~~TORYPAPER COLLJ~CTORS' DIGEST VOL.52 No.615 MARCH 1998 j, V'l'I I N1>, 11. J./ . JI ROGUES AMONG THE REDSKINS Thrilling Story of Rai d ing Indians COLIN CREWE COL LECTORS BOOKS 128 WES1WOOD ROAD, CANVEY ISLAN!), ESSEX, SS8 OED TELEPHONE: 01261J-693735 EVEN INGS BES'r OLD BOYS ANDGIRLS !JOOKSSOLD. BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED Wff/1 ENTI/USIASM YOUR WANTS UST WELCOME. SUITABLECOU£CTIONS WANT£D. THE COMPLE TE MAGNET COM PANION 1996EDITOR GEORGE BEALMJllfl' COPIES@ £8.SOEACH MAGNE'r & GEM FACSIM ILE EDfflONS GUIDE & CATL.1'0 ALL HOWARO·BAKERS MINT@ £4.50 EACH FIOWAJtD,BAKER VO.LUMES: I HAVE A S'l'OCK OF OVER 2,000 INCLUDING wrs OF MlNT UNREAD COPCES FROM WAREHOUSE@ .£10 EACH wrrH 10% DISCOUNl' ON ORDERS Of 3 OR MORE. SEND FOR A COPY OF MY BUMPER usr . S.A.F. Wll.l. BE APPRECIATED. I WISH Y(JU HAPPY READING. COLIN. 'IHLSOi'I LEE LIBRARY FEATIJRING nm CHEERY NELSON LEE BOUND VOLUMES COJIITI NUED CHUMS 011 ST. FRANK'S . LONG Ll\'E THE STORIES OF YEAR 1926 lssues I - 11 'inc. ( 11 issues) £24.00 EDWY SEARJ,ES BROOKES,@ £2.50 EA. H>9i DISCOUN'f YEAR 1926 Issues 12 - 25 int . \14issues) £30.00 ON IOPL US. VF.AR 192M!7 Is-,oes26- 43 tnc. (Iii i, sues) £39.00 OLl> ORIGINAL SERIES 19 15- 1926 YEAR 1927 J~,ues 60 . 71 inc. ( 12 iss ue.•) £26.00 1~8. 159. 160. 161, 191. 195, 199, 101 , 204.2 10. 216. 217. 22 1. YEAR 192712!'. Issues 80 - 93 ,nc. (14 issues) £:10.()0 236, 239, :ZAS.25 I, 252. 253, 255, 27 1, 2'7-1.2?5, 320. 327, 393, ¥EAR 1928 Issues 94 107 inc. ( 14 issues) £30.00 '.l95, 4-05. 406, 401:1,410,4 11.422. 424,42 5,426 , 427, 4:12. 442, YEAR 1928129 Tssues137 - 151111~. / 15 ,ssues) D2 .00 44!!, 452. 455. 456 , 46'.l. 466. 470, 474. 476, 477. 4ll0. 484, 485, YEAR 1929 1S$Ue~ 152• 169 inu. ( Iii issues) £39 ,00 4S6. 487, 489, 490. 49 1. 493, 494, "'95, 496. <197, 499. .500. 503. YEAR 1929/30 !,sues It\~. 19<1rnc . ( 12 issues) £26.00 504. so1, s 11. 5 1'.3. 514. 5 15,529.530. 531. 532. s;l3, 534,535 , YEAR 1930 ls~ucs 4i! • (,0 inc. ( IJ i$sucs) £28.00 536. 537, 53S, 539, .'\40. 541. 546, 547. 548. .549, 553. 554. 555, YEAR 1931 lssues61. n me. ( 1.3 issues) £28.00 556,55'7.SSR. 559, 56(),56 1, 562, 563.5(,5. YEAR 1931 1.s.uts 74 -8 7 inc. l 14 issues) £30.lX) FIRST NEW SERIES, l\•L\ Y ll/26 • JA N. 1930 YEAR 1931132 Issues 92- II inc. 120issues ) £42.00 I. 17. 19. 20. :?.I.22. 23. 24. 2S, 26. 27. 28, 29. 3(1. 3 1. n, 33, 36, ANGELA BRAZIL, RA.RE SPECIAL /\ND LOVELY 38, 4.i, 43, 44. 45 . .t6. 4·7. 48 , 49. St), 5-1. 52. 53, 54, 55. 56.S7. 58. COPIES OF' FIER SCHOOLOLRL BOOKS f'ROM 60 - 110 59 , 64\69. 71, 72, 73. 74 . 75, 75, 76. 77, 78, $0. g2, 83, tl4. !\6, 87. YEARS AGO PUBUSHEO BY TUE •'AMOUS IIOllSE OF 88, 8-9, 90, 9 1. 91, 92. 9J. 94. 95. 96, 97. 