the range contain more rocks of intermediate com- Geological investigations position than previously thought (Daiziel et al., 1974a). The volcanics thus may represent a rem- on Seymour Island, nant arc behind the Lower Cretaceous marginal Antarctic Peninsula basin recently recognized in the Southern Andes (Daiziel et al., 1974b). (3) Andean Precordillera. Detailed structural map- D. H. ELLIOT 1 , C. RINALDI 2 , W. J . ZINSMEISTER1, ping of the east-west trending part of the Precor- T. A. TRAUTMAN 1 , W. A. BRYANT 3 , and dillera north of Cordillera Darwin was begun by R. DEL VALLE4 Ms. Winslow, assisted by Linda Raedeke, University of Washington. Institute of Polar Studies and (4) Patagonian batholith. Dr. Stern, assisted by Department of Geology and Mineralogy Janet Stroup, Lamont-Doherty Geological Obser- The Ohio State University vatory, and by M. Alexandra Skewes, Universidad Columbus, Ohio 43210 de Chile, traversed the Patagonian batholith north of the Strait of Magellan to collect samples for 2Comisi6n Nacional de Energia Atómica later petrologic and geochemical studies. Buenos Aires, Argentina (5) Cenozoic and Recent igneous bodies. Dr. Stern Department of Geology and party also studied and collected from such late Northern Illinois University Cenozoic plutons of the Andean Precordillera as DeKalb, Illinois 60115 Cerro Paine, and the recently active volcanoes, such as Monte Burney. 4Direcc16n Nacional del Antártico Instituto Antártico Argentino We thank Captain Pieter Lenie and the crew of Buenos Aires, Argentina RIV Hero for their enthusiastic support of Dr. de Wits party. The work in Chile was supported by the Empresa Nacional del Petróleo. The assistance Seymour Island, about 100 kilometers southeast of Srs. Eduardo Gonzalez, Salvador Harambour, of the Antarctic Peninsula (figure 1), has the only Bernardo Bergman, and Raül Cortés was in- known exposed marine Lower Tertiary in Antarc- valuable. Finally, we thank the Chilean navy for tica. The island, first sighted by James Clark Ross transportation in the Beagle Channel. in 1843, has considerable historical interest. An This project is supported by National Science O expedition under Norwegian whaling captain C. A. Foundation grants pp 74-21415, Gx-34410, and Larsen visited the island in 1893 and made the first DES 75-04076. collections of Tertiary fossils (Sharman and New- ton, 1894, 1898); it was more extensively sampled by the Swedish South Polar Expedition (1901 to References 1903), which discovered fossil plants, penguins, and Cretaceous invertebrates, and also established an Daiziel, I. W. D. 1971. Structural studies in the Scotia Arc: the South Orkney Islands. WV Hero Cruise 71-I. Antarctic Jour- outline of the geologic history of the northern nal of the U.S., VI(4): 124-126. Antarctic Peninsula (Andersson, 1906; Norden- Dalziel, I. W. D. 1974. Evolution of the margins of the Scotia skjöld, 1905, 1913). Sea. In: The Geology of Continental Margins (Burk, C. A., and The island was examined briefly in 1953 and C. L. Drake, editors). New York, Springer-Verlag. 567-579. Daiziel, I. W. D., R. Caminos, K. F. Palmer, F. Nullo, and R. 1954 by members of the Falkland Islands Depen- Casanova. 1974a. Southern extremity of the Andes: geology dencies Survey (now the British Antarctic Survey) of Isla de los Estados, Argentine Tierra del Fuego. Ameri- (Adie, 1958), but no extensive studies were con- can Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin, 58(12): ducted until the 1973-1974 season when geologists 2502-2512. Dalziel, I. W. D., and R. Cortés. 1972. Tectonic style of the from the Instituto Antártico Argentino mapped southernmost Andes and the Antarctandes. 24th Internaitonal most of the island. Four geologists from the Insti- Geological Congress, Montreal, August 1972. 316-327. tute of Polar Studies, The Ohio State University, Dalziel, 1. W. D., M. J . de Wit, and K. F. Palmer. 1974b. A fossil and from Northern Illinois University, were invited marginal basin in the southern Andes. Nature, 250: 291-294. Dalziel, I. W. D., David P. Price, and Gerry L. Stirewalt. 1970. Structural studies in the Scotia Arc: Elephant Island, Gibbs Island, Hope Bay, and Livingston Island. Antarctic Journal Isla Vicecomodoro Marambio is the name given on Argentine of the U.S., V(4): 100-101. maps. 182 ANTARCTIC JOURNAL by the Instituto Antártico Argentino to participate sandstones in which fossils are concentrated; as ex- in their 1974-1975 field project on Seymour Island. pected, the shell banks are diachronous and die out The U.S. groups objective was to do a detailed study laterally. The shell banks of unit V do not appear of the stratigraphy, sedimentary petrology, and to differ except in their fossil content, and the inter- paleontology of the Tertiary strata to complement vening sands may also contain scattered molluscs. studies made the previous year by Argentine The bulk of the section is unconsolidated and con- geologists. sists