List of Dish Network channels in the United States This is a list of the channels receivable from Dish Network. Channels 1-199 SD # HD # Station Notes 1 1 Video On Demand 2-70, (73-80), (5000-5299), Local channels are available in SD, (5600-5709), as well as HD in select cases, Local Channels (6200-6799), (7000-9392), in every U.S. local television (14000-15999) market.[3] (71), IDEA (Satellite 104 Response Interactive) (72), NEW (Satellite (275) Response Network) (81) Dish Network Info (83), MALL (Satellite * channel shown as "Mercury" in 220* Response Network) official channel lineup card 84, HSN (222) (85), BEST (Satellite 223 Response Network) (86), Jewelry Television 227 (87-97) CD Audio products get advertised for a short time (98) Interactive TV (e.g. Klondike Bars, Country Crock and Barbie) products get advertised for a short time 99 SCENE (e.g. Klondike Bars, Country Crock and Barbie) Can also be accessed when DISHHome pressing the "Dish" button 100 Interactive TV on a Dish customer's remote control. 101, "CMT Invitation Only" Monthly DISH 101 (829) Concerts. Available in HD. 102 Free Preview Guide Pay-Per-View 103 Movies 104, IDEA (Satellite (71) Response Interactive) 105, (4105), (4302), (4366), (4430), 105 USA Network (4909), (5502), (5591), (9431) 106 TV Land 107, (4107), (4304), (4368), 107 Comedy Central (4432), (4904),(5569), (9485) 108, (4108), (4303), (4367), 108 Lifetime (4431), (4916),(5547), (9470) 109, (4109), (4305), Lifetime Movie 109 (4369), (5531), (9471) Network 110, (4110), (4306), (4370), 110 Food Network (4434), (4913), (5593), (9462) 111, 111, (4111), (4422), DIY Network (876) (5346), (5564), (9527) 112, (4112), (4307), (4371), 112 HGTV (4435), (4915), (5587), (9461) 113 113, (4113) Cooking Channel 114, (4114), (4412), 114 (4428), E! (4941), (5536), (9474) 115, (4115), (4423), 115 Style Network (5566), (9428) 116 116 GSN 117 TV Guide Network 118, (4118), (4308), (4372), 118 A&E Network (4436), (4910), (5577), (9419) 119, (4119), (4309), The Biography 119 (4373), (5525), (9443) Channel 120, (4120), (4310), (4374), 120 History (4438), (4902), (5585), (9491) 121, (4121), (4419), 121 H2 (5568), (9525) 122, (4122), (4311), (4375), (4439), 122 Syfy (4911), (5503), (5579), (9432) 124, (4124), (4312), (4376), 124 BET (4440), (4938), (5534), (9510) 126 BabyTV 127 Oxygen 128 We TV 129, (4129), (4313), 129, (4377), Bravo (880) (4441), (4912), (5521), (9492) 130 130 AMC 131 IFC 132, (4132), (4417), Turner Classic 132 (5558), (9523) Movies 133, Fox Movie Channel (897) (134), ShopNBC 228 135, (4135), (4418), 135, (4429), BBC America (879) (4937), (5529), (9450) 136, (383), (4136), 136, (4442), FX (878) (4914), (5595), (9423), (9475) 137 137, (4137) QVC 138, (4138), (4315), (4379), (4443), 138 TNT (4908), (5501), (5583), (9420) 139, (4139), (4316), 139 (4380), (4444), TBS (4918), (5555), (9499) 140, (4140), (4317), (4381), (4445), 140 ESPN (4930), (5505), (5581), (9424) 141 ESPNU 142*, (4142), (4318), (4382), (4446), * HD feed removed by ABC- 142 ESPNEWS (4942), (5519), (5553), Disney due to contract dispute. (9494) 143 ESPN Classic 144, (4144), (4319), (4383), (4447), 144 ESPN2 (4931), (5506), (5589), (9425) (145) ESPN Alternate (146) ESPN2 