f The VoL 9, No. 4 50c Outside San FranciscoSentinel500 Hayes Street S.F..CA. 94102 (415)861-8100 Next D to fln t; January 15 Next Inue: January 21 January 7.1992 Murder Most Homophobic State' Oklahoma Supreme Suspect Court O.K.s Gay Sought Student Group by Jerome Szymczak by Russ Kahn when the suit was filed, said the Police have issued a warrant for The Oklahoma Supreme Court court action was taken more “to the arrest of Frank Anthony Baca has confirmed the right of a gay bring out just how much discrimi­ as a prime suspect in the Decem­ students.’ group to receive official nation and prejudice there is ber 19 slaying of musician Sean recognition from the University of against gay people in Oklahoma." McLamon. Oklahoma. The court ordered the Mehring, who now lives in San Police described Baca a a light­ university's Regents to grant recog­ Francisco, said he doubted that skinned, Latino male in his early nition to the group. the action would be won on appeal twenties, with brown eyes and The December 30 decision fol­ after being denied in a lower court. black hair. He is approximately lowed a five-year court battle. Gay In that derision, District Judge 5 7" tall, 155 pounds, with tatoos Rights Advocates counsel Don Alma Wilson said, "There is no on both hands. Police Lieutenant Knutson called it “a benchmark constitutional guarantee against dis­ Larry Gray said he is considered for college gay groups nation­ crimination with reference to sexu­ armed and dangerous. Gray added wide." G.R.A. joined the case as a al orientation or sex preference.” that “there is strong evidence” impli­ “friend of the court" on appeal in In the suit Mehring said his cating Baca, but he declined to 1978. group was organized “to advocate specify what that evidence is. American Civil Liberties Union the elimination of legal discrimi­ McLamon. 50. was shot to death lawyer Glenn Rawderi argued the nation against homosexuals, to in­ SOONER OR LASER: Thousand's disco d In Iho now year Gallon* ai Conceptual Entertainments RESOLUTIONS case for the U. of Oklahoma Gay sure the integrity of the individual hs Laser Media s light show radiated throughout the 82 party. in his car at Eighth and Townsend Streets shortly after midnight on Activists Alliance. In San Fran­ regardless of orientation, against the Saturday before Christmas. He cisco, Knutson said, "This issue is personal and social prejudice and lived at 701 Taylor Street. A wit­ now decided as far as I am con­ to affirm positive self image of the INSIDE homosexual." ness heard shots about 12:30 A.M. cerned.” and saw someone running from University Regents will decide Knutson hopes the state su­ Police Don’t Indulge Siste rs........................ Page 2 McLamon's 1965 Cadillac. The at their January monthly meeting preme court derision will improve San Francisco Chronicle reported it whether to appeal the latest ruling the ACLU’s chances of Winning a Upper Market Sidewalk Plans revealed.........Page 3 was so dark, however, “that no to the U.S. Supreme Court. Univer­ suit in federal district court in Okla­ description of the suspect could be sity officials did not return phone homa opposing a law which re­ Can You Be Too Beautiful?..........................Page 4 given.’' calls inquiring about the matter. quires that all gay teachers be Police have pinpointed robbery Gay groups at the University of fired. “The psychology is the same. Fox Comes On Strong for “Making Love”....... Page 6 as a possible motive. McLamon's Missouri, Texas A & M, the Uni­ They are forcing gays into the wallet was missing, but investiga- versity of New Hampshire, and closet," Knutson said. the University of Virginia won T he ACLU has had difficulty Nurse s First-Person Story Continues similar decisions in the last ten finding teachers fillin g to take the Vidal To Address years. But Knutson said the Okla­ stand in that suit because they fear homa decision “put the final nail in they will lose their jobs, Knutson GGBA Dinner the coffin.” said. Nonetheless, he hopes that Coming Out As A “Oklahoma is probably the most the state supreme court derision homophobic state in the union. It will ease sentiments against gays. January 28 has to be the worst place to live if Meanwhile. Knutson is now fo­ Gay Cancer Patient you are gay." He added that the. cusing his attention on the right of ruling comes at a time when a gay groups to be recognized at Gore Vidal will deliver the key­ by Bobbi Campbell. R.N. the questions,,“Who should I tell, resurgence of right-wing support privateColIeges.Thosecases, invol­ note address to the Golden Gate What? Another story on gay and why?” Acknowledging one­ is setting back some advances of ving the University