Buy It In Ranger And Help Business UNITED PRESS SERVICE BRINGS LATE NEWS OF THE WORLD TO TIMES READERS RANGER, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30, 1940 PRICE 3c DAILY (5c ON SUNDAY) NO. 116 Named to Head Sections of Teachersi Association French Actress Army Air Corps ARMY OEHING Organized at Eastland MeetingHollywood Bound ITALIANS MEET WITH The Eastland County Teachers FIR ST: Be it resolved that we, STUBBORN RESISTANCE READY FOR A Association met in the Eastland' in behalf of our Eastland County High Schol auditorium, Saturday, Teachers and all teachers, express with about 200 teachers present. W. G. Womack, Superintendent of to Mrs. Bittle and family our most IN INVADING GREECE DRAFT QOOTA schols in Eastland, presided. profound sympathy for the un­ The program for the day in­ timely passing of our friend and loved one, Mr. Bittle. His was a cluded the organization of the County Schools Greek soldiers held stubbornly various sections of the Associa­ happy and useful career, long re­ ABILENE, Texas— The West WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.— The against Italy’s invasion attempts tion. The following were elected membered and ever growing to T o Get $31,883 Texas Chamber of Commerce War Department today began chairmen: bless our future generations. It today, as the Italians''rushed re­ went on record Wednesday in op' preparation for receiving its first Superintendents and Principals is with love and gratitude that we From State Aid enforcements to their hard-press­ recognize the Master’s calling him. position to one of four constitu­ peacetime conscript army in his­ Section: Guy T. Smiht, Colony. ed forces, which were handicap­ W e miss him, but his work shall tional amendments coming be­ tory, chosen by lottery, from High School Section: W . D. Eastland county schools are due ped by bad weather, which live. fore the Texas electorate in the Jeter, Eastland. to receive $31,883 in state aid, among 17,000,000 young men SECOND: W e wish, in behalf grounded their war planes. Intermediate Section: Mrs. rather that is the sum recom­ November 5th election. This is the who registered fo rthe draft on of the Association, to express our Berlin reiiortedly was mas.sing Claudia Jarvis, Ranger. mended by G. D. Holbrook, depu­ so-called Red River county amend­ Oct. 16. The drawing of numbers thanks to the Executive Committee 1,000,000 men along the Danube Primary Section: Mrs. Harold ty state superintendent of schools, for their untiring efforts in pre­ for a quick stab southward, and ment which, if adopted, will waive in the national lottery was com­ Durham, Eastland. after his inspection of the schools paring this splendid program. Berlin sources scoffed at re­ for that county the constitutional pleted early Wednesday morning, The sectional meetings were of the county last week with T. followed by the business meeting TH IRD : W e wish further to ports of British aid to Greece. lim.itation on tax rates and per­ after it was started at noon C. Williams, county superinten­ of the association which opened thank Mr. Womack and the East- Unconfirmed reports at Sofia, mit it to levy an additonal 25- Tuesday. dent. This amount, for some rea­ with a devotional by Rev. Judson land School Board for their gen­ Bulgaria, declared that the Ger­ cent tax, and to issue bonds, to son, does not include the state Draft Director Dykstra said eral courtesies contributing to mans were disappointed becaus ! refund its present outstanding Prince, pastor of the First Bap­ aid for the schools.of Desdemona the success of the Association. of the strong Greek resistance general fund debt. that it was possible the first 3,- tist Church, Cisco. and Rising Star, as the aid for Dr. Harmon Lowman, Executive FO U R TH : Be it resolved by our and might ask both sides to stop The W TC C ’ s position was set 000 numbers drawn will be eligi­ these two schools was not avail­ Secretary of Southern Methodist Association that the next Legis­ Uncle Sam’s quota of pretty girls fighting. in news letter signed by President i Maj. Gen. George H. Brett, above, ble for the call ni the first year’s able at the county superinten­ University, spoke to the associa­ lature make proper appropriations was recently boosted by one with Severe struggles were reported J. S. Bridwell, to its directors, af- i is pictured in Washington after dent’s office Monday. This $31;- quota of 800,000, but more than tion on the subject of “ Teaching to adequately finance the Texas the addition of comely Michele at six places along the Greek filiated chamber of commerce and j his recent appointment as chief of Morgan, French actress often 833 will be distributed to the likely that army can be raised Democracy in Our Schools.” Teacher Retirement System. frontier and Greek leaders said