, .. 'I World News Hourglass, Friday, November 6, 19H7, Page 20 Soldier Who ~ The K wajalein UnemploYInent u.s. .t Pubtt.cn.tton. of Rate JUInPS Up Defected Questioned - _!tn!'y_n.~te:_n.~:;r!~_~.ttoU, rtn.rsfln.tt By Matt Yancey tIvity won't be reflected In un- By Theresa Humphrey Roberts to a van and WhISked 'Lsto.nds AP Labor Writer employment calculattons for a ASSOCiated Press Writer him to a secunty buIldmg where Rourgl~~~ few months a chaplam, lawyer and com­ WASHINGTON - The Job­ A separate department sur­ FORT DIX, N J - An mander from Fort DlX were wrut- Volume XXIV No 210 Fnday, November 6, 1987 less rate edged up to 6 0 percent vey of busmess payrolls showed Amencan soldier who defected 109 10 October - the frrst mcrease 10 550,000 Jobs were created 10 to the SOVIet Umon last Apnl IS The group amved here a few 18 months - despIte the crea­ October, mcIudmg 65,000 on back m the Umted States today hours later at the base here, tton of more than 500,000 Jobs factory assembly hnes That fol­ facmg an mterrogatIon and diSCI­ where offiCials planned to de­ Ginsburg Nomination Questioned and sigOificant growth 10 manu­ lowed a gam of 55,000 manufac­ plmary proceedmgs, authontles bnef hIm today, saId RIchard V factunng employment, the gov­ srud DowlIng, spokesman for Fort tunng Jobs 10 the precedmg By Larry Margasak Image thiS presents to our young ernment Said today month Pvt Wade Roberts, 22, who DlX He srud Gmsburg's drug use was a mistake, and I regret It " ASSOCiated Press Writer people I know It must be very Said White House spokesman The Labor Department's sur­ Smce June, factory employ­ defected eIght months ago, ar­ Roberts IS bemg held on the was hmlted to "a few expenmen­ embarrassmg to the Reagans 10 I'm sure there were a Marhn FItzwater vey of households showed ment has grown by 220,000 jobs, nved at Dover Air Force Base, ongmal desertion charges filed tauons WASHINGTON - PresI­ view of the campaIgn they have great many people who did that, "The preSIdent accepts hiS 415,000 more Amencans at provldmg eVIdence that manu­ Del, early today after bemg 10 AprIl 10 Germany dent Reagan saId today he will carned on agamst drugs" at that partiCUlar penod " statement, doesn't feel that It 10- work last month than 10 Septem­ facturers left behind through flown from Rhem-Mam U S Au In eIther case, Roberts could not Withdraw the Supreme Court Reagan, dunng a plcture­ Contrary to Byrd's assertion fluences hiS JudiCial quallflca­ ber But the clvlhan labor force most of the recovery, at 59 Base outsIde Frankfurt, West be allowed to leave the Army nomInatIOn of Douglas H grew by 500,000, ralsmg the Germany, on Thursday takmg sessIOn WIth Repubhcan that It sends a negative message hons, and stands by hiS nom ma­ months the natIon's longest, are under the dIscharge he has re­ Gmsburg, who admitted he had members of Congress at the jobless rate by 0 1 percentage MIlItary polIce accompanIed quested, the spokesman srud to young people, Reagan said, "I hon" fmally catch10g up smoked marijuana, and srud hIS WhIte House, refused to back thmk It'S a helpful message" He One White House offiCial, pomt candidate wIll survive "uthere's September's 59 percent rate off Gmsburg's nommatlon srud, "I thInk the message It sends speakmg only on condition he not Philippine Rebels Say Americans any JustIce 10 WashIngton" The preSident srud ''I'm old IS that he regrets and shouldn't be Idenllfled, srud "there was no had been the lowest 10 nearly Reagan srud, "He was not an eight years enough to have seen that era 10 have done It " lOdlcatIon" of any drug use on addIct nothmg of that kind " which hIS generatIOn and gen­ Asked If the nommation GInsburg's part 10 a prehmmary Both overall employment N ow Targets In Insurgency On Capitol Hill, Senate Ma­ and the size of the clvlhan labor eratIons earher" had regarded could survive, Reagan rephed, FBI report received by the White By Eileen Guerrero jonty Leader Robert Byrd, D-W drugs "If there's any Justice 10 Wash­ House force had dropped 10 September dhng" They demanded the The Commumst rebel state­ ¥a, Said GInsburg "should gIve as hundreds of thousands of stu­ ASSOCiated Press Writer UOlted States allow the return of "How many of us would hke mgton he can" He srud that "Judge GlOsburg was asked ment, made by the NatIonl Jery, very senous consldera­ to have everythlOg we dId when dents returned to school after Marcos, who fled to Hawan after Democratic Front and dehvere1t "converts (agrunst drugs) are the standard questIon, as all ap­ MANILA, PhllIppmes hon" to wlthdrawmg we were younger put on the sometImes the most devoted " pOlo tees are asked, If there was summer vacations It was the bemg ousted from power on Feb to a news organizatIon, did not