of San Fran­ Business Association's eighth an­ cancer? self to one’s friends and family is gay groups. cisco and Georgetown University, nual installation and awards din­ Well, I’ve lived nearly thirty an important step and one which is Justice Randolph Hargrave, wri: cannot be agued on the same consti­ ner. association officials an years, each year filled with adven­ fraught with hazards. ting for thé Supreme Court, said in tutional grounds beause the institu­ nounced this week. The novelist, ture. I had to come to terms with a All of us know lesbians and gay the 14-page decision, “mere undif­ tions are private, Knutson said. cancer diagnosis in 1981—a social critic, raconteur, wit. and men who have not come out to ferentiated fear of apprehension Those schools are trying to side­ possible U.S. Senate candidate crisis topped only by coming to their family, or who did so with on the part of the Univèrsity Re­ step local ordinances on religious joins cnmip Robin Tyler and S.F. terms with my homosexuality in disastrous results. On the other gents or disagreement with philo­ grounds. Both are Jesuit Catholic } Municipal G um Judge Mary Mor­ 1970. hand, if this disclosure is met with sophy. no matter how repugnant schools. gan on the January 28 program.. The adjustment process in acceptance and love, it is a grow­ to these officials, is not enough to Knutson said the suits should be Tyler will emcee the event, and these two situations was similar. I ing experience for all concerned. WANTED FOR MURDER: overcome First Amendment free­ helped out by a December 8 U.S. Frank Anthony Baca the openly lesbian judge will de had to acknowledge to myself that Obviously, everyone's circum­ doms." Supreme Court ruling that said liver brief remarks, G.G.B.A. exe­ I really was in a particular situa­ stances are different. If you work tors found some cash in the vic­ The university's student con­ public Universities must allow reli­ cutive director Kim Girtright tion, that I had not chosen to be for the F.B.I., and it's important tim's pocket. gress denied official recognition to gious groups to meet on their cam­ said. The association wili also pre­ there, but I could choose what I for you to keep your job, then it's McLamon had worked as a cock­ the gay student group three times puses. sent its annual community-service would do in response, and I espe­ probably in your interests not to tail-hour pianist at Napper Tandy's beginning in October, 1976. The When it ruled against the Univer­ and member-service awards at the cially could decide how public or come out. In general, I encourage restaurant in the Hyatt-Union Regents upheld those decisions. sity of Oklahoma! the state su­ dinner. private I wanted to be. gay people to be as open as they Square Hotel. Official status entitles a group to preme court denied the gay stu­ Gtrtrighi said Vidal would of­ Gayness, like a cancer diagno­ safely can. It’s healthier for you Nikos Diaman, a San Francisco apply for funds from the student dents' request for attorney's fees. fer "one variation or another" of sis, is socially stigmatized, and it not to have to disguise an impor­ author and publisher, said that he congress and to use càmpus build­ The court granted the Regents his current "state of the state" can be concealed or divulged. tant part of your life. It's education­ and McLamon were lovers for a ings. immunity from liability, saying speech. In a recent Nation essay- Homosexuals, unlike racial or eth­ al for the straight community, brief period some twenty years But John Mehring, the presi­ they did not act with malicious reprinted in the Sentinel, Vidal nic minorities, women, or obese which may not have realized how ago. dent of the gay student group intent. roundly, attacked neo-conservn people, can generally escape so­ widespread and diverse we gays tive. anti-gay stereotyping. cial censure by hiding that which are. / G.G.B.A. officers for 1982 are makes them different. A person diagnosed with cancer Roger Gross, president; Bob Cog Obviously, a closet can be social­ also faces the issue of coming out. lianese. vice-president; Laurie ly protective. However, it can be a Here again, every person has a McBride, secretary; and Bill Clark, psychological disadvantage if the different styl^, and every situation treasurer. closeted gay person internalizes is unique. Cocktaijs begin at 6:30, and the oppression. Then, the person My lover told me in no uncer­ dinner is at 8:00, at the Golden blames him or herself rather than tain terms that if he were ever to Gateway Holiday Inn on Van N ess' the intolerance of a homophobic get cancer, he wouldn't even tell Ave.
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