WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data Generated from the WTU Herbarium Database October 1, 2021 at 10:12 am http://biology.burke.washington.edu/herbarium/collections/search.php Specimen records: 950 Images: 181 Search Parameters: Label Query: Genus = "Potamogeton" Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton alpinus Balbis Potamogeton illinoensis Morong RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SAKHALIN REGION: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KING COUNTY: Sakhalin Island, central part; circa 10 kilometers north-northwest of Road to King Lake Bog, 2 miles from gravel road along road with Tymovskoye and 4 kilometers northwest of Voskressnovka, on west center vegetation. bank of Tym River. 47.39361°, -122.42361°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Elev. 328 ft. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff 50° 53' 30" N, 142° 38' 45" E In a swamp, shallow water; with Typha, 3 other Potamogeton sp., Mix of hay fields, Salix and Alnus stands, and water-filled ditches. Chara. Origin: Native. Rooted in shallow water in ditch; leaves all submerged. Phenology: Vegetative. Origin: Native. David Sutherland s.n. 22 Jul 1965 Ben Legler 1033 30 Jul 2003 WTU-222658 Herbarium: WTU Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton alpinus Balbis Potamogeton natans L. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, LEWIS COUNTY: Road between Packwood and Ashford, 13 mi from Packwood. RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SAKHALIN REGION: 46.60667°, -121.66944°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Sakhalin Island, central part; circa 10 kilometers north-northwest of GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Tymovskoye and 4 kilometers northwest of Voskressnovka, on west In water 1 ft deep in pond. Origin: Native. bank of Tym River. Elev. 328 ft. Richard Spellenberg s.n. 24 Jul 1965 50° 53' 30" N, 142° 38' 45" E with David Sutherland Mix of hay fields, Salix and Alnus stands, and water-filled ditches. Rooted in water in ditch; leaves floating. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: WTU-224410 Native. Ben Legler 1034 30 Jul 2003 Potamogetonaceae Herbarium: WTU Potamogeton alpinus Balbis U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHATCOM COUNTY: Potamogetonaceae Concrete, ca 13.5 miles north-northeast. Baker Lake. Elev. 720 ft. Potamogeton alpinus Balbis T37N R9E S5; WGS 84, uncertainty: 6000 m., Source: Nat. Geog. TOPO!, Georef'd by John Bassett RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SAKHALIN REGION: Clustered submersed plants in 9-12 dm water, in small, Sakhalin Island, central part; 10.5 kilometers southwest of Nogliki on muddy-bottomed inlet of lake. Growing with P. berchtoldii. Only fruits east side of lower Tym River circa 1 kilometer upstream of mouth of emergent. Phenology: Fruits. Origin: Native. Parkata River. Elev. 66 ft. Ralph Naas 5596 3 Aug 1990 51° 38' 59.64" N, 142° 58' 37.98" E with Dorothy Naas Wet open meadow/hay field along river, with dense grasses, sedges, herbs; some standing water. Stems short, growing in shallow water WTU-318578 of slow moving stream. Phenology: Fruits. Origin: Native. Ben Legler 1063 2 Aug 2003 Potamogetonaceae WTU-358950 Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CLALLAM COUNTY: Potamogetonaceae Lake Southerland near Lake Crescent. 48.09472°, -123.80583°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Aquatic. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: North Cascades National Park Complex, Lake Chelan National W. H. Lawrence 319 22 Jul 1904 Recreation Area, open water of McAlester Lake. Elev. 5486 ft. WTU-96185 48° 25.785' N, 120° 40.46' W; UTM Zone 10, 672038.429E, 5366460.852N; Source: GPS, UTM calculated from Lat-Lon. Growing in circa 0.5 m. water with Equisetum fluviatile. Leaves Potamogetonaceae brownish-green. Phenology: Vegetative. Origin: Native. Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. Sarah Gage 7628 8 Aug 2004 with Jim Duemmel, Steve Karafit, Gene Myers U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ISLAND COUNTY: Cranberry Lake, Deception Pass St. Park. WTU-361912, NPS accession 656, catalog 12478 48.14389°, -122.49111°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Origin: Native. Harold W. Smith 860 5 Jun 1936 WTU-38899 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, JEFFERSON COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KING COUNTY: Lake Leland. Near Duvall. 47.89194°, -122.88528°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: 47.74173°, -121.98207°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 2500 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Origin: Native. Origin: Native. I. C. Otis 1768 20 Aug 1933 W. J. Eyerdam s.n. 10 Aug 1936 WTU-245558 WTU-351139 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, PIERCE COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SKAMANIA COUNTY: Small lake 25 miles south of Tacoma, on highway to Mount Rainer. Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Thornton P. Munger Research 46.891172°, -122.44306°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: Natural Area. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Elev. 1100 ft. Origin: Native. T4N R7E S21 NE 1/2; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: TRS2LL, Georef'd by Ben Legler J. William Thompson 8620 28 Jun 1932 Very wet areas along edge of beaver pond. Infrequent . Origin: Native. WTU-24554JWT Lois M. Kemp 7988 2 Jul 1979 Potamogetonaceae WTU-280653 Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. Potamogetonaceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SKAGIT COUNTY: Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. 