CJM Court Gradation List 2019.Pdf

CJM Court Gradation List 2019.Pdf

PROVISIONAL GRADATION LIST OF EMPLOYEES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CHIEF JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE, KAMRUP (M). GIiWAHATI- YFAQ ,7^1o st. Name of the employee with Date of initial Date of Date of Birth Date No d esignation appointment in joining in the Permanent address of Signature ofthe Present add ress Remarks (if any) the service present Dost retirement employees I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 I Head Assistant 2 Supervisory Assistant Vacant Sn.rt. Archana Das, Vacant J 0l.l t.1970 08.09. t988 05.02.2015 Pub U.D.Asstt. Sarania, Ghy-3, P.S-Chandmari Same as Colm. no. 6 30.1 1.2030 Sri Suren Malla. U.D. 4 Chandmari Milanpur, P.S-Chandnrari, Ghy- 0l .0 r. 1962 30.06. r989 05.02.20 r 5 ASStt. 2t Do 31.01.2022 ( Sri Rajat Baishya, U.D. Vill-Dharapur, p.S-Azara, 0t I 963 P.S-Dharapur, Asstt. lt 30.06. r989 05.02.2015 Dist-Kamrup, Assam Do 30.11 .2023 Sri Lalmohan Boro, U.D. 6 01.r0.r964 Vi I l-Chowdhuryghat, P.O-Chowdhuryghat, Asstt. 03.07. r 989 05.02.20 r 5 P.S-Chaygaon, Dist-Kamrup,Assam Do 31.10.2024 Sri \ava Kt. Sarrla" U.D. l 22..06.1966 03.07. r 989 05.02.20 r Asstt. 5 Mathgharia, Noonmati. Ghy-20 Do 30.06.2026 Sri Karuna Kt. Barman Belsor, P.O-Belsor, P.S-Belsor, 8 01.03. r960 24.12.t986 05.02.2015 Dist-Nalbari. U.D. ASSTt. Assam Noonmati, Chy-20 3 1.03.2020 Smt. Puby Kataky, U.D. 9 02.09. r960 1 5. r 0.1 987 05.02.2015 ASStt. Noonmati, GJry-21 Rajgarh, Ghy-3 30.09.2020 r0 Sri Utpal Das. U.D. Assrt 2t I ).1913 0l lt 1999 05.02.201s Rehabari, Chy-8, P.S-Paltanbazar Do 30.1 r.2033 Sri Biioy Ch. Malakar, Vill-Jahirpur, P.O P.S-Chaygaon, ll 0 I .03. l97 t 30.09.2000 05.02.2015 & Disr- Gosala, Maligaon, P.S- U.D. Asstt. 3 r.03.2031 Kamrup(R) Jalukbari, Ghy Sri Mantu Kumar, U.D. 12 20.03.1978 30.09.2000 0s.02.2015 Mirza, P.S-Palashbari, Asstt. Disr-Kamrup, Assam Do 3 1.03.2038 Sri Kumud Dutta, U.D. Vill-Chetiagaon (Chabua), p.S-Chabua, r3 01 .05. 1960 r6.04. 1980 r r .03.2016 Disr C/O-Budeswar Duta, H,t,lo- Transferred fi'om ASStt. Dibrugarh 3 1.05.2020 2, Bongaon, P.S-Basistha CJM. Tinsukia Smr. Nandita Kalita, U.D. t4 r 4.1 0. I 973 03.10.2000 ASStt. I 1.03.2016 Kumarpara, Ghy-9 Noonmati. Ghy-20 3i.t0.2033 Q*q- C h i e r U ddieiaftvta gE tra te Page 1 of 9 Kamrup (Metro.) District Guwahati st. Name of the employee with Date of initial Date of Date of Birth No designation appointment in joining in the Permanent address Date of Signature of the Present address Remarks (if lhe service retirem ent em ployees any) Sri Nabarup Mazumdar, t5 20.02.t975 03. r 0.2000 I 1.03.2016 PO-Hajo, Gosala, Maligaon, P.S- U.D. Asstt. Vill& Dist-Kamrup, Assam 28.02.2035 Jalukbari, Smt. Mehbooba Ghy t6 Ara 28.02.