Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 10-5-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 05, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1992 Volume 78, Issue 34 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 05, 1992." (Oct 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian ~ o uth c rn Illin ois Un:vcrsit y at Carbondale Monday. October 5. 1992. Vol. 7R. No. 34. I:! P"g ~' CCFA faculty to vote on COLA move By Teri Lynn Carlock Iran,fl'fT('d 10 COLA. In hi ... report rdca'oCd in "T he mo re time pco p lc havc to gather an ~ in coml11u nicalion areas of (,("FA:- Ill..' Spec:al Assignment Writer Augu,,1. Shepherd said "lUd':n!'- would not be infonnatioll . di scuss and reach a consensus is said . ~t fk"C t ed by Ihe move. better: ' he said. "We wanl people to take th is lllrcc dcra nm (, Il I~ ' !";'KU II) groU lh \\ ilhin If an\ fOi culiv member h.ts all all emalive in a meaningful manner so Ihat they have see VOTE, page 5 the COllcgl' of COlllll1u nicminn:-. and Fine re<;"truct uring plan for CCFA. Ihe plan should inpul and their voice is heard." An ... wi ll vule by the end ('If the mumh on !"onnatl y rcach Shepherd', office by 0.."". I. l=aculty I11Clllbcr.i of the School of Music. Iran ... fcm11g 10 Ihe College of Li hcrJI A ns TIle propo ... al mUSI fo llow Ihl: !!uidelin, :; in alt,; one o f the prof rams recommcnded to . tcade 11li ~· Iransfer. vOled 22-2 in favor of moving to GUS1Bode 51,l l"f withi n the ~p('cch cOillIllunicalioll Sht:pherd's budget and proposal m~ 'l11U l.hc;.lIcr dcpartmcnh and the School o f for S IUC and have th'! :- uppon of facuhy. COLA on Sept. 24. An and DO:!'I l g l ~ <l fC required to VO le on the .. la rf and Ihe dean to be considered. Robe n Roubos. director of the school. said dC!'i ira bilily of tra n~ fcrring It' COI .A by IO\', T he Coll ege o f Li bcr ~ 1I Arts o rig inal ly faculty melnrers voted to move the pmgram I. planned a facult y VOl e on transferring Ihe for three reasons. Benjamin A. Shepherd. viC(' pre~idcnt for units ill it ... staff meeti ng on Sepl. 10. T he mo ve pUIS the sc h ool in a more . ~ '~~ <.IC".ldc l11 ic affa irs a nd proVOS I. .. :.)' .. Ih e But Gcr. ld Stone. dean of CCFA . said the advantageous ;>osition because COLA is in l,!c nc ra l educat io n l' urriculum can he collcge dcl ay~d voting for a month because the central COIT" of the University, he said. e nha nced a nd made more cohe rell l i f fac u lt y mc mt-e rs wanted r" o re time 10 "There also is a closer allian(:c betwcp.n the Gus says It looks like COLA has got traditional academic Ullil !<. within CCFA \\ere l'onsider the recommendations. areas of fine an s and humanities than fmc the right one baby, uh·huh. Abortion protest Life Chain forms human cross in city By Jeremy Finley pro-life:' ,he ... aid. "TIle people in City Wnler the families. the people in the ch un:h c!'o - \~c arc the majority:' P ro t ~ .. tl..·r .. linl:d two "'r~l·J-. in ZanoHi .. ai d thill the ni.l1 ion ha .. C~lrho ll dalc S und;IY .. howing fOTl.!O ll c n ahout God a nd the .. upport fo r the a nt i-ilhU Tl ion con~e 4 uc n ces of the populations' 1ll0VCIllCIlI in Ihe foml or a human aCllon!'-. cro.... " W e ha\'e ;d Jo \\ cd TIll' tJl.~ .tlllhllxmion '1urroncr-. approx imate!) 1.5 m ill ion 'Illed Ihe ,, ' n=l.' t!'o of IIl inoi .. A\ c. and :.Joonion_" ;1 \'car and fOT!!Ollen that mule I J 10 (orm ~I ern ..... III I hI..' God said childre n arc :I-blessinl!.·· ("cilia or ,he Cif),. ... he :-,,;d. "Unlcs<;" we collcclivcly-a.'> The: SOl/ fhem lIIino; .. L. '-...· Clwin ;1 l);I rion ch;mgc nur vicws o f child prOlt.