TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, I960 Averag* Dtily Net Press Run Tho Wesths; PAGE FOXJRTEEH ^anrlffBter lEvpttfns J|(ralh For tha Week Unded ratacMt « f D. S. Wesithw . iOM 4th, 1960 . Oaar and oool ’Dnifioii ss4d tbs growth rats la Law Im 66a. Robert laonard Bourret aon of tke SMB Is a proanlalng sign. 13,125 Auto Dealer L t WOOD GO. pleasant tesnperatwee Thursday. Lernmrd, J. Bourret 18 Taylor St, Sewer, Rules The new deslendtlp will go un­ Menber eC tha AwUt I About Town TalcottvlUe, has enlisted In the der the name o f Ted Trudon Inc., ICE PLANT High 89 to 86. ' ' U.S. Coast Guard for four years. BBfeaa af ^ MancheMter— A City o f Village Charm Will Build at Trudon said. The firm is mirrently 61 BISSELL ST. Membcn o f the exaouUve board He has reported to the Coast Head Agenda a^^ting receipt of bids for the ot th« Woman’ll Rapubllcan Club Guard Receiving Center at Cape cangtructlon of the salM building. Cubes-CnuheA-Blockt (CiaaMned, Advartlstog au Paga 18) o f Maaobaater wiU meat Thunday May, N> J.,‘ for recruit training. Town Directors tonight will con­ Vernon Line Perscmncl for the firm will be (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1960 PRICE FIVE CENTS Bourret is a I960 graduate of hired loci^ly, . TrudSn added. He YOL. L X m , NO. 271 at 3 pjn . at tha home of- the club sider how to assess costa of a paoaldent, Mra. Harlan Taylor, 30 Rockville High School, and was said the company hopes to be able formerly employed by the Con­ proposed sewage disposal plant .Negotiations are^tmderway for Harlan Rd. the purchase of property on Tol­ to open for' business Nov. 1. solidated Cigar Corp. in Manches­ The Volkswagon franchise is for that can serve 100 oUier proper­ land Tpke. where the first 'Volks- 'X mid-week aervica of Covenant ter. ^ ties besides two schools for which wagon auto sales and showroom the Tolland County area, Trudon HALL FOR RENT said, and has apparently been State News Concregational Church will be held It was originally Intended. in the area ik-expected to be oon- < Members of the 8th District Fire awarded along with several other For parties, showers, rbeep- at the home of Mr. and Mra However, If West Side proper­ struoted this fall. ^oBs, meetings. Complete Uteh- George IL Poole, Box M t Dr., Ver­ Department are to report in uni­ T. C. Trudon Inc. of Bristol, franchises across the country. He form tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at Are ty owners on Center St. and some indicated the dealership would en facilities. Large enclosed Roundup non, tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Woodridge side streets object to auto dealer for Dodge and Plym­ parking lot. Po\vers Says He’s U.S. Spy serve a larger area than Just the headquarters. Main ' and Hilliard outh in that city for 25 years, Sts., for a department drill. There the assessments at a public hear­ coimty alone. The nearest Volks­ Members of Sunset Rebekah ing later, the Directors will limit has acquired the Volkswagon wagon dealer is in IVest Hartford. uirB-LifhiKNiiaii HoN will be a department meeting after franchise for Tolland County, and • Dodge will meet tonight at 7:15 the project to serving only the Volkswagon is a IVest German GOLWAY STREET the drill. is seeking to buy' 60,000. square i n Navy TTiatcher Seeks at the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 schools — the East Catholic High automobile firm. Both passenger TEL. m 9-8166 feet of land on the east side of Main S t, to hold a memorial serv­ School, and Howell Cheney Tech­ cars and commercial vehicles will Ml 9-8660 After 6 PJH. ice for Mrs. Mona Fraaler, who The executive board and mem­ Tolland Tpke. on the Vernon side Advice on Race bers of Ladies of St. James' will nical High School, at Hilliard and be sold at the (Tolland Tpke. lO' was a member. of the Mancheater-Vemon town meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the W. Middle Tpke. cation. Havana, Aug. 17 (ff>— Pidelt«i«ht ^aptalns and two aarg^nts Another matter on the agenda line. The property is owned by John B. Burke I>;uneral Home, .87 Louis P. Fitzgerald Inc. o f Rock­ Castro has flown to Cienfue- ^ eounter-revoiu- Hartford, Aug. 17 {IT)— for tonight’s special Board meet­ Freshmen Receive Hillyer Grants Legal Notices tlonary activltlea E. Center St., , to pay respects to ville, auto dealer. g06, sit« of a large Cuban They were seized in a wave of State Comptroller Raymond Patrick Madden, whose daughter, ing at 8 o’clock in the Municipal Two Manchester freshmen have^ Building is presenUtion by Town been awarded general scholarships Miss.Peak will take an executive Theodore C. Trudon