November 18, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2017 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION—FRIEND half years after his inauguration, growth hurts the United States. The conclusion OR FOE? averaged less than 1 percent (Faux 2). From made, from extensive research in specific there, NAFTA concentrated economic areas, is Mexican illegal immigration is a growth along Mexico’s northern border by detriment to the United States. But, the rea- HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO opening factories called maquiladoras, which sons why illegal immigration hurts the OF COLORADO processed and assembled goods for the boom- United States still need to be addressed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing U.S. consumer market, thereby doubling First, many discussions of immigration Wednesday, November 17, 2004 Mexican employment (Faux 3). But after the fails to take into account the attitude to- U.S. economy slowed down in 2000, employ- wards immigration in the sending countries. Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, a friend of ment in maquiladoras decreased (Faux 3). For example, the Mexican media and polit- mine recently sent me an essay that his Since then, hope that NAFTA would enable ical elite portray the United States nega- granddaughter drafted for her college English Mexican prosperity had vanished. Therefore, tively, and therefore dissention between the composition course on the issue of illegal im- Mexican workers who could not support two countries in regards to immigration is migration. I was thoroughly impressed upon themselves in Mexico turned to the United amplified. Second, manipulation of Amer- reading the article, written by a Ms. Karen States for greater opportunities. Currently, ican politics might occur through Mexican Fox is trying to convince U.S. President, immigrants that become influential in Berg—so much so that I have decided to in- George W. Bush, to ‘‘liberalize migration, American government. Third, if the United sert it into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD so that create guest-worker programs, and provide States continues to allow illegal immigrants other members might be able to review it. I migrants with civil rights and social bene- to take advantage of government provided would encourage them all to do so, Mr. fits’’ in order to encourage Mexican immi- benefits in states like California, there is a Speaker, as it appears to me that this 19-year- gration to the U.S. (Faux 4). possibility the entire country will have simi- old woman has a better grasp of this issue Debate over Mexican illegal immigration lar economic misfortunes in the future. Fi- than many people—including opinion leaders to the United States consists of two opposing nally, since Mexican illegal immigrants have sides. Supporters of illegal immigration be- on the subject—that I have met. monopolized specific areas of employment, lieve it is not fair to prohibit immigrants Americans have difficulty pursuing and ac- ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION—FRIEND OR FOE? from entering the United States, since the quiring those jobs—especially with the pros- America, since its inception, has been U.S. was founded by immigrants. Second, il- pect of guest-worker programs which would viewed as a land of opportunity for those legal immigrants take the low-paying jobs intensify their monopoly. driven to find freedom from tyrannical rule, other Americans are not willing to take. In Mexico, the media and political elite as well as those seeking to expand their They help the American economy because pay close attention to illegal immigration to wealth and influence. Today, little has the amount of skilled and unskilled workers the United States, and have created a one- changed with these motivations but much created by high levels of immigration con- sided, unfavorable portrayal of the United has changed in regard to the population, in- tributes to the nation’s prosperity (Masci 1). States. The United States’ attempts to con- frastructure, and perception regarding the Alan Greenspan, Federal Reserve Chairman, trol their borders are presented as ‘‘racist, management of U.S. borders. This is a new states, ‘‘As we are creating an ever more xenophobic, and anti Mexican’’ (Wall 1). era, where immigration control needs to be complex, sophisticated, accelerating econ- Mexican citizens even blame the U.S. for the orchestrated more effectively than at any omy, the necessity to have the ability to deaths of illegal aliens who die crossing the other time in America’s history due to di- bring in . people from abroad to keep it border, and Mexican politicians have called minishing resources, threats of terrorism, functioning in the most effective manner in- the U.S. border a ‘‘slaughterhouse, or mod- and the socio-economic imbalance that can creasingly