WHO WAS THE FIRST ONE THAT PREACHED ETERNAL SECURITY TO MANKIND? Even if it is sure that they will not be deceived, enesis is the book of “seeds”, and what yet the serpent is working again with that same Gstarted there, we find it matured at the lie. end time. And the seed at the end will be the And to “whom” is he speaking that lie? Again he same as it was in the beginning. is speaking it to “God’s children”, to the Elects, Now, who was the first one that preached eternal like he did the first time. security to the woman, the church? It was the Look here. God, our Father, through His SERPENT, not God. messenger has told us many times that “IF” we Genesis 3:4: “And the serpent said unto the are IN CHRIST, we are eternal secured. He has woman: ‘Ye shall not surely die’”. told us that “IF” we are born again by the Word In other words, the serpent said to the woman, of this age, we are eternal secured. He has told us the church: “You cannot die, because you are a many times that “IF” we stay with the Word, we part of God, you are Elect, you are a child of are eternal secured. He has told us that “IF” we God, you have eternal security”. have the Token, we are eternal secured. He has told us that “IF” we APPLY, SHOW, DISPLAY But God told to His elect that if they would eat of the Token, we are eternal secured. He has told us that tree of “knowledge” they will surely die. that “IF” our name is in a special section of the So we find out here two different pattern of Lamb’s Book Of Life, we are eternal secured. In talking. other words, He has told us EXACTLY what He 1) God’s talking to His children, the elects, was told to His first children, Adam and Eve. that if they would eat of that tree they will Brother Branham teaches us that God cannot SURELY D IE, change His program. And as He did with His first 2) Satan’s talking to God’s children, the elect, children, so He will do with His last children. was all the opposite, that they SHALL NOT The first children was put in front of a SURELY D IE. “decision”, in front of a “choosing”. What about You see, the serpent was preaching to the elects, His last children? Can He change method? No, to God’s children, ETERNAL SECURITY. He cannot change method. He uses the “same” bases, same principles, same ways, as He did In other words, the serpent’s meaning was: “You with His first children. can disobey God and STILL YOU ARE SAVED. You can go out of the Word, and still you are saved. So now we find ourselves with many Scriptures Salvation does not depend on what you do, it is where our God says that none of His children can an act of God. Remember: You are God’s be lost. We have many verses of the Bible and children, and because of that you are eternal the Message where God tell us about our eternal secured, and shall not die”. But was it true? We security that we have in Christ; many verses all know that it was a PERFECT lie of the devil. where He tells us that the Elects cannot be deceived. And we praise God for that! That is our Now, that was at the “beginning”. What about eternal assurance that we have in Him. Amen. now, at the END? Will the serpent come to God’s children again with that PERFECT lie? I But, I ask you a question: “Has the serpent any believe he does. And will the elects of the end thing to say to God’s children of this last time listen to that lie? NO, they will not! The generation? Is he still working, trying to deceive Bride, the Elects, the Children of the last day the Elects, God’s children, or has he stopped?”. CANNOT be deceived with that lie. For sure I believe that you all know that he is still busy. Rather, he is now more busy than ever, in - 1 - trying to deceive the Elects. will kill it! And she can tell to the wolf: “Don’t And what is he preaching to deceive God’s touch me, because I am God’s sheep. Don’t eat children? He is preaching just exactly what he me, because I am an elect”. You think the wolf preached the first time: “You shall not surely will care to what she says? No way! He will die”. surely kill her! But if she stays with the o Shepherd, then the wolf will never dear to touch it. You see, the same thing is with the believer. THE DEVIL IS TRYING AGAIN Now, let me just put to your attention some TO DECEIVE BY PREACHING considerations. We all know how Brother ETERNAL SECURITY Branham firmly believed in predestination. We TO GOD’S CHILDREN, THE ELECTS! all know how he said that we was saved since My dear Brothers and Sisters, God is putting us before the foundation of the world. We all know on the SAME BASIS He put Adam and Eve, His that. But the question is: “Does he say ONLY first children. that? Or does he present ANOTHER SIDE of the We are eternal secured with the “CONDITION” same Truth”? This side is where I want to bring THAT WE STAY IN CHRIST! your attention, without forgetting or putting away We are eternal secured IN THE MEASURE THAT WE the first side. STAY WITH THE WORD OF GOD! If the elect cannot be deceived, then tell me why Today the children of God have the same the Holy Spirit in the prophet warns us all the possibility to be deceived like the first ones. But time to be careful of the deceiving spirits? Tell they WILL NOT be deceived, because they stay me why? If the elects cannot be deceived, then with the Word. That is why they cannot be what need there is to say: “Be careful!”? deceived. STAY WITH THE WORD, and you If you know that your child cannot be killed by a will never be deceived. car, because he is secured where he is, then tell But the Word that the serpent is preaching, goes me why you shout to him: “Be careful!”. Why? in this line: “Do what you want, you are elected If you say to me that the place where is your son any how, because election does not depend from is the most safety place, a place where no harm you”. That is true! Election depends only from can came to him, no danger, nothing; and then I God. But the question is: “Do I keep that hear you shouting: “My son, be careful!”, you election, or do I loose it, and let the serpent steal know what I thing about you? I think that you are it?”. That is the question! crazy. That is normal, because you contradict The Word that the serpent preaches is: “It is not yourself! what you do; it is what ‘God’ has done for you. But God does not contradicts Himself! No way. He saved you before the foundation of the world. So, in one side He tells us that we are eternal You are His child. You cannot be lost. So just secured, and cannot be lost; and in the other side relax. Take it easy. Just believe, and do nothing”. He tells us to be careful, because we could be See, Satan is just exactly using God’s Word on deceived. election, to deceive! Satan is deceiving by using Now, what the serpent is now doing is just to the Truth that the elects cannot be deceived. “emphasize” only one side of the Truth, and he What he does is just to “apply it to you in his says: “You are eternal secured. You cannot be way”, and by that he deceives you. lost. The second Eve cannot be deceived. God So the serpent is deceiving by preaching you the loses none of His children. Election does not Truth, but just “one side” of It. depend from you, it is from the Lord”. And ALL The elect cannot be deceived not because he is this is the Truth, but JUST ONE SIDE of It. an elect, but because he stays with the Word, The other side of the Truth is that, in spite of the every Word of God. That is why he cannot be fact that you are elect, that you cannot be deceived. deceived, that you cannot be lost, there is also A wolf does not eat a sheep only because she is that “BE CAREFUL!” that comes out of God’s a sheep, but because she stays with the pastor. mouth, the prophet. If a sheep goes away from her shepherd, the wolf And that “BE CAREFUL!” is what the serpent - 2 - hates. But I love it! loose your soul, if salvation depends only from Since in the Garden of Eden, God has ALWAYS the Lord? How can you loose your soul, if you told to His children (not to the heathens) “be are elected by the predestination of God? Just careful!”, ALWAYS. Every true prophet of God think about this side of the Truth, my brother! has preached to the people of God: “Be o Careful!”.
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