00110 tnuflk $3 PER ANNUM VOL. 3, NO. 1. SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1912. •.., CACHE ROBBER PEACE RIVER PIONEER BORING FOR BEDROCK AT BRIDGE SITE. NAVIGATION CLOSES ESCAPES FROM JAIL HERE ON VISIT Active operations have now commenced in preparation for ONTHE SKEENA the construction of the bridge across the Fraser River from the who got away with a One of the interesting visitors to Navigation on thc Skeena river for IL. robber -^__|^^^^_^^^_ east bank to the G. T. P. townsite here. This week a Grand town this week is Bill F„x, a man this season has terminated, accord­ . , of flour and other Trunk bridge engineer, Mr. R. J, Gibbs, quietly floated down |ii| ;i quantity who for the past twenty years has ing to word received from Prince " ,.iea [,*0m the warehouse of Con- the river with a complete boring equipment on a scow, accom­ ' been in charge of the Hudson's Bay Rupert in Vancouver recently. The iractur Hon* Magoffin last week was post at Fort Grahame, one of tbe panied by a crew of five men, The scow is now located on the sternwhee'.ers which operated on the arreted *-" Tuesday night by Oon- most remote outposts of tbe "great projected crossing near the eastern bank, and the clank of the river this summer are being brought Btalile Higgentottam, in the Nechaco traders of the great west." Port engine that drives the drills may be heard throughout the day. down from Hazelton on their last town, an I escaped from the local Grahame is situated about seventy trip, and by the time this is printed jail in a singularly daring manner on It is believed that bedrock will be located at the considerable miles up tbe Findlay River, which will be tied up at Rupert ready to be Wednesday evening. depth of about 100 feet. The bridge, in its proposed location, heads up in the Sifton Pass near hauled out on the ways. This season l, bad man's name is Fred Wright crosses in a northeasterly direction from District Lot 483 to the T e latutude 58, and which, with the no doubt marks the end of the stern- ami he is suspected of having stolen northern end of the railway company's townsite on the Fraser Parsnip from tho Bouth, form;; tiie wheeler's life on the Skeena, as by quantities of supplies from caches. mighty Peace. River, The work of building this bridge will be one of the high water next spring the G. T. P. Wright came to town some weeks Bill Fox has served the Hudson's problems of construction. It represents the greatest single trains will be running through to ago and bought an interest in the Eay Company for the .fifth of a cen­ piece of work on the unfinished portion of the transcontinental. Hazelton. The water on the Skeena Little Nugget Cafe here, and later at tury, only twice leaving the Findlay It is reported that it will take about 60 trips of the biggest is at present exceptionally low and the Nechaco townsite. Before his ar­ river post for a glimpse of the world steamboat on the river to carry the cement for the abutments it is with some difficulty that the rest the missing goods were found outside during all tbat period, He is in its construction. Work on these foundations will probably vesselB are being brought down the on tbe premises of the restaurants he from the Red River country, and ha3 start in the early spring, and it is possible that some of the river. was interested in. He had apparently a great reputation as a woodsman deposited them as part payment for preliminary work will be carried on during the coming winter. Trains are now running from Prince up there in the Peace country., now Rupert to Sealy, about three miles his share in the business. a bleak wilderness in the winter time There are other bridges to be built up the Fraser, but the when arrested by Constable Hig- Fort George bridge is the largest undertaking, and it will in west of Hazelton. Permission has and an empty paradisj in the sum­ been granted the G. T. P. by the genbottom Wright .expressed little mer. Through all the stirring events all probability be designed for railroad and general traffic uses surprise, and went quietly to the railway commission to operate a of the past twenty years Bill Fox with a swing span. passenger and freight train to this jail. He was brought up on Wed­ has traded fur for goods in the old point, which is 12 miles farther in­ nesday and pleaded "not guilty". log post named after one of Simon land than Skeena River Crossing. In 1 {Stipendiary Magistrate Heme ad­ Fraser's party, over 580 miles from POOR SPORTS the