2 miles easterly, south side of Skagit River, Barnaby Slough. 48.480957°, -122.254233°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., U.S.A., WASHINGTON, THURSTON COUNTY: Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Summit Lake. Slow moving water. Origin: Native. 47.05333°, -123.12167°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Naas 1365 29 May 1972 Origin: Native. with Cheney Trevor Kincaid s.n. 21 Jul 1934 WTU-327211 WTU-349011 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SAN JUAN COUNTY: Killebrew Lake, Orcas Island, ca. 1.5 mile east of ferry landing. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHATCOM COUNTY: Elev. 200 ft. Squalicum Lake. 48.603889°, -122.915°; NAD 27, uncertainty: 100 m., Source: 48.79778°, -122.34889°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Shallow water at east end of lake. With Potamogeton richardsonii Origin: Native. and Myriophyllum; fairly common. Origin: Native. W. C. Muenscher 10158 6 Jul 1939 Scott R. Atkinson 446 18 Aug 1992 WTU-55321 WTU-325121 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton illinoensis Morong Potamogeton amplifolius Tuck. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CLALLAM COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY: Lake Crescent. Strickland Lake, a finger of Alkali Lake, 3 miles northwest of Amber. 48.059722°, -123.796389°; NAD 27, uncertainty: 5000 m., Source: 47.382638°, -117.755884°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Origin: Native. Origin: Native. George Neville Jones 3511 Jul 1931 C. F. Yocum s.n. 20 Jul 1948 WTU-21764 WTU-132698 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton crispus L. Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, GRANT COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CLALLAM COUNTY: Evergreen Lake. Collected from a cove along the south shore. Along outlet of Lake Ozette. T19N R23E S23; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: TRS2LL, 48.155°, -124.66583°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Georef'd by Ben Legler GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff 1 meter deep, organic sediment. Part of a diverse community of Growing in about 1 ft. of water. Plant decidedly reddish. Origin: pondweeds, Myriophyllum and Elodea canadensis. Origin: Native. Introduced. C. L. Hitchcock 24090 24 Jul 1965 J. Parsons s.n. 27 Jun 1994 WTU-223988 WTU-333643 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton crispus L. Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, COWLITZ COUNTY: In still pool along side of Yakima River in Yakima River Canyon Silver Lake. about 2.5 miles S of Thrall. 46.29583°, -122.7825°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 4567 m., Source: 46.962929°, -120.549697°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., GeoLocate, Georef'd by Maria Yousoufian Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Origin: Native. In muddy sand. Margins of leaves undulate. Origin: Introduced. I. C. Otis 1765 16 Aug 1933 R. Spellenberg 1471 19 Jun 1966 with M. Spellenberg WTU-25474 WTU-229813 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. Potamogeton crispus L. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY: In pool near sea beach, Ocean City. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KING COUNTY: 47.07111°, -124.16472°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: South of western approach to Evergreen Pt. Bridge on Lake GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Washington. Origin: Native. 47.73556°, -122.33556°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff George Neville Jones 3889 23 Jun 1933 Among Typha at edge of lake. Origin: Introduced. WTU-101754 David Sutherland 1092 18 Jul 1965 with Don Simpson Potamogetonaceae WTU-224005 Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. Potamogetonaceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KING COUNTY: NW shore of Union Bay, Lake Washington, Seattle. Potamogeton crispus L. Elev. 15 ft. T25N R4E S16 SE; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, PIERCE COUNTY: TRS2LL, Georef'd by Ben Legler Ohop Lake, north end of Eatonville at fishing area at south end of Growing with Potamogeton crispus, P. pusillus, P. pectinatus, P. lake, in gently flowing outlet in ca 18" of water. richardsonii, Vallisneria, Myriophyllum spicatum, Najas, Elodea. 46.8675°, -122.26528°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: Uncommon aquatic. Origin: Native. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Origin: Introduced. P. F. Zika 14140 27 Aug 1999 with A. L. Jacobsen Richard Spellenberg 1216 24 Jul 1965 with David Sutherland WTU-342052 WTU-224369 Potamogetonaceae Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton epihydrus Raf. Potamogeton crispus L. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, PIERCE COUNTY: Chop Lake, N of Eatonville at fishing area at S end of lake. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, YAKIMA COUNTY: 46.8675°, -122.26528°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: (Yakima Indian Reservation) Upper Sunnyside Diversion Dam, GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Yakima River near Parker.
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