strikes me as [sound] policy’’ ern Nazi zone’’ (Wall 1). In Mexico, all polit- result from unregulated influx. In regard to (Masci 1). Greenspan reasons that immi- ical parties support immigration to the the later, it is believed that the immense and grant’s work ethic and motivation make United States, amnesty, and government continuing immigration from Mexico is the them the cornerstones of America’s eco- benefits for Mexicans in the United States, single most immediate and most serious nomic prosperity. Finally, illegal immi- regardless of migratory status (Wall 2). Com- challenge to America’s national identity. grants provide cheap labor to employers, mon slogans Mexicans use to justify illegal Therefore, the question arises; what are the thereby lowering the cost of goods and serv- immigration are: ‘‘Mexican illegal aliens are true economic, social, and resultant political ices. not criminals, they only do the work the impacts of immigration, and in particular Opponents of Mexican illegal immigration gringos won’t do,’’ and ‘‘they are obliged to the unique issues and problems posed by con- believe that even though the United States cross the border’’ (Wall 2). Because the Mexi- temporary Hispanic immigration. was founded by immigrants, immigration of can media and political elite portray illegal When Vicente Fox was elected Mexican the past is not the same as it is today. First, immigration to the United States in this President, he ended the Institutional Revolu- Mexican immigrants are not here legally. manner, dissension between the two coun- tionary Party’s, or PRI’s, seventy-one year Second, most Mexicans do not take the dan- tries is amplified. monopoly on executive power, thereby ele- gerous journey across the border to become Throughout history, Mexican-Americans vating hope for economic development (Wall American citizens, but rather to help provide had always been viewed as an embarrass- 3). Fox promised Mexicans an employment for their families in Mexico. Also unlike ment. They were a sign of Mexico’s economic boost, as well as the eventual opening of the former immigrants, Mexican illegal immi- failure, or ‘‘exiles who had thrown in the U.S.-Mexican border. However, if employ- grants are able to remain in contact with towel’’ (Castaneda 2). The last president of ment opportunities increased, then the need their home localities because of the close the PRI, Ernesto Zedillo, declared that, ‘‘we for migration would decrease (Wall 3). In proximity of the two countries (Huntington will not tolerate foreign forces dictating 1994, the United States, Canada, and Mexico 2). Opponents of illegal immigration also be- laws to Mexicans,’’ referring to Mexican im- implemented NAFTA, the North American lieve the United States doesn’t need a mil- migrants in the United States (Wall 3). How- Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA promised lion illegal immigrants each year to ensure a ever, towards the end of the PRI’s reign, hundreds of thousands of new high-wage strong economy. The majority of illegal im- Mexican-Americans became a sign of oppor- jobs, an increase in living standards, im- migrants are not well educated entre- tunity—an opportunity for the Mexican gov- proved environmental conditions in the U.S., preneurs, but rather, ‘‘poorly educated peo- ernment to gain influence in the United Canada, and Mexico, and transformation of ple who take low-skilled jobs for little States over migration policy, and therefore Mexico from a poor developing country into money,’’ says Dan Stein, executive director keep the gates open for continued immigra- a booming new market for U.S. exports (The for the Federation for American Immigrant tion (Wall 3). Mexican Economy, Agriculture and Environ- Reform (Masci 1). Illegal immigration oppo- After Vicente Fox was elected, he stressed ment 1). Mexicans were promised that nents also reject the argument that illegal a greater importance associated with Mexi- NAFTA would increase trade and investment immigrants are willing to do the jobs that can immigration to the United States. His inflows which would in return create better most Americans wouldn’t do. In parts of the intentions are not only to govern Mexicans jobs, raise wages, and lift millions out of country where there are small amounts of resident in the United States, but also Amer- poverty (The Mexican Economy, Agriculture immigrants, low wage jobs are filled by na- ican citizens of Mexican ancestry (Wall 3). In and Environment 2). Although NAFTA did tive born residents (Masci 1). essence, Fox intends to manipulate Amer- stimulate trade, economic growth did not After analyzing the history, causes, and ican politics through Mexican immigrants materialize. Fox had promised a 7 percent contrasting sides of illegal immigration, one that become influential in the American
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