Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives

Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives

University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 9-1-1964 Kabul Times (September 1, 1964, vol. 3, no. 150) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (September 1, 1964, vol. 3, no. 150)" (1964). Kabul Times. 722. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/722 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~l...'- - ;:: 0'. - 0 -__ • _ _ ." • ~ ~- ~~ ~ ,- • 0 __ • ° --: • ::: ; •• _.: -. _. - • - - - -. - -- '-, •- ': ° .~- .' - °l • "";:- • .--~ _,.:"-. • • ° :'" _ o~~ ··.::i:~·r.> ··..',.~~w~~~.rii§·'::c ,co 'I'HE WEA"l'HER ... -:. ...•. .... .. -{' ." :.:: Yes~y's T'!JIlperatures " 'Jlotel; KabnI-, Hotel; "SJiar~ , ':: ',',' - ! Max. +32°C" MinlIilmn " +8°C: 0' -·_~a~-D~-PUk~e~;-~-~_b~-- ~ :-~:-.-~ -_l Sun sets today a,t 6.2'7, pm'. " , ".JtitematioDa1 AfrPort.'" ','" '-, ',' ,'-, 0.: '. Soo rlSe,s tomorrow at 5.5~ am., '" .~..---:Kab'ill. Times jS·.avalt:JbJec at '- < ~": .' _-j" :. ,Toniorrow's Outlook: Clear' '~:"" ,~yr'r;¥ta~~~:- S~~i": ,~,',~ ,~,,',<'~ '0' <, ': ..' :' , :'-,F.orec:-.,t by Ak Anijlortty _0:0._-:... 0:'_0:_00;"•.-_0 :_0 -.-_ __ -:_-; ':=:0__ '_ ~~f "':: _ ~~..,------~-K~A....,B~lj~L,'....:TU-,-ES~'-D.....:A-:-Y~,.....:,,-S"""iPTE-::""·,,-::_:0-,MB'-:,----'c',---:.ER~,l ;:'1~:~, IJ1i.',~,l!f :-~,', 0' ,PR~~o 2,:', ~ ,". ,:~ >,~_ VOL, NO, 150 tsoWBUw\:j6,< ';:: ., :' ,:" ... M._' ,: . " , "' " • • , " 00 "0 ',' ( I' '/ ' !' l , \' ." 0 0 0 ",t. • -, - - ...-. .; - ..... ~ - , - , .;: -. ---. -, . _,,'0 " .. -- .:: " , ...... " .' -' . c_ . " .. ' .' -- -' - , .- .... ~ '. = -- " ' " " , , ' ~ .. , .' { ." , -- , - " SEPTEMBER \ 1964 PAGE 3 K..U3UL .rIMES:' ~ SEPTEMBEIJ. !; 1964' ,-- PAGE 2 KABUL TIMES __r__w-.;.;"..-.;......;...;;,__"- ~ •• ...:....;;.~.....;;.;.;,,~...;..;.;..,..~~,__-....... --"--'7-~'~~---,c..------'"-~~ '. '.' " IllllllllllllllllllllllnlllJllllllllllIUlllUJllllllIHllIIlllIlUu.. ~~io Afgluinisron -- _. 4: History. QflJ~~. ~,.:'::. -_. '" 'KABUl TIMES Jl!~~J:l SPeec~ : ,. IPRESSAt a· I Programme S~e _E:xp~-oritti()n :',0. ' publiahed By: . ~'m'- 111l111l1l1l1l11;rllll~IlIlIIlIlIlIlIlI~~~~I~~I':~"~"hl" ~ ~ Be~ BAKHTAR NEWI ' ier Explains Afgha. nForeign Policy· TUESDAY - '. .:HoWani-. , , I Sunday Anis carned an artIc e - AGENCY Pre :- 'Not so loilg ago U.S. rocketmen':' • In accordance to tbis, in additi- PART, jI"llic development of Afghanistan, entitled,"Our New Constitu~o~ . U!wr·ta·C1tlef m . 1. Eq1lsli Prornmme: " were, liappy W they litiisteiLa '- ~~\akl on,'fo expanding and completing lhe Panj and Amu nvers for"and this has strengthened even and its practical IJI1plementation Sabahudlful '.00-3.30 pm. AST 15225 k~ = < : sm~U' balLwith a geiger l:0unter. _ " the' Engi1H~ering -College, the. pro- makmg common and mulh·pur. fu:ther. our long-standi~g friend- by Engineer Amiruddin Shansab. -Wtar 19 m band. int~ any kind of )11;1 orbit abou~' ,. Jed for establishing' . one po~- pose use of the . unprec~dented shIp With that ~tate. With IsI~- The new_constitution .. of Afgha­ •. 1 QalU O. EIlrll.all Prorramm..: the-earth. _··0-· •. _. _.- - ._ - _. .