Alternate (147) ESPN Alternate (148) ESPN Alternate 149, 149, (4149), (4943), Fox Soccer (877) (5560), (9520) 150, (4150), (4320), 150, (4384), Speed (891) (4961), (5597), (9468) Will be re-named NBC Sports 151, (4151), (4321), 151 Versus Network, (4385), (5517), (9466) Effective January 2, 2012 152, (4152), (4322), CBS Sports 152 (4386), (5522), (9495) Network 153 153 MLB Network 154, (4154), (4323), (4387), 154 NFL Network (4451), (4958), (5507), (9426) 155 155, (4155), (9467) NFL RedZone 156 156 NBA TV 157, 157 NHL Network (625) 159, NuvoTV (874) 160, (4160), (4324), (4388), 160 MTV (4452), (4926), (5567), (9484) 161 MTV2 162, (4162), (4325), 162 VH1 (4389), (5575), (9507) 163 VH1 Classic (165), SIRIUS Music 919 Information 166, (4166), (4326), 166 CMT (4390), (5549), (9493) Great American 167 Country 168, (4168), (4327), (4391), 168 Spike (4455), (4917), (5573), (9506) 169 Nick Jr. 170, (4170), (4328), (4392), 170 Nickelodeon (east) (4456), (4907), (5571), (9416) 171 Nickelodeon (west) 172*, (4172), (4329), * HD feed removed by ABC- (4393), Disney Channel 172 Disney due to contract dispute. (4457), (4905), (5561), (east) Spanish in SAP is not available. (9433) Disney Channel 173 (west) 174*, (4174), (4330), 174, (4394), * HD feed removed by ABC- Disney XD (847) (4458), (4906), (5524), Disney due to contract dispute. (9449) 175, Boomerang (873) 176, (4176), (4331), (4395), Cartoon Network 176 (4459), (4903), (5559), (east) (9463) Cartoon Network 177 (west) 178 Nicktoons 179, 179 The Hub (888) * HD feed removed by ABC- 180 180 ABC Family Disney due to contract dispute. 181 TeenNick 182 182, (4182), (4333), Discovery Channel (4397), (4461), (4901), (5541), (9487) 183, (4183), (4334), (4398), (4462), 183 TLC (4932), (5504), (5543), (9488) 184, (4184), (4335), 184, (4399), Animal Planet (887) (4463), (4900), (5520), (9489) 185, 185, (4185), (4421), Hallmark Channel (896) (5548), (9482) 186, (4186), (4336), National 186, (4400), Geographic (886) (4464), (4959), (5518), Channel (9429) 187, (4187), (4337), Hallmark Movie 187 (4401), (5530), (9444) Channel Gospel Music 188 188 Channel 189*, OWN: Oprah 189 (885) Winfrey Network 190, (4190), (5513), National 190 (9445) Geographic Wild 191 191, (4191), (4414) G4 192, (4192), (5538), Investigation 192 (9526) Discovery 193, (4193), (4338), 193 Science (4402), (5532), (9490) 194, (4194), (4339), 194 Planet Green (4403), (5598), (9457) 195 Military Channel 196 Travel Channel 197, The Documentary (875) Channel 198 Cloo 199 Chiller [edit] Channels 200-299 SD # HD # Station Notes 200 200 CNN 202 202 HLN 203, (893) Bloomberg Television 204 204 TruTV 205 205 Fox News Channel 206 206 Fox Business Network 207, (892) CNBC World 208 208 CNBC 209 209 MSNBC 210, (9404) C-SPAN 211 C-SPAN2 214 214 The Weather Channel 215 215 216, (882) Ion (east) 217 Ion (west)/qubo* * on daily from 6am-6pm 218 Veria 219 America Live 220*, (83), MALL (Satellite Response * channel shown as "Mercury" (123) Network) in official channel lineup card 221 Live Shopping (222), 84 HSN BEST (Satellite Response 223, (85) Network) 224 SHOP Collectables & Treasures shares the channel with 225 (Perry's Estate Jewelry & Cutlery Shepard's Chapel Network Corner) 226 HSN 