\976 22.11.2000 31.t2.2016 Japorigog, Rahman, U.D. Asstt. P.S-Dispur, Ghy Same as Colm. no.6 29.02.2036 Smt. Ankita Lahan, Steno. D/o-Lt. Dulal Lahan, C/o-Santosh Sharma, t7 r5.08. t 987 05.01 .2018 05.0 r .201 8 H,No-32B, Gr-ll Joypur, Near Hill Top Lodge, Do 3t.08.2047 Kharghu)i, Cuwahati Sri Diganta Kur-nar Rabha, r8 10.0 t. r 98 I Steno-Gr-lll 28. I I .2013 28.1 t.2013 Deka para, PO Singra, pS Boko. Do 3 I .01.2041 Sri Nabajyoti l9 Haloi, Steno 0l .03. r979 17.03.2015 17.03.2015 Vill P.O.-Pipalibari, Cr-lll & Dist-Nalbari Do 31.03.2039 Sri Prasanta Kr. Nath. 20 0 r.03. 1987 r 8.03.2015 r8.03.201 5 Vill-Dahali, p.S-paiashbari Steno-Gr-lll P.O-Batarhat. Do 3t.03.2047 Smt. Ibanrishisha 21 16.05. r 988 Langkyrding, Nongmynsong near Kharkongor, Steno-Gr-l II r9.03.2015 19.03.2015 Presbyterian Church, Shillong Do 3 1.05.2048 Sri 1) Vikramjit Sinha, Steno H/No-294, 07.07.1982 22.09.2016 22.09.2016 Sandhi Path, VIp Road, Barbari, Gr-lll Do Transferred from Hengrabari, Kamrup(M), Assam, pin-7gl 036 31.07.2042 D&SJ, Nagaon Md. Rakesh SK. Steno-Gr :) 09.04. i993 V rll-Elah iganj, PO-Dahapara, Dist- III 0l.rI.2016 0t r 1.2016 Transferred from Musidabad, W.B. Guwahati 30.04.2053 CJM, Cachar Smt. Pallabi Das, Steno- D/o-Dilip Das, H/No-t 13, MRD Road, 24 20.02.1992 05.0 r .201 8 05.0 r.2018 Silpukhuri, III Near Bank Of India, Guwahati, Same as Colm no.6 29.02.2052 Kamrup(M), Assam, pin-78 I 003 Smt. Rousy Choudhury, 25 04.1 r. r 970 18.08.2001 18.08.2001 Lakhipur Road,Silchar, Bhetapara, P.S-Hatigaon, Transferred L.D. Assu. Cachar, Assam 30.I 1.2030 from Sri chv D&SJ, Cachar Himangshu Sarma, p. 26 01.03.1967 Path sala, Rupnagar. S-patacharkuch i, Dist- L.D. Asstt. 29.10.2002 29.10.2002 Barpeta Same as Colm no. 6 31.03.2027 Smt. Saheba Choudhury 2l 08.r0.r976 Ahmed, L.D. Asstt 10.0 t .2003 r0.0 I .2003 Hatigaon, Ghy-38, Disr-Kamrup, Assam Do 31. r 0.2036 0l.-\ -, c hibd-J u\d i c i al-lffi irate Page 2 of 9 Ka m fu) 4tvfe t ro :) D i s trict Guwahati st. Name of the employee with Date of initial Date of Date of No designation Birth appointment in joining in the Permanent add ress Date of Signatu re of the Present address Remarks (if any) the service present post reti rem ent em ployees ICSN LN. UAS. L.U Dagaon, Kalardia, 28 03.06.1962 02.0 t.1988 29.06.2007 P.S-Chaygaon, Dist- Asstt. Kamrup Same as Colm. no. 6 30.06.2022 Sri Binod Ingti. L.D. 29 Housing Colony, Byelane No.2, Narengi, p.S Asstt. 