past the trains have only gone journed the case for eight days, pen­ DESERVED RECOGNITION a railroad. He has see.n months when as tar as the Crossing, where the ding the arrival of further evidence. the post was without supplies of any The information received here with Last Sunday's ball game resulted in sternwheelers connected and conveyed Although he pleaded "not guilty" it description when he had to take to the arrival of Superintendent Crosbie a decided victory for the Nechaco passengers and freight through to is understood that Wright hag made tho woods with a rifle like the In­ of the Royal bank, that Frank O'­ team, thc score closing at 12 runs to Hazelton. Incriminating statements which am­ dians, and live oft tbe game the land Flaherty, thc popular young ac­ 24 in their favor. The betting wag Passengers going to Hazelton will ount almost to a confession fit his offered. During the excitement on Mc­ *V countant w. s to be transferred to two to one on the South Fort make the three miles from Sealy by guilt, Connell Creek Bill Fox was at his Vancouver after two years residence George team, in consideration of the stage. It is not expected lt will be On Wednesday evening he was al­ pest, and there is not a man on the here, was received with gr at dis­ record they enjoyed, but the Nechaco very long before the rail is laid to lowed to go into the jail yard where continent who understands more appointment on all sides here. Mr. boys played a splendid game, and the interior town. At present the p clrispt wan located. While out of thoroughly tho Immense possibilities O'Flaherty has been in, Bouth Fort worked with the energy of desperat­ contractors are constructing a large Bight for a few moments he succeed- of the great undeveloped country up George since the days of its early ion to tie the games and obtain one bridge over the Sealy Gulch. The ed in prying open a large door and there in the far north than the quiet history, and whilst his move to Van­ more chance for the Carney Chal- escaped to the woods behind the jail. trader of Fort Grahame, road-bed into Hazelton has been fix­ couver is promotion in the service, legge Cup. ed and ties and rails have been laid Not more thnn ten minutes could we regret var.tly to Bay good by to "There H.aa been a great deal of The home team played a weak over a great deal of the distance. have elapsed after ' his escape $as him. The young men here, who have difficulty in getting supplies in," game, the fielding being particularly Sealy Is 173 miles from Prince discovered by ponstaolu Higt;lnboth- been together in this isolated spot said Mr. Fox, ' and the expense is had. Shcradin, tbe pitcher, was not Rupert. »in and a hue and cry was raised. A since the days Qf the town's infancy, ; very heavy," There has been some throwing as good a game as he had It Is not known what will be done pos*'e of deputies Immediately le t bavo a common bond of friendship talk of cl sing the post, the few previously, the stalwart ot the team with the three sternwheelers that op­ and scoured t,hg pr'ghlurhool but which is greater hy far than a'.y Indians up there consent ng, and of bting Harry Close tbe "ever-ready" erated on the Skeena this summer. without [vault. About midnight it similar ties grown out of compan­ opening a post nca/.er the, junction of catcher. Shejadin's fast pitching The Hudson's Bay Company had was discovered that a gasoline boat, ionship pf life in the eity. Nothing ;he Findlay and the Peace, but this enabled the Nechaco team to bat up the Port Simnson, running from Kit- the property of Mr. A. G. Hamilton, van be gaid of the early days in. this project has been abandoned, l\e in­ a heavy score when one of their play­ wanear to Hazelton; the Inlander, was missiiij; f)um the liver front, 'north country which reflect more formed us, ers would find the ball, and tbe runs ot the Skeena River Transportation nnd it was supposed that Wright bad I pleasure to the memory than the It cos,U tw.nly seven c.nts a from some of these cloud.kissers Company, connected with the trams made his escape in this. Cm,e tjf Mr. great friendship of the old guard. A pound to land freight from Vancou­ mounted rapidly. from the crossing to Hazelton, and Hamlltiiii's warehouses w»3 also sa\all party was held in The Herald ver to Fort Grahrme under present The game was marked by uproar the Omineca did general work on the broken into and a can of gasjline I last night to bid Mr.
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