Dear All: September 12, 2014 Check your calendar, as you can see, tomorrow is the 13th and that means it’s time for the Vienna train show (400 Center Street South, Vienna, VA 22180), I hope you’ll be able to join us for a day of fun! As a Reminder WB&A members can get in at 8:00 a.m. with others at 9:00 a.m. After coming out to the Vienna show if you’re looking for some more fun, please visit the Vienna Train Station as they will be having an open house from 1‐5 p.m. (see 9.5.14 eblast for their flyer) and http://www.nvmr.org/ The eblasts and attachments will now be placed on the WB&A website under the “About” tab for your viewing/sharing pleasure http://www.wbachapter.org/index.html. The attachments are contained in the one PDF attached to this email in an effort to streamline the sending of this email and to ensure the attachments are able to be received. YORK’N AND TRAIN STORIES BY CLEM CLEMENT I hope you have been enjoying Clem’s York stories, attached is another story from Clem that shows why York’n is near and dear to his heart. Enjoy! 2015 TCA CONVENTION See http://tcaconvention.org/ (new website link) FALL EASTERN DIVISION YORK MEET http://www.easterntca.org/Site/documents/member _10_14.pdf Clem’s Primer can be found on the WB&A website at http://www.wbachapter.org/Clems%20Primer%20O ct14.htm Have you see the CTT YouTube from York April 2014, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj0v2cKTQjg&fe ature=youtu.be See what else you’ll be missing if you don’t come out to York at: http://www.easterntca.org/photo‐ gallery.htm WB&A 2015‐2016 ELECTION Ballots will be forthcoming and ballots will be counted at our November 1 general business meeting with results announced at same. UPCOMING WB&A EVENTS September 13, 2014 – Vienna Train Show November 1, 2014 – WB&A Members Only Semi‐ Annual General Membership/Swap Meet from 9‐12 p.m. at Saint James Evangelical Lutheran Church, 8 West Overlea Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21206, contact Paul Pullen [email protected] for more information May 9, 2015 – Joint VTC & WB&A (aka NORTH MEETS SOUTH) Great Train Show and Sale at the Eagles Lodge at 21 Cool Spring Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 contact Colleen Hall [email protected] for more information, it’s never too early to start planning. 2014 WB&A DRAWING ITEM 4‐6‐2 P47 Blue Comet Steam Passenger set with Proto‐ sound 3.0; Jersey Central 4‐6‐2 P47 Steam Engine (Cab #833), Tender, (1)Baggage Car, (2) 70' Heavyweight Madison Coach Cars, (1) '70 Heavyweight Observation Car Product #20‐3460‐1 MSRP $999.95 If interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact Glenn MacKinnon at [email protected] the cost is $5 a ticket or 6 for $25, the drawing will be held the end of December 2014. Just 500 tickets for sale! TOY TRAINS AND COLLECTIBLES Coming soon information for the date and information for our WB&A trip to Toy Trains and Collectibles, it will be a visit you won’t wanna miss! http://www.toytrainsandcollectibles.com/about/ STUDY SESSION Clem and Bruce are eagerly look forward to their next study session and the enjoyment of reviewing Lionel trains together. Their next session will be Saturday, November 15, 2014 from 10 am until 2 pm at 5233 Bessley Place, Alexandria, VA 22304. A buffet lunch will be served. Having completed their study of Lionel Standard Gauge, they turn to Lionel Prewar O Gauge, 1915‐ 1942. Their next session will study Lionel Prewar O Gauge locomotives Nos. 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256 and 4 as well as Ives Nos. 3260 and 3261. The Ives locomotives incorporated the Lionel 248 body. In addition to studying the ten locomotives they would also like to study the sets that came with them. If your locomotive was acquired with what you believe are its original freight or passenger cars, please bring these with you. Please let them know if you plan to attend and about how many locomotives and sets you will bring. They want to plan for adequate display tables. Please call Bruce at 703‐461‐6991 or write to [email protected]. Clem and Bruce P.S. The Lionel Standard Gauge Guide is being printed. Books should be available at the York meet on October 16‐18. WEBSITES/LINKS OF INTEREST/THINGS TO DO Courtesy of the VTC: Newsletters for The Susquehannock; Blue Ridge Dispatcher; The Green Block; Gulf Coast Railroading; The Automatic Block; Northstar Chapter NRHS September 2014 Newsletter; Key, Lock & Lantern News; and The Highball; C&O Annual Reports, 1910‐1945 http://www.chessieshop.com/index.php?main_page= product_info&cPath=31&products_id=3065; courtesy of Ralph Hawkins Nickel Plate Steam Videos http://youtu.be/jZ5kEGuxtrc; and http://youtu.be/184h77bsuoQ; Fall