08.03. 1985 07 .07.20t0 07.07.2010 Noonmati. Ghv-26 Do 31.03.2045 Sri Bhaskar Pratirn Dey, 30 07. t t.1 986 L/o-Jlban Knshna Dey,'l-ennis Cround, pO L.D. Asstt. 12.t2.2013 12.t2.20t3 Transferred from & PS-Badarpur. Karimsani Guwahati 30.11.2046 CJM. Karimsani Sri Himangshu Kalita, Ganeshpara, Champak Nagar, Banbasu path, 3l 21.12.1987 05.03.2014 05.03.2014 L.D. Asstt. 4'r' bylane@, H/no- 28. pS Fatasil Same as Colm. no.6 3t.12.2047 Ambari,Ghy-25 Smt. Smitakshi Bora, L.D. )Z 20.06.1991 05.03.2014 05.03.2014 K.R.B. Rd, Bharalumukh, Ghy-9, Asstt. Kamrup Do 30.06.205 I Sri RahulJyoti Das, L.D. JJ 01.01.1972 ruDerun Path, H/No-57, Hatigaon, p.S_ Asstt. 12.03.2014 12.03.20t4 Transferred from Hatigaon Do 3t.01.2032 Sri Anjanjyoti Mazumder, CJM, Udalguri )4 I .01 . 1980 Vrll & P() Amtola, PS Chaygaon, Dist L.D. Asstt. 12.03.2014 12.03.2014 Kamrup (R) Chv-781134 Do 31.01.2040 Sri Rituraj Kalita, L.D. zood roact, Ambrkagiri Nagar, H/No-17, 35 r3.05.1987 12.03.2014 12.03.2014 pin- Transferred Asstt. Rangkimi Namghar, Dist-Kamrup, Do 31.05.2047 from 781024 CJM, Cachar Sri Jaydeep Saikia, L.D. 36 r4.10.t984 Bishnujyoti Path, HAlio-39, Hatigaon, p.S- Asstt. 02.05.2014 02.05.2014 Transferred from Hatigaon Do 31.10.2044 Sri Cautam Sarma, L.D. CJM, Dhubri 37 t6.03.1985 2s.07.2014 C/O-Ghana Kt. Sarma, Kamakhya Nursery, Asstt. 25.01.2014 Do Sqndhyachal, HNo-5 l, Ghy-9 3 r.03.2045 Smt. Trishna Das, L.D. 38 04.08. Gandhibasti, HNo 100, PO Sitpukhuri, Asstt. 1986 01.09.2014 0l .09.20 t4 Guwahati-3 Do 31.08.2046 Smt. Pranali C/O-Anu Prava Devi, HAllo-9, Narnarayan 39 12.01 r 988 20.01.2015 20.01 .201 5 Path, Champak p.O- Transferred from Bhattacharjee, L.D. Asst. Nagar, Borsojai, Do 3 r.01.2048 Basistha, Ghv-781029 CJM. Jorhat Smt. Sikha Moni Sarma, Sixmile VIP Road 40 0l .06. 1985 2t .04.2015 21.04.2015 near Bank of India. HNo- L.D. Asstt. 74 Do 30.06.2045 Sri Ashimjyoti Hazarika, 41 28.02.t984 )) Karbt Namghar path, Japorigog, L.D. AssU. 07.08.20 t 5 07.08.20 l5 Kamrup(Assam) Do 28.02.2044 q9< Page 3 of 9 Date of initial Date of the the emploYee with Date of Signature of sl. Name of in joining in the Permanent address Present address Remarks (if any) Date of Birth appointment reti rem ent em ployees No designation the service nresenf nost S/o-Sri Arabinda Ram Lahkar, Vill-Kazipara, Sri Priyanka Prateem Do 3t .03.2045 42 0l .03. r 985 09. r0.20 r 7 09.10.2017 Lahkar, L.D. Asstt. Dist-Nalbari, Assam S/o-Sri Dasarath Barman.

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