■• -r^, ; ‘ - ,. ' -^s*-.k . ■ .' .••- ‘ ' •'. ' i ,^-. -:^’' • K' ', :.■^. ■ : i. ■.isr."'' ■V,': •> . * • • . - ■''s - I ■■, ■,. • '.’ ■• ' •'! ‘ ■ L *•’ '' . ■' ',f’ ;'.’*4 ' T - r r V 4 •' ^ t»RBS9 iRtK THE WRAtHBR Fere east by O. Weulh«r JlbWWB*,' ^ v e iU g s 4E>Ail y circulation N«w 'HavdB ■ V V «k V fo r ‘ihi^.mont)i <MT May, 1028 ■» . » . lowers toBi^t; ^ u t^ y show* aiembtf •! the Audit Bureau of era fo llo w o d ib y cleaOilDg. • Circulutlona [corift. State libra^ . M ^'^OL. X L ll., NO. 232. (Classified Advertising on Pan''- l6 ) (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS , MANCHESTER, eONN.v FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1928. i;-'. HOW AL SMITH SENATOR REED NAMED BY mMO€RATS RECEIVED NEWS UNITK PARTY y \ ..-v FROMJOUSTON WITHADDRESS His Neighbors Force Him to Old Missouri Campaiper Come Out on Porch of Al­ Holds Audience Spell­ ■<a bany Home to Make a bound With His Speech FARMERS READY senator From Arkansas is Nomm^ed p a ^ e t o Little Speech. After Midnight. TO ORGANIZE Many Favorite Sons Put'Up Bat Delegates Show Lit­ Albany, N. Y., June 29.— ‘‘There Houston, Tex., June 29.— Fight­ tle Enthusiasin-4Ianung of It is.” ing Jim Reed of Misso'.iri under the These were the three words that penetrating Kleig light of Sam of Smith Finds Little F a v o r - Anx- made political history early this Houston Hall at one o’clock in the -a morning when Gov. A1 Smith, sit­ morning, sounding a clarion call to ions to Start on Homeward Trips.^ .^ . ting in the blue room of the execu­ arms— that is the picture which Leaders Promise Democrats tive mansion, heard the secretary will remain forever to those who -ii; "Ti'js z . of the Democratic national conven­ saw it in the Democratic national ShBTH JUST MISSED They WiD Three Sam Hous*on Hall, Houston, ERID!/^ ;«QhnNATlON tion at Houston announce over the convention of 1928. Texas, June 29.— Senator Jokeph T. radio the switch of Ohio votes that His close clipped snowy hair Robinson, of Arkansas, \was nomi­ ., Houston.fTexas..'»vJune 2 9 .^ assured him his party nomination fairly bristles; it .s sleek, "irile, Milhon V o t^ to Smith Be- nated on the first hallo today to Al ^mlth, by six minutes escape for president. It was a typical A1 years younger than the ruddy war­ ed being nominated on a Friday, Smith expression, characteristic of rior’s face it crowns. His eyes, fired serve as a running male to Gov. A. the day. .which many women that quality cf humanity which by the ' ttle’s . chall . ..e cause of G. 0 . P. Rebuke. E. Smith, of New York, on the voters consider unlucky. It- was Franklin D. Roosevelt stressed in blinding power of the high-blue ticket of the Democratic Party. 11:54 p. m., on Thursday that his nominating speech at Houston. lights focused upon him from every it was announced from the {plat­ Seated in his home before his angle. Houston, Texas; June 29.,^—Lead­ form that* Gov.. bmith was the radio set, surrounded only by his ‘‘United, we face the common ers of the “ On to Houston” move­ CONVENTION ASSEMBLES Demopratlc presidential nominee. friends, the governor grinned like enemy! ” The governor, according .to ment for farm relief left their Sam Houston Hall, Houston, a boy as the news came, punctuat­ That is his battle cry. With that members of Mrs. Smith’s party homes today declaring that a new Texas, June 29.— It looked like ing the radio announcements with single sentence the most vigorous Smith and Robinsen ^ the Demo­ attending the convention, is not puns and Smithsque remarks. Then opponent of Gov. Smith leaps to alliance between the New York crats returned to SalS Houston’s superstltuous^T-biit ’ plenty of he was cheered by neighbors and party leadership in the new' dynasty, “ East Side’' and the “ Corn. Belt” other voters *are. This group, is big pine tabernacle today tq com'^ so numerous-, that the Wilson greeted by hundreds who called after Smith’s nomination. would be carried out in full. plete the work of tl-elr convention him “ Al,” in an amazing demon­ In that sentence there is .i.ll the campaign managers in 1912 rec­ stration which shattered the earlp’ Preparing (q assume the offen­ by nominating a running mate for ognized its prejudices to the. ex­ fire of Reed of the front row' in the the New York governor.