V • • fr - t >... -t- .ft - / ..■ . '/ /■ I, ' 7 . JW NBAT'V^BIL 20, »B» ■' -'.i PAGli EtCHTEEK 'T iHanrtifiste^r lEoraUtn^ l| m t!i Avenge Daily Net Prew Ron V»r' the Wm Ii' thifled . V Thr•Weather-— Manchester Chapter ,of Hadas- Red Men tcKNole ^ ' April IS, 1988 Foreeaat et D. B. Weutber Bwuae AbbiitTowii sah will hold its donor meSting to­ “Give lo the USO. .and You’ll Feel'Belter” • • ■ ^ morrow at 8 p. m. in TempleTBeth ^ Clear, cold tonight. Fair, warm­ Sholom, featuring ’ Ethel Henin 4l8t Anniversary 10;932 ll«ry C. Ke«n^ Telit, No. 14, Bowers, actress, monologist and I Member e( the Audit er tVedneaday. Minimum tealflM ©UVCW, will mee't et the home dramatic reviewer of plays., Hadan- Bureau et CtreiflstionB about 82. ssdi board members will be hos­ Mi'antdnomoh Tribe No. .38, _ e( Mre. Arthur H utc^son of 183 UWN and / H anche»ter— A City of Village Charm North Elm etreet tom>irrow at 8 tesses. tORM, will observe its 41at anni- i-', V- «•. -xs . "\ ' vesaary Sunday from 1:30 to 9 -re The Wasljington-South ' School [^iaaeinad Aflrertiaiag eu Page ifl) ■ '-X . ■ ~— \ p. m. at the Italian-American GARDEN VOL. LXXH, NO. 171 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1953 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) The Stanley yroup of the Sputh Child Study group vdll meet to­ ■s.. PRICE n v i esNTf night at 8 o’clock in the newly Club. A steak dinner will be served M4thediat WSCS will conduct, a l?T- rununace tale in Cooper Hall ^ renovated South School. ’The sub­ at 1:30 by Garden Grove caterers the chtireh Thureday at 9 a. m. ject for discussion will be danger and wtll be folipwed by entertain­ NEEDS Donen who desire articles picked Signs of delinquency and the prob­ ment and dancing. up should contact Mra-. Chester lems of delinquency^ in the com­ Entertainment will be provided U, S. Say^ Chiang Firew orks Ferrii of 14'' Elro street before munity. Mrs.' Justine iScher of by Tony O'Bright and his orches­ Wednesday afternoon. RockiHlle, probation officer for tho tra will play for dancing. ,It is ex­ RockvilW-Manchester area, will pected that the great sachem and Probe Calls Earl W. Tost, sports editor of speak and answer questions,, All his board of chiefs of the State of parents are urged to attend. Connecticut W’ill be |freaent,, al.so Rebels 3^st Quit The Herald, will speak at the sports night program at the Tem­ several past great sachems of the The WBA w X meet, tomorrow local lodge., j ___ __________ Ex-Senator ple Beth Sholom tonight at 8 Any memfiera wishing tickets o’clock. The program, which is night at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows Hall. No rehear^aal will be held. should obtain them by contacting being arranged by Sol Cohen, will any of the following committee state Capitol, Hartford. also Include two sports Aims. Re- members by ’Thuraday. Sal Ven- April 21— (/P) — The Senate freahments will be rerved by the Manchester Chapter, Women of ririllo, William Shields, Joseph began at 2:11 p. m., today, to hoqiitality committee. the Moose, No. 1094, wiR hold a Butler, Roy Phelps and Paul Jones, U nited N ations/ N. Y ., "depredations” against the Bhr- meeting Wednesday night at 8 debate the bill, already passed April 21—(/P)—T> U..S. to- ™ o’clock at,, the British-Ametdean A* .a ■ \v'-' •/^' ij IlfGtTlilAII WSTG "COWltMMI-*01$**' 'by' (he House, to> ban the dale ■"'•girt.' Trank' Houseand four chil­ Club on Maple .street. AH mem­ dren of St. James, Mo.,, are visiting FERTILIZER-5-10-5 d^ay threw it.3 support behind d,t, pomng nx Chjne.e Natiohai- and use of fireworks in Con­ bers are urgejl to attend. B urm a’a demimd th a t Chinese u t*” and that the removal of the St the home of her brother and necticut. The Senate-’fl late Two of Three Americans Are Freedom Bound N ationalist guerrillas g et o ff genuine guerrillaa would leave sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mrs. Edson M. Bailey, Mrs. C. start delayed t he ^second ses­ Second 100 Bonham of 162 North School se e . $4.2S—SPECIAL 100 LBS. ........... ....S3.S0 its soil a n d ^ ld it w as activ e- , airm a able to control the others. Reds Seen H. Ferguson and Mrs. W, G. Payne, ' l ^ o u n . • sion of a special legislative’s Street, until Thursday when they I,- »„rkl«^ to brio,' all m*"’*’**'*' Cosmopolitan committee’s ilivesti|;ation of will fly to Bordeaux, France, to join Club, attended a meeting of the i DRICdNURE, 50 LB. BA G ....... ........... $2.50 alKiUT. / % Burmese, gbv'eriimeht which has charges pf influence peddling Disabled in Mr. House, who is serving there in