California State Library Sacramento 9, Ca.Lifcr nia NN et 'A ember Contintlei Sparta hey Sens Soon More scattered *bowers are on The Sparta Key will lobe on the ueatherman's agenda sale Monde , f 8.30 3.30 today, as amends are being p.m. In the Inner quad, Dick roadie for N. %ember's droughL It will several Robinson, public relations e - degrees cooler, melee hairman, said today. too. with the high ranging fr ttttt a :triable oinits %vitt pre- vail. VOL. 44 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1956 NO. 48 Blood Trophy Council Sets ' Play Reopens A /aAgain at Stake llonda V For Leaders' Symposium The Seliah Periera Memorial Open Meeting For 3-Day Run Trophy is at stake again in next Student Council yesterday ap- week's All-Campus Blood Drive. or omg proved Monday, IX.c. 10, as the "Shadow and Substance," directed by Dr. James Clancy, will Sponsored by the San Jose Elks official date for an open Council reopen tonight in the College Theater for a three-day run. This play Club and represented by a plaque meeting, aimed at acquainting the is the Drama department's contribution to "Religion-in-Life Week," which remains at the winning students with the workings of Memorial Chapel Site in Ireland. their government. New selection and is based on the Catholic faith school. this perpetual trophy is The play is not. however, an exposition of Catholicism, but an awarded annually to the Califor- The meeting, open to all stu- supreme faith of an Policy Drafted expression of the Irish peasant girl named Brigid, nia college or unix vrsity com- dents, will be held at 330 pm Of Religious Discussion portrayed by Elizabeth Keller, and its influence on those she loves. in Room 55, the Little Theater. The Homecornine, Committee pleting the must effect:se blood re- A leader's symposium w;11 highlight today's religious -4' Edmund Holmes, as the paroch- By constitution, the student body cently decided on a 11..w polies cfis,ities education and recruiting program. tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Memorial Chapel. The symposium will ial schoolmaster, writes an anon. is invited to attend all Council for the selection of nest year', Ridder Speaks It has never left San Jose State. be held in conjunction with Religion-in-Life Week and the Centennial mows book, criticizing the leader- meetings, but cramped quarters Homecoming Committee nlf.mbers Lecture Series. ship of the church. He is discov- Prospective donors for the in the Student Union have made Under the new policy, any stu- Topic of discussion for be .0n Hungary ered and fired from his job by blood drive, %%Inch is Ill be held this unfeasible. A similar open dents interested in being on the the symposium will "How Does Your Skerritt, played by Ivan on Dee. 11 and 12, may pick up meeting last semester drew a ca- Faith Support and Challenge Our Present Social, Political, and Eco- Canon committee would be required to nomical Paulsen, whose cold intellectuality pledge cards in the Outer quad pacity crowd. Order?" Taking part in the symposium are: the Rev. John S. Next Thursday submit regular ASB appointive Duryea, cattu,lic; Rabbi is a barrier to understanding his betueen 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Also appraised at yesterday's position applications to the re- Morton Walter Ridder, chief of the parishioners. today or tomorrow. The card Is meeting was a recommendation Fiertnan, Jeuish; and the tte¦.. R. ceptionist in the Student Union. Wilbur Simmons. Washington Bureau for the San The play includes the human, a pr sory note on whirls the from the Campus Chest Drive Upper division students or stu- Protestant.. The Jose MerCury-News, now en route recipient pledges one plat of Committee f 0 r distribution of symposium will end the fifth day's humorous qualities of two cur- dents who will be upper division program in back from a trip to view the Hun- ates, Richard Geer and James (liv- blood. funds raised in the drive. Under classmen by next fall can pick up Religion-In-Life Week. situation, will speak on garian ens, who are responsive to their the approved setup, Community applications at the receptionist's DISCUSSIONS SET Dec. Ninety days Is required between lpore.)1 campus Thursday morning, churchpeople, and the awkward Chest will receive 50 per cent; desk. Completed applications must donations and donors most be at Among the &ethnic* sched- 13, at ,,10::30 o'clock in Morris actions of Thomas Prather, as the Hungarian relief, 20 per cent; be submitted to the Student Union least 18. Those under 21 must uled for today at 12:30 p.m, is Dailey Auditorium. schoolmaster, Francis O'Con- Red Cross, 10 per cent; World before the start of Christmas