ZheÃ[li2NBNQD_Vġ¾ 01/01/2005---01/06/2013 6¬el Energy 4`ĩ ?Lh¾ 13671 Special Officer (Reforms) BNQlªlS¯el ?Lh¾ 1288 1 1 EN1enr2002 17/04/2002 10/01/2005 D energy reforms 2 1341 DE5PSR2002 06/02/2002 10/01/2005 D Energy conservation through improvedment in the efficiency ofj irrigation pumpsets 3 1358 DE22PSR2002 17/04/2002 18/01/2005 C Energy conservation Act,2001 4 1368 DE32PSR2002 22/04/2003 10/01/2005 D Filling up posts of company secretary in the newly formed DISCOMS 5 1370 DE34PSR2002 31/05/2002 10/01/2005 D Audit of accounts/certification by AG's office 6 1382 DE46PSR2002 09/07/2002 10/01/2005 D Excemption from application fo the provisions of pf and MP Act 1952 7 1383 DE47PSR2002 18/07/2002 10/01/2005 D Exception from the certification of payment of Gratuity Act 1972 to the employees of KPTCL. 8 1403 DE54PSR2002 02/08/2002 24/01/2006 D ESCOMS Monitoring committee 9 1484 DE76PSR2002 16/10/2002 18/01/2005 C Local participation in management of electricity. 10 1486 DE78PSR2002 30/10/2002 18/01/2005 C Introduction of pass book for billing and payment of energy charges by IP set consumers 11 1487 DE79PSR2002 31/10/2002 24/01/2006 D Report of the Expert committee on State specific reforms 12 1488 DE80PSR2002 14/11/2002 18/01/2005 C ERC filing for FY 2003-04 13 1491 DE83PSR2002 20/11/2002 24/01/2006 D Preparation and implementation of DMTFP 14 1492 DE84PSR2002 22/11/2002 24/01/2006 D Information required for sanction and release of APDRP 15 1498 DE90PSR2002 04/12/2002 18/01/2005 C Rating of SEBs by CRISIL 16 1509 EN01PSR2003 03/01/2003 06/01/2005 D 14/06/2013 VLc2lÍ 1 ZheÃ[li2NBNQD_Vġ¾ 01/01/2005---01/06/2013 6¬el Energy 4`ĩ General Correspondence 17 1510 DE3PSR2003 08/01/2003 06/01/2005 D Arranging power supply to durinking water supply installaions of ZP/VP 18 1513 DE6PSR2003 17/01/2003 06/01/2005 D Extending the contract of FDP Consultants 19 1515 DE8PSR2003 29/01/2003 06/01/2005 D Communication efforts with ESCOMS 20 1516 DE9PSR2003 30/01/2003 06/01/2005 D Budget speech 2003-04 21 1518 DE11PSR2003 03/02/2003 06/01/2005 D Vidyuth durghatana sahayaka scheme 22 1520 DE13PSR2003 10/02/2003 06/01/2005 D Review of metering programme and collection efficiency of ESCOMS 23 1521 DE14PSR2003 10/02/2003 06/01/2005 D Providing 0.2 class energy meters, CTs and PTs for metering of Energy transmitted in KPCL gerarating station. 24 1523 DE16PSR2003 19/02/2003 06/01/2005 D All party meeting proceedings - reg 25 1524 DE17PSR2003 19/02/2003 06/01/2005 D Feasibility study for AMR based Enrgy Management and auditing system by M/S EMS solutions in BESCOM 26 1526 DE19PSR2003 25/02/2003 06/01/2005 D Roles and responsibilities of KPTCL and others 27 1527 DE20PSR2003 25/02/2003 06/01/2005 D Evaluation of EA Projects 28 1528 DE21PSR2003 26/02/2003 06/01/2005 D Participation of KERC members/staff in seminors/training 29 1530 DE23PSR2003 28/02/2003 18/01/2005 C Retaining to KPTCL of O & M Davangere. 30 1531 DE24PSR2003 28/02/2003 09/11/2006 D Appoint of MDs/Directors to ESCOMS 31 1532 DE25PSR2003 28/02/2003 24/01/2006 D w.P. No. 5591 of 2003 (p/l KEB) between hamid pasha v/s state of karnataka and others. 