See 16-Page Monmouth S, Weather ' thto nMmiag; cleudy this i«. beeemlag ftlr tomor. fMr. M|h both deye I* tht tk. Urn toalght la dM its. See I J. An Independent Newspaper Under Seme Ownership VOLUME 82, NO. 137 Inu.j Dtur. U«du ihrouih Friday, muni u Second Cl*» Huttr 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE at tin Port Offiei 4t lUd Buk. N. J., undti r U"u Ac' t « lltrck 3. lilt—, RED BANK, N. J.) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1060 Defends 24-Hour Demos Day For >are OnAutos Senators For Nov^ Senate Group Gvil Rights Bill Freeholder • Set to Hear Faces Opposition Choices Plan Of Southerners Ned Parsekian DtMOCRATS" CHOtCI- Mayor Karl K. lam of Now Hard Fight WASHINGTON (AP) - The MANASQUAN — The TRENTON (AP) - Actinf Senate battle over civil rights Shrewsbury, left, and Mayor E. Donald Qstwm of Man. Motor Vahlcle director Ned J. legislation turns into aa endur- etqusn heve the Democratic party', lupport for nomina- two mayors who Demo- Pareetian today wu prepared to ance contest today with the start defend New Jersey's car inspec- tion as Board rt Freeholders eandidatei. cratic leadera have selected tion program from its annual at- ofiaround-the-cloek sessions. to carry their standard'in tack by the Appropriations com- the 1960 election for staU ••in • • •" •j for tao start el nuttee. , • ' et th on the Monmouth County .'• ParsikUaa was taatntsasd te> Eisenhower Board of Freeholders met ftn 0M coaualtteeu It Beared i) tad af HianHaUaaiy aw here last night and napped ofOtr. Retort B. Miner's plans for • vigorous race.' BJ Itl M to In this manner they hoped to To Chile MtyorKarf K, Bana of New UVIMeWfy VltltN DM MBM break'the realstaaco of " " BARILOCHE, Argentina (AP) at Mayar E. DtaaM Ostera ' la tut years, members of the foee and force the legiaUtloa to - President Eisenhower flies on cemmHtee have questioned wheth- •OY HURT — Robart Thomas, Jr., II. of 112 Springdale Ave., Now/Shrewsbury, re- a vote. Chile today after pledging WaUaee Will ary dtacastlts) la wkW er the motor vehicle inspection The outnumbered Obde foreca with Argentine President Arturo ceives, attention before being taken to Rivtrvitw Hospital by the Rod lank Rrst Aid atnsstd.a belief that program actually cots the high- were ready to strike back with Frondtei to work for better liv- Barty.ejovtrassoBt la i way death toll. Parsekian prom- Squad. Ho was hit by a truck Saturday afternoon eh Nawman Springs Rd. Police ovaryy aailiaASBttry raooaroa ai Host Opening ing standards in the Americas. ised te make a study of it a year said the truck driver was Robert W. Lincoln, 21, of SeeKonlt, Mass. The truck was theirhi i command. Their' The U. S. and Argentine pres- ago. haadod west on Newman Springs Rd. when the boy ran Into the street from be- Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga). idents also agreed m a "Declar- Both men wera aelecteol w&sa Today he wu ready with fig- said yesterday they are determin- Of Center U Democratic leaden met-Fri- tween two perked can near SI Newman Springs Rd. He was troatod for a scraped ation of Bariloche" that their area oo how many cars are re- ed to talk the DUI to deem. EATONTOWN - Television governments would continue to day night at Bradley Beach and jected for mechanical detects. left leg and releeied. Lincoln received a summons for cereleis driving from Lt. The Ssibirasn have — do- unanimously endorsed them after personality Mike Wallace will be worFVIBkB forIW1' ,i IIVU^SII1.non-interventio| vMIWMnS 0*M*fronMi , • • ~ . They shewed 338,000 vehicles Charles I. Jones, who investigated. the' master of ceremonies at to- said la a abroad in the internal affaire of »*» otherr persons^ whosei aims wen examined last year. Among morrow'a openinpg g of the Mon- nab 1 nations and mutual respect **"|1!!?S """!?!?^? the ones less than a year old, al- yastsraty, bat wfB "play It by mouth Shopping Center, Rt. JJ, among sked to be withdrawn from the most four out of 10 were reject- Today earn** day to day." and Eatontown Circle. The declaration wu signed last race. -\ : , , ed. About 42 per cent of the cars Set. Jaesph S. dark (D-Pa) A ceremony will be held at night si Eisenhower's visit drew Those two wan CoundhBan' between two and five yean old In Washington Expect Denu>9 OOPSJIMSJSJM • a TIM IMtffMW 9:4S a.m. on tile malls.' to a close at the resort In the William F. X. Cornell, Atlantic wen rejected. '. •. ' By: The Aetedated Press A 1,000-foot gold ribbon stretch- foothills of the Andes Mountains Highlands, and Edward T^ We- ,tt foVag tbe btn or watering H ing across tht mall will bo cut *~ Asks Financial AM lln, who had been proposed u SENATE wa.Tae freehold material by KtaaSsurg tan far eare whether