Manufacturing the Meiji Era Portrayal of the Meiji Restoration in Kagoshima Museums and Heritage Sites

Manufacturing the Meiji Era Portrayal of the Meiji Restoration in Kagoshima Museums and Heritage Sites

Name: Ville Kalervo Sava Date: 25.5.2021 PRO GRADU THESIS Manufacturing The Meiji Era Portrayal of The Meiji Restoration in Kagoshima Museums and Heritage Sites e!ter "or East Asia! St$%ie# &a'$lty o" So'ial Scie!ce# U!iversity o" T$rku The ori+i!alit( o" t*is t*esis *as ,ee! '*ecke% i! accor%a!'e -it* t*e U!iversity o" T$r)$ .$alit( a##$ra!ce system $si!+ t*e T$r!iti! Ori+i!alit( *eck #ervice. UNIVERSITY OF TURKU e!ter "or Ea#t A#ia! St$%ie#0Fa'$lt( o" So'ial S'ie!'e# SAVA, VI22E KALERVO: 3a!$"a't$ri!+ T*e 3ei4i Era: Portra(al o" The 3ei4i Re#toratio! i! Ka+o#*ima 3$#e$m# a!% Herita+e Site#. Pro Gra%$ The#i#1 125 5. Ea#t A#ia! St$%ie# 3a( 2021 The 5a##i!+ o" t*e 150t* a!!iver#ary o" t*e 3ei4i Re#toratio! -a# 'ommemorate% i! vario$# 5art# o" 6a5a! i! 20171 'a$#i!+ a! $5#$r+e i! %i#'$##io!# re+ardi!+ t*i# *i#tori'al eve!t. Thi# -a# e#5e'iall( vi#i,le i! Ka+o#*ima t*at -a# *ome to ma!( o" t*e lea%ers o" t*e 3ei4i Re#toratio!. Promoti!+ it#el" a# “The Home o" t*e 3ei4i Re#toratio!91 it *o5e% to 'a5itali:e o! t*i# a!!iversary ,( %ra-i!+ i! vi#itors to it# *i#tori'al #ite# a!% m$#e$m# relate% to t*e 3ei4i Re#toratio! a!% t*e #$rro$!%i!+ eve!t#. Thi# -ork;# o,4e'tive i# to "i!% o$t a!% %i#'$## -*at )i!% o" 5ortra(al t-o o" t*e mo#t 5o5$lar *i#tory m$#e$m# i! Ka+o#*ima1 t*e 3$#e$m o" t*e 3ei4i Re#toratio! a!% Sh<)o Sh=#ei)a! 3$#e$m1 o""er o" t*e#e eve!t# t*ro$+* t*eir te>t$al a!% a$%io?vi#$al material#1 a!% 'om5are t*em to ot*er !arrative# o! t*e#e eve!t# a!% #$rro$!%i!+ i##$e# a# 5re#e!te% ,( vario$# #o$rce# ,ot* -it*i! a!% -it*o$t 6a5a!. The #ele'tio! o" t*e#e 'om5arative #o$rce# i!'l$%e# #5ee'*e# a!% %i#'$##io!# ,( 6a5a!e#e +over!me!t o""i'ial#1 a'a%emi'al -ork# "rom ,ot* 6a5a! a!% t*e @e#t i! a%%itio! to !e-#5a5er arti'le#. Thi# -ork al#o i!ve#ti+ate# motivatio!# t*at %rive Ka+o#*ima to 5romote t*e#e #ite# a!% rei!"orce it# 'o!!e'tio! to t*e %evelo5me!t# #$rro$!%i!+ t*e 3ei4i Re#toratio!. For t*i# 5$rpo#e1 %o'$me!t# 5la!# "rom vario$# %e5artme!t# o" Ka+o#*ima it( *a# ,ee! $tili:e% a# -ell. As t*i# -or) -ill #*o-1 t*e !arrative o" t*e t-o m$#e$m# i# rat*er 'o!#ervative1 a!% it i# ,a#e% o! t*e tra%itio!al !arrative# o" t*e Great 3a! Theory o" Hi#tory1 a##i+!i!+ #i+!i"i'a!t im5orta!'e to t*e lea%ers t*at ro#e "rom Ka+o#*ima i! t*e eve!t# o" t*e 3ei4i Re#toratio!. 3$#e$m# $tili:e t*i# a!% ot*er eleme!t# to ,$il% $5 !atio!al a!% lo'al 5ri%e. It i# a !arrative t*at i# m$t$all( ,e!e"i'ial to t*e %omi!a!t 2i,eral Demo'rati' Part( a!% Ka+o#*ima it#el". It le+itimi:e# 5ree>i#ti!+ i!#tit$tio!# a!% 5o-er #tru't$re# 5romote% ,( t*e 2i,eral Demo'rati' Part(1 a!% elevate# Ka+o#*ima to a lo'atio! o" !atio!al releva!'e1 -*ile it a!% it# m$#e$m# remai! "i!a!'iall( %e5e!%e!t o! "$!%i!+ "rom t*e 'e!tral +overnme!t. Ke(-ord#: 6a5a!1 3ei4i Re#toratio!1 Ka+o#*ima1 *i#tory1 m$#e$m1 !arrative1 5ortra(al Table of Contents 1. ntroduction 1 !. Methods and Key Conce"ts 2 2.1. Prese!tatio! o" Data 2 2.2. 3$se$ms as I!stit$tio!# 5 2.A. Re#ear'*i!+ 3$se$m# B 2.C. I%e!tit( 12 2.5. Historio+ra5*( 1C #. $arrati%es of The Meiji Restoration 17 A.1. Da')+ro$!% to t*e 3ei4i Restoratio! 17 A.2. Da)$mat#$ Perio% a!% T*e 3ei4i Restoratio! 