PAPERS ON SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH THE DUTIES OF THE CORPS OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED BY J, BARKER, 9, CRANE COURT, FLEEl' S1'REET. AI.D,CCC XXXVIII. CONTENTS. List ef Subsc1'ibers .............•.••.................•.•....... V Int1'oduction ................................................. Vil 1.-0n Intrenchments as Supports in Battle, and on the Necessity qf Completing the Military Organization of the Royal Engineers. By Lieutenant-Colonel REID, Royal Enginee1's ........... II.-Notes on the Charges of ,Military lvfines. By Lieutenant DENISON, Royal Enginee1's ................................... 19 III.-Account of the Demolition ef the Glaciere Bastion at Quebec, in 1828, '27 IV.-JJfemoranda on the Demolition rj the South Face ef Fort Schulem­ berg, Corfi't. By ]J;Jqjor MARSHALL, Royal Engineers .... 30 V.-A short Account ef the Demolition of the Pie1's rj' the Entrance Chamber ef the large Basin at Flushing, in 1809. By Colonel FANSHAWE, Royal Engineers ......................... VI.-E.vtract ef a Letter from Colou1'-Sergeant HARRIS, Royal Sappers and JVliners, to Colonel PASLEY, Royal Engineers, giving an Account of the Mode in which a Stranded S!1ip was bloznz tu pieces ...................................•......... 3(i VIL-Notes on the Fo1'mation ef Breaches by Artille1'y, containing an Abstract ef the E.ipe1'iments at Metz, and an Account of the Practice against Carnot's Wall at l¥oolwich. By Lieutenant DEN Is o N, Royal Engineers . ............•............. · 38 VIII.-.Afemoir on the Fortifications in l¥estcrn Germany, compiled from various sources ..................................... · 51 IX.-On Contoured Plans and Def,lade. By Lieutenant HARl'lEss, Royal Engineers ................................. · . · 'i S X.-Report on the .iYlanchester, Cheshire, Staffordshire, and the South Union Lines ef Railway (by order ef the Master-General and Board of Ordnance.) By Capt. ALDERSON, Royal E11gi11ffl'-', 91 XL-Rideau Dams. By Lieutenant DENISON, Royal Engineers ... · 114 CONTENTS, I\' Page XII.-A Jlemorandum of the .lllanner in whiclt the several Repaii:s of the Chain-Pier at Briglito11 have been e.1,ecuted, together with so~1e Reflections 011 its Constructio11 and Durability. By llfl!}or P;PER, Ro!Jal Engineers . .......... , ..... · . · · · · · · · · · · · 122 x III.-Further Observations on the .llfoving of the Shingle ef t~1e Beach almw the Coast. By Lieut.-Colonel REID, Royal Engineers . 128 XI\T.-Coas/ Defences in Holland. By Captain SANDHAM, Royal Engineers . .................•.. , ..... · , · · · · · · · · · · • · · 134 XV.-011 Hurricanes. By Lieut.-Colonel REtD, Royal Engineers .... 137 X\'1.-011 the Fact of Small Fish falling during Rain in India. By Captain C. W. GRANT, Bombay Engineers ............... 209 XYII.-lnstructions for Jlfaking and Registering Meteorological Obser­ vations at vai·ious Stations in Southern Afi·ica, and other Co1tntries in the South Seas, as also at Sea. By Sil· JoHN F. HERSCHEL, K. H., F. R.S ..•.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 214 XVIII.