Robert Stamps See who else is dressed up on 1B wins this week! ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2019 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 Drew County NAACP holds annual Freedom Fund Banquet BY MELISSA ORRELL try Ministry. The ministry was born to appreciate life and value what he [email protected] in 2009 of the desire of the Revival or she has.” Center to serve the community in a Sherry’s favorite quote by an un- Citizens, politicians and honor- tangible way. known author says it all. ees fi lled the University of Arkan- “A church in the heart of the “If you want to touch the past, sas Monticello’s Gibson Center community with the communi- touch a rock. If you want to touch Green Room Friday night, Nov. ty at heart,” is the church’s motto the present, touch a fl ower. If you 1, dressed in their best to attend and shows with the work they have the National Association for the done. The pantry is open bi-week- want to touch the future, touch a Advancement of Colored People, ly and serves approximately 300 life.” Drew County Branch, Number families per month and was recent- Wilmer native and winner of 6042 annual Freedom Fund Ban- ly selected to administer the Feed the Milken Educator Award, Tasha quet. America mass food giveaways. The Webb. The theme for this year’s Drew pantry also serves free and open Webb received the Who’s Who County banquet was “Standing up breakfast and lunch every Sunday Among American Teachers recog- for justice, embracing change… and is open to anyone in need. nition early in teaching career and restoring hope,” which dovetailed The next honoree was Karen was inducted into the University of with the national theme of “When Connelley for her spirit of volun- Arkansas of Monticello’s African we fi ght, we win.” tarism. American Alumni Association in “When we fi ght against injustice “Her spirit of volunteerism is re- everywhere, we win. This theme is fl ected by the many boards through 2015. In 2018 Webb was selected consistent with our history of rais- which she has served the youth in to attend the recognition banquet in ing awareness to issues involving Drew County over the past twen- Washington, D.C. after her school discrimination and the unfair treat- ty-one years.” received the Blue Ribbon Award ment of people of color,” said Tom- As the Parks Committee chair- for Educational Improvement and my Daniels, Drew County NAACP person, Connelley realized there in November of that year was president, in his welcome letter to was no equipment for children awarded the nationally recognized the attendees. “The NAACP re- with disabilities, she then wrote Milken Educator Award. mains committed to assisting peo- a grant for $220,000 for the City Webb truly believes that teach- ple in obtaining their equal rights of Monticello through Arkansas ing is a calling from God. When whether it is the area of education, Parks and Tourism that provided asked what she wanted to be when employment, health care, voting playground equipment for children rights or any other area in which with disabilities in McCloy and she grew up, her answer was al- people may fi nd themselves being Jordan Park. Through this, Connel- ways, “a teacher.” discriminated.” ley was introduced to the Miracle “When you learn, teach. When The night began with a greeting League of Arkansas. you get, give,” said Maya Angelou from the mistress of ceremonies, To date, the Miracle League of and Webb tries her best to live by Annie Phillips Foster, NAACP Arkansas, with Connelley as pres- that every day. executive committee member for ident, has raised of $800,000 to Following dinner being served, Howard County, Md., who grew build the Miracle League Park. the attendees listened to guest up in Southeast Arkansas. She was Eric Lamb, of Eric Christmas speaker Colonel Erica L. John- followed by a greeting given by Miracle Ministry, was the next son-Ingram, Arkansas Army Na- Faith Walker, Lil Miss Rosebud honoree to be recognized. In 2014, tional Guard. 2019. Lamb had the idea of the Christ- “Let every voice sing, till earth mas ministries on his heart. He Ingram, a Wilmar native grad- and heaven ring,” sang Genesis paid attention. uated from high school in 1990 Jackson, the 2019 Gospel Quest Since 2015, Lamb has made before attending the University Winner, as she led the crowd in the sure 550 children would not have of Arkansas Pine Bluff where she singing of the fi rst verse of the Ne- to go without during Christmas. completed the four year Army gro National Anthem. “Ring with The children served came from all ROTC Scholarship program. Melissa Orrell/Advance-Monticellonian the harmonies of liberty.” over Arkansas, Texas, Washington She received her commission as The crowd remained standing as and Oklahoma. And for the past SING IT! Genesis Jackson, 2019 Gospel Quest