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Barnes K N. 1998. The important bird areas of southern Africa. Johannesburg. BirdLife South Africa. Barnett P. 1979. Animal lifeline. the story of CROW and Isolde Mellet. Cape Town. Howard Timmins. Barrett J. 1994. Proceedings coastal oil spills, Effect on penguin communities and rehabilitation procedures. Milnerton. Cape Nature Conservation. Barruel P. 1954. Birds of the world, their life and habits. London. Harrap. Barruel, P. 1953-1954. Iconographie des oiseaux de France. [Paris]. Société Ornithologique de France. 2 loose leaf folders ; colour plates. Bartlett D, Bartlett J. 1975. Flight of the snow geese. London. Collins Harvill Press. Bartonek J C; Nettleship D N. 1979. Conservation of marine birds of northern North America. papers from the International symposium held at Hyatt House, Seattle, Washington, 13-15 May 1975. Washington. United States. Department of the Interior. Bauer K. [1967]. Vogelparadiese der Welt. Innsbruck. Pinguin Verlag. Bayne C S. 1945. 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