va- new have waivers signed by their par- 6 an informal dliveurtalon In the Bidder will report on events in nor. University Service, 10 per cent; cation. ents. student V on "%% hat Is the Hungary and Austria as he and Heart Fund, 5 per cent; and Can- Interviews for the position of Others in the cast are Shirley Message of Religion to Marriage his wife. Marie, 59 them. They The Blood Drive Committee has cer Fund, 5 per cent. Homecoming Committee ('hair- Ahern as Miss Katy Cooney, the anti the Eanilh?" Students have just spent 30 days making a announced that students who con- Goal for the drive is $10,000. man will be held Jan. 13, at 3:30 uill local spinster; Ruth McCormick as take part In the illsetoodon ulth first-hand investigation, and are tribute to the blood drive will In other action yesterday, the p.m. in the Student Union. Thomasina Concannon, the can- Glenna MeCommons acting ws telling their story in the columns niece; Craig Thush as Martin automatically become members of Council opened applications for The new chairman and this ons editor of "A Spartan from the moderator. of the San Jose Mercury-News. Mullahone; and Barbara Ruhle as the San Jose State Blood Credit year's committee members then Start," freshman orientation mag- Rabbi 1.1,1111111, The college Lecture Committee, his wife, Rosey Violet. Club. Members of this chtb and will interview students interested the Rev. Sim- dean of their immediate families will be azine. Applications may be ob- in the chairmanships of mons Auld iii Rev. Robert Mac- directed by Joe H. West, Johnson is technical such clan- J. Wendell entitled to draw blood free for tained in the Student Union and Donald. Citholie, who discussed educational services and summer director, and Miss Berneice Prisk mittees as parade, publicity. down- one year. applicants will be interviewed at town merchants RABBI MORTON HERMAN the I pit n yesterday's informal sessions, is making arrangements and queens. sv mposioni spe.n.cr Is costume designer. the regular Council meeting next discussion, will sit in on the stu- for the lecture. The Journalism The coming drive Is being co- and Advertising Department is Wednesday. dent discussions. Students are in- sponsored by the Blood Drive sponsoring the program. ASB President R a y Freeman vited to take part in the discus- Committee and the campus unit stressed that applicants should Bronzan Named Roof Raising sions, according to Claudette The News Events class, con- Closing Polio Al- of the Air Force ROTC. AF- have some experience in the field len, chairman of Religion-in-Life ducted by Ralph C. Westerman. ROTC cadets will be given rib- of journalism and the ability to Coaching Aide. journalism, will move To Last Two Week. instructor in Shots Readied bons after their first donation carry out administrative duties, from the Little Theater to the and bronze or silver stars for such as seletcion of a staff. 'In East-West Game In an afternoon lecture, the event. auditorium for the Students who received their 'Subsequent donations. Rotwrt T. (Bob) Bronzan More Weeks Rev. Simmons will talk on "Com- Joseph Ridder, publisher of the first or second polio shot prior to yesterday was named as assist- Numbers of "sidewalk superin- parative Religions" as part of to- accompany The Blood Drive Committee is Mercury-News, may the registration for vaccinations ant coach for the annual Shrine tendents" a not so rare breed day's program. Originally sched- Waiter Ridder to the campus for under the chairmanship of Maur- Court To Probe at SJS, and who are eligible for East-West charity football clas- which inhabits the area around uled for the lecture was the Rev. executive een Larrigan. Other executives the talk. Kenneth Conn, their second or third shot, can re- sic to be held In San Francisco any large construction ,proJect- - Arthur Takemoto, pastor of the of the Mercury-News, and are Diane_ Harlow, publicity; Cor- editor cehe either of the last two in- Revelries By-Laws neel¦rtlIng Los Angeles Buddhist Church, who inne Borello and Liz Heath, sec- Dee. 29, to an an- will iNive two niore weeks to a member of the Journalism De- jections next Tuesday or Thurs- nouneement view tlie Taking of the is unable to be here. retaries; Cathy Westermann, pos- Student Court this week set made by Bill Coff- roof and partment's Advisory Board, will be day, according to Dr. Thomas J. mann, director of the game. floors I 11ƒƒ :icy. Classroom Build- in Ridder's party for the campus ters; Elma Van Fossen, historian. about investigating the by-laws PRIEST TO TALK Gray, health officer. of the Revelries Board for infor- Bronzan thus becomes the ing.
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