www.igrc.org Vol. 15 No. 3 The November 2010 CNewsurrent of Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church St. Elmo’s Don Crawford sees convergence between Green Party values and his Wesleyan upbringing In this issue • Local Church News ..p. 4-7 • UMCOR Haiti Response Plan extended .............p. 11 • Apportionments ......p.18-22 Running Green in a Red and Blue state Page 2 Illinois Great Rivers Conference — The Current November 2010 News from the Episcopal Office Giving thanks for Bishop James Thomas Call to Action Steering Team Dear Friends in Christ, Fred Pratt Green penned the words below which is the first Releases Final Report verse of the hymn Rejoice In God’s Saints (No. 708 in the United NASHVILLE -- The first priority of ability throughout the church. Methodist Hymnal). This year as we approach All Saints Day The United Methodist Church must be a • Consolidate program and adminis- they speak to me poignantly as I continue to rejoice and give commitment to fostering and sustaining trative agencies, and align their work and thanks for the life, faith and ministry of Bishop James Samuel congregational vitality if the denomination resources with church priorities and the Thomas. is to be effective in its mission, states the commitment to build vital congregations, Rejoice in God’s saints, today and all days! final report of the Call to Action steering and reconstitute them with much smaller A world without saints forgets how to praise. team, released Oct. 25. competency-based boards of directors. Bishop Palmer Their faith in acquiring the habit of prayer, The steering team’s final report, the op- The Call to Action Project was launched their depth of adoring, Lord, help us to share erational assessment report and the congre- by assignment from the Council of Bishops gational vitality report are all available in with endorsement and funding from the There was considerable church press about Bishop Thomas immediately follow- their entirety at www. umc.org/calltoaction. Connectional Table in November 2009, ing his death on Sunday, Oct. 10. You can still reference that material at www.umc. “While there are many examples of ef- building on work of the previous Call to org. The articles about Bishop Thomas included helpful reminders of historical details fective disciple-making, prophetic witness, Action Committee. about the life of this saint of God. But my memories of his impact on my life and the and ministries of justice and mercy across In order to assure that recommendations life of the church are what I have been living most closely with. the Connection, these efforts do not obviate would be fact-based and not opinion-based, • As I give thanks for his life and witness I especially call to mind: the effects in the United States and Europe the steering team commissioned research • His envisioning a church free from structures defined by race of our increasingly older membership and based on extensive data-mining and objec- • His tireless labor for a church and world of radical inclusivity aging leaders; declines in the numbers of tive methods for identifying relevant trends, • His servant leadership that moved people and systems professions of faith, worship attendance, behaviors, and issues. • His practice of mentoring that has shaped countless leaders and baptisms; and growing financial bur- An independent system-wide operation- • His commitment to living a holy life dens accompanied by decreasing reve- al assessment of the connectional church • His integration of “knowledge and vital piety” nues,” the report states. was conducted by Apex that looked at how • His love of his family “Thus, the adaptive challenge for The the denomination is currently using people, You may or may not have known Bishop Thomas. But there have been and there are United Methodist Church is to redirect the money, and processes at the district, annual right now people who have lived in such ways that their lives and faith has influenced flow of attention, energy, and resources to conference, and general church levels. you for the good. The invitation of the hymn writer is to Rejoice. So hear him again: an intense concentration on fostering and In addition, comprehensive research on Rejoice in God’s saints, today and all days! sustaining an increase in the number of vital data from various sources was carried out A world without saints forgets how to praise. congregations effective in making disciples by the international firm Towers Watson to in loving, in living, they prove it is true: of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the gain information about the factors that lead The way of self-giving, Lord, leads us to you. world.” to congregations being more vital as evi- Have a blessed All Saints Day. I remain, The steering team proposed the follow- denced by attendance, growth and engage- Your servant in Christ, ing five recommendations, which would be ment. = Gregory V. Palmer mutually interdependent: Reliable statistical findings based on • Beginning in January 2011 and con- massive amounts of data from over 32,000 Deaths