title author date catalogue Catalogue of Star Chamber Proceedings Ab Owen Edwards 1929 English Monastic Life Abbot Gasquet 1905 Study of Bronze Age Pottery of Great Britain and its associatedAbercromby, grave I J goods 19122 vols Life of Richard Steele 2 vols Aitken, G A 1889 2018.0037, 0038 Poetical Pieces Moral & Satirical (bound with 2nd edn,Aitkin, Dan AWilliams) 1856 2012.0373 Poetical Pieces Moral & Satirical Aitkin, A 1856 2018.0080 Earthworks of England Allcroft, A H 1908 2017.0084 Notes on the Sheriffs of Pembrokeshire Allen, C F Egerton 1900 2016.0150 Notes on the Sheriffs of Pembrokeshire Allen, C F Egerton 1900 2016.0094 Celtic Art in Pagan & Christian Times Allen, J R 1904 Early Christian Monuments of Scotland Allen, J R 1903 2019.0002 Causes of decay of Christian Piety Allestre, R 1671 2017.0136 Tracks of Antediluvian Animals Allies, J 1835 2015.0054 Monuments of Early Christian Art Appell, J W 1872 Early Norman Castles of British Isles Armitage, E S 1912 2017.0052 Early Norman Castles of British Isles Armitage, E S 1912 2017.0053 Tradesmen's Tokens of 18C Atkins, J 1892 Tomb of the Siphtah Ayrton, E 1908 2015.0051 Practice of Piety Bayly, Lewis 1705 2015.0111 Survey of Gower & Kilvey bound with Brut y TywysogionBaker (Baronia & Francis de Kemys) 1870 Bible in Wales Ballinger, J 1906 Gleanings from Printers' Files Ballinger, J 1928 Baronia Anglica Concentrata 2 vols Banks, Sir T G 1844 2015.0063/64 Tour through South Wales & Monmouthshire Barber, J T 1803 2016.0154 Stonehenge & its Earthworks Barclay, E 1895 Cliff Castles & Cave Dwellings of Europe Baring-Gould, S 1911 Lives of the Saints 16 vols + vol of maps Baring-Gould, S 1914 Lives of British Saints 4 vols Baring-Gould, S & Fisher 1907 Diocese of St David's...endowments Brecon Vol 4 Barker, TW 1907 2016.0045 Diocese of St David's...endowments Cardigan vol 3 Barker, TW 1907 2016.0044 Endowments Carmarthen Archdeaconry of St Davids, Vol 2 Barker, TW 1907 2016.0043 Endowments Carmarthen Archdeaconry, Introduction and summaryBarker, TW 1907 2016.0041 Endowments Carmarthen Archdeaconry, Vol 1 Barker, TW 1907 2016.0042 Handbook to the Natural History of Carmarthenshire Barker, TW 1905 2015.0234 Plain Grammar of the Hebrew Language Barker, W H 1773 2016.0275 Plain Grammar of the Hebrew Language Barker, W H 1814 New Impartial and Complete History of England Barnard, E 1790 2014.0059 Small Town House of Georgian Period in Wales Bartlett and Perchon 1932 Finden's views of Ports Harbours and Watering PlacesBartlett Vol1,3,4 W H 5,6 1833 2016.0356 -60 Beauties of the Bosphorus vols 1 - 5, 7,8 Bartlett, W H 1840 2016.0343 - 49 Beauties of the Bosphorus vol 6 Bartlett, W H 1840 2016.0355 Pictures from Sicily Bartlett, W H 1853 2015.0068 Scenery & Antiquities of Ireland vol 1 Bartlett, W H 2017.0010 Scenery & Antiquities of Ireland vols 2 - 5 Bartlett, W H 2017.0001 - 04 Bible Baskerville 1763 2012.0275 English Monks & the Suppression of the Monasteries Baskerville, G 1937 2017.0045 Thomas Bates & the Kirklevington Shorthorns Bates, C J 1897 2015.0222 George Cruikshank Bates, W 1878 2014.0421 Order in Council...chapels of Llanllwch & St David's Bathurst, W L 1844 2016.0119 English Cottage Batsford and Fry 1938 Welsh