Jr. said the AT A COURT OF PROBATE held naval base, raising specula­ arreets several weeks ago that in­ S. Thatcher today continued Mra. Thomas. I^attie, is a member Bristol firm has placed a down at Hancheater, within and for the Counsel Philip Bayer of "ground at Hillyer College of the Univer­ secretarial program, and Arnold, cluded almost every qualified jet to ponder over the, biggest de­ of the organization. payment on the property, but said District of Manchester on the lith day CALL tion today that -a roupdup of rules" for a Board hearing next sity of Hartford. business administration. of Ausust, A D. I960. pilot in the Cuban Air Force. cision in his long political life LECLERC he could not disclose the price o f inspected anti - Castro ele­ Tuesday of criticism by Director They are Miss Julie Ann Peak, Miss Peak was a member o f the Present. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judse. Officials at Cienfuegos said — whether to step up to the FUNERAL HOME Fifty members of the local con­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick National Honor Society, president the pending sale. A bond for de^ Estate of Thomas E. Brown of Man­ ments within the Navy has everythii^ was calm at that base, John HutchlnCon of General Man­ is expected to be signed later , to­ chester in said district, an incapable BILL TUNSKY congressional level. Regrets U2 Mission; gregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses ager Richard Martin’s accounting Peak, 10 Beech St.; .and Theodore of the Senior Girls’ Club, and chair­ person. widened. but some Castro troops were in day, and Uie transfer title to Upon applicaUon of John F. Shea Originally, the East Hampton FUNERAL have returned home from a 4-day and reporting procedures concern­ H. Arnold Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. man of a welfare project spon­ Official sources declined to con­ the area to pursue the-counterrev district convention' In Boston. Theodore H. Arnold, 393 Bldwell St. sored by the Girls’ Leaders’ Club. be filed next week. Jr., conservator, prayins for authority firm a ahakeup in the Navy, re­ Democrat planned to decide some­ ing last year’s budget surplus. Trudon said plans call for a to sell certain real estate particularly NOW olutionary groups in the hills time Tuesday on whether to go for SERVICE Hutchinson, on vacation, is not The.awards were granted on the In 1959. she was a delegate to the described In said application on file, it ported to have begun early yes- near Trinidad, on Cuba’s south basis of high academic standing Catholic Action summer session at sales and showroom building of is . tMTday at Casa . Blanca Naval the party’s second congressional T o ld F light W as S afe WAl/TER N. expect^ at tonight’s meeting, but 6,500 square feet, which will, in­ ORDERED; That the foregoing ap­ coast. district nomination vacated Ikst and career promise. General schol- Fordham University. plication be heard and determined at Ml 9-9095 Ekme. Authorities at Cienfuegos There was no indication of the LsEIdiKRCf he is expected to attend the hear­ clude service and parte depart­ week by U.S. Rep. Chester Bowles, ar.ships provide, up to a year’s tui­ Arnold was president of the de­ the. Probite office in Manchester in said insist all is normal. status of Conimandante Juan Director Bulk o f Estate ing Martin has requested. ments. Trudon said the firm has District, on the 26th day. of August, In another naval development, tion and may be renewed. bating club, and a member of the. A Manuel Castinelra. Cuba’s naval Moscow, Aug. 17 (/F)—In a Soviet court today, Francis Gary Other agenda items: Cappella choti: and Round Table been negotiating for the Volks­ A.D. 1960. at eleven o'clock in the fore­ tho semiofficial newspaper Revo- But today, Thatcher said he still Both studenU are 1960 gradu­ noon. and that notice be given to ail chief. He has held the job since Powers pictured himself as a $30;000Ta-year spy for tho Call Ml 9-5869 1. Appropriate 3i,100 toward Singers at high school. wagon franchise for about four persons interested in said estate ot the. SALE on lucion accused the tlnited States had some “ close personal and Left to Church ates of Manchester High School, the start; of Castro’s rule. There 28 Main<Street Manchester codifying and printing new copies years. pendency of said application and the of trying to get the Colombian political friends” to contact before United States^but one who knew little if anything about- tho time and place of hearing thereon, by have been frequent rumors that of the town charter. Mrs. Myrtle A.
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