PSI Energ y Oil & Gas Reference List Control and Energy Management Systems PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Page 2 of 52 © PSI AG; 04.2017 - GO Oil Gas References EN 04 2017.doc PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Reference List Open Grid Europe GmbH Essen 2016 - 2017 Upgrade of the control and information systems for the DAISY dispatching system. The latest versions of PSIcontrol, simulation, gas quality reconstruction and Transport Management were implemented. Connection between sites is carried out via site syn- chronization. Open Grid Europe GmbH Essen 2000 - 2016 Annual adaptation to German and European gas market requirements for transport management system PSItransport and nomination management system NoMa (since 2011). PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt 2016 Upgrade to the latest version of PSIpipelines applications Leak Detection and Loca- tion, Batch Tracking, Pig Tracking and Pipeline Stress Monitoring. The examination by TÜV is based on the German regulations TRFL (Technical Guideline on Pipelines) according to IEC EN 61508 SIL 1 and the Code of Practice AD-S1. Swedegas AB Göteborg, Sweden 2015 - 2016 Online simulation system with leak detection, pig tracking and gas quality tracking. Input data is received via OPC communication from the Swedegas SCADA system. The gas quality tracking calculates results for billing purposes. © PSI AG; 04.2017 - GO Oil Gas References EN 04 2017.doc Page 3 of 52 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems OMV Germany Burghausen 2015 - 2016 Hardware and system upgrade for OMV Burghausen’s PSIpipelines leak detection and location system for crude oil and product pipelines. E.ON Netzgesellschaft Essen 2015 Develop and implement a new generation of network control systems at 8 locations for the EON Group. Includes homogeneous system basis and identical functionality for the various mediums of the multi-utility control system. Incorporates optimal use of today’s control system standards, IT, Software and hardware technology as well as digitalised communication networks. bayernets GmbH Munich 2015 Migration of control system to PSIcontrol Gas with new implementation of PSI- transport, PSIprognose, PSIganesi for online gas grid simulation and PSIganproda for gas quality tracking for billing purposes. Thyssengas GmbH Dortmund 2015 Delivery of PSIportal system for display, report generation, archiving and tracking of data from the control system and the transportation management system over a time period of 10 years. Thyssengas GmbH Dortmund 2014 - 2016 Upgrade of the Gas Management System to the latest versions of PSIcontrol Gas, PSIganesi, PSItransport and PSIcomcentre. A stand-by system was also implemented which is connected in a disaster tolerant manner to the main system via site synchroni- zation. Page 4 of 52 © PSI AG; 04.2017 - GO Oil Gas References EN 04 2017.doc PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems E.ON IT GmbH Essen 2014 - 2015 The Storage Management System (SMS) for E.ON for Gas Storage (EGS) was ex- panded to include the system PSIarchive (based on PSIportal) for display, archiving and report generation. KGE Kommunale Gasspeichergesellschaft Epe mbH & Co. KG Gronau 2014 - 2015 Upgrade of the Storage Management System for operative contract handling and monitor- ing storage operations consisting of PSItransstore, PSIcontrol Gas and PSIcomcentre as well as delivery of a test system. Austrian Gas Grid Management AG (AGGM) Vienna, Austria 2014 - 2015 Upgrade of the Gas Grid Management System due to changing statutory guidelines and market driven requirements with expansion of market communication and capacity management. ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH Leipzig 2014 - 2015 Upgrade to the latest version of the process control system PSIcontrol Gas as well as modernisation of online simulation and calibrated gas quality reconstruction with PSIganesi. Westnetz GmbH Dortmund 2014 - 2015 Upgrade of the existing Gas Management System to the latest versions of PSIcontrol Gas, PSItransport, PSIprognose, PSIcomcentre and PSIfetch for the main and secondary control centres. Connection between the facilities is carried out via site synchronisation. © PSI AG; 04.2017 - GO Oil Gas References EN 04 2017.doc Page 5 of 52 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG Leverkusen 2013 - 2014 Upgrade of the load management system for the most cost efficient utilization of the gas supply contracts with multiple suppliers for various production sites using PSIcompact and PSIfetch. DONG Energy A/S Hörsholm, Denmark 2013 - 2014 The DONG gas dispatching solution system which handles the business processes for short-tern trading was realised by implementing the standard applications PSItransact, PSIcomcentre and PSIgasaf. DONG will manage its operational activities using the