9X. 99, 100 , ll)l, f02, BLACKIE IN A VARCE'l'Y OF ULUE, RED, GRt:EN & 103, H>4. 105. 106, 107, 108. 110. 111, 112, I I} , 114. 115. 116. CREAM CLOTHS, 4 - 6 l'LA'l'ES IN t,;ACII BOOK, ALL 117, m . 122, 12.3. 124 . 125. 126, 127. 12R. 129. 130,13 1,13 2. WITH SUJ•ER.U SCHOOLGIRL JLLUS1'RA 'nO NS ON 133. 134 . 135. 13/\, 140, 141. 142, 143. 144. 145. 146, 147, 148. COVERS & SPINES. A SIIEU ' LlNED Wll'H '1'11£SE JJ'), 1.50, iS2. 153, 154. 157. 158. 159, 162. 163, 165. 175. 183, EDITIONS IS A BEAUT\' 'l'O BEIJOLD. 184, 185, 186, 187 ALL Tl1'L1£S@(10 EACH. St:COND NEW SE.RIES. JA N. l931l • JAN. 1!133 A POPULAR SCHOOi.GiRi,.; A HARUM SCARUM 5. ll. 12. 13, 15, 17, 18. 19. 20, 2 1, 22. 23, 24. 25. 26, 27. 28, 29, SCIIOOLGlRL: ·n IE MADCAP OF ntE SCHOOL~ A snro01., JO, 31. J2, J,.3 4, 35, 36. 37, 38. 29, 40. ,l I, 42, -14,45. 46, 47. 48, BY TiiE SEA; FOR THE SAKE OF THE SCHOOL: A PAIR OF SO. 51.52,53 , 54 , 55, S6, 57, 5$ . .S9. 60. 6 1, 62 . 63. 64, li5, 6/\, (fl , SCHOOLGIRLS: Tr!E GIRLS OF ST. CYPRIANS: THE NEW 68, 69 . 70, 7 1, n, 73 . 75 , 7/j, 77. 73. 79 . ~o.RI . ij2, 83. S4. 85. 86. GIRL AT ST. CHAOS: THE LEADER OF Jl!E LOWER 87. a8.89,110.91. 112.93 . 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. oo, 100. 101. 102. SCHOOL. THE MANOR HOUSE SOHOOLGTRL:THE NICEST 103. 104. 105, 106, 107 , 108, 1()9. I IV, 111. 113, 129, 130, 132, GIRL lN THE SCHOOL; THE JOLLIEST TERM ON RECOROl 133. 135. 137, 131!. 139~ 140. 147. 148, 14!). 152, IS". 1~5. 157. A FORTUNATE TERM; THE .FORTUNESOF PHILUPPA; THE 158. 159. J(iO. 161 YOUNGE.Si GfRL IN THI; f'IFTH: THE LUCKJES'r GIRL lN TillRD N"EW SERIES. YEAR L9:)J THE SCHOOL: TIIE HEA-0 GIRL AT THE GABI.ES; 5. 9. 1.0. 11, 12...13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25 MONITRESS MERLE. , . LOYAL TO THE SCHOOL NELSON LEE BOUND VOLUMt:s GENER.ALLY VERY A PLEASI,"lfGSELECTION OF PRE & EARLY POST WAR GOOD COND ITION, REO OR BLUE CLOTH WITH A,._"l[jllUALS,'lDGRLY COLLECTABLE' SILVER OR COLO LETT£RfNG TO SPINES CHAMPION ANNUAL FOR 1949 VG COPY ( 12.00 YEAR 1919 Issues 187 • 112 inc. Jan · June £65.()() CHAMPION ANNUAi. FOR 19:14 VG COPY £25.00 YEAR 1919 l ssues 2 1J - 238 inc. July· Dec £(>5.00 CHAMPION ANNUAL FOR 1927 GOOD CQPY £22.00 YEAR 1920 Issues 265 - 290 ine July • Dec .£65.00 TEDDY TA[LS ANNUALSFOR 1937& 1940. YF..AR1 921 Issue~ 291 · 316 inc. Jan· Jone £65.00 BOTH VG, DELICIOUSFOXWELL COVERS, EA £25.00 YEAR 1921 lss ucs317 - '.\-13in• ~ July · Dec £65.00 BOBBY BEAR'S ANNUALS 1933. 1935 & 1937, YEA.I!1 922 Issues 344 • 36S Inc. Jan · June £65.00 ALl.,GOOD COPLESWITH BRIGHT COVERS, EA £ 16.00 YEAR 1923 Issues '.