Scenery from Drawings Batty, Capt 1825 Surrey Conventicles Bax, A R 1897 Danube Plates by W H Bartlett vols 1, 3 Beattie, W 2017.0011, 12 Thoughts on Hunting. In a series of familiar letters toBeckford, a friend P 1781 2015.0112 Bell's New Weekly Messenger 2 vols Bell 1832 2014.0017/0018 Fossil Reptilia of London Clay part 1 Bell and Owen 1849 2013.0340 Old Pewter Bell, M 1913 British Quadrupeds Bell, T 1837 Heredotus vols 1,2 Beloe, W 1806 Heredotus vols3, 4 Beloe, W 1806 2014.0419-20 Pedestrian Tour through North Wales Bennett, G J 1838 2017.0080 Book of the Queen's Doll House Benson & Weaver 1924 Comic English Grammar Bentley, R 1840 2015.0088 Gael & Cymbri Betham, W 1834 2018.0046 Artistic Japan Vol 6 Bing, S 1891 2016.0297 Heads of Illustrious Persons Birch, T 1833 2012.0204 Trugaredd Duw Bisco, J 1766 Popery Jones, Bishop Basil 1890 Orme's Graphic History of the Life, Exploits and DeathBlagdon, of H Nelso F Wn 1806 2013.0227 Fragmenta Sepulchralia Bloxham, M H 1840 Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture vol 1 Bloxham, M H 1882 Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture vol 2 Bloxham, M H 1882 Companion to Gothic Architecture Bloxham, M H 1882 Fonts and font covers 1st edn Bond, F 1908 Introduction to English Church Architecture 11C to 16CBond, 2 Fvols 1913 Wood Carving in English Churches stalls and tabernacleBond, workF 1910 Wood Carving in English Churches Misericords Bond, F 1910 2017.0047 Life & Labour of the People in London Vol 1, 2 Booth, C 1889, 1891 Observations...state of the Isle of Scilly Borlase, W 1756 2015.0045 Guide to Tenby Bourne, M A 1843 Arms & Armour Boutell, C 1907 2017.0139 English Heraldry Boutell, C 1907 2017.0127 English Heraldry Boutell, C 1899 Monumental Brasses & Slabs Boutell, C 1847 Great Enclosures of Common Lands in Wales Bowen, Ivor 1914 2016.0007 John Williams of Gloddaeth Bowen, Ivor 1929 2016.0191 Statutes of Wales Bowen, Ivor 1908 British & Irish Silver Assay Office Marks 1834-1932 Bradbury, F 1932 Highways & Byways in South Wales Bradley, A G 1903 Manual of Illumination on Paper & Vellum Bradley, etc ?1868 Diary of Walter Powell, Llantilio Crossenny Bradney, J A 1907 2016.0285 Railway Manual Bradshaw 1873 Observations on Popular Antiquities Brand, J 1810 Analysis of Gothic Architecture Vol 1 Brandon and Arthur 1847 2015.0107 Analysis of Gothic Architecture Vol 2 Brandon and Arthur 1847 2015.0108 Pleasure Visitor's Companion to Isle of Wight Brannon, G 1840 History of Egypt Breasted, JH 1906 2015.0048 Bishop Robert Ferrar Bretton, R 1935 2016.0118 Homes for the Country Briggs, R A 1904 2015.0085 St. Peter's Church Brigstocke, T E 1925 2016.0102 St. Peter's Church Brigstocke, T E 1934 2016.0103 Cathedral Church of Wells Britton, J 1824 2013.0314 Cathedral Church of Winchester Britton, J 1817 2013.0315 Chronology of Tinplate Works of Great Britain Brooke, E H 1944 General Practice of Physic vol 1 Brookes, R 1765 2015.0013 Old England's Worthies Brougham, Lord nd 2015.0110 Art of the Cave Dweller Brown, G Baldwin 1928 Care of Ancient Monuments Brown, G Baldwin 1905 Praxis Medicinae Bruel, Walter 1639 2015.0035 Wil Brydydd y Coed Brutus 1876 Rerum Britanni... & Rerum Scoticarum... Buchanan, G 1587 