of the following: laminated, fine-grained, gray sand alternating with dark, silty clay layers; light gray, well-sorted fine sand; mottled brownish gray Stratigraphy. Tertiary strata crop out on the north- to greenish gray bioturbated silty sand. ern part of the island and are centered about a Throughout the section the loose sands contain meseta with an elevation of about 200 meters concretionary horizons that may be laterally very (figure 2). The Tertiary is in fault contact with extensive. The concretions range in size up to 1.5 possible Cretaceous beds at the islands northern meters across, and some contain shell fragments point. The contact with the Cretaceous south of in their centers. Sheet-like pebble beds are very the meseta in Cross Valley is also faulted, though sparsely distributed throughout the section and in two places in a fault sliver an unconformity may consist of well-rounded clasts of volcanic, plutonic, be exposed. and sedimentary rocks. The clasts range up to 30 The Tertiary strata (figure 3) appear to be dis- centimeters across. The clasts indicate a provenance posed in a broad syncline with maximum dips on similar to the terrain now exposed to the north- the northeast limb attaining 10°; the syncline west, on the Antarctic Peninsula: the upper Paleo- plunges very gently to the southeast. The structure zoic Trinity Peninsula Series, acidic volcanic rocks is partly obscured by slumping. Probable Tertiary probably of Late Jurassic age, and "Andean" plu- strata also crop out in the fault slivers in Cross tonic rocks that may range in age from Early Juras- Valley; their relation to the rest of the Tertiary sic to Tertiary (Adie, 1972). sequence is uncertain, although it seems likely that Sedimentary structures include ripple-drift they are older. cross-lamination sets (figure 6), planar cross bed- The older (?) Tertiary strata (figure 4, unit I) con- ding, oscillation ripple marks, and both small- and sist of about 80 meters of immature, coarse sand large-scale cut and fill channels. Direction of sedi- that passes up into prominent pebbly bluffs. Above ment transport is inferred to have been south- the coarse sand and pebbly unit there are about easterly and away from a northeast to southwest- 22 meters of loose sand and clayey sand with sparsely distributed resistant beds. The loose sand has pronounced yellow limonitic (?) staining, con- tains sparse concretions, and locally carries fossil 58W -56W wood and coalified plant debris. The thin resistant tille sandstone beds also contain plant and wood debris. st(ott field Hope The remainder of the Tertiary sequence crops Boy out around the meseta. The oldest beds are exposed along a coastal cliff at the northwest end of Cross Valley, but because of faulting and the apparently unfossiliferous character of the beds the thickness there is difficult to determine. Much better expo- Erebus and sures occur at the northern end of the island where iij11j 2 about 150 meters of very poorly consolidated, thinly _J rf\$ASI) Terror Gulf bedded, fine-grained sand and silty sand (figure 4, 64S " 64S unit II) crop out below the lowest of the fossil shell ( banks that characterize much of the overlying unit JamesJo Ross L- (unit III). The remainder of the section, more 9 than 200 meters thick, can be divided into three Seymour units (figure 4, units III, IV, and V). Unit III is Island characterized by shell banks up to 1.5 meters thick Snow Hill Weddell that have abundant and very well preserved inver- Island Cope Longing Sea tebrate faunas (figure 5). Unit IV lacks shell banks, 9 50 km whereas unit V includes thin shell banks; the fossils 58W 56W in unit V are less abundant, and in many cases more restricted in type, than in unit III. The shell banks Figure 1. Location map for the James Ross and Seymour in unit III are pebbly to cobbly, medium to coarse islands area. July/August 1975 183 - measured stratigraphic section 560 4k W Cape Wlman -- fault, location approximate, fault trace generalized -9 Strike and dip of strata U 0 Upper Tertiary to Quaternary glacial deposits on top of the meseta Lower Tertiary strata Cretaceous strata• Bodman beds near Cape Wiman Point are provisionally given this age 640 15 S 5 S Figure 2. Location and re- U connaissance geological U sketch map of Seymour Is- Seymou land (Argentine maps give alternate names for some features). The age of the Istand beds adjacent to Cape WI- man is uncertain, but here the beds are provisionally assigned to the Creta- ceous. The faulting in Cross Valley is much more complex than illustrated, 0 km 5 and fault slivers include 56°45 W both Cretaceous and Ter- tiary strata. trending shoreline. These clastic sediments were island were examined and consist of about 230 probably deposited in a high-energy, nearshore meters of very poorly consolidated sand with sparse deltaic and shallow marine environment.
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