LOCAL'REGIONAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLANS Plan name c. "K;IOL'JJ:: Ref. No Area $,:rev countv Regton CC.JTH LAST Organisations involved SJrrey WT Coordinating Surrey County Council Coordinating E-gltsh Nature Funding ~5x3 source of information 7#*/AG Source of information Eiv Age C:k WWF-UK and Herpetological Consewation Trust Purpose Outline long term (50 yrs) vision for arEa set targets for existing work Identify priorities Coordinate partners Audience Local CouncillorIdecisionmakers Timescale First draft Contact Jtil Barton IDebbie Wicks Surrey Wildlife Trust 01 483 488055 -~"__--_I-___"___- I --_I--.-- - Plan name Unknown Ref. No. Area Greater London Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved Role London Wildlife Trust Coordinating London Ecology URlt Coordinating ENIEA Coordinating 3TCVIRSPB Coordinating WTINat.His. Soc. Source of information Tne above make up the steering group together vvlth another Six Purpose Outline long term (50 yrs) vision for area Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Coordinate partners Audience General public Conservation staff in paltnerirelated organisations Local CouncillorIdecisionmakers Mern bersivolunteers Timescale Unknown Contact Ralph Gaines London Wildlife Trust 0171 278 661213 __-______-_I ~ ---^_---_--__-+_-- +"." ---I--7-_-_+ 01 '20198 Page 27 LOCAURECIONAL BlODlVERSlTY ACTION PLANS Plan name UnKfiOVIC Ref. No. Area ilmpsnire county Region SCUTH EAST Organisations involved Role Hampshire Wildlife Trust Caord!nating Hampshire County Council Coordinating Local Authorities Funding Engllsh Nature ' Env Age Source of information RSPB Source of information CLA NFU CPRE.FA.FE Purpose Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Coordinate partners Audience General public Local CouncillorIdecision makers Timescale First drafi Audit planned summer 1998 Contact Patrick Cloughley Hampshire and IOWWildlife Trust 01 703 61 3737 -___ , _____.__x """ ____---I_--_____-__I ___-_I ---_ ~ "..... .. ., - - Plan name Kent Biodiversity Action Plan Ref. No. 6 Area Kent county Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved Role Kent Wildlife Trust Caordinating Kent County Council Coordinating English Nature Coordinating Local Authorities Endorsing RSPBIEAIFAIC WNFU Endorsing Purpose Outline long term (50 yrs) vision for area Set targets for existing work Coordinate partners Audience General public Local Councillorldecision makers Timescale Final draff Published November 1897 Contact Andrew Craven Kent Wildlife Trust 01 622 66201 2 -- Page 28 LOCAL'REGIONAL BlODlVERSITY ACTION PLANS Plan name dnK?cwn Ref. No. Area Easy e Wsst Sussex Region SOIITU EAST Organisations involved Role Sussex VJildlife Trust Coordinating Fin$ sn Nature Endorsing Co;ntrys.de Commission Endorsing County Councils Endorsing Local Naturalists Endorsing Distrlct Councils FA, MAFF CLA, NFU MPs MEP$ Purpose Outline long term (50 yrs) visian for area Set targets for existing work Audience General public Conservation staff in partnerirelated organisations Local Councillor/declsion makers Timescale Final draft 'Vision' published in Mach 1996 Contact Tony Whitbread Sussex Wildlife Trust 01273492630 .- *_ .. ______ I__-__-._, ----LI_-LL-_ "_ -- ----- Plan name 50 Year Vision far the Wildlife B Natural Habitats Area Hertfordshire Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved Role Herts & Middlesex WT Coordinating Local Authorities Funding English Nature Funding Env Age Funding He& Countryside Forum and Herts Environment Forum arc Purpose Outline long term (50 yrs) vision for area Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Coordinate partners Audience General public Local Councillor/decisian makers Members/volunteers Timescale Consultation Produced June 1997 Contact Graham While Herts & Middlesex Wlldlife Trust 01727e5agoi _"_-___ ~-.-___I_----_I_+---- *+ -+-+--- .- 01 10198 Page 29 LOCAUREEIONAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLANS .- Plan name Berkshire Biodiversity Challenge Ref. No. ." Area Berkshire county Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved BBONT Coordinating RSP3 Coordinating Voluntary Wildlife Groups Endorsing Endorsing Circulated to all relevant organisations to stimulate debate on a Purpose Outline long term (50 yre) vision for area Set targets for existing work Identify priarittes Audience General public Conservation staff in partnerlrelatedorganisations Local Councilloridecision makers Membersholunteers Timescale Final draft Published January 1996 Contact lain Corbyn / Christine Bailey The Wildlife Trust for Berks, Bucks 8 Oxon 01 a65 775476 -________I ~ .