IRE VARSITY NEWS Vol. 91, Issue 01 The Student Newspaper of the University of Detroit Mercy Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009 www. .net Six crimes target UDM students on, around McNichols campus· Public Safety increases presence, offers escorts By MICHAEL MARTINEZ area was dangerous and that he shouldn't go out VN SPORTS EDITOR alone, and he plans to heed that advice. He said he still feels confident in his decision to attend Several recent crimes on and around campus UDM, and doesn't believe the crimes would have have UDM students and public safety officers on scared him off had they occurred before he heightened alert. moved on campus. At least six crimes targeting UDM students Jason Miller, a freshman mechanical engi­ have been reported in less than three months, neering major, also said he wasn't scared walking with the most recent taking place during a frater­ around·his new school. He believes that the UDM nity party less than a week into the new school Department of Public Safety (DPS) is doing year. everything in.its power to protect the student The crimes inClude three armed robberies, bod~ . two unarmed robberies, and a breaking and en­ "It does make you feel·a little more nervous," tering in the College of Health Professions build­ he said of the crimes. "I still feel safe on campus, ing. Laptops, money and though. I usually see the PHOTOS BY ALICE ARUTOFF cell phones have been stolen public safety officers at least School year off to a warm start from students, prompting Crime wave two or three times a day." many to take extra precau- _ Armed robbery, Sept. 11, According to Public During the fIrst week of school SPB hosted Welcome Week events, including a barbeque, tions before venturing be- 11 :50 p.m., Fairfield near Flo- Safety Director Letitia giving student the opportunity to meet lI,ew faces, see old friends and enjoy a free lunch. yond the campus gates. rence: A suspect pulled a gun and Williams, the increase in of­ ''I'm definitely more demanded money and cell phones ficers during specific events careful," said an 18-year-old from two students; no one was in- . is just one way DPS is trying business major, a victim in jured. to ensure students' safety. one of the armed.robberies . ..., II Armc.<Lrobbery, Aug. :49, "The Department of Pub­ who asked that his name not 2:05 a.m., at a frat house on Fair- lic Safety is always con­ be used. "I use the DPS es- field. Three suspects pulled guns · cerned about crime, whether cort service now, and I don't and demanded money and cell it happens on campus, off carry my wallet or car keys phones from four students; no one campus or somewhere else," when I don't need them." was injured. she said. "The best approach The student was in- _ Armed robbery, Aug. 23, 4 is prevention. You know volved in an armed robbery p.m., Livernois near Florence, two things are going to happen on Saturday, Aug. 29, at a suspects pulled guns and de- sometimes. You do have to fraternity house on Fairfield manded money from two stUdents, react to them and you do Street. He was sitting with no one was injured. have to put measures in · three other students, all _ Unarmed robbery, Aug. 15, ~ place so that you have the male, outside ofthe house at 3 p.m., Livernois near Puritan. best reaction time should a about 2 a.m. when three Four suspects assaulted a student, situation occur." men approached them. taking a large amount of money. Limiting would-be rob­ After being denied a re- _ Breaking and entering, July bers' opportunities is the quest for a cigarette lighter, 18, 1l:13 p.m., College of Health best way to prevent a crime, one of the suspects asked a Professions Building. Suspect at- she said. To do so, students 20-year-old student if he tempted to break into the building, must cooperate with the pro­ could "get a hit" of the cig- but upon being detected fled the grams DPS has in place, arette the student was smok­ scene. Williams said. ing. • Unarmed robbery, June 26, Those programs include When the student turned 5 p.m., on campus near Ford Life , the DPS escort service, to walk away, the man Sciences B~ilding . Four suspects through which a student can pulled a gun and struck him assaulted a student, stealing his get a DPS officer to escort in the head. The other two laptop. him or her to a location off men also pulled guns and campus. forced the students to sit on In addition, Williams en­ the ground and empty their pockets. courages students to sign up for UDM's Emer­ Celebrate Spirit tomorrow, According to the 18-year-old, the robbers gency Alert System. Provided in conjunction pressed guns to their heads and