2015.0078 Crefyddau y Byd ƵĐŬ͕ǀĂŶƐ͙ 1866 Heol y Prior Genealogies of Carmarthenshire Sheriffs 2 vols Buckley, J 1910 2016.0281 - 0282 Sheriffs of Brecknockshire 1539-1864 Buckley,Capt 1908 2016.0121 Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics Budge, E A W 1899 Flamstead Bullard, I V 1902 Glastonbury Lake Village 2 vols Bulleid, A & Gray, H St1911-17 G Companion to the Liverpool Museum at the house of Bullock,WWilliam Bullock, Church 1808 Street *309 Black Book of St David's Bund, W 1902 2016.0134 Ffigysbren Anffrwythlon Bunyan, J 1766 2017.0148 Taith Christiana (ail ran Taith y Pererin) Bunyan, J 1807 2019.0060 Taith y Pererin Bunyan, J 1807 Taith y Pererin Bunyan, J 1811 2018.0127 Traethiadau o waith yr enwog 4 vols bound togetherBunyan, J 1790 2018.0124 <U$EHUWK&\PPHUDGZ\« Bunyan, J 1767 Esponiad ar Ddammeg y Pharisead a'r Publican Bunyan, J and Evan, D 1811 Crist yr Iachawdwr Cyflawn Bunyan, J and Mason nd Charge to the Chapter of St David's Burgess, Bishop Thomas 1812 2018.0039 Description of the Circus on the Via Appia Rome Burgess, R 1828 2018.0045 Transaction of Unitarian Historical Society vols 6 1869 Summary of All the Religious Houses in England and Burnet,Wales Twi andth TheirDuckett, Titles G 1717and Valuations at the Time of Their Dissolution and a Calculation of What They Might Be Worth at This Day- Excavations at Hengistbury Head Bushe-Fox, J P 1915 Amongst the Prescelly Circles Bushell, Rev D 1911 2017.0035 Lady Margaret Beaufort and King Henry VII Bushell, Rev W D Birds of Great Britain & Ireland Vols 1, 2 Butler A G 2013.0396,0397 Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Biology of Butler, Edward 1923 Erewhon Butler, Samuel 1932 2014.0436 Torrington Diaries Vol 1 Byng, J 1934 Poetical works of Lord Byron Byron, Lord 1847 2018.0077 Britannia 1st Gibson edn with Annals of Ireland Camden 1695 2013.0365 Britannia Vol 1, 2 Gibson 2nd edn Camden 1721-2 2014.0060, 0061 Paintings Cameron, D Y 1919 2014.0086 Catalogue of Pictures at Golden Grove Campbell and Howard 1904 2015.0117 Speech of the Orang Outang Camper, P 1779 2015.0059 Bibl Sanctaidd Canna, J 1826 Testament Newydd Canna, J 1812 Dissertation on the Herefordshire Beacon Card, Revd H 1822 2018.0078 Topographical Dictionary of Dominion of Wales Carlisle, N 1811 2016.0240 Topographical Dictionary of Dominion of Wales Carlisle, N 1811 2016.0153 Eglurhad o Gatechism Carter, I 1719 1987.0363 Tomb of Tut-ankh-amen vol 1, 2, 3 Carter, H and Mace 1930 2015.0042, 43, 44 Specimens Ancient Sculpture & Painting in England Carter, J 1838 2013.0289 Archaeology Casson, S 1930 2017.0085 Essays on Aegean Archaeology Casson, S History of Oswestry Cathrall, W 1855 Roman History with Notes Vols 2, 3, 4, 6. Catrou and P. Rouillé, S.J.1729 2018.0056 - 0059 Roman History with Notes vol 1 Catrou & Rouelle 1728 Can o Goffadwriaeth am y parch John Williams yr hwnCawrdaf, a laddwyd Jones.W yn EYnys 1839?/nd Erromanga Y Dosbarth Gweithiol yng Nghymru Harri, O A P 1866 2018.0113 Early English Furniture 2 vols in 1 Cescinsky & Gribble 1922 Hallmarks on Gold and Silver Plate Chaffers, W 1938 Civil Architecture Chambers, Sir W 1826 Letter to his Tenants..
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