winner wowed the crowd with her rendition of the Negro National a Second Lieutenant in the United Anthem and other songs during the NAACP annual Freedom Fund Banquet. the invocation was given by Elder two years he has donated to Mex- States Army on Aug. 15, 1995. Af- Michael Jones, Revival Center pas- ico through Elva Luna Christmas ter serving active duty for four and tor. Ministry. half years, Ingram joined the Ar- Mayor Paige Chase was invited Because he loves seeing the fac- JUST HERE FOR THE CANDY . to address the crowd but was un- es of the children, he personally has kansas Army National Guard Nov. able to attend at the last minute. delivered all the presents to the Ar- 11, 199. “The vision of the National As- kansas children. In 2014 Ingram made history sociation for the Advancement of For her work with the Court when she became the fi rst African Colored People is to ensure a so- Appointed Special Advocate and American Woman to serve as a ciety which all individuals have numerous other clubs, Sherry Lam- ARARNG battalion commander, equal rights without discrimination bert Toney was recognized as one when she became the 871st Troop based on race,” said Chase in a let- of the honorees of the night. Command Battalion Commander. ter to the attendees. “In Monticello Toney is a native of Monticello During that time she also served as we strive for the same type of soci- and spends her time volunteering the president of the National Guard ety. In 2019, so many things could throughout Monticello and Drew Association of Arkansas. divide us. We must continue with County. the original vision and not let this From serving as a board mem- This year, Ingram made history happen. We must be united and ber of the Boys and Girls Club of again when she became the fi rst work for the same purpose.” Drew County to participating in the African American female colonel The evening continued with a annual community clean-up across in the Arkansas National Guard’s recognition of the elected offi cials America, Toney is a “compas- 215-year history. and candidates attending as well as sionate, community servant with Ingram currently serves as the music entertainment provided by the ability to motivate and inspire ARARNG Deputy Chief of Staff Jackson. individuals in identifying their po- Personnel. Following the song by Jackson, tential to continue and share this The evening fi nished up with Orlando Jones, Drew County Quo- passion to serve others,” as stated closing remarks and some fi nal so- rum Court, highlighted Arkansas in her bio. cializing among the attendees. women in leadership by recog- “Volunteering is more than just nizing the women Mayors elect- spending time actively participat- “I would be remiss if I did not ed during the last election before ing in selfl ess acts,” said Toney. “It say a word about the importance of Sheena Garrard introduced the has a greater impact on society as exercising our right to vote,” said honorees for the night. a whole. Volunteering helps one to Daniels in his letter to attendees. The fi rst honoree recognized become socially aware of things in “We’ve come too far and fought was the Revival Center Food Pan- the community and it teaches one too hard to give up now.” Veterans Day closings City Closings The City of Monticello will be closed Monday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans Day. Monday, Nov. 11, there will be no city trash pick-up. Wednesday, Nov. 13, Monday’s trash will be collected. County Closings The Drew County Courthouse, Landfill & Road Department will be closed Monday, Nov. 11, Courtesy of Sherri Thomas Elam for the Veterans Day Holiday. Monday, Nov. 11, there will be no county trash pick-up. Tuesday, Going to get my candy and go! Daxton Pharr, 4, son of Don and Jennifer Pharr of Monticello, masqueraded as Nov. 12, Monday’s and Tuesday’s county trash route will run together. Raphael for Halloweed this year and was brave to trick or treat at the Allen House. Many people say the Allen House is the most haunted house in America! INDEX Opinion ..............4A Calendar ............2A Religion .............3B EXTRA! Classifi eds ........ 3C Sports ............... 1C ROVING REPORTERS Obituaries ..........8A Weddings ..........1B EXTRA! OUR 148TH YEAR ;OPZ`LHYTLTILYZVM[OL(K]HUJL4VU[PJLSSVUPHUZ[HќHYTLK NUMBER 45 • 20 PAGES with their smartphone cameras, will be out about town looking for interesting subjects. WILL YOU BE NEXT? 2A | Wednesday, November 6, 2019 NEWS Advance-Monticellonian | mymonticellonews.net | 870-367-5325 COMMUNITY CALENDAR GOING ON NOW City recycling guidelines THE ROVING Each Wednesday, barring a catastrophe, the city of Monticello is accept- ing recyclable items at the Transfer Station within the following guidelines: 1) Cardboard—must be fl attened.
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