Hartford County Fed!eration of Chief/U. S. Delegate Henry no diplomatic, reUtiona with Refusing to the U. S. Army. ^ Women’s Clubs in Soulhingtbn, on Cabot jLodge, Jr., told the 60-na-, Chiang Kai-ahek'a government on in connection with the bill. Bent Mtoj, Shttp Mehurt, Vigore, Agrieo April 16. h o m e c o m f o r t tion political committee the U. S. Formosa. No meeting of the Buckland wa^hard at work on a three-point Lodge, however, dlaagreed with Hartford, April 21— (/P)— UN Sector Return All Community Qub will be helH this Paul Paige, son of Mr. adi^ Mrs. piM. It would: Burma's demand that the UN con­ A special legislative commit­ m u ^ . The next meeting will be Philip Mahoney of 10 Drive E, will /l. Require the active support demn the Natlonaliat regime for tee, resumed today its investi­ 1 May 36 at which time it is hop- MORIARTY Bros. /Of the Chinese Natlonaliat gov­ Panmunjom, Koi’eii, April Freedom Village, Korea, leave Chicago on April 24 for a aggression againat Burma. He aald gation into Alleged influence sthat\the details for changing two-weeks concert tour with the 3 15 C E N T 1 R S r ernment to Influence the 12,000 auch . a condemnation would qot 21— —-A second group of April 21— (/P) — Accountfl ®( l^OTA jvill be completed. North Park College A Cappella guerrillaa in Berma to give up. help bring about the "peaceful and peddling in attempts to kill 100 disabled but jubilant Bataan-style death marchis, choir. The group will present 14 Herald Photo. ■2. Stop military operations be- practical aettlement" for which the anti - fireworks legislation. lied prisoners came baCk, roncerts In seven east coast and Robert Weaver of Jersey City, N. J„ was visiting his aunt. Mrs. Helen Fitspstrick. this week end. OIL lURMER twean the Burmese army and U. 8. waa working. semi-starvation, and calcoli^ The ^Immaculate Conception •First witness before the com­ from North Korean prison ed brutality came today fitHM Mothers ClHje will meet with Mr*. New England ata tea. but he'found enough time to make a contribution at the USO headquarters on Nfain street. Mrs. Fitz­ REPAIR those guerrillaa. Ueporta Progreaa' mittee this afternoon was for­ patrick is one of the volunteers working on the drive. Bobby, whose father is a veteran, had aome S." IMaarm the Chineae and re­ The U. 8. delegate said progreaa stockades today as the .30 the second handful orAIUed \ Edmond Morapcey, 37 Kensington adrice to give *a he shelled out to Carol Whltcher (renter) and Mrs. Retha Bayles, solicitors. "Give mer State Sen. Dominick Street, at 8 p. m^Wednesday. Members of the Manchester T*l. MItehBlI 3-5135 move them to fbrmoaa via Thai­ hgd already been made and said Americans eXchanged yester­ soldiers retu rn ^ from Con* League of Women Voters are re­ to the USO. Give generous. And yrtu'll feel betler." land. Lodge said Thailand had he hoped "tangible res'uln" would Pedace of Norwich, day landed in Japan on their riiunist prison camps. " * Pidace waa named by fireworks George Willard 'pf the Nfw minded of the annual meeting to tgreed, to this. be forthcoming. way home. And Btoriea of many morn’ dM- be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the since the start of the year- Each Cites Burma Righta A itatement In Formosa today distributor Harold Disco in the Model laundry on Sihnmit street opening session of the investigation Many of the American and other geroualy ill Alllad aoIdTera MinTla was named a member o f^ e board Federation Room of Center Con­ Woodbury Is Site state will be represented .by two The American representative by Nationalist Foreign Minjater United Nations piiaenera wha Red capuvity indIcnUd tho Oom- gregational Church. schools. j said the U. S. felt Burma had the deorge Teh saying that his gov- last week as the person who‘ told of directors of the Connecticut him an antijfirewgrka bill "could rolled thropgh Freedom Gate •to­ munlata do not plan to frno .>i^ ■right to demand the removal of alck and wounded as tbay had launderers and Cleaners Ass^ia- Of Drama Festival ______________ X.-''________ • (CosHmied an Pag« Ten) be taken care of” for $4,000. day were laughing and Joking, in tion at ihe meeting held Satut^y The annual “Fellowrraft Club Another Shipment I the Chineae, whom he accused of sharp contrast to the solemn air agreed to do. » Night" will be observed by Man- The House has already-' passed Skt the Hotel Bond in Hartford. the bill • which would prohibit re­ of those freed aa the exchange of Today’a reports rocallad n o hester ^dge No.
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