__-I___-_ __- __-_ ~ ---_----_+-."""" - Plan name The Biodiversity of SE England: Audit B Assessment Area SE England (Area covered by 7 WTs in region) Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved Role Wsin SE region Funding Source of information Endorsing Hant & IOWWT Coordinating RSPB Endorsing Probably Biodiversity Challenge partners Purpose Identify priorities Coordinate partner; Audience Local Councillor/decision makers Timescale First draft Planned for summer/autdmn 19%' Contact Patrick Cloughley Hants & IOWWildlife Trust 01703613737 LOCAL’REGIONAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLANS .. Plan name Unkncwr; Ref. No. Area Sdckin~kamshirecoun?{ Region SSUTH EAST Organisations involved Rolt? BEONT Coordinating RSPB Coordinating Local Authorities Endorsing EX Endorsing National Trust Endorsing Bicoivers,ty sua-group of Naxm Conservaiion Form se: up Purpose Out!ine long term ($0 yrs) visian for arEa Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Audience General public Conservation staff in partner/related organisations Local Councillor/decision makers Membersivolunteers Timescale Final draft Challenge document published Jan 1996 Contact lain Corbyn / Christtne Bailey The Wildlife Trust far Berks Bucks l3 0x00 01 865 775476 ___- .. _ _ - - .. - .-__I ~ . -. _.- ____ Plan name Unknown Ref. No. 15 Area Oxfordshire county Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved Role BBONT Coordinating RSPB Coordinating Local Authorities Endorsing NFU CLA Endorsing EN EA Biodiversity sub-group of Nat Cons Forum set UP Outline long term (50 yrs) vision for area Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Audience General public Conservation staff in partndreleted organisations Local Councillddecision rnaKers Mem bersivolunteers Timescale Final draft Challenge document published Jan 1996 Contact lain Corbyn ’ Christine Bailey The Wildlife Trust for Berks. Bucks & oxon 01065775476 ~ _ _ _ - ~ - - - - __ - ________ _____________*_____---_I --- -+- -------- Page 31 LOCAUREGIONAL BlODlVERSlTY ACTIOk PLANS Plan name Unknowr: Ref. No. Area Guernsey Region SGdTti EAST Organisations involved Role Env Policy Working Group Cmroinating Sou:ce of information Funding La Socie:.; Gueresiase Coc:dinating Coordinating Ccnsulta:ion with relevant State cornmimes will take place Purpose Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Audience Tirnescale Unknown Contact D K Twigg States of Guernsey 01481 717000 ___I___-____ - _- . --- ---- -- Plan name Canterbury City Council Nat. Cons. Strategy Area Canterbury Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved Canterbury City Council Coordinating Purpose Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Audience Conservation staff in partnerkelated organisations Local Councilloridecision makers Timescale Final draft Completed December 1996 Contact Brain Watmough Canterbury City Council 01 227 753763 _______-____ ___ .--^ ----I 01 '20 98 I LOCAUREGIONAL BIODIVERSITY ACTIOF; PLANS Plan name CJ-knawn Area Jersey Region SSUTTH EAST Organisations involved Role Jersey Env Services Unit Unknown Purpose Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Audience Timescale Unknown Contact John Pine1 States Of Jersey 01534483037 _" ___- _--_I- --I__---- Plan flame BAP for the Lee Valley Regional Park Area Lee Valley Regional Park Region SOUTH EAST Organisations involved Role Regional Park Authority Coordinating Herts & Middlesex WT RSPB Purpose Audience Timescale Unknown Contact Judy Adams Lee Valley Regional Park Authority 01 992 71 7 71 1 Page 33 LOCAUREEIONAL BlODlVERSlTY ACTIOR PLANS Plan name U cidnovir Ref. No. .-->I. Area Glcucestersnire county Region SOUTIT WEST organisations involved ROk LN Coorcinating County Council Coordinating Gloucestershire WT Coordinating RSPB Coordinatinp Corswold Dlstrict Council Coordinating A Task Grwp of the above organisations has been established Purpose Unknown Audience General public Local Councillor/dectsion makers Members:volunteers Timescale First draft Planned for the end of 1397 Contact Rose Cliff Gloucestershire Wildllife Trust 01452 383333 - --_ ~ _-_ -__ ---I --- --- -- -- -- Plan name Mendip Biodiverstty Action Plan Ref. No. 37 Area Mendip district Region SOUTH WEST Organisations invalved Mendip DC Funding Somerset WT/SERC Coordinating EN Funding None during plan writing. General public 8 land owners tor Purpose Set targets for existing work Identify priorities Audience General public Conservation staff in partnerirelated organisations Local Cauncillot/decision makers Timescale Final draft Published 1995 Contact Lucy Dickrnan Mendip District Council 01749343399 - _" - - - - - - - ,_ -. - - - . - - - - "_ - - - - - - - - - - - + -_+ -- - -- -- - - "d - - , - - - . -- - ,~ -..- -. ~~. - .I LOCAUREGIONAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLANS ." Ref. No. -.*- Plan name Mid-Scmerset hills Natural Area SAP Area Mid-Scmerse: hills NaWal Area Region 5 0L T 'NEST Role Organisations involved Somerset WTSEilC Coordinating EN Funding South Somerset DC Funding None Purpose Set targets for existing wcrk Audience Conservation staff in partner!related organisations
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