·.., i .. p:Jrt o J :1 nalionwide "".'Jng. Gild " ill no longer bk ss nlm'cmcnf .. gainsl ahurtion. :'ilid u ..... l udce 7 aoo\\\ _ a m e mbe r of the A.nn Wilson. m ember ) f thc com m incc th at o r gani"Lcd the committee, said \hc pre ,cst is a prolCSl. '\land fro m the C hrist ian Zanoni said alll i-abortion community to " ~ a ve c hildren suppon ers from five counties and cvcrj wherc ... fro m c hurch es o f e \le r y " I belie ve in my hean that if dCnl)minalion were prescO! to voice Jesus was here today. he would be thci'r opinions on abon ioll . standing here:' she said . "111is is an Staff Photo by Mike Van HOOK " We feci like lhe med ia docsn 't aclion from the church and anyonc lell Ihe truth about the 013jOri ty of Protesters stand on South Illinois Avenue abortion rally that t ook place in Southern peopl e in the nat ion that suppon see PROTEST, page 5 Sunday holding signs as part of an anti· Illinois and across the nation. Prof: Perot's indecisiveness costly Russia warns By John McCadd FOSler said because Perot and C linto n Politics Wri ter "He couldn't seem to have s imila r " president fo r c hangc" Georgia against campaign themes, Perot is likely to pilfer Independent p re~ id e l1li"l C.il ld,dalc H. make up his mind and it m o re of C linto n ' s po pula r votes tha n Ru ... s Perot .... inabilit y 10 make up his mind Bush's. seizing weapons may havc cont ributed 10 a 9-point drop in gave him kind of a flaky " When Perot d ropped Oul of II:e ("acc. Los Angeles limes (XIpular opinion polls despile his re-entry to image. Tha t's not a strong Clinton's poll percentages skyrocketed: ' Ihe prc~ide nl i a l election. Foste r said. " II probably won ' t a ffect MOSCOW- Russian Defense Minister (\'eryone wa!- unsure abllut whether characteristic people look Clinton or Bush now, but it m ight have Pavel Grachev warned the former Soviet Perot would enter or nOI, !o.aid John Foste r. for when endorsing a been differclll if Perot hadn't dropped oul republic of Georgia on Sunday that any s lyc il s~oc i a l c pro fessor o f po litic a l of the racc. mo ve it mig ht ma ke to seize R ussian sclcncc. president. " " Perot had 30 percent of the vote in July weapons and other military equipment 10 before he dropped OUI." he said. could provoke a bloody showdown with "He couldn't seem make up his mind -John Foster and II gavc him kind of CI fl aky image: ' he FOSler said regardless of possible s p lil.~ Moscow. ,,:lid . "T hat"t,; 1101 :I Sll •.IIl l! ciwraclcristic Perot would causc. he still would not amass Georgia's Supreme Council. led by p,-- ople 1001... for when- endorsi ng a enough voles III seriously hu n Clinlon. or Eduard A . Shevardnadze. demanded late rre~ld"'n l . '· ri ~~:' Akcn said ... It 's too soon to decide thmv the race to the clcctornl college. Saturday that the Russian ann y transfer all A CN I SA Today po ll Thu rsday ri g hl no w. The med ia is down o n Ross John Jachon. slue Ilolitic(11 science former Soviet weapons. vehicles and 'laled Perol would have 7 percent of the seri ously for dropping out and coming. back professor, said Ihe only effeci Perot"~ TC­ military bases in that Caucasus Mountains popular vote. down from the 16 percent he in Ihe race:' entry could have is a d isruption of the republic .0 its control. If Russia re fuses to had in Seplcmber when rumors of his fC­ Akcn said he e xpccts 10 sec Pe rOi :'oh e lecto ra l coll e ge ari thme tic. whic h give up :he arms. Georg ian troops Wltl take entry hcgan. President George Bush of more V') I C~ than probably wou ld req uire a reworking of them by force. Shevardnadzc sa id. Llwrcncc Ake n. Pe ro t cOl mpa ig n Dcmocr.n ic c ~Uldid a t c Bill Clinlon bcc:.tuse Pe ro l 's Texas s uppo r! into the ' o tal Respond ing angrity. Grachev declared coordinator for Jackson Count v. anrihulcs CI; ... ;lIl a nd Pe rol have similar deficil electoral vOie. that "a sharp aggravation o f!h e s ituation Ihe percent age ~ J u m p to Illed i"a error. He reduction proposals. He said despite Perot's publicized Texa~ ... aid Ihe poli wa .. m~,de IOU ~OO!l after However. Ake l1 acknowledged Perot and suppan _ he mosl likely would nOI win the see WEAPONS, page 5 PelOt" .
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