AROUND CHIBA CITY MAP 駅 Goi五井 Sta. ay w ss e 道 easonal nformation r p S I 車 x 動 E 自 Narita a 山 m 館 a y Narita e t Airport a T SAI SAI Spring in Chiba City March-April Kominato Railway 2 小湊鉄道 Chiba Castle Sakura Festival TokyoCHIBA CITY ⒶMAKUHARI Ⓐ This is a festival held during the Ⓓ YOTSUKAIDO CITY sakura (cherry blossom) flowering ダミー Yotsukaido 0 500m Kaihimmakuhari season in Inohana Park, which is Kazusaushiku Sta. CAFÉ ZUIKO 1 上総牛久駅 famous for its sakura. Visitors can Chiba (in Kofukuzenji Temple) also appreciate and admire the ro- Ⓑ ⒷCHIBA CITY CENTRAL India Sri lanka Restaurant mantic sight of sakura at night. 3 Samanara Soga Tokyo Bay 0 2km 内房線 Haneda Airport ICHIHARA E Ⓒ MARINE HOTEL Goi Narita Tokyo Airport Chiba MAKUHARI Haneda JR Uchibo Line Airport AREA Ⓒ 0 200m Legend West Exit JR line East Exit ummer in Chiba City June Private railway Ⓒ ICHIHARA AREA / 市原エリア Goi Sta. S Expressway 五井駅 National load Oga Lotus at Chiba Park CHIBA CITY ICHIHARA CITY AREA /市原市エリア This is an oasis in a big city where CENTRAL many flowers and trees are planted 1 CAFÉ ZUIKO Kofukuzenji Temple and where you can enjoy differing Access ※Transfer delays not includedAREA in time estimates. お陽様と風のカフェ 瑞江(曹洞宗延命山 光福禅寺内) Itarian seasonal aspects throughout the Kana 1097 Saze, Ichihara City year. Oga Lotus flowers bloom t o e n n n n n t TEL:0436-92-1335 from an ancient seed of 2,000 years ◆ Train l tio gawa ai e a r e e Statio Statioe ago after three such seeds were n Statio o 11am-3:30pm Lin a t Closed on Mon,Tue (the following day if it is a discovered in an archeological dig Statio national holiday), NYD in Chiba in 1951, and is the oldest Yamanote Lin Chib Haneda Airpor Hamamatsuch Tokyo Statio Yotsukaid Sakura StAirpor Narita Airpor Tokyo Mono JR JR Sobu Lin JR Sobu Lin JR Sobu Lin JR Narita Express Daytime:¥1,200 flower now blooming in the world. The lotus flowers bloom in Hasu-ike JR Uchibo Line pond and attract many people every year with their mysteri- JR Keiyo Line Chiba Urban ◀ Lunch Set ous appearance. Oga Lotus is Chiba’s prefectural flower. Kaihimmakuhari Monorail Go iStation Station ※Transfer delays not included in time estimates. SAI SAI Access Chibaminato 2 Station 中華料理 彩菜 Ramen 5612-1 Goi, Ichihara City ◆ TrainTransportation between the Airport and the Main Stations TEL:0436-21-5778 Keisei Highway Bus Keisei Highway Bus Haneda Kaihimmakuhari Station Narita Airporinet 11am-2pm / 5pm-10pm in Ichihara City November-December Airport Station Station L Autumn 30 Minutes 40 Minutes Closed on Tuesdays Station Autumn Leaves Keikyu Bus ChibaKominato Bus Daytime:¥500 HanedHanedaa Airport Hamamatsucho GoiTokyo StationGoi Yotsukaido R NaritaAirport Expre Naritass Airport Tokyo Monorail JR Yamanote Line JR Sobu Line JR Sobu Line JR SobuSakura LineNaritaJ Station Airport Night:¥1,000 Airport Station Station in Yoro Keikoku Valley 60 Minutes 70 Minutes East Exit Ichihara Parking This is one of the famous sightseeing JR Uchibo Line ◆ Transportation betweenJR Keiyo Makuhari Line Area and Chiba City Central Area ◀ Chop Suey Ramen