Standard Oil Censors Billboards Showing HONOLULU'-'&RCCORD Shark Gulping Fish The Standard Oil Co. which is , " „ The Newspaper Hawaii Needs , working hard to build a refinery- on Sand Island in Honolulu har­ VOLUME *y- NO. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1956 bor in face of strong local oppo­ sition recently put the pressure on California outdoor advertising companies. Before the election, billboards were being put up by people and groups opposing a measure that would profit the oil companies. The Standard Oil Co. was the principal backer of Proposition 4 Hotel Stre^ races which was designed to bypass legislative process. State Attorney Brown declared that “the intent of this hill is to give the oil companies an ad­ vantage over the State.” On the billboards were the words “Stop the OIL Sharks!’’ . Out of Bounds Ban Below the words was a shark (more on page 2) Fire-Eating Col. City Unprotected from Sign Erector! Set To Visit Ire On Amusements No Law Now To Bar Any Size It’s something city authorities BY STAFF WRITER aren’t talking about at the mo­ As signs look at present, the ment, but there isn’t really a thing “Hotel St. Better Business Bureau” at present to stop an advertiser may well have started Hotel St. from putting up 100 ft. signs in and of course itself, well on the many parts of Honolulu and in road to an oblivion of padlocked virtually all rural Oahu. Since C-C Attorney Norman doors, abandoned tables and chairs Chung recently ruled that parts and dead neon lights. • of the building code pertaining to What started as a move to clear signs do not hold legal water, and a few operators of “flat games” off since the sign ordinance under Hotel St. has snowballed into consideration is not yet law—if, something near hysteria with the indeed, it ever will be—there is nothing to prohibit signs any size military, and the word has goneout except in parts of the city where that unless Hotel St. can clean it­ other types of zoning bar them. self up in jig time, the whole • If the ladies of the Outdoor Cir­ area may be put out of bounds cle find out the present state of to servicemen. Thus the action affairs, some city officials fear they SAILORS ON LEAVE get their shoes shined outside a originally aimed at the ‘.‘flat will camp at City Hall until some­ Hotel St. restaurant close to amusement centers and games" may result in putting dozens of entirely innocent peo­ thing is done. And if' it isn’t done hula girls that have roused the ire of a HASP colonel. the way the ladies want it, they ple out of work. may start some sort of vigorous Unless the colonel and the military cool off, this picture In good measure, the Ire of the campaign against someone, may be shortly out of date and sailors a sight of the military is reportedly inspired by There is practically nothing, any past on Hotel St. the experience of a HASP colonel official will tell you, he likes less THIS SIGN, like many others in who visited Hotel St. in mufti and than being the target of a vigorous Honolulu, would run the risk of came buck seething about what’ he campaign by an organized group being declared illegal under the saw and heard and tasted. That’s of aroused women. right—tasted. The colonel didn’t But the plain truth is—there's proposed sign ordinance, and these Toner Aimed at Removing Mrs. Flores, like even the food he got in Hotel nothing to stop signs 100 ft. high, signs receive the disapproval of St. restaurants and hot dog stands. or even 500 ft. high, in most parts the Outdoor Circle, But at the But more serious was the colo­ of the city. So there it is, ladies. moment, the sign would be legal 14 Other Employes, Witnesses Say nel’s failure to toe amused in the You can take it from here. even if it were 50 ft. high. Focus of the appeal of Mrs. 27, 1955, quoting TOner as saying, (more on page 6) Esther K. Flores, Maluhia Hos­ “If there’s one person Im going to pital nursing superintendent, of get rid of, it’s Mrs. Flores. That Fagan Reported About To Back Fight firing from that job shifted sharp­ b—h! She hasn’t the decency to ly Tuesday from the nurse to Ed­ (more on page 6) Wash. D^r^olumnist ward P. Toner, business adminis­ Promotion; "Talent Show" Planned trator of the hospital, as the ap­ Hints Climate May Be peal hearing went into its second By Edward Rohrbough the rumor was regarded hopefully, since it involves the manager of session before the C-C civil serv­ Toner's Exam Record Target of Red-Probers Paul Fagan Jr. was rumored ice commission. this week as a possible entry into the Civic, the only place con­ Missing from Files the field of local boxing promotion, sidered suitable for holding major Charles R. Kendall, HGEA di­ Is the Eastland committee com­ now that Boxing Enterprises, Ltd. indoor fights. But developments rector representing Mrs. Flores, in­ mittee coming to Hawaii after cli­ has become virtually inactive. along this line are still considered At Civil Service Dept. mate, or Reds? far in the future. troduced witnesses and evidence to That’s a question suggested de­ Fagan, however would not take show that Toner not only said re­ With E. P. Toner, administrator licately by Fred C. Othman, who an active part in the promotion, “TALENT SHOW” PLANNED peatedly Mrs. Flores would “have of the C-C health department, in according to the report, but would In the meantime, the nearest to go,” but that he gave the HGEA writes a Washington column for a possibility for a profesional card focus through the turn taken in number of papers. Communism in leave that end to a partner, AI a list of the names of 14 other em­ the appeal of Mrs. Esther K. Karasick, manager of the Civic in Honolulu arose from activities the Pacific, notes Othman, “is a by the Honolulu Boxing Managers ployes who would also “have to go” Flores that she was unfairly fired subject investigated intensively by Auditorium. Informed sources said along with Mrs. Flores because, ac­ at Maluhia Hospital, the RECORD lawgivers for at least six years; that, in event the team material­ Guild to stage a “talent show.” As cording to Toner, they were trying checked into a rumor—long circu­ izes, Herbert Minn, boxing coach at now planned, tills show would to undermine him. I’d imagine it about the most in­ lated—that Toner’s records are tensively investigated subject yet.” the University of Hawaii, might be feature ■ Clem Miller, flashy wel­ missing from civil service files. asked to act as matchmaker. terweight who decisioned Dan Still, the boys .from Capitol Hill Santiago his last showing here, HGEA field workers testified The truth, it turned out; was are coming, among them a “lame In fight circles anxious to see the Toner had relented about discharg­ only part of that. From Mrs. Nesta, duck,” a senator who’s been beaten, revival of professional boxing here, (more on page 44 ing the others, but remained ada­ Gallas, civil service personnel di­ but who remains a senator until mant on Mrs. Flores. In an effort rector, the RECORD learned that to settle difficulties between the his successor takes his place in Toner has a- very large personnel January. Police Sergeants, Ex-Cops Get Heave-0 employes and Toner, Kendall history on file in the civil service “And how better,” asks Othman, brought out through questions and department. "to end a senatorial career than his own testimony, he had held a But evidence that he ever took an by a hard job of work investigating From Ginza After Brief Rhubarb meeting with the 15 employes and examination to enter service of Reds among the bougainvillea?” advised them to pay proper res­ the C-C government is highly in­ Of course the main target is the A rhubarb betwen two police The most aggrieved party, one of pect to Toner and Dr. Katsuki and complete. There is a grade re­ do their jobs. ILWU and Harry Bridges, Oth­ sergeants and two ex-policemen the ex-policemen, says he was sit­ corded, but there is no trace of man nnt.es, and he winds up this Inst Wednesday night at the Gin­ ting with a party of friends, in­ the examination on which the way; “I trust the senators can do za has provided midtowji Hono­ cluding another ek-cop, when one Dan Ainoa, HGEA deputy di­ grade is supposed to have been some good in Hawaii and if they lulu with a conversation piece for of the sergeants, off-duty and sit­ rector, and James Clark, HGEA secred, nor any sign of his exam­ garner themselves some winter tan, the past week, but the version you ting with another sergeant at a field representative, testified that ination paper. I won’t begrudge it. But the ILWU believe depends on the person you nearby table, made a comment. Toner had referred to Mrs. Flores Likewise, a number of complaints has its headquarters in San Fran­ listen to. The RECORD inter­ As nearly as the ex-policeman re­ as a "b---h” before them and reportedly filed against Toner -by calls, it was as follows: stated she would have to be dis­ cisco and nobody's ever told me viewed both sides, and even a subordinate employes because of why investigating statesmen nearly third, Roy Matsuoka, proprietor “I don’t like your looks.” charged.
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