1 1 April 11,1996 in the life of community service ... «• die Rivenon wastelands, a 5.500 person community situated in a garbage dump Kingston, Jamaica Navajoland >'> Ed Flowers Jamaica Honduras hs 1 .1 l lowers by Tania Saminan h\ Maria Marcuiu -'" van broke Inierai lion with tht • ommunit) ami /W6 over a hundred Wenl lo Riverton again, the waste- Our Russian-made down on (two- way road). at unexpti led timet dents dedicated their spring lands of a garbage dump We finished a one-way bridge We .i In li ' en pushed the van off the bridge and We guihercd in small semi i <ce for others. All Saints' the roof and the house is nearly through th stopped in front of an elementary school eariiei tonight expecting short talk from trnerously reached out a hand now. but it was such a troubling day I nun up the hill and tried to roll Sister Gloria, a Rom. in JBlholit ind "led in five locations both Like Monday, as soon as the bus dropped We pushed "I ,r "nd back A man with a truck native Navajo, on the merging overseas. Breakers traveled us off. kids swarmed out of the shacks Itait down '" lowed van back for us and some ( hristianii) with Navajo ipiritualil) and " "nee as New Orleans and and huts and swarmed around us They the following dinner '"'"'' guys in a fish truck gave us a ride rituals Hei tall began ""other group ventured were so eager to help, helping us on I - lorm.it .is iltei dinner lu If). We are shoveling and wheel in much 'he same Navajo reservation >" our supplies and the roofing material! lo harrowing din into a building behind Ihe in, very inlorui.il 'then made overseas trips the house Keesha was there again, thai she would like to Episcopal Church "i San i emandoRey She then staled I'idOmoa. Honda- making her way from person to person. building will he a school begin, aflet whit h shi placed .> small rug ' '"'inning She in Omoa. The Journalsfrom Man h always wrapped around SOmebod) li * ilh corn meal of the And our fir fill in the Boot on Ihe flooi sprinl d ''call a day ofunique craves affection mote than any pollen and othei el tnl ol ihe and then to mis and p" u ' concrete (by ' •• students and others; they are all at least satisfied with Of w.ilrr lire tin hand) carlli Sin- also placed and I the people thev attention the presence hasn't spread the form ol it either sideof was a little News of our about 1 2 years old, [an, mass much ycl. hut we're confident that the earthen >rleans hellion today When he wasn't tryin entire ceremon) proceeded with i, Mir five children wt and) The climb onto the roofing beams, he kept oi mttei see Navajo, p 5 cn.i. see Jamau a, /' 5 ~~ News Sports Arts Frank Kermode visits campus, p. *Si{n on the upswing, p. 7 n Fein lecture, p.3 3 Baseball s Ail-American, p.6 D Girls Against Boys, p. 1 iirling' s Coffee House opens, O Jon Morris, Smith exhibition it help or fl Kathryn Garcia P-2 D Spring break: does athletes?, p.6 opens in University Gallery, p. 1 ^Pple takes sabbatical, p.2 hinder Sewanee April II, m<- Page 2 The Sewanee Purple NEWS Stirling's finally open; Shorts Department truck will drive the Sewanee by Margaret Graham rojfl the tunes provided by Agents of in Here are your waters, and youi watering a local band which includes fan, , place. Drink and be whole again beyi <nd member Bran Potter. Debbie Stiriu , " - Robert Frost onfuslon. dedicate the coffeehouse lo her has' William Clarkson and Jennifer MkIic.iI at 3:30 pm. Speeches by Sam selected the above quote lo convey the Williamson, Rob Pearigen and a>.« essence of Stirling's Coffee House which students who helped to brew up 'h< official opened on Monday. April 1 The quota- of the coffeehouse. The tion was i Favorite ofTed Stirling's, for cutting ceremony will begin the rm whom the establishment is named festivities including several band' Stirling is memorialized al the coffee- v-ill play late into the night (aided house by serving as ils namesake and a much caffeine). portail of the professor by Emily Rowers The cost of caffeine will range i' has been commisioned to hang cents for the Plain 01' Cup o' Ji>c permenantly >>n the walls. $2.75 for Can* Mocha. Baked g.