PSI AG Gas Dispatching Solution and it will be seamlessly integrated into the existing envi- ronment. GASCADE Gastransport GmbH Kassel 2012 - 2014 Migration of the existing control system PSIgamos to PSIcontrol. The GASCADE trans- mission system was realised by implementing a Gas Management System consisting of the control system PSIcontrol, online simulation PSIganesi, model based calorific value calculation PSIreko and transport planning with PSItransport. Austrian Gas Grid Management AG (AGGM) Vienna, Austria 2012 The existing Gas Grid Management System, based on the PSI solution PSItransport, was expanded to meet the requirements of gas regulation 4 of the Austrian market. Page 6 of 52 © PSI AG; 04.2017 - GO Oil Gas References EN 04 2017.doc PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management System s PAO Gazprom Central Production-Dispatching Department (CPDD) Moscow, Russia 2011-2016 Developed and delivered the basic software for the centralised control system of Gaz- prom’s gas transport system in the Russian Federation (M ASDU ESG). PSI supplied the software components PSIcontrol CPDD, PSItransport, PSIcomcentre and PSILvisserver for the main supervisory level as well as PSIcontrolCPDDconnect and PSIcomcentre for the 27 subordinate Gazprom subsidiaries. PAO Gazprom OOO Gazprom UGS Moscow, Russia 2011 - 2014 Technological dispatching system for Gazprom’s 19 underground gas storage (UGS) facil- ities throughout Russia. The system includes the standard applications PSIcontrol V7 with MLCS Technology (Multi Level Control System), PSIstorage, PSIcomcentre, PSIportal and PSIganesi. PAO Gazprom Pipeline Sakhalin – Wladiwostok OOO Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk, Russia 2011 - 2014 Delivery of a regional dispatching system (located in Khabarovsk with the dispatching centre in Tomsk) with four subordinate local control systems. The system includes the standard applications PSIcontrol V7 with MLCS Technology (Multi Level Control Sys- tem), PSItransport, PSIcomcentre, and PSIganesi. The Sakhalin – Wladiwostok pipeline supplies the Far East as well as part of the planned export connection to China. PAO Gazprom Pipeline Bovanenkovo – Ukhta – Torshok OOO Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta, Russia 2011 - 2014 Delivery of eleven regional control systems (connected to the dispatching center in Ukhta) based on PSIcontrol V7 with MLCS Technology (Multi Level Control System) for the Bovanenkovo – Ukhta – Torshok pipeline. The pipeline serves as one of the main supply routes, connects to the Nord Stream Pipeline and supplies Russia domestically. © PSI AG; 04.2017 - GO Oil Gas References EN 04 2017.doc Page 7 of 52 PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Deutsche Transalpine Oelleitung GmbH (TAL) Munich 2011 - 2013 Upgrade to new process control system PSIcontrol. The system includes integrated higher operating and security functions in PSIpipelines such as online simulation, batch tracking, leak detection and load change collectivisation. Kuwait Oil Company Burgan, Kuwait 2011 - 2013 Extension of the existing Pipeline Leak Detection and Location System (PSIpipelines) for the countrywide gas and condensate pipelines of KOC with the new booster station BS171. Saudi Aramco Khursaniyah, Saudi Arabia 2011 - 2012 Delivery of a Pipeline Leak Detection and Location System (PSIpipelines) for the Saudi Aramco Karan Gas Field Project with 4 offshore flow lines and a 38” offshore trunk line 85 km in length from the gas field to the onshore gas plant. E.ON IT GmbH Essen 2011 - 2012 The implemented storage management system (SMS) for E.ON Gas Storage (EGS) is responsible for operative contract handling and monitoring of storage operations using PSItransstore. Page 8 of 52 © PSI AG; 04.2017 - GO Oil Gas References EN 04 2017.doc PSIE n e r g y O i l & G a s R e f e r e n c e L i s t Control and Energy Management Systems Mineralölverbundleitung GmbH (MVL) Schwedt 2011 - 2012 Migration to new process control system PSIcontrol. The system includes integrated higher operating functions such as leak detection and location, tank farm management and load change collectivisation. The examination by TÜV was based on the German regulations TRFL (Technical Guideline on Pipelines) according to IEC EN 61508 SIL 1 and the Code of Practice AD-S1. Netzgesellschaft Berlin Brandenburg mbH & Co. KG (NBB) Berlin 2011 - 2012 Upgrade to new control system PSIcontrol. The system includes an integrated topo- logical data model for gas network simulation. Open Grid Europe GmbH Essen 2011 - 2012 Implementation of the transport management system PSItransport for a fully automat- ic system for nomination management. The solution is comprised of PSI components as well as portal solutions for internal and external user interfaces and message pro- cessing.
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