~ technical 'ana: two techIV- and ncp resources of those rivers. IC world and WIth other countn- nistan, said' the article, which I\ddrua;- L 3.3(}.4.(Xr pm. AST 15125 kcs= .Now they are Iaunching:satel1-' " . curns are at hand and .th!! cons- The contmued assIstance of the 'es of the world especially the Re- has been prepared' in a progress­ shift~·,- ~ JOY Sheer-3, develo'pment~l ~ian wi~ 19 m band. ites by 'the bundle- and- are . Kabul. Afghalilitu truchon- work of theit buildings SOVIet UnIOn m public of .India and other slve manner under ,the of Urdu prorramme: , 'ing them'all o:verthe' sky alniOst " --_ ' Telegraphif -Addn'~:- . Will begin ·soon. The country's te- field' has. an Important place III and African countries, our rela- OUF beloved Sovereign proVldes 6.0ll-O.30 pm. AST 47'111 ltcs= as easily. as a telephone operator "' , . "TimeJ, Kabul . -Jepnone and telegraph net-works the ImplementatlOn of our plans. tIOns are ,also developing desirab- for separation ,of powers and , 62m' band. democra~k moves the 'plugs:in a switchboal"ct Telephooel!:- -are being developed and expand- The people and go,:,emment of Af- Iy Afghamstan supports all elf- contains aU princiPle) 10. _Ush Prorramm~: , ", Am.nnst~a:d of providmg ,i" fey; ~ 214~ ,{Ertn. 03 ed, in l1ccordance 'wltli a general ghamstan appreciate .thls assls- orts for the strengthenmg of peace in- social hfe. ti.30-7.oo p.m. AST 4775 kcs= precIous oils >or" in'formation ;ab- . 22851 [t. 6 !.1ld II. and modern plan an{! new trans- .tance and human progress. whether in- It secures indiVidual rights ac- 62m band. ~DMerl.tlO. Ka1ea. mittefs fOF radIO, which in today's Our relatIOns wI~h .our other Side the United Nations. or out- cording ~ to' the Human Rights out electrons- and protons•.todaY's , KlIllIll:.ul ProrraD'me: satellites radi"o scientuk: data by , AFGIV>NIST.w .world IS the best effective me~I' neighbour,. Iran'are smcere· and Side of th~ U.N. Afghanistan will Declaration and guarantees to re­ . ...u 2b1l •• .'1.30-11.30 ,p.m, AST 4775 kcs'"" ~ .-. ';the ,bush.eJ~ i~ansmit pfc~Ur.es. o?,-- - - -. ' ~. urn for enlightening pubhc are expandmg as usual. In r~ take part m the second conferen- gulate a progressive . and p'ros- ~ m Yearb .. AI' 150 02 band. Tserve the weather-. serve as COIlF--,' .' ~!. minds, ace 'being install~d. gaFd to PakIstan, another IslamIC ce of non-aligned states wliich is perous life for the people and HaU yearlY, 80 ta Arahlc ProlUUDJDe: [ municatibns and- .navigation aidS." . "Qua-rter!Y j , r "" As you 'kno\v, in t~e 'financial country ~.:hlch IS situated III the to struggle against .the r~mnants put cU,ros on tyranriy. The new : 11.00-11.30 p.m. AST 11735 Ilcs= ,the~ .c, ',~ probe ,the'moon and planets; pat-_ ForEIGN '$ JI 'affalrs of COUlltry' a number same regIOn WIth us, we h'!ve th: of colomahsm. ehmillate mtema- constitution, is a valuable . and, l5 m band. rol outer space, spy on other cOun., Yearly of deeply einbedded reforins[are same deSire at heart out unfortu ional tensions. exert effo.rts for valid document for our future French Prornmme: iries and'returnctheir cii:goes 'or Half YearlY, S -8 at. nand, the, real purpose of nately the pOSItIOn of that ~oun- general al!d complete. dlsarms- generations.