purpose of the forum prospective students know that Frank Castro, LSU presi- organizing the was to "establish concrete it isn't all "peaches and dent, said, "Racism is a form sale of U.S. ideas to be brought to students, cream." of ignorance and can be cor- arms to Iran faculty and the Board of To combat racism, Butler rected only by education." and the di- Trustees' attention so we can said more open discussion is version of open path ways to achieving profits to Ni-_ needed on the subject, and D See Racism, page 8. caraguan re North bels, met in a room next to the grand jury with his defense law- yers and associates of indepen- CISG: education is key dent counsel, Lawrence Walsh. time requesting the addition of programs, such North later stood outside the by Julie Wallace as the cultural diversity course. grand jury room, but there was copy editor "You cannot have the programs you are ask- no indication that he had given ing for without additional money," Vogt said. testimony in the closed proceed- The first step in fighting the racism and min- "By voting against the tuition increase, you ing. ority enrollment problems is to educate stu- (USG) are unwilling to support programs to en- North, who wore his Marine dents about the issues, Dave Robinson, Under- hance the University." uniform, had been fighting a graduate Student Government president said In response, Robinson said the University subpoena issued by Walsh's of- last night. needs to ''prioritize the budget" to include these fice earlier this year seeking a At the Racism and Minority Enrollment programs. sample of his handwriting. After forum, Robinson cited specific ways to educate "It's the opinion of the students that adequate a series of court challenges to the campus society about the problems minor- funds exist at the University to provide the pro- Walsh's prosecutorial authority, ites face in order to reach the "ultimate goal — gramming students want," he said. "The inter- the federal appeals court here the abolishment of discrimination at BGSU." ests of the students need to be first." upheld the validity of the sub- Education efforts on the issues can also be ex- poena. The forum, sponsored by USG, was organized tended to the required English proficiency North's lawyers, however, to establish concrete methods of handling the examinations, Robinson said. had indicated they would file an problems of low minority enrollment and ra- The exam for this year, he said, should center appeal to the Supreme Court. cism on campus. around racism and its effects on society. North's appearance at the One method, he said, is to take immediate ac- Robinson said he is concerned that efforts to U.S. Courthouse came a day tion toward making a cultural diversity course fight the issues are divided at the University. after Swiss authorities turned a requirement at the University. "There are so many groups on campus work- over more than 2,000 pages of BG News/Mike McCune Karl Vogt, vice president of University opera- ing on the same issue," ne said. "There needs to bank records of accounts con- Peter Ogbuji speaks about what the Progressive Student Organiza- tions, said USG is contradicting itself by voting be a way to get together to take care of the is- trolled by North and others in- tion is doing to combat racism on campus. against student fee increases, and at the same sues as one group. volved in the transactions being investigated by Walsh. Grad housing Parking problem denied Olscamp said the size of the by Judy Immel faculty would remain "basically staff reporter the same" because of a combin- poll held over ation of the student enrollment University President Paul ceiling and the subsidy received Olscamp denied there was a by the state. Olscamp's home parking problem on campus Therefore, class demands until January during a student breakfast at nis were being met by reallocating home yesterday. positions and advance planning, "We don't have a parking such as the on-line registration reveals hobbies by Debbie Rogers ing to make a specific recom- staff reporter mendation," Jones said. "He's problem — we have a walking process, to be operable by going to study a number of problem," he said, noting the spring 1989, he said. Also, part- by Judy Immel things; it (housing) may not be parking lots near the football tune faculty can sometimes be Hafi reporter A graduate student survey necessarily on campus. stadium are added where needed. concerning housing will not be A graduate housing complex "never full." He added, when possible, al- The student breakfast at University President Paul CHs- finished and sent out until Jan. 1, may be set up by the football He also said lowances are made for seniors I'S home yesterday showed his "human side," students at- 1988, said Larry Jones, presi- stadium around 1-75, Jones said. although 240 closed out of classes they need dent of the Graduate Student He said it is not a far distance faculty park- for graduation. The University President's home, 625 Hilkrest Drive, was Senate. for graduate students because ing spaces Olscamp also talked about the bought by the University during University President William The executive officers of GSS most of them drive to campus were added possibility of building a convo- Jerome's tenure, Olscamp said, and was added onto by Jer- said at its last meeting, Oct. 9, and there would be parking this year, fac- cation center which would house ome. they would around the complex. ulty are also a 10,000 seat amphitheater with The Olscamps entertain over 3,000 people a year at the have a survey "That was the only place he complaining a basketball court/ice arena as bouse, he said. drawn up to be (Olscamp) thought would be about a park- well as faculty offices and town A swimming pool, platform tennis courts and a gazebo fill approved by feasible, Jones said. ing problem. meeting rooms. the back yard. Inside the bouse, the decorations reflect the GSS at the The completed surveys, re- Olscamp said such a project Olscamps' interests. Ruth Olscamp is the coordinator of the Nov. 13 meet- sults and reports will first be The breakfast, sponsored by would cost $42-60 million and University's speech and hearing clinic and is working on a doc- ing. The first submitted to Olscamp and then the University Activities Organ- would be the biggest construc- toral degree. deadline was to other groups that are concer- ization, allowed six students, tion project the University has Olscamp Is proud of an extensive art collection, and many set in response ned about or would be affected chosen in a random drawing, to undertaken. paintings, most done by friends or University students, he said. to GSS's com- by graduate student housing — air their complaints, ask their "I would be satisfied if. during Blithe walls of the house. plaints and the faculty senate, student af- Suestions and see the presi- my term in office, I could get the A large model airplane hangs on the wall in the dining room. comments Jonea fairs and the graduate college, ent's home. funding for the project together, Olscamp has been a pilot since 1955 and' flies whenever possi- about the lack of graduate stu- Jones said. Olscamp promised to look into which would be a very complex ble." he said. dent housing on campus. To get to this finished product, commuter students being able to process," he said. Sailing is another Otacamp hobby cucpiayed on the wall.
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