\96 - 421 inc. Jan - June £65,00 JOLLY JACK'S ANNUAL 1940 ·FOXWELL'. VG f22.00 YEAR 1923 lssues 422 · 447 inc. July· Dec £65.00 RAINBOW ANNUAL 1952 A VG COPY £8.50 YEAR 1924 Issues 448 - 473 inc. fan • June £65.00 TIGER TIM'S ANNUAL 1947 A VO COPY £14.00 YEAR 1925 lssues501-51Sioc. (JS Issues) £35.00 ROVER BOOK FOR BOYS 1956 (THOMSON) VG £ 16.00 YEAR 1925 Issues 516 • 528 inc. ( 13 tisucs) £30.00 TERMS: PAYMENT ON YOUR SATISFACTO.RYRECEIPT OF GOODS PLUS POSTAGE AT COS'T'. 4 ROOMS OF STOCK. VISITORS MOS'!' WEI,.COMEBY APPOINTM£N'I', YOU W!U. BE k"1AZED. STORY PAPER COI"'LECTORS'DIGEST Editor: MARY CADOGAN STORY PAPER COLLECTOR COLLECTORS'DIGES T Founded in 1941 by Founded in 1946 by W.H.GAND ER HERBERT LECKENBY S.P.C.D. Edited and Publi shed L959 - January 1987 by Eric Fayne VOL. 52 No. 615 MARCH 1998 Price £L.30 DAYS TO REMEMBEJR As I have mentiorned before, several important literary anniversaries occur in 1998, and two of these (the 60 years-ago launch of Wild West Weekly and the centenary of Lewis Carroll's death ) are detailed in article s in this month's C.D. by B ill Bradford and Laurence Price respectively. Peter Mahony contin ues to celebrate 90 years of the Magnet with the second part of bfa study of Frank Nuoe nt, and his similar in-depth assessments of the other member s of the Famous Five will follow in the course of the year, while Bob Whiter , Founder-Member of the London 0 .B.B.C, sends all the Clubs a fifty-year * * * ...... ... ... * * * * message. • • • • * * * I feel sure that C.D. readers will also be pleased to have detail s of the following one-day meetings, to celebrate various authors' wotks, which are planned for the second quarter of 1998: 25th Apnl BTGGLES& CO. MEETING (Contact: Paul Marriott at Watersmeet Theatre, 8 The Heath, Leighton Buzzard, Rickmanswonth, Herts. Beds. LU7 7HL) 25th April JUST WILLIAM DAY (Contact: Charles Wilson at St. Elphin's School 18 Colthill Crescent Darley Dale, Derbyshire Milltimber, Aberdeea AB I 3 OEG) 2ad May SCHOOL STORCES:FROM (Coatact: Maureen Murdock BUNTER TO BUCKERIDGE NCRCL, Roehampton Institute, Rochampton lastitute Downshire House, Roehampton Lane London Loadon SWJ5 4HRT) 3 91h May EN LD BLYTON LITERARY (Contact: Tony Summerfield SOCIETY DAY 93 Milford Hill Gade Theatre. Watersmeet, Salisbury. Wilts. SPI 2QL) High St. , Rickman sworth, Herts. 20th Jw'le JENNINGS MEET ING (Contact: Darrell Swift White Hart Hotel 37 Tinshill Lane Lewe s, Sussex . BN7 I XE Leeds LS 16 6BU) Appro pri ate ly in this 50th year of Jenning s' adventures, An thony Buckeridge will be th e s pecial gue st at both L'1e BUNTER TO BUCKERIDGE and the JENNINGS da ys. I wi ll also be one of the speakers on 2nd Ma y (when my subje ct will be ·Toe Influen ce of Frank Richards') and Jeffrey R ichards, whose work is well know n t o many hobbyi sts, w.ill be another of the plenary speakers at thi s Roehamp ton conference.

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