- .It is therefore our 11 30-12.00 midnigbt 15225 kcs= S Ii . ,-'l11en.. and data to'earth: 'Co. -~' ~ QuarterJ:y , d which is to maintain and preser- try m regard to the Pakhtumstan ment. enhance econom1C and cul- duty to come out" fox: its 'preser- 19 m band 5ub'scrIption [ron, 'aoroa " Now the' United' States:has' , , . ve the b"alance of Hie. St'!-te Bud- issue presents Ltself as an obsta- tural cO'-ope:ation between peo- vation at the cQst of pur lives- and Germ311 Prorramme: ~ome ,up with, a' new sPace: idea. , -'.-' . : . "11 be accepted hy cheques get through retraining from un· cle to the rea!lsatlon of thiS de- pIes 'and natIOns of the worl~ Af- 'property, said the article. 10.00-10:30 :-p.m AST 15225 kcs= :/local curt-eney at the. ~lIi· thes~ it .fs'maneuvering a -:., satellite'" so "'- . " necessary' expenditures and a. bet- sIre The opportumty avaIled .It- ghalllstan hopes that WIll. be Eversmce the· new 'constitution 25 m band. d!rec!l~ ~one~pot', cial dollar exchange rate ~ecently ~aklllg pul>lish~ -l·It will ha,ng ove! :. ter procurement of·.the, State reo self durmg the bnef used m the way of such has been in the press 1he Programmes include news, .. ::- on earth. '" Printed a\;- • , venues.' For this purpose a long stopover VISit qf HIS Excellency . lofty Ideals yIeld fruI;:'!.1JesuIts. we have fortunately noticed that commentaries. interviews, topical G4versmeat 1"rlatlU 80_ ...:. -. -_This' remarkable feat otspace and .contInUOUS -tight agaillsl bn- Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the ;,i;J!!!Iiito positive, reflections and support end historical reports and music. _~ 'acrobatics is. being: accoriipliShed' . '" bery, !,mugghng, and aU .ot~el'" Presi~ent of PakIstan. to expla;n The precedIng was a brief ac- have been given by most of the Wes1era Mnsle 'wiEh~ - ..'" -,-,"' a the' Syncom 3 coIIIIiJunicati- , , " aI1'tI-soclal' actiVities has been our V1ews once agam on th s. count of the stp.te of affairs and the learned figures and writeFS. The Sunday, 9.00-9.55 pm. classical .- "~ of" the e'xhi''bit ,of' _ play, 'Oll' ~the thp, J.loor o.f t.he-:: ,. 'ons satel}ite laUnched' .recently_: .. TIMES commenced, which ~s trye only subject ola<;kmg policy of the government which writer. says the article,- is fully and light programmes. Friday over P KABUL p~licy, r~~' Boris Veimain, correspC)n· ow, uiJdi 'fnom,Cape'Kennedy: . " ,', " The c·oun1ry·s foreign _ as lithe deSirable .developmen.t oJ has been offered for your infor- con;vinced' that the new constitu- 1.00-1.45 pm. light programme. ding member of the Acadelny ~at paintings by great So__viet ~ l\1imstry '?f Pn:ss ',B, ng. Syncom 3 is a far CTY £:tOm' Ex~' :, < SEPTEMBER'i. 1964 you '!re aware. IS !he contmuatIOn alatlOn5 bet\\een. the t\\O cou matIOn. As you notice, we tlOn whIch. is·a source of prIde, Tuesday 500-5.30 p.m. popular of Fine Arts in Moscow, looks artists wlucli 'is-now on dis- 'for:the next two ,weeks.· .- plorer' I, .the fiist .U.S. ' satellite ' . of the traditIOnal polIcy oased -on ~tnes ' hare passmg through an Important digmty and prosperity for the ,tunes. Thursday, 5.00-5.30 p.m. p0­ ......:__...,.........:.----.:.---.-'-: -...:..-~-....:.;....;.,...,-::..;.,..:;~~~~~"'=::=' '. '. launched' jan-., Jf. 1958.

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