the W est Texas press. Through its ! Army Air Corps to succeed Maj. county schools in the following from among those holding the Merle Jenkins of Ranger Juniir FIF T H : Be it further resolved opposite Charles Boyer in Paris- that the main defense positions Public Expenditure Commission 1 Gen. Henry H. Arnold. General proportions: first 1,500 numbers drawn. College entertained the group that the Legislature pass an ade­ made films. Headed for U. S. had not yet been reached by the the regional chamber contends Arnold was named to newly creat­ Central, $149. Thirty thousand are to be call­ with accordion selections. quate transportation aid bill suf­ movies, she’s pictured above on Italian invaders, although some that approval of the Red River ed post of deputy chief of War Lone Cedar, $249. ed up for training by Nov. 18, but The officers elected for the ficient to pay actual expenses if recent arrival in New York. county amendment would be a Department general staff. Fl’atwood, $386. advance troops were falling most of this quota probably will year 1940-1941 were: all children transported to and back. blow at efficiency, economy and Morton Valley, $903. be filled by volunteers, which are President: B. B. Brummett, from school. W e recommend a better financial control in public Colony, $2,032. The British navy’s -first help Many Attend Folk especially numerous in Texas. Gorman. two mile limit and two dollars Co-ed Challenges affairs; that it will constitutional­ Kokomo, $592. for Greece was to mine impoitant At Austin it' was stated that First Vice-President: W. L. ($2.00) per month for each child ly nullify the constitution itself -Alameda, $1,758. Greek waters and at home the Dance Festival the Texas quota would likely be Hughes, Scranton. transported. British reported shooting down and result in waste and extra­ SIX T H : Be it resolved that Others to A Contest Hallmark, $118. filled before the training period Second Vice-President: P. 0. 30 German planes within' the last vagance by making legal the candidates for president and the Shady Grove, $95. At Mineral Wellsstarted. Hatley, Ranger. 24 hours. illegal issue of warrants for ex­ three vice-presidents of the Texas Reich, $410. Secretary: Mrs. M. F. Allen, In Calf Roping London’s anti-aircraft defenses penditures not authorized by State Teachers Association shall Long Branch, $229. Gorman. went into action again tonight election or by a local budget. It is estimated that 2,353 per­ have the announcement of their Bluff Branch, $376. Treasurer: J. V. Baird, Carbon. By United Press when Nazi planes renewed their The amendment- also violates Philippines Will nominations published in the Friendship, $118. sons attended the Folk Dance The County Interscholastic assault upon London. the principle of equality, says the November issue of the “ Texas FORT WORTH, Texas— Here’s Elm, $286. Festival sponsored by W P A Re­ League Meet will be held in East- W TCC and opens the dor to all an offer that ought to arouse the Crocker, $929. The .Germans were reported to land with W . G. Womack as Di­ Outlook.” Each nomination shall political subdivisions to violatine creation Projects of Eastland, Await Outcome, 1 Okra, $690. be moving 75,000 troops down the rector General. Directors of other be supported by the signatures of sporting blood of University of constitutional debt limits- Danube in barges as seven Italian fo i'/C isco , Ranger and Mineral Wells not less than fifty members of the Texas cowgirls: Sydna Yokley, Grandview, $232. contests elected are as follows: transports rushed to an Albanian says the President’s News Letter,I Wells. Observer Believes Association, not more than ten famous Texas Christian Univer­ New Hope, $985. “ if this amendment is written in • Declamation: C. J. Turner, Cis­ port, near Corfu, Gr’eece. Premier -1 per cent of this number being sity “ranch girl,” will meet any Romniy, $782. to the constitution for Red River i Among the notables present co. Mussolini was expected to fly to from any one county. competitor in a calf-roping con­ Pleasant Hill ,$512. Debate: Miss Avis McKelvain, the war zone soon to inspect the coi^y, surely the legislature and were: Misses Marguerite Bales, BY ARNOLD DIBBLE SEVENTH: Be it further re­ Cook, $195. Ranger. test. the^Bters will have no reason for Fort Worth, Distrivt Supervisor Center Point, $43. activities there. United Press Staff Correspondent Extempore Speech: Douglas solved that each paid member of That may sound like plain pub­ th® same privileges to qJ Recreation; Frances Hardisty, the Texas State Teachers A s­ Grapevine, $264. Greek sources declared that FORT WORTH, Texas— Fear Jackson, Rising Star. licity, but Miss Yokley, pretty everif^ounty, city and school Scranton, $3,907.
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