Byrd srud Gmsburg's revela­ CommuOist rebels today warned books?" Gmsburg's statement read 10 anythmg else 10 theIr back­ drop that largely accounted for 25, 1986 claim responsibilIty for the Oct tIOn was "one more drop, cumu­ the Uruted States to stay out of Also today, pohce Said three Asked If Gmsburg should ItS entIrety ground, but It did not surface," the September's 0 1 percentage 28 slay 109 of three Amencans latIve drop, on the stone," refer­ have "Just Srud No," the theme pomt drop from the 6 0 percent PhIlIppine pohtICS, and srud that men shot and killed a reputed "Earher today, I was asked offiCial srud But It accused the UOlted nng to conflIct-of-Interest alle­ of Nancy Reagan's anti-drug rate of July and August any U S personnel who Ignored polIce mformer, Jose Villan­ States of encouragmg an mcreas­ whether I had ever used drugs To Meese's statement srud "As gations already rrused campaign, Reagan chuckled but the best of my recollectIOn, once he states, hiS aCUon, taken dunng The October survey was the warning would become "tar­ ueva, as he and hIS Wife drove to mgly brutal countennsurgency ''I'm concerned about the did not answer as a college student 10 the '60s, hIS younger days, was a mistake taken 10 the second week of the gets for attack" work 10 suburban Las Pmas The campaign month, just before the 508-pomt In another development 300 killers escaped RadiO statIon Aqumo was swept to power and then on a few occasIOns 10 the It certamly does not affect hiS '70s, I used marijuana qualIficatIons to sIt on the Su­ drop recorded 10 the Dow Jones supporters of ousted PreSident DZRH said Villanueva was an 10 a CIVIlIan-milItary upnsmg 10 Reagan Urged To "That was the only drug I ever Industnal stocks Index on Oct Ferdmand Marcos demonstrated 1Oformant for the Phlilppme February 1986 The Umled preme Court, and he should be used I have not used It SInce It confirmed expedluously " 19 Most pnvate economists say today outsIde the US Embassy, Constabulary, the milItary's 10- States has smce warned hIm to the effects of recent market ac- also to oppose "Amencan med- ternal secunty force stay out of PhIlIppme polItIcs Trim Social Security By Alan Fram House and Senate Repubh­ SmIth said the prevIous test on Oct 24 had a Yield of 50 kilotons, ASSOCiated Press Writer cans showed the preSident a the bIggest 10 two years He srud the latest blast bnngs to 90 the jomt proposal to cut the federal number of known tests smce France began the underground pro­ WASHINGTON - Repub­ defiCIt by $30 bllhon 10 fiscal gram at Mururoa 10 1975 Brieny hcan budget negotIators today 1988 and $455 billIon 10 1989 Mururoa IS 10 French PolyneSia, about mIdway between Austra­ presented PreSident Reagan With The plan, which the GOP lIa and Chile a defiCit-reductIOn plan and leaders then put before the *** urged him to conSIder trlmmmg Democrats on CapItol HIll, 10 MANILA, PhIlipPines (AP) - An explOSIOn at the heart of the LOS ANGELES (AP) - Faults hidden beneath folds Earth's SOCial Secunty would raIse $9 4 billIon 10 taxes natIon's outlawed fueworks 10dustry sparked a frre that destroyed crust are lIkely to generate severe earthquakes 10 the Sacramento and fees thiS year and $14 bil­ several plants and left 10 people dead, 30 Injured and 20 mlssmg, and San Joaqum valleys, which are among Amenca's top agricul­ hon next year In addluon, $5 tural areas, two studies say an offICial saId today billIon 10 federal assets would The fue, started by a can of gunpowder explodmg, ,occurred Such faults produced the 6 7-magOltude Coalmga temblor 10 be sold each year 1983 and the 6 5-magmtude VacavIlle-Wmters quake 10 1892, and INSIDE Thursday 10 Bocaue, 15 mIles north of ManIla, the town s mayor, The plan enVISions cuts 10 Rudy DaVId, srud today 10 a teleVISIon mtervlew The frre was probably the quake that shook Los Angeles on Oct 1 *** C lassifit'd 18 entItlement programs of $5 1 extIngUIshed 10 four hours, he srud ~ Comics 16 billIon thIS year and $10 2 bll­ *** PORT-AU-PRINCE, HaIu - The Electoral CounCil, reactIng Entertainment hon next year, Without speCIfi­ to fires that gutted Its headquarters and a company prmung ballo 10 WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - France on Fnday con­ cally mentIOn 109 SOCial Secu­ srud It wIll deCide soon whether to cancel HaitI's frrst free electIOn Features 14 Shaving Cream Mania! ducted ItS second nuclear test 10 two weeks at the Mururoa SIte 10 the Local 4 nty South PaCIfIC, detonat1Og a 20-kiioton deVIce, a New Zealand 10 at least 30 years Range Notice Asked If tht; preSident was Kelh McGUire gets mto the Shavmg Cream Soclal- lIterally OPPOSition groups and promment CItIzens 10 HrutI ha ve charged .
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