THE LONDON GAZETTE, 31 JUEY, 1923. 5211 Peace Orders, 1919 to 1923, the Treaty of thereto, between the 160th degree of. East Peace (Austria) Orders, 1920 to 1923, the Longitude and the 150th degree of West Longi- Treaty of Peace (Bulgaria) Orders, 1920 to tude, which are situated south of the 60th 1923, and the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) degree of South Latitude, are a British settle- Orders, 1921 to 1923 ment within the meaning of the said Act: M. P. A. Hankey. And whereas it is expedient that provision should be made for the government thereof: Now, therefore, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers by the said Act, or At the Court at Buckingham Ralace, the otherwise, in His Majesty vested, is pleased, 30th day of July, 1923. by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:— PRESENT, I. From and after the publication of this The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Order in the Government Gazette of the Dominion of New Zealand that part of His "YXfHEREAS by the Suffragans Nomination Majesty's Dominions in the Antarctic seas, v" Act, 1888, it is enacted, that from and which comprises all the islands and territories after the passing of that Act, for the purposes between the 160th degree of East Longitude of the Act of the 26th year of the reign of King and the 150th degree of West Longitude which Henry the Eighth, Chapter 14, intituled " An are situated south of the 60th degree of South Act for Nomination and Consecration of Suffra- Latitude shall be named the Ross Dependency. gans within this Realm,'' such other Towns as II. Prom and . after such publication as His Majesty the King may from time to time afores_aid the' Governor General and Com- by Order in Council direct shall be taken and mander-in-Chief of the Dominion of New accepted for Sees of Bishops Suffragans as if Zealand for the time being (hereinafter called they had been included in that Act, and that the Governor) shall be the Governor of the that Act shall be construed and have effect Ross Dependency; and all the powers and accordingly: . authorities which by this Order are given and Now, therefore, His Majesty, under and by granted to the Governor for the time being of virtue of the powers vested in Him by the said the Ross Dependency are hereby vested in recited Act, and ail other powers enabling Him him. in that behalf, and by and with the advice of III. In the event of the death or incapacity His Privy Council, is pleased to direct, and of the said Governor General and Commander- doth hereby direct, that the Town of which in-Chief of the Dominion of New Zealand or the name is scheduled to this Order, shall be in the event of his absence from the said taken and accepted for a See of a Bishop Dominion, the Officer for the time being Suffragan as if it had been included in the Administering the government of the Dominion above-mentioned Act of the 26th year of the shall be Governor for the time being of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, Chapter 14. Ross Dependency. IV. The said Governor is further authorised M. P. A. Hankey. and empowered to make all such :Rules and Regulations as may lawfully be made by His SCHEDULE. Majesty's authority for the peace, order and good government of the said Dependency, County in which Town subject, nevertheless, to any instructions Name of Town. is situate. which he may from time to time receive from His Majesty or through a Secretary of State. V. The Governor is authorised to make and Whitby York (North Riding). execute, on His Majesty's behalf, grants and dispositions of any Lands which may lawfully be granted or disposed of by His Majesty within the said Dependency, in conformity with such Rules and Regulations as may from At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the time to time be in force in the Dependency. 30th day of July, 1923. M. P. A. Hankey. 'PRESENT, The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty. Lord President. At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the Lord Chamberlain. 30th day of July, 1923. Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare. Major George Tryon. PRESENT, ."V*7HE.REAS by the British Settlements The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. ~* Act, 1887, it is, amongst other things, S the Ecclesiastical Commis- enacted that it shall be lawful for His Majesty sioners for England have, in pursuance in Council from time to time to establish all of the Act of the 33rd and 34th years of Her such laws and institutions and constitute late Majesty Queen Victoria, Chapter 39, and such courts and officers as may appear to His cf the Acts therein mentioned, that is to saj, Majesty in Council to be necessary for the the Act of the 3rd and 4th years of Her said peace, order and good government of His late Majesty, Chapter 113, the Act of the 4th Majesty's subjects and others within any and 5th years of Her said late Majesty, Chapter British settlement: 39, and the Act of the 31st and 32nd years And whereas the coasts of the Ross Sea, of Her said late Majesty, Chapter 114, duly with the islands and territories adjacent prepared, and laid before His Majesty in A 2.
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