2C A.A. Sat#$ma Re,ellio! A5 A.C. 3ei4i ommemoratio! i! Post-ar Ja5a! CC &. Meiji Restoration in Kagoshima Museums 5E C.1. T*e Great 3e! T*eor( i! Ka+o#*ima 3$se$m# 5F C.2. Ka+o#*ima a# t*e Pio!eer o" Ja5a!ese 3o%er!izatio! FA C.A. o!str$cti!+ Ka+o#*ima;# I%e!tit( B0 '. Conclusions 111 (ist of References 115 1. ntroduction @it* t*e 150t* a!!iversary o" t*e Mei4i Restoratio! o" 17E7 i! 20171 t*ere -a# a! $5#$rge o" 'ommemorative eve!t#1 5rese!tatio!# a!% -orks ,ei!+ release% all acro## 6a5a! relate% to t*e Mei4i Restoratio!. Ho-ever1 t*ere -ere a "e- 5lace# t*at -ere a# ea+er to -elcome it t*a! t*e 5re"ect$re a!% cit( o" Ka+o#*ima. 2ocate% i! t*e #o$t*ern ti5 o" Ky=#*= isla!%1 Ka+o#*ima ,oast# itsel" a# Ishin no Furusato, Home o" t*e Mei4i Restoratio!. Accordi!+l(1 Ka+o#*ima *a# ,ee! vi+oro$sl( 5romoti!+ "i+$re# like Sai+< Takamori a!% G)$,o To#*imi'*i1 -*o emer+e% "rom Ka+o#*ima %$ri!+ t*e Mei4i Restoratio! to ,ecome it# lea%i!+ "i+$re#1 a# -ell a# 5romoti!+ earl( i!%$strial e>5erime!t# t*at -ere committe% t*ere to #oli%i"( it# claim a# t*e Home o" t*e Mei4i Restoratio!1 e#5ecially t*ro$+* its mu#e$ms. &ollo-i!+ t*ese eve!t# a!% 5ro'ee%i!+# a# a! o$tsi%e o,server i! 20171 o!e co$l% !ot *el5 ,$t ,e i!tri+$e% ,( some "$!%ame!tal .$estio!# o! t*i# matter. Ho- e>actl( are t*e Mei4i Restoratio! a!% t*e #$rro$!%i!+ eve!t# a!% %evelo5me!t# 5ortraye% i! Ka+o#*ima;# muse$msH Ho- %o t*e( compare to ot*er !arrative# o! t*ese eve!t#1 ,ot* -it*i! a!% -it*o$t Ja5a!H @*at co$l% motivate a!% %rive Ka+o#*ima to 5romote it# co!!ectio! to 3ei4i Restoratio! t*is t*oro$+*l(H T*ese are t*e .$estio!s t*at "orm t*e core o" t*is -ork. Mei4i Restoratio! i# co!si%ere% o!e o" t*e ke( eve!t# i! Ja5a!e#e *istory1 a!% a# -ill ,e #*o-! i! t*ro$+*o$t t*i# -ork, eve! a"ter 150 years, it# !at$re i# still ,ei!+ %i#'$sse% a,o$t a!% it i# still $#e% to 5romote co!tem5orary 5olitical +oal# i! Ja5a!. T*ere"ore1 it i# more t*a! -arra!te% to %i#'$## a,o$t it amo!+ researchers o" East Asia a!% Ja5a! to%ay as -ell. &o'$# o" t*i# -ork -ill ,e o! t*e m$se$ms o" Ka+o#*ima1 #5eci"icall( 3$se$m o" t*e Mei4i Restoratio! a!% UNES O @orl% Herita+e Site o" Sh<ko Sh=sei)a!. As m$se$ms are o!e o" t*e met*o%# t*at ca! ,e $se% to 'o!ve( a!% co!struct *istory1 t*e( are -ort*y a o,4ect o" i!.$iry1 e#5ecially as t*ere *a# ,ee! !o researc* i! E!+li#* la!+$a+e o" t*ese 5arti'$lar muse$ms i! .$estio!. 1 In regards to Japanese names, this work will be following the Japanese convention of writing the surname first and forename last. 1 2. Methods and Key Concepts I! t*i# '*a5ter I #*all e>5lai! t*e met*o%# $#e% i! t*i# -ork a!% t*eoretical "rame-orks a!% co!ce5tio!# it i# ,a#e% $5o!. Si!'e t*e "o'$# i# o! t*e !arrative# 5re#e!te% ,( 3$se$m o" t*e Mei4i Restoratio! a!% t*e Sh<ko Sh=sei)a! muse$ms o! ma4or *istori'al eve!t#1 it i# vital to e>5lai! t*e !at$re o" m$se$ms a# i!stit$tio!# a!% t*e role t*e( serve i! #ociet(. It i# like-ise importa!t to e>5lai! *o- I co!%$cte% my "iel%-ork i! t*e #ai% muse$ms #o t*at t*e rea%ers ca! ,etter $!%ersta!% *o- I arrive% at t*ese 'o!cl$sio!#1 a!% t*at t*e( ma( eve! test t*e#e re#$lt# i" t*e( ever *ea% to Ka+o#*ima t*emselves. T*at i# o" 'o$rse 5re#$mi!+ t*at t*e m$se$ms a!% t*eir e>*i,it# remai! largel( $!'*a!+e% "rom t*e -a( t*e( -ere i! March o" 20201 -*i'* i# -*e! t*e "iel%-ork t*at t*e#e i!ter5retatio!# are ,ase% o! -a# co!%$cte%.

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