may be upon us, but things are a blooming at the Green Spring Gardens Silent Auction – see the attached for all the information. National Christmas Tree Railroad (see attachment) The National Christmas Tree Crew is gearing up for another Christmas Display at the Ellipse in DC. CHRISTMAS! – National Christmas Tree RR A meeting scheduled for October 7th will kick off this year's planning. If you have an interest in joining the project, plan to attend. For anyone who likes to play trains and enjoys interacting with the public, this is it. They need your help. Feel free to contact John Zampino any questions you may have. [email protected] or 703‐234‐6013 (see 9.5.14 eblast also). https://www.facebook.com/pages/WBA‐ Chapter‐TCA/1454100528142375 UPCOMING CALENDAR EVENTS (please send me items to include on the calendar) – if you like to see some other dates from around the country, check out: 1. Check out trains.com calendar of events at: http://trc.trains.com/events.aspx?page=list&type =1&cat= 2. Schedule for Trackers can be found at: www.nattrackers.org 3. September 12, 2014 – Deadline for articles for the September issue of the Trolley – contact Paul Pullen [email protected] for more information 4. September 13, 2014 – WB&A Toy and Train Show at the Vienna Firehouse contact Nada Boswell [email protected] or Dave Eadie [email protected] 5. September 13, 2014 – Hagerstown Model RR Museum, Inc. 9‐2 contact [email protected] 6. September 14, 2014 ‐Gilbertsville Train Show at the Gilbertsville Fire Hall, 1454 E. Philadelphia Avenue, Gilbertsville, PA 19525 7. September 13, 2014 – Green Spring Gardens Silent Auction (see attached flyer) 8. September 18‐21, 2014 ‐ B&O RR Historical Society’s Annual Convention in Cumberland, MD see www.borhs.org under Events 9. September 20, 2014 – Railroadiana Collectibles Show in Phoenix, AZ contact Jim at [email protected] 10. September 25, 2014 – Steam Into History see http://steamintohistory.com/ 11. September 25‐27, 2014 ‐ Our friends in the rock world will be holding a Mineral and Fossil Show at the Hiddenite Center in downtown Hiddenite, N.C. (see 8.8.14 PDF), take a drive and go to the show! More information contact Rick at [email protected] 12. September 26‐28, 2014 – Steel Wheels Festival in Cumberland, MD see http://www.wmsr.com/static/Steel%20Wheels% 20Festival 13. September 27, 2014 – Go By Train – 10th Annual Smithsonian Museum Date in St. Louis, MD 14. September 28, 2014 Arbutus Train Show, for more information contact Frank Vacek and/or Sunny Vacek for tables 410‐465‐3782 15. September 28, 2014 – Lehigh Valley Chapter, NRHS/RR Historians of the Lehigh Valley for more information contact [email protected] 16. October, 2014 – Old Dominion Chapter – James River Ramblet in Dillwyn, VA, Buckingham Branch RR contact odcnrhs.org for exact dates and to order tickets 17. October 7, 2014 – National Christmas Tree Volunteer meeting (see attached information) 18. October 9‐12, 2014 – Missouri Pacific Historical Society – Annual Convention contact Kevin Love at [email protected] 19. October 15, 2014 – The Toy Train Paper & Memorabilia Group will celebrate its 20th Anniversary at the October York Meeting from 6‐8 p.m. at the Liberty Fire Company, call Todd 248‐ 214‐8186 or www.ttpandm.com (see 8.8.14 PDF) 20. October 16‐18, 2014 –Eastern Division York Meet, visit the ED website for information http://www.easterntca.org/Site/documents/me mber_10_14.pdf 21. October 16‐19 NMRA Annual Convention in Hagerstow, MD see http://nmra.org/ 22. October 17‐18, 2014 – in Ohio ‐ Ghost Tours – Dennison RR Depot Museum for more information call 877‐278‐9020 23. October 19, 2014: The Chesapeake Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America makes its Fall 2014 visit to the Baltimore Street Car Museum see: http://www.baltimorestreetcar.org/event1.html 24. October 24‐26, 2014 – Civil War Bus Tours http://www.ncdcr.gov/CivilWarTour?utm_source =cc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BusTou rCC 25. October 25‐26, 2014 – The Great Scale Model Train Show Makin’ Tracks! Cow Palace – Times Sat. 9‐5/Sun. 10‐4 at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, 2200 York Road, Timonium, MD 21093 http://gsmts.com/ 26. October 25, 2014 – Baltimore Street Car Museum celebrates Halloween, see http://www.baltimorestreetcar.org/event1.html 27. October 25, 2014 – 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Buckingham Branch RR www.odcnrhs.org 28. November 1‐2, 2014 ‐ Central NY Chapter NRHS< Great NY State Model Train Fair visit www.modeltrainfair.com or [email protected] 29. November 1, 2014 ‐ Semi‐Annual General Membership/Swap Meet from 9‐12 p.m.
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