« Rower's painting is not the only bagels and biscotli, are available artwork which graces the temple to most expensive item, a bagel v.n' caffeine— the house contains a student- gourmet cream cheese, only com 1 v/ifia first show is 1 A 1 Erlrmne and Rob Rhoden participate in the legacy of English comprehensive mn gallery The entitled University charge cards are am examinations "Works Done While Wired on Caffeine." a $20 pay-in-advance punch car • and submissions are still being accepted available at the register. Allegn at the house. "Seattle-style roaster." supplies th Although Stirling's opened on Monday, and single origin beans, accordm. the grand opening will be on Wednesday, Jenny Blanchard, ultimate beann April 10. The festivities will include a When asked how the first da> parade from Gorgas to the yellow house Blanchard said. "The sun came ot on Georgia Avenue The Sewanee Fire we were closing and that's K, llh, then polish artist extraordinaire, decorates a friends car durum Super Saturday again tipped ils hat to tradition on Super Saturday, March 30, as American Studies, Philosophy, Religion, and English majors compnl Wot an Fools April Day joke: Ryland Moore frotlis milk behind the counter duru". < Stirling's offee House opening day. April I Tom Kepple plans sabbatical for summer b) \iikcIu Wurtf program at Harvard called the Institute for Bi BUM <>l the construction and DAIRY QUEE| k. torn pple, Vict Presldenl <>i Busi« Educational Management (IEM). and opening of the Fowler Center, Kepple has Qucci nasi and Community Relations, will take traveling in England. France and the USA Monteagle Dairy nol had the opportunity to go on sabbati- What he I ills a little overdue" Kcpple's wire, 10% Discount with UniverstJ sabbatical Pal. executive assistant to cal in recent years. This summer will, m Ihil summer Ine break is I benefit which the Vice-Chancellor, will not attend the Student ID fact, constitute his first opportunity to eacfaol the ailiiunistratore at the top of IBM seminar but will accompany Kepple month lake ndvantage of the benefit, and he Ravor of the the Univet it) even i. > mi) eOJO) on his travels eagerly awaits the sabbatit.il which he Cappiccino idrninistnton' During sabbaticals are like Kepple's absence, Man u has Blizzard been seriously planning since last Heath i.h uii\ members' sabbaticals, except Clarkson, director of Personnel Services September He anticipates "refreshing" Hours: Sunday-Friday 10am- ihortei Kepple i vacation from Sewanee and University Services, will serseas himself, "learning new things" and Saturday 10am-9pm will si. begin Mas im | ,, unhide on August acting Vice-President, and each of the returning to Sewanee to be more produc- I .' He plana to spend the directors Call in orders welcome time sharpen- m University administration will er in fundraising and "things" in his nluisinK skills at a number of "do projects here and " 615-924-2791 there." according to "own area seminars DOflOl v.hich is a three-week Kepple We are student friendly!! HWY 64. Cowan ©67-7824 Come check us out! Voa. uc. Am Ex, Optima a pnl 1 ,1996 The Sewanee Purple Page 3 c NEWS rhomas Hartley of Sinn Fein speaks with the Purple Now that Sinn Fein Ls coming to speak there has long been a conflict between "History's a nightmare from which I Sullivan for more and more Irish people, how two major political forces. If you're am trying to awake." To what extent is \Hartlev is a Belfast City Coun- does the IRA fit into the new para- broadly speaking, these are the forces of Sinn Fein trying to wake up from its ' the Sinn Fein party who digm? Did the recent bombings in and the forces own historical nightmare, or to what British imperialism ol Irish la special Presidential visa last Lnndon represent the frustrations of nationalism in its varied forms And in a extent is that history central to what I lectured in Convocation Hall. Sinn Fein supporters, or were they a sense what is happening in Ireland ti you call "the integrity of the quarrel?" ['/ always wanted to practice in-irjv.il of the "Yes" vote for peace is the tail-end of that long conflict. Well, you know human beings in my view Sinn \ and started out making bodhrdns that Fein cast two years ago? How does the EC fit into the conflict? are three-dimensional. They operate in not Irish drums) until, as he says, The issue of the IRA is very complex In You mentioned last night that since " the past, they operate in the present, and is I intervened and ruined my our community, historically, thcic very lift. London and the Republic are both in the future. Each of those elements ays that coming to America big support lor the IRA. And the molOl "l& active in that organization, links are determines the way we are. We just don't claiming a part m\ history for the IRA is to be found in the experi- of of being created.
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