LITTLETONe e ort Informing the Citizens of Littleton JUNE 1996 City of Littleton Full Funding Agreement Signed Congressional Approval Final Hurdle for Southwest Corridor Light Rail Mayor Dennis Reynolds joined a money but Littleton RTD representati ve distinguished list of regional and na­ Bob Tonsing is more confident than tional officials at the May 9 signing of ever before. 'The full funding agree­ the full funding agreement forthe South­ ment puts us in a special category and, west Corridor even though it light rail line. still takes con­ The cer- gressional ap­ emony marked a proval for pledge of $120 funding, we million in federal are now more likely to get the I funds for the ex­ tension of light money, even in rail from 1-25 tight budget and South ti mes," he Broadway along said. "The Denver Regional Council of Governments Board Chairman Roland Cole Transportation SecretaJ)' Federico Pefia signs the Santa Fe to Min­ full funding agreemellf for the Southwest Corridor. Southwest and u.s. Secretary of Transportation Federico Pella look on as Littleton erai Avenue. Corridor light Mayor Dennis Reynolds addresses the crowd at 'he signing nf the fill! Among those joining Reynolds at rail project has faced many adversities funding agreement. the podium were U.S . SecretaryofTrans­ and they aren't over yet, but the facts portation Federico Pena, Englewood and figures are compelling from a con­ Meeting with CDOT Results in Mayor Tom Burns and RTD Board gressional point of view," he added. Chairman Ben Klein. Reynolds said, Plans call for stops at West Evans Planned Improvements for Santa Fe "It is fitting this ceremony is at the end Avenue, Cinderella City, downtown In attendance at the meeting were of the existing light rail line, because 'Littleton and Mineral Avenue. RTD In a meeting May 14 between City Mayor Reynolds, Littleton City Man­ this signing is a beginning for extend­ has committed up to $17 million in of Littleton officials and representa­ ager Andy McMinimee, COOT Regional ing the line to the south." local funds. Construction is expected to tives of the Colorado Department of Transportation Director Larry Warner Light rail supporters have worked start in 1997 and the line should be Transportation (COOT), six steps were and numerous engineering staff from for more than 10 years to bring the operational in 2000. outlined to enhance the vehicular safety both agencies. Southwest Corridor to this point. Sec­ Special thanks to Colorado's con­ of South Santa Fe Drive. The six step program is as follows: retary Pena made note of the effort. gressional delegation who've provided "Although Santa Fe is a state high­ I). Install additional lighting from "There are those who thought the project crucial support to the effort to bring way, the city is committed to pursuing Meadowood Village to Wolhurst Land­ might never get federal funds, but I tell light rail to the south metro area: Rep­ every available option to make this road ing. The Littleton City Council voted you I am happy to sign this agreement resentatives Dan Schaefer (R), Joel as safe as possible," said Mayor Dennis on the proposal at its May 21 meeting. to make a $120 million federal invest­ Hefley (R), Scott McInnis (R), Wayne Reynolds following the meeting. 'The 15 lights will be placed at a ment in the Southwest Corridor," he Allard (R), Pat Schroeder (D), David road's path through Littleton makes its said. Skaggs (D), and Senators Hank Brown reliability an obvious priority," Reynolds (Colltinued on page 3) Congress must still appropriate the (R) and Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R). added. City of Littleton Bulk Rate INSIDE: 2255 West Berry Ave. U.S. Postage Paid Littleton, CO 80165 Police Chief Retires ......................... Page 2 Littleton, CO Permit No. 205 Liquor License Suspensions ............. Page 3 New Library Director Chosen .......... Page 4 Sculpture on Parade ......................... Page 5 CAR-RT SORT Fire Protection Service Approved ..... Page 6 Postal Patron Street Sweeping ............................... Page 7 page 2 City a/Littleton Littleton Police Chief Retires WWII Veterans Committee Littleton Police Chief Craig E. Camp has re­ Selects Memorial Site tired effective July 12, 1996. Utilizing accumulated vacation leave, Camp's last day was May 16, 1996. Ketring Park has been selected by of funds from other sources in a ta x­ City Manager Andy McMinimee is conducting a the World War n Veterans Committee free status. nationwide search for a permanent replacement. as the site of a memorial to honor par­ Talks have begun with a number of McMinimee commended Camp for hi s ser­ ticipants