spots in Chiba Prefecture. The valley JR (Bus Stop No.9) KeiyoBus Line Chiba Urban(Bus Stop No.10) was formed by the flow of the Yoro Riv- Kaihimmakuhari Monorail Goi Station 3 India Sri lanka Restaurant Samanara er that runs through Ichihara City. You Station 4 0 Minutes インド・スリランカレストラン サマナラ Curry can see spectacular colored leaves in JR Keiyo Line Chiba Urban Monorail ChibaminatoChibaminato 2536-4 Goi, Ichihara City the autumn. Field mustard flowers and ◆ KeiseiKaihim Highway Bus Station Station Chiba TEL:0436-21-6121 fresh green leaves in the spring are also makuhari JR Keiyo Line JR Uchibo Line Station worth seeing. Furthermore, Onsen (hot Soga Mon to Fri 11:30am-2:30pm / 5:30pm-9:30pm HanedaStation Kaihimmakuhari springs), hiking, fishing, barbecue, camp- Airport Station Narita Airport Sat to Sun 11:30am-9:30pm Station Second and third Monday ing and cycling are also enjoyable there. (Bus Stop No.1) Bus JR Sobu Line (Local) Closed on 30 Minutes Makuharihongo 40 Minutes of the month, NYD Station Daytime:¥1,000 Night:¥2,000 ◀ Mutton Curry with Plain Naan Selection Standards ICHIHARA MARINE HOTEL E 市原マリンホテル 1. Pork free menu available Restaurant 2. Alcohol free menu available 2-22-8 Goi Chuonishi, Ichihara City Winter in Yotsukaido City February-April 3. Ingredients are Halal certified TEL:0436-21-5119 1. Prayer mat available Strawberry Picking Hotel 2. Breakfast for Muslim available at Sato Farm 1. There are female staffs For producing delicious strawberries, Beauty Salon 2. Private room available soil cultivation is of first importance. Using eco-friendly fertilizers, large and 3. Prayer space available red strawberries such as “Akihime” and 4. Animal and alcohol free shampoo available “Benihoppe” are grown on our farm. /四街道市エリア Almost everyone who visits for straw- YOTSUKAIDO CITY AREA berry picking, which is available from February, is fully satisfied with the sur- Featuring 700 restaurants 1 ARIAN アリアン Middle Eastern prisingly sweet fruits. It takes only about 60 minutes from Tokyo, and about five HALAL RESTAURANT 357-1 Dainichi, ARIAN Yotsukaido City 1 minutes from Chiba Kita Interchange. HALAL Ⓓ IN JAPAN TEL:043-421-2020 SHOPPING https://www.halalgourmet.jp 11am-3pm / 5pm-11pm Closed on Wednesdays Strawberry-picking is also available in Chiba City! Daytime:¥750 線 Night:¥1,500 総武本 JR Sobu Line Yotsukaido Sta. Dragon Farm 四街道駅 Ver.3, issued in Nov 2017 ◀ Mixed Kebab with Saffron Rice MAKUHARI AREA /幕張エリア CHIBA CITY CENTRAL AREA /千葉市中央エリア Ⓐ MAKUHARI AREA / 幕張エリア Ⓑ CHIBA CITY CENTRAL AREA / 千葉市中央エリア 1 Shokujin Kanda University of International Studies HALAL e 1 Porto Italiana 食神 神田外語大学 Asian Keisei-Makuhari KS 11 Sakusabe Sta. ポルトイタリアーナ Itarian 0 500m 56 0 500m 1-4-1 Wakaba, Mihama-ku, Chiba City hongo Sta. Nishi-Chiba Sta. 