-. - morning quiet of this old Dutch sive in the presidential campaign, tent of .sidetracking platform Senate. Conferences held in the early city. Never Beaten the farm chieftains had'plans al­ action on a Thursday to have His Statement. morning hours, and canvasses of Woodrow Wilson nominated be­ These defiant eyes leap from de­ ready under way for a meeting to certain powerful key delegations fore Friday rolled around. ‘‘There it is,” said Al Smith, the feat to victory— for Reed w'as never roan. Here is what Alfred E. begin mobjlizatlon of their forces. made it appear certain that the I ---------.. ' ' .................. beaten. Having promised, the Democratic Arkansas Senator who'has presided Smith, governor of New Vork. “ My fingers have never scratched presidential candidate of the Demo­ party three million farm votes in over this convention as permanent At 10:30 the ’’Star Spangled Ban­ the name of a Democrat who w;on chairman would be speedily nomi­ cratic party, gave out as his of­ hearings before the resolutions ner” brought everybody to atten­ the nomination'.” nated. As the convention assembled, ficial statement: It is harmony in the Democratic committee, the leaders of the tion, and order was secured imme-, ‘‘My nomination on the first bal­ word was passed aroun^-Riat the l^.j. diately-'therihlter. i ^ - Party, just as the party planned. “Farm Revolf’-declared' that they fluentlal • delegaU.Ons "%ora New lot fills me with joy and satisfac­ The invocation was pronounced It is high oratory to hold a con­ would perfect an organization In York, Pennsylvanie , and Illinois tion that I know is shared by my vention at 1 a. m., after it had had by Rabbi Ell Beckman of Houston, family and friends. My heart is every agricultural state to make would vote for Senator Robinson; completing the clrc’e of'all faiths almost fourteen solid hours of pre­ and drag enough others along to where my palate ought to be.” good the promise. and sects that have asked divinity’s vious higu oratory in the to:Tid give the senate leader a first ballot -And he had something else to heat of Texas June. It is still higher A tentative call for a meetipg of blessing on .Democracy’s labors i say, too, this was addressed to a nomination. ' oratory to hold a convention at 1 a. the corn belt conference' in D^s here. ' . ' i milling, shouting, almost delirious The leaders asserted there h^d m., after that convention finally has Moines, Iowa, on July 12 is already been no “ word” from Gov Smith Roosevelt then U^rned over the crowd of a thousand men and tvo- out, according to Thomas E. Cash- men who swarmed over the lawns nominated the ma il has been bub they also asserted that Robin­ gavel . to Senator Pat Harrison of man of Minn., chairman of the Min­ Mississippi, and the popular,. Mis- of the executive mansion and struggling to nominate for eight son's selection would be "entirely lean years. nesota Council of Agriculture',aqd acceptable”,-to the N gy,y W k ggy- sissippi^an |^t took: it.' crowded up to the very front steps a leader in here. ^ of the home of the New York gov­ Reed t.ook the convention merely > w Alfred E. Smith ^rnor.-With the 1SIg*’awegat{onS . ’'The first'thing," said "Pat,” with the muscle twitchings of his Big OtgaiiizatloB j. gripnlftg hcoadlyt.‘-‘wlll be a solo.” ernor. This grouj)^-ha«Mg , -a^-aa«i»her- him and his Senator^.,cpileagpea The impromptu- demonstration battle-marked face. It was his be­ -nv* Working in bis behaL in a dozen “ I Can't;Do Without, You,” ren­ fore he uttereo a line. The gallefles ship of 26 farm organizations, is began with a dozen or ifiore women headed by William Hirth of Colum­ state delegations outside the big dered by Kern Aylward cf New’ who walked up under the windo^v:s remembered the last car and left ones It looked to be pretty well York, one of Irving Berlin’s young reluctantly. The delegates remem­ Dry Law Enforcement TROLLEYMEN DECIDE bia, Mo., who already has sworn of the executive mansion, before unyielding enmity to Secretary over. men, floated- out. Truly the, side­ the.roll call of the states was even bered that this might be ‘.he last Delegates Weary walks of Naw -York have been ex­ call to arm s from Reed of Missouri Herbert Hooyer. begun, one of them with a guitar Urged By Democrats Despite the hearty endorsement The delegatfe.s came wearily and tended to .Houston and Houston. in her hands, and serenaded their and sat it out with roars of ap­ A STRIKE somewhat tardily to the ball, many liked it for tliere ware calls for plause. of the 1,400-word plank on farm governor who they were sure was relief adopted by the convention, of them fronUa night of wild' cele­ more and the accommodating young “ If there is half as much activity to be their favored presidential some observers expressed the opin­ bration of Smith’s .le’ectiqn. man gave them'"Back in Yo’ur Own in the Democratic Party in Novem­ Houston, Texas.
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