32 1534 DE27PSR2003 17/03/2003 24/01/2006 D Institution of Strengthening of ESCOMS 33 1535 DE28PSR2003 19/03/2003 24/01/2006 D KERC tariff order 10/3/03 14/06/2013 VLc2lÍ 2 ZheÃ[li2NBNQD_Vġ¾ 01/01/2005---01/06/2013 6¬el Energy 4`ĩ 34 1536 DE29PSR2003 19/03/2003 24/01/2006 D Amendment to Electricity taxation Act 1959 35 1540 DE33PSR2003 29/03/2003 18/01/2005 B Appoint of Finance Directors to ESCOMS 36 1541 DE34PSR2003 01/04/2003 24/01/2006 D Amendment to KERC rules 2000 37 1543 DE36PSR2003 08/04/2003 24/01/2006 D Interest waiver scheme to IP set Consumers. 38 1545 DE38PSR2003 16/04/2003 24/01/2006 D Relese of funds for servising of pending/unauthorised IP sets in Mandya district - (CM's meeting on 7.4.03 with formers) 39 1546 DE39PSR2003 19/04/2003 24/01/2006 D ERC filing for the year FY 2004 40 1547 DE40PSR2003 23/04/2003 24/01/2006 D Subject committee meeting 2003-2004 41 1548 DE41PSR2003 29/04/2003 18/01/2005 C Infrastructure policy 2003 42 2252 DE42PSR2003 28/08/2003 06/01/2005 D Communication campaign on interest waiver scheme of IP set consumers - CM's appeal to farmers. 43 2253 DE43PSR2003 28/08/2003 06/01/2005 D Regulation of Rigs movement 44 2282 DE12PSR1999 29/08/2003 19/01/2005 B Correspondence relating to appointment of Sri.D.Y.Muralidhara Rao as Special Officer, Energy Department, 45 2303 DE12PSR19991 02/09/2003 22/04/2006 D Correspondence relating to appointment of Sri.D.Y.Muralidhara Rao as Special Officer, Energy Department, 46 2329 DE23PSR2001p-1 06/09/2003 24/01/2006 D Electricity Tax 47 2330 DE23PSR2001p-2 06/09/2003 24/01/2006 D Electricity Tax 48 2331 DE44PSR2003 14/05/2003 06/01/2005 D Consultative Committee 49 2332 DE45PSR2003 16/05/2003 06/01/2005 D Fee to Selection Committee Chairman & Members (KERC Members) 50 2334 DE47PSR2003 24/05/2003 06/01/2005 D Sutra Project of RDPR 51 2336 DE49PSR2003 29/05/2003 06/01/2005 D 14/06/2013 VLc2lÍ 3 ZheÃ[li2NBNQD_Vġ¾ 01/01/2005---01/06/2013 6¬el Energy 4`ĩ Introducing Amendments to KER Act 1999, 52 2339 DE52PSR2003 04/06/2003 06/01/2005 D Writ Petitions on II nd Transfer Scheme Rules 2002 53 2340 DE53PSR2003 06/06/2003 10/11/2006 D Correspondence with CEIG 54 2341 DE54PSR2003 06/06/2003 06/01/2005 D Transmission and Distribution Losses in respect of Escoms 55 2342 DE55PSR2003 07/06/2003 24/01/2006 D Electricity Bill-2003 56 2345 DE58PSR2003 01/07/2003 06/01/2005 D Oath of Officer and of Secrecy of Members of KERC 57 2347 DE60PSR2003 09/07/2003 06/01/2005 D Writ petition of Sri.N.Vijaya Bhaskar 58 2348 DE61PSR2003 09/07/2003 06/01/2005 D 12 point programme of the hon'ble chief minister 59 2349 DE62PSR2003 10/07/2003 06/01/2005 D Distribution privatisation strategy oand implementation 60 2362 DE65PSR2003 06/08/2003 06/01/2005 D Indipendence Day speech by Hon'ble Chief Minister 61 2363 DE66PSR2003 19/08/2003 24/01/2006 D Writ petition of Pensioners KPTCL/ESCOMs 62 2409 DE67PSR2003 23/08/2003 06/01/2005 D Formulation of National Electricity Policy 63 2416 DE75PSR2003 10/09/2003 06/01/2005 D Review of power sector by chief minister 64 2417 DE76PSR2003 12/09/2003 06/01/2005 D consultancy payment(state huzur treasury) 65 2418 DE77PSR2003 13/09/2003 06/01/2005 D Billling of IP installation under commercial tariff 66 2420 DE79PSR2003 18/09/2003 24/01/2006 D 3% ROR Resubsidy on Net fixed asset(NFA) 67 2450 DE21PSR1999 24/12/1999 18/01/2005 C DFID correspondence 68 2479 DE35PSR2000 07/10/2003 24/01/2006 D Proposal to constitute Joint Committee to Study and formulate the proposals for transfer of Hydel Gen.undertaking of VVNL TO KPTCL and hiring of Diesel Plant at yelahanka. 