son, Ron Vinnedge, 9 Brandea Court, Glen tinuing for at least ten years, concentrate congregations show that high-vitality Carbon, IL 62034-1350. Janis L. Muir, surviving spouse of the on using the drivers of congregational vi- churches consistently share common fac- Rev. John E. Muir, died Oct. 3. Rev. and tality to build effective practices in local tors that work together to influence congre- Mrs. Muir served local churches in the for- Positions churches. gational vitality and are characterized by mer Central Illinois Conference for over 40 • Dramatically reform the clergy lead- the prevalence of: years, retiring from Watseka in 1990. Ex- The General Board of Higher Educa- ership development, deployment, evalua- • Effective pastoral leadership includ- pressions of sympathy may be sent to a son, tion and Ministry of The United Methodist tion, and accountability systems. ing inspirational preaching, mentoring laity, Dale E. Muir, 715 Roberts Lane, Batavia, Church is seeking candidates to fill the po- • Measure progress in key perfor- and effective management IL 60510. sition of Director of Student Ministries, mance areas using statistical information to • Multiple small groups and programs Walter D. Krech, a retired pastor, died Vocation, and Enlistment, a position that learn and adjust approaches to leadership, for children and youth Sept. 28. He served in the former Central has cross-divisional responsibilities within policies, and use of human and financial re- • A mix of traditional and contempo- Illinois Conference, retiring from Kanka- the Division of Higher Education and the sources. rary worship services kee Asbury in 1985. Cards may be sent to Division of Ordained Ministry. The search • Reform the Council of Bishops, with • A high percentage of spiritually en- 1706 E. Amber Lane, Urbana, IL 61802. A team is actively seeking a pool of qualified active bishops assuming responsibility/ gaged laity who assume leadership roles full obituary may be found at www.renner- candidates who would be representative of accountability for improving results in at- The Call to Action steering team will wikoffchapel.com the church. We are requesting your nomi- tendance, professions of faith, baptisms, present their recommendations to the Justine Louise Tunstall, widow of nations and your assistance in bringing this participation in servant/mission ministries, Council of Bishops at their meeting in Rev. John Edward Tunstall, died Sept. 24. position to the attention of persons who benevolent giving, and lowering the aver- Panama City, Panama in two parts on Nov. Rev. Tunstall served 62 years of ministry might be interested in applying for the po- age age of church participants, as well as 3-4, and to the Connectional Table at their in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and in the for- sition. For more information please contact for establishing a new culture of account- meeting in Franklin, Tenn. on Nov. 15. mer Southern Illinois Conference where Cheryl Stacker at [email protected] he served nine years as pastor of East St. Director of Children and Youth Dis- The Current (USPS 014-964) is published monthly by the Illinois Great Rivers Louis Wesley-Bethel UMC from 1964 until cipleship — Greenville First UMC in Conference of the United Methodist Church, 5900 South Second Street, Springfield, retirement in 1973. Greenville Michigan is seeking a director IL 62711. An individual subscription is $10 per year. Ted Phillips, husband of retired pastor of Children and Youth Discipleship. This is The opinions expressed in viewpoints are those of the writers and do not neces- Lillian Phillips, died Sept. 22. Lillian Phillips a 30 hour a week position with salary and sarily reflect the views of The Current, the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, or The currently serves the Alma – Pleasant Grove housing included. Resumes must be in by United Methodist Church. UMC’s in the Kaskaskia River District. Friday November 12th. Contact Michelle Communications Team leader: Paul E. Black; team members: Catherine Flynn Retired pastor Lloyd H. Vinnedge, Jr., Fassett at [email protected] or and Michele Willson. Send materials to P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794- died Sept. 12 in Oklahoma. Rev. Vinnedge send resumes to 204 West Cass St, Green- 9207, tel. 217-529-2040, fax 217-529-4155, e-mail [email protected], web page: served in Oklahoma and in the former Cen- ville MI 48838. www.igrc.org. Periodical’s postage paid at Peoria, IL, and additional mailing offices. tral Illinois Conference, retiring in 1981. CEO of GBHEM — The General POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to “The Current,” Illinois Great Rivers Expressions of sympathy may be sent to a See Positions on page 23 Conference, P.O. Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794-9207. November 2010 Illinois Great Rivers Conference — The Current Page 3 Announcement & Events Briefs Hustedt named to General Commission on Communications Spoon River District By Lynn Bartlow munications is.
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