-On the Construction of Barracks for Tropical Climates. By Captain SMY'fH, Royal Engineers . • . • . 233 XIX.-Memorandum relative to a System of Barracks for the TJTest Indies, recommended by Colonel Sir C. F. Smith, C. B., R. E., and app1·oved by the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. By Captain BRANDRETH, Royal Engineers . • . 239 XX.-Description of Barracks at Lucea, in Jamaica . 247 X X I.-.llfemorandum with reference to the accompanying Sketches of the Office1·s' Barracks erected at George Town, Dememra. By Mr. CumNo, Clerk of Works, R.E.D., Cork .•••........ 248 XXII.-Captain Sandham's Jl,fode of Curing or Improving Snwky Chim­ neys; with Remarks also on Count Rumford's System, ~c. Communicated by Colonel PASLEY, C.B., Royal Engineers . 25 I XXIII.-Notes on Concrete. By Lieut. DENISON, Royal Engineers ..• 263 XXIV.-E.rtract of a Paper on a Refl,ecting Level, invented by Lieut.-Col. BUREL, du Corps du Genie. ( From the 'Memorial du Genie.') Translated by Lieutenant Y OLLAND, Royal Engineers . 267 XXV.-Memorandum on Paving Stable&. By Captain ALDERSON, Royal Engineers .•........•••..••........•••.•.•.... 271 XXVI.-A Method ef taking Perspective Out/mes from Nature. By SAMUEL B. HowLETT, Esq., Cltief Draftsman, Ordnance • .• 273 LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Lieut.-Gen, Rt. Hon. Sir R.H. Vivian, BI. Lieut,-Col. F. English. Major E. Garstin, K,C.B. T. Blan8hard. G. Jcrvi~. Sir S. Dickens, K.C.H. A. Brown. A. Ros~. Major-Gen.ff, Entt, A. Emmett. A. Irvine, C.B. Sir F. l\fulcaster, K.C.H. W.C.Ward. Sir H. Elphinstone, C.B. i\llSCELLANEOUS. E.W. Durnford. ROYAL ARTILLERY. Sir G. Whitmore, K.C.H. Major White, Royal Staff Corps. Sir J. T. Jo11es, Bt. C.B. Lieut.-Col. F. Cleaveland. Prosser, R,M.C. Sandhurst. F. Thackeray, C.B. E. C. Whiuyates, K.H. T. F. Birch, G.B. J. S. Bastard. C. Mann. D. Grant, ROYAL ENGINEERS. J, Hassard, C.'M.G. H.(). Russell. Captain T. H. Fenwick. S. A<lye, C,B. E. G. Walcott. L.A. Hall. Sir T, Anbury, C.B. C. C. Dansey. P. Yule. A.F. Crawford. G. Phillpotts. ROYAL ENGINEERS. R.T.King. C. J. Selwyn. \V. B. Dundas. Colonel C. W. Pasley, C.B. W.l\[, Gosset. G.T. Mithell. H. Goldfinch, C.B. T. F. Lancey. J, R. Arnold, K.H. D. Bolton. J. F, Bnrgoyne, C.B. E. I. C. ENGINEERS. F. W. Whinyates. G. Cardcw, A. W. Robe. Lieut .• Col. J. Peckett. Sir W.Gosset, K.C.H. R. C. Alderson. T. Fyers. J. Cheape. C.Wright. T. Dickinson, C. G. Ellicombe, C.B. C. Ri\'ers. G. Fanshawr, C,B. F. R. Thomson. T. CunninghalD, MISCELLANEOUS. H.Y. Wortham. T. Colby, G. V. Tinling. Lieut.-Col. Freeth, Q.M.G. Depactment. J, Jebb. ROYAL MARINES. T. Smyth. ROYAL ENGINEERS. H.H. Willson. Colonel Sir R. Williams. A. Henderson. Major J. Gordon. T, Battersbee. E. I. C. ENGINEERS. G. Barney. A. Walpole. H. D. Jones. Colonel D. M•Leod. R.J. Vicars. R, H. Boanycastle. R, TickeJl, C.B. G.Tait. A. 'Marshall. \V. Monteith, Brandreth. G. F. Thompson. H. R. C. 0. Streattield. R. S. Piper. MISCELLANEOUS. J. E. Portlock, Sir G. Gipps. W. Gregory. Colonel P. Barry: Sir E. Stanners, C. C, Alexander. W. Reid, Lieut.