forced them to with Wayne County's Homeland Security Alert look at the ground. After taunting them for a brief System, the system will send text messages to mass at Gesu Church period, the suspects threw their phones and ran. your phone in case of an emergency. "I was scared for my life," said the student. Visit https:/lwayne.getalrets.orgto register. "My heart was racing very fast at first, but later Since most of the recent crimes have hap­ By ROSHELLE VOGEL ronment and creation fit with be part of the opening proces­ ·on I couldn't feel anything. I was numb." pened off campus, some during fraternity house VN NEWS EDITOR the university's mission. sion. More recently, two students were robbed events, Williams said she has talked at length Everyone is invited to attend. After, a picnic lunch will be while walking along Fairfield near Florence with members of the Greek community. The annual Celebrate Spirit "It is the only event that provided near the fountain Street around midnight Sept. 11 ; A suspect pulled She encourages them to inform her whenever service will be held at Gesu brings students, faculty and north of the Student Union. a silver handgun and demanded moneY and cell an event will be held so DPS can take appropri­ Church, just north of the cam­ employees together in the year, The Student Organization . phones but fled when the students revealed they ate action. pus, this year instead of in Cal­ and it welcomes the new stu­ Fair will be held in the same had none. DPS also encourages students to be aware of ihan Hall. dents and employees," said the area. At the fair, students new The robberies come on the heels of sobering their surroundings and to limit the use of devices The move is a result of re­ Rev. Gary Wright, S.J., of and old can become familiar news about Detroit's economy. Unemployment that cause distractions while walking. pairs being made to the floor in Campus Ministry. He said that with the various clubs and has recently reached record highs, and some stu­ "I understand people want to feel comfortable Calihan. the service isa time for the groups that operate on campus dents believe the jobless rate has fueled the in­ (on campus), and they should feel comfortable. The service will begin at university community to re­ and are seeking members. crease in crime. But they have to play their role," Williams said. 11 :30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. flect on the mission and the For . more information "People are more desperate," said Peter "I understand DPS · is primary in leading the 24, and will be led by UDM coming school year. about the service and class Gilbert, a freshman in the physician's assistant charge in making sure safety strategies are in President Gerard L. Stock­ Wright asked that all new schedule changes for Thurs­ program. ·"They are more willing to do extreme place, but there has to be a shared amount ofre­ hausen. students and new employees day, VlSlt http://www.udc things." sponsibility and trust." The theme of this year's meet in the Health Professions mercy. edulcelebrate-spiritlind Gilbert said that during an orientation pro­ For more safety tips, visit the DPS website at service is how the lfarth, envi- Building prior to the service to ex.htm. gram for first-year students, he wa~ told that the www. udmercy.edulpublicsafety. PAGE 2 www.thevarsitynews.net SEPT. 23, 2009 THE VARSITY NEWS to an online format. But what exactly does journalism professor to help the newspaper being online mean? grow. Stanton brought the idea of using Col­ Get involved in Just placing text on a page doesn't make the lege Publisher as a platform for our online online edition different from the print edition. presence. your future news Being online affords the opportunity to re­ College Publisher is home to over 450 col­ Alice define how news is presented. Finding a bal­ lege newspapers, and now hosts The Varsity We're back for another great year here at Arutoff ance between text, audio and visual content, News online at www.thevarsitynews.net. Since the University of Detroit Mercy. This is our creating an interactive and intuitive website January 2009, we have been uploading our 91 " year of publication. and providing the right content are all keys to print stories and creating exclusive online con­ Th e Varsity News was started by students the success of an online paper. tent (vlogs, videos, slideshows, podcasts, etc.). on U of D's campus in January 1918 and has Many newspapers are facing issues with A few years ago, adjunct faculty adviser You can check out today's paper online.
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