2 227, (86) Jewelry Television 228 ShopNBC 229 Gems & Jewelry TV 230 In Country Television 231, (9398) 231 RFD-TV (232), KTLA (Los Angeles) (Pacific (252), (6310) The CW Time Zone) (8004) (234), WPIX (New York City) (251), (6304) The CW (Eastern Time Zone) (8104) (235), KWGN (Denver) (Mountain (6334) The CW (8204) Time Zone) (236), WSBK (Boston) (Eastern Time MyNetworkTV (8775) Zone) (238), WWOR (New York City) MyNetworkTV (8105) (Eastern Time Zone) 239, (881) 239 WGN America 240 Pursuit Channel (241), WNBC (New York City), for a (6302) NBC (Eastern Time Zone) (8102) time, WXIA (Atlanta) KNTV (San Francisco), (242), (6440) NBC (Pacific Time Zone) originally KNBC (Los (8222) Angeles) (243), WCBS (New York City), for a (6301) CBS (Eastern Time Zone) (8101) time, WGCL (Atlanta) (244), KPIX (San Francisco), (6439) CBS (Pacific Time Zone) (8221) originally KCBS (Los Angeles) (245), WABC (New York City), for a (6300) ABC (Eastern Time Zone) (8100) time, WSB (Atlanta) KGO (San Francisco), (246), (6438) ABC (Pacific Time Zone) originally KABC (Los (8220) Angeles) (247), WNYW (New York City), for (6303) Fox (Eastern Time Zone) (8103) a time, WAGA (Atlanta) KTVU (San Francisco), (248), (6441) Fox (Pacific Time Zone) originally KTTV (Los (8223) Angeles) (249) PBS schedule X to be replaced by Disney 253 SOAPnet Junior in February 2012 257 SonLife Broadcasting Network 258 The Church Channel 259 The Inspiration Network 260, (9409) Trinity Broadcasting Network 261, (9417) EWTN 262, (9701) Angel One 263 Daystar Television Network 264, (9394) Kids & Teens TV * channel shown as "CCTV-9" 265*, (694) CCTV News on official channel lineup card 266, (9395) Angel Two 267, (9399) Christian Television Network 269, (838) mun2 270, (827) 270, (827) Univision (east) 271, (830) 271 TeleFutura (east) 272, 272, (831) TeleFutura (west) (5348) 273, (833) 273, (833) Galavisión 274* Liquidation Channel * channel shown as "DISH Shopping" on official channel lineup card NEW (Satellite Response (275), (72) Network) (285), (285), 395 395, Sportsman Channel (9483) 287 DISH Earth Pay-Per-View Schedule & (290) Previews / DISH Studio 292 The 3 From EPIX (293), 378 IndiePlex 294 Current TV (295), 380 Epix (296), 381 EPIX2 (298), 385 MGM HD (299) ReelzChannel [edit] Channels 300-399 SD # HD # Station Notes Premium Networks 300 300 HBO (east) 301 301 HBO2 (east) 302 302 HBO Signature 303 303 HBO (west) 304 304 HBO2 (west) 305 305 HBO Family 307 307 HBO Comedy 308 308 HBO Zone 309 309 HBO Latino 310 310 Cinemax (east) 311 311 Cinemax (west) 312 312 MoreMax 313 313 ActionMax 314 314 5StarMax 318 318 Showtime (east) 319 319 Showtime (west) 320 320 Showtime Too 321 321 Showcase 322 Showtime Extreme 323 Showtime Beyond 327 327 The Movie Channel (east) 328 The Movie Channel XTRA (east) 329, The Movie Channel (west) (898) 330, The Movie Channel XTRA (899) (west) 332, Sundance Channel (389) 333 Flix 340 340 Encore (east) 341 Encore (west) 342 Encore Westerns 343 Encore Action 344 Encore Suspense 345 Encore Drama 346 Encore Love 347 Encore Family SD # HD # Station Notes 350 350 Starz (east) 351 Starz (west) 352 352 Starz Edge 353 Starz Cinema 354 354 Starz Comedy
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