-Col. C. R, Fox, J.H. Rntllcrford. H.J. Savage. A.Kay. ?ii.A.Waters. ROYAL ENGINEERS. G. C. Page. P. Cole. H. Sanrlham, Lieut,-Col, G. J. Harding. E. Matson. C. l\fackenzie. Sir G. ~oste, C.B. J.C. Victor. T. C. Luxmoore. J. R. Wright. R. J, Barou. G. G. Lewi,. W.Faris. W.C. E. Holloway, C.B. G. B. Patten. H. W. Vavasour. ROYAL ARTlLLERY. F. H. Baddeley. G. Graydon. Major W. Dunn. G. Dalton. R. Thom!on. 1. Gray. C. Rurt. Sir J.M. F. Smith, J, Fogo, G. C. D. Lewfa. Rice Jones. H. Blachley. G. C. Du Plat, K.H. T. Moody. J, A. Chalmer. T. Budgen. J. Oldfield. G. J, Belson. i\f, W. Heath, M. C. Dixon, W.Bell, V. J. Biscoe. P. D. Calder. J. Gordon. H.P.WuJff. W.H. Stade. T.Whitty. M. William~. J. Harper. - Charters. J. Hawkshaw. W. B. Tylden. G. Hotham. T. Hore. J.N. Wells. E. I. C. ENGINEERS. R. Z. Mudge. T. Foster. A. Walker. Major G. Hutchin~on. G. F. W. Bordes. S. WH\iams. c. T, C. Davidson. F. Randolph. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Capt11in J. T. Hope. Lieut, G. St. V. \Vhitmore. Lieut. T. R. Lyster, Lieut, B. W. Goldie, W. C. Forbes. H, Servaote. w.W.Fuller. E. L. Ommanney. R. J. Stotbenl. H. O. Crawley. \V, H. Roberts. H. w. Durand. A. Gordou. J.Twiss. G. F. l\lann. H. M. Dunc11n. C. Ro~e. L. V. Smith. w. c. W. Fulton. J. Laughton. W. B. Marlow. J. Walpol~·­ s. \V utmacott, W, Abercrombie. T. Drummond. T. A. Larcom, c. A. Broke. J.A. Wclh:r. R. K. Dawson, E. Vicars. C. E. Stanley. J.N. Sharp. H. Pooley, St. A. 1tfoleswortb. \V. C. Menzies. J.R. Western. s. H. \Ventworlh, R. Bolder. G. Rcynolols, H. Rigby. H. Tuc-k~·r. E. Frome. R.M. Lalfan, T, Renny, B. S. Stehelin. R. Howorth. A. H Freeling. G. F. Fagan. R. Dashwood. H. St. G. Ord. L.Hm. c. C. Wilkinson. F. Le l\lesurier, H. SiddoH. ROYAL ARTILLERY, J, Greatorex. D. W. Tylee, G.J. Brown. Cdptain B. Willis, J, H. Rimiugton. H. C. B. Moody. J, D. Cunningham. J.H. Freer. \V, D. G. Broui;hton. T. L.A, Simmons. J. H. Sale. J. Eyre. R. J. Nelson. G.A. Leach, A. Cunningham. C. Otway. R. Fenwick. R. Tylden, . J.L. D. Sturt. J. R. Hornsby. G. Burgmann• P.J,S. Barry. N. C. M•Lcod. o. W. Schalcb. E. Aldrich. H.A. White. J. Speus. R. Kendall, J, Chaytor. P. B. Whittingham. W. Jones. R. Clarke, J. Coddington. P. J. Hornby. C. L. Spitta. J. Bloomfield. C. Bailey, J. W. Gossett, S. Pott. R. Tomkyng. W.T. Denison, J. Allardyce. J.Williams. R. Pigou. B. Cuppage. ROYAL ARTILLERY. R. Burn. G. W, Durnford. W.E, Ree~. T.A. Lethbridge. E.T. Lloyd. J, S. Broadfoot. H,James, Lieut. H.O'Bricu. F. Holcombe, R. Luard, C. B, Young. G. \V. Robinson. Gostling. J. Wynne, J.J. F. Crnickshank. T. C. Robe, T. R. l\Jould. A. A. Shuttleworth. F, Weymi9t'o \V. Berners. G. Wynne. T. H. Caddy. J. Estridge, R. Shepherd. J, Lynn. J. M•Coy. G. Wingate, \V. G. Fenwick. \V, Stace. E.F, Grant. P. Studdcrt. F. Weller. H. D. Harness, H.J. Margarry. G. A. Bennett. W. G. C. Caffin. G. Gambier. R. Leech, W.H. Ford. C. Walker. E. I. C. ENGINEERS. E T. Ford, B. Cheetham. P.H. Mundy. W.J, Western •. Captain W. N Forbes. W. Volland. J. A. Curti~. C, E. Ford. H.N.
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