Begins around-the-clock se» Battles in Primary by Eatontown Mayor F. Bliss The deelantion wu In general a aMdnit It ftc slons on civil rights legislation; Price. terms and did not deal tptclfl. tjasi vtaw BB^BBBBBBBBBT ^BJOBBJ tjawst cally with Froaduti't call at a rei brakes weald eveafulty ama Judiciary Committee hoMi HtwiU be Introduced by David Fischer to Oppose Mrs. McHugh; He saM l» referred to L. Yunlcb, president of Bamber- news conference earlier yester- drag eton chela, wtB be aae> closed meeting on miscellaneous day for an Increase ia U. S. lag two neaa at tan. no business. ger'e-New Jersey, whkh will Doty Seeks GOP Nomination have the largest aton ia tht financial and technical, aid to He la oat for r PaiatUaa't tees, Attorney HOUSE Latin American countries. Geaeral DavM D. FWaua, Much of the Senate's other bus- cent- > Considers omnibus appropria- RARtTAN TOWNSHIP - The the Haslet Democratic Club, th itu wu Inevitably grinding to The Argentine president, asked abeat Ma action • ssttfag a* aa tion bill. April primary election ballot be-lWomen'a • Democratic Ctob a 4 He uid lut night he»te«i ^^t##| BJ # halt; cota wen being set up in about tht prospects of Moscow's Agricultural Committee consid- gan to take shape here at the the Raritan .Democratic. Orgi. ymea who wilt par campaign,to.increase tht Soviet"absolutely no conflict of inter.- Tke At work el Ma depart- ers farm program, week-end u the Democratic<»r-|Uatioo,' Mrs. Katkvya fv sphen of influence In the komlt- est In the two activities, nthc- awtt'a IS anltssiaaal boards. Foreign Attain Committee ganHation completed to slate McHugh phero, replied that "depends < it Is a merger of tlactn intend ? netri noajovenneattl wines- while at the tame time two^oth-jKaanebu Latin AmsricaVawa eBortaa m,jriahjag to offer the best C poaUag an of their sea on foreign aid attention. er hopefuls tossed the* *e»< k>by tao'i . tad ROT the help It neelvea for Ma devel- say ability and effort ben to my afflcen aad a court suit haa been SUPREME COURT to the ring. ship cleiW'pett. H. toasft, pastor al taAtomreoBBty.* ctartsd » declare Furman'a ac- Meets to -As a result of a 'toot meeting Jeans Memorial Ep Tat ttlted States. wtthla,lts of the Bayvtow Democntic Club, Church, aad Rev. Frederick poasibilitiet. thould Incnate to became Manaeojun's Brst Demo- . rumen aai said kt b within at tt • eaaeaaav aaatj tsuviai aj^pv^aaaajaj^Bia B^WIBJVJ aaw eratie chief executive In a Ma power to CafteUc Church, both Eatontown. said k) answer to a question nan, found no Republican op- I ovsr II days, tht lea. Ia a apodal salute to Bamber- But he eddsd that "only peopl (See DEMOCRATS. Pf. 3) MiddletotvnKennels -aB-elgkti gar'i, Newark, WNTA wiU con-with calomtl attributes can ex- laHltaJloai Coaiajbjlfliisr John tttaNtHI duct a remote broadcast at the pect that foreign help wilt solve W«. TrUUHlIf W IS IppMT DA* i at tat atrotca. toakaton from aeon until 7 p. m. their problems." Man Dies fora OM ooouniitov to dfffend the Owner Strikes Back Preeidtat't Health Ugh ratio of personnel to pa- i far « bean aad « Winding up the first half of tients at Clan Cardner Sanltor- KODDLETOWN - Albert Ro- I a feat*. Ika* Meat Theft his four-nation goodwill mission, After Being lam. an, owner of the A-l Middle- Elsenhower la showing the phyti H. Matt (B> town Kennels. Rt. 35, yesterday Auchincloss cal grind of the lS.Jeo-mile tour. tot the stand la attatoa far » Ben Hit by Car scored critics of his business op- atjaajaatsa. Conviction But White Houie press seciHary be orations. James C. Hagerty uys the Pres- NEW SHKEWSBURY-Overton tf fits fibs Payroll ident it "feeling fine." Several persons appeared be- The longest singlt ao»tl Jsckson's third bout with an au- »--. ^Ajt^aJa aaamsaM*J aW His week-end stay at Bariloche IMBT pMNMS pivfWM M fore the Township Committee last Senate aanioa shown in records Is Reversed tomobile cost him his Ufa early wu largely one of rest. •, relaxa- net's badget was tee high. week and described the kennel Is Listed of the Senato press gallery ran yesterday morning. FREEHOLD - County Judge tion, and private talks with Fron- Tramburg maintains the Urge u a "terrible situation." WASHINGTON (AP) — for St hours and 19 minutes. That The 10-year-old handyman; who John C. Giordano Friday re- «il. But after fishing for 2% Mrs. Vanaeaa Den Ouden, own- January payroll of Rep James wu ia February, 1118, during a worked and lived at Cluna's tav- ataft ia needed because of the versed the conviction of William hours yesterday afternoon for sal- flgtuomaWfor the purchase ern, Shrewsbury Ave.,,wu faulty saaay surgical and convalescent er of another kennel on Rt.
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