14/06/2013 VLc2lÍ 4 ZheÃ[li2NBNQD_Vġ¾ 01/01/2005---01/06/2013 6¬el Energy 4`ĩ 69 2486 DE42PSR2000 07/10/2003 06/01/2005 D Energy Conservation Bill 2000 70 2493 DE49PSR2000 07/10/2003 06/01/2005 D The Financial and Distribution Privatisation Consultancy services 71 2494 DE50PSR2000 07/10/2003 06/01/2005 D The Institutional Strengthening of KPTCL & Power Marketing Development Consultancy Services 72 2519 DE26PSR2001 08/10/2003 06/01/2005 D CIRCULAR FILE 73 2522 DE29PSR2001 08/10/2003 24/01/2006 D WORLD BANK CORRESPONDENCE 74 2524 DE29PSR20012 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D WORLD BANK CORRESPONDENCE 75 2525 DE29PSR20013 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D WORLD BANK CORRESPONDENCE 76 2526 DE29PSR20014 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D WORLD BANK CORRESPONDENCE 77 2530 DE33PSR2001 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D CONSULTANCY PAYMENT (STATE HUZUR TREASURY) 78 2531 DE34.PSR2001 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D MONTHLY CASH FLOW STATEMENT OF KPTCL FOR THE YEAR 2001- 2002 79 2533 DE36PSR2001 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D INFORMATION MEMORANDUM 80 2556 DE59PSR2001 08/10/2003 24/01/2006 D FILING OF INCOME TAX RETURNS FOR CONSULTANTS 81 2564 DE67PSR2001 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D INVESTMENT PLAN TO KPTCL THROUGH WORLD BANK ASSISTANCE 82 2627 DE29PSR20031 18/10/2003 18/03/2008 A Amendment to Electricity taxation Act 1959 83 2640 DE80PSR2003 18/09/2003 06/01/2005 D Annual Accounts & Reports of KERC 2002-03 84 2643 DE83PSR2003 24/09/2003 06/01/2005 D Concept paper on Eligibility Conditions for Grant of Power Trading Licence 85 2645 DE85PSR2003 27/09/2003 06/01/2005 D NABARD Guidelines for Availing Loan Assistance under the Ninth Tranche of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund in the year 2003-04 86 2646 DE86PSR2003 07/10/2003 06/01/2005 D 14/06/2013 VLc2lÍ 5 ZheÃ[li2NBNQD_Vġ¾ 01/01/2005---01/06/2013 6¬el Energy 4`ĩ Power Generated by Captive Generators 87 2647 DE87PSR2003 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Constitution Special Court & Issues of their Notification under E.A.2003 88 2648 DE88PSR2003 08/10/2003 07/01/2005 D E.A.2003 Framing of Rules 89 2650 DE90PSR2003 09/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Rationalisation of Tariff for Farmers in Malnad Areas 90 2651 DE100PSR2003 16/10/2003 24/01/2006 D Applintmement of Appelate Authorities 91 2652 DE102PSR2003 17/10/2003 17/05/2013 D Steps to Amend Section 151 of the Electricity Act 2003 92 2653 DE92PSR2003 13/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Meeting on Implications of Electricity Act 2003 93 2657 DE96PSR2003 15/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Notifications under EA 2003 regarding Chief Electrical Inspector 94 2658 DE97PSR2003 15/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Notifications under EA 2003 - Others 95 2662 DE104PSR2003 21/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Draft Bulk Supply Agreement between KPTCL & ESCOMS 96 2689 DE109PSR2003 23/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Farmars Meeting by Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture 97 2690 DE110PSR2003 23/10/2003 07/01/2005 D Writ Petition of Sri.Jambaiah Ex-Employee KPCL 98 2775 DE115PSR2003
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