西千葉駅 作草部駅 Chiba Portpark, 1 Chuoko, Chuo-ku, Chiba City 京成幕張本郷駅 Midoridai Sta. Chiba University 千葉大学 TEL:043-273-1318 みどり台駅 TEL:043-302-8308 Makuharihongo Sta. Keisei Chiba Line Chiba Urban Monorail Sat 11am-2pm / 5pm-8pm C KS g 12 千葉都市モノレール 11:30am-10pm 52 幕張本郷駅 Keiyo E Nippon Asia Halal Association Sun 11am-2pm xpr 7 日本アジアハラール協会 Closed on Mondays JR Sobu Line ess 京成千葉 Closed on Weekdays Keisei Chiba Line wa JR Sobu Line Chibakoen Sta. y 京 Daytime:¥1,500 Reservation required Takeishi IC 葉 f h 千葉公園駅 武石 道路 Chiba Park S8 千葉公園 Night:¥4,000 Daytime:¥1,000 線 i KS Night:¥2,000 総武本 57 ◀ Asian Meal ◀ Tomato Pasta & Pizza a 線 Nishi-Nobuto Sta. 総武本 Higashi-Chiba Sta. 京成千葉 西登戸駅 東千葉駅 HALAL Chiba Sta. Buffet Restaurant Carmel Hotel Springs Makuhari 線 TAKOTAKO 2 JR Keiyo Line 千葉駅 2 バイキングレストランカーメル ホテルスプリングス幕張 Western 線 Sakaecho Sta. 蛸 TAKO Takoyaki KS 栄町駅 Main Bldg. 1F, 1-11 Hibino, Mihama-ku, Chiba City Makuhari Sta. g 58 37-6 Sakaecho, Chuo-ku, Chiba City Hig KS Todai Kemi awa Shin-Chiba Sta. KS as Keisei-Makuhari Sta. 53 hi- 幕張駅 Sogoundojo 新千葉駅 59 TEL:043-296-0069 Ka 京成幕張駅 東大検見川総合運動場 TEL:043-222-0818 東関 n Yoshikawakoen Sta. 東 to Keisei-Chiba Sta. 11:30am-3pm / 5pm-10pm 自 c 京葉線 葭川公園駅 11am-8pm 動 Ex 1 A 京成千葉駅 Open 365 days 車 p Open 365 days 道 r es b Daytime:¥2,315 sw S5 13 Daytime:¥500 ay Shin-Kemigawa Sta. S4 Night:¥3,241 S9 d 新検見川駅 Night:¥700 S10 Chibaminato Sta. Chiba-Chuo Sta. KS KS 60 8 54 千葉みなと駅 千葉中央駅 Shiyakusho-mae Sta. ◀ Western Buffet Kaihimmakuhari Sta. Kemigawa Sta. K'S HARBOR Chiba Castle ◀ Soy Sauce & Rock Salt Takoyaki 検見川駅 ケーズハーバー 市役所前駅 海浜幕張駅 l 千葉城 Suiran Hotel Springs Makuhari HALAL Kenchomae Sta. Takanoha 3 B 3 翆嵐 ホテルスプリングス幕張 Chinese JR Kei S3 県庁前駅 鷹の羽 Ramen Makuhari Messe S6 S2 Main Bldg. 2F, 1-11 Hibino, Mihama-ku, Chiba City 幕張メッセ Chiba Port Tower WTC Chiba Fujimi Bldg. 1F, 千葉ポートタワー Hon-Chiba Sta. yo Line 1 2-9-13 Fujimi, Chuo-ku, Chiba City TEL:043-296-0094 本千葉駅 ZOZO Marine Stadium TEL:043-227-5505 Mon to Fri 11:30am-3pm / 5:30pm-10pm ZOZOマリンスタジアム 京葉 Sat, Sun and Holidays 11am-3pm / 5pm-10pm Makuhari Beach 線 Higashi-Chiba Sta. Mon to Fri 11:30am-3pm / 4pm-0am AROUND CHIBA STATION / 千葉駅周辺 Open 365 days 東千葉駅 Sat 11:30am-0am 幕張の浜 Sun and Holidays 11:30am-10pm Daytime:¥4,000 線 Closed on Irregular basis Night:¥6,000 Kemigawahama Sta. 総武本 検見川浜駅 Daytime & Night:¥900 ◀ Chinese Course Cuisine ◀ Oiled Prawn Ramen Chiba City Makuhari Tourist Chiba Sta. Jay Nepal JR Sobu Line Kappo Suruga 4 Information Center 2 3 9 千葉駅 4 ジャイネパール Curry 千葉市幕張観光情報センター Chiba City Tourist 割烹駿河 Japanese Patios-5 1F, 2-12 Utase, Mihama-ku, Chiba City D Inage Kaigan Sta. Information Center 1-12 Shin-machi,Chuo-ku, Chiba City Kaihimmakuhari Sta. 稲毛海岸駅 Keisei Chiba千葉市観光情報セ Line ンター Sakaecho Sta. j TEL:043-213-1192 海浜幕張駅 京成千葉 Chiba Urban 栄町駅 TEL:043-241-6166 線 Monorail S1 11am-10pm 5 千葉都市モノレール Mon to Fri 11:30am-2pm / 5pm-10:30pm Makuhari Messe JR Kei KS Closed on Wednesdays and New years days 幕張メッセ 7 59 千葉駅 2 Chiba Shrine Sat 5pm-10pm yo Line Keisei-Chiba Sta. 千葉神社 Closed on Sundays and Holidays Daytime:¥1,000 Mitsui Outlet Park 京成千葉駅 Makuhari Night:¥2,500 8 AURORA MALL JUNNU 3 Chuo Park Daytime:¥2,000 三井アウトレットパーク幕張 京葉 SOGO 中央公園 ZOZO Marine Stadium そごう千葉店 オーロラモールジュンヌ Night:¥5,000 ZOZOマリンスタジアム 線 ◀ Nepal original curry 4 ◀ Tsukimi Bowl (Chicken & Egg) Mihama-en Yoshikawakoen Sta.
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