In that war. Littleton artists. Further fund raisi ng vice to the citizens of Littleton. "Craig's dedication The location filS the criteria for news will be forthcoming. to the department and his commitment to the com­ exposure, and adequate parking and For additional information, con­ munity are appreciated by all of us in Littleton. We maintenance. The Littleton City Coun­ tact Tom Heaton, Committee Chair­ wish him the best of luck in his retirement," cil has named thecommitteea "Littleton man, Littleton Center, 2255 West Berry McMinimee said. Cultural Hi storical Faci lities Avenue, Littleton, Colorado, 80165. Agency,"allowing the solicititation Craig Camp Camp began hi s career in Littleton in 1963 as a patrol officer. He was promoted through the ranks to lieutenant, leaving Littleton in 1970 for the Lakewood Department of Public Safety. He became the chier of police in Northglenn in 197 1. He was appointed New Administrative Litteton's police chief in 1984. Camp's 25 years as a police chief is the longest tenure of present metropolitan Denver area chiefs. Services Director Selected Camp earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Denver and is a Littleton City Manager Andy City Clerk since 1985. She previously graduate of the FBI National Academy. McMinimee has ann oun ced the selec­ wo rked as deputy municipal clerk for During Camp's tenure, Littleton achieved a decrease in its overall crime rate. tion of Janice L. Owen as the new the City of Englewood. The Colorado Camp also oversaw upgrades in the department's equipment, training and conver­ director of administrative services for Municipal Clerks Association named sion to computers. the City of Littleton. her clerk of the year in 1995. McMinimee named Commander Robert Brandt Acting Chief. Brandt started Owen was chosen from a field or .or am excited to enter this new with the Littleton Police Department in 1976 as a patrol officer. 154 applicants. The administrative ser­ phase of my career in municipal gov­ vices department includes the city clerk, ernment," Owen said. "With an excep­ information systems, employee rela­ tional staff already in place, I am confi­ Eighth Home Ownership House Built tions, court, fleet maintenance, build­ dent we wi ll accomplish a great deal," ing maintenance, print shop, switch­ she added. The Littleton Housing Author­ The program allows the AVS board, and senior citizen and disabled Owen replaces Deborah Broome ity (LHA) and the Area Vocational students to gain and expand their ski ll s transportation programs. Owen will who announced her resignation in Feb­ School (AVS) announce the completion in the building trades under the supervi­ supervise a staff of 39. ruary to accept a position as Ass-istanl of the eighth home built by AVS stu­ sion of the building trades instructor. In Owen's career in municipal gov­ City Manager of Plano, Texas. dents. A ceremony was held at the addition, all licensed contractors in the ernment includes service as Littleton's home, located at 6027 S. Hill St., on program instruct as they work including Monday, May 20. Domestic [nsulation Co., Robinson This innovative program uti­ Brick, Edward's Drywall, Jack Cusick Keep Littleton Beautiful lizes the talents of AVS students in Plumbing, Hale Electric, Stan household garbage-commercial rub­ Arapahoe and Douglas counties who Wawrzyniak (siding), RKR Sprinkler, During the months of June, July bish-hazardous materials (such as paint, spent an entire school year building the Horne Builders Association of Metro and August, the City of Littleton will motor oil, batteries, etc.) three-bedroom, brick and frame, single­ Denver and Waste Management of Den­ assist homeowners in getting rid of rub­ Please call 795-3744 and give your family home. The home is then leased ver. bish accumulations. name, address, telephone number and a with an option to buy to an LHA family. Single mom Jeanne Lindsay We WILL pick up: Old appliances­ description of the type and amount of To date, five families have exercised and her three children have moved in to tires-old lumber-rubbish accumulation­ rubbish. We would appreciate it if you their option to buy and are homeowners, the house. Lindsay has a full- time job branches (cut to four foot lengths and call between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and the sixth is in the process of closing, and works as a fitness instructor part­ bundled). noon to schedule a pick-up. and the seventh has just renewed their time. She has been a resident of LHA We WILL NOT pick up: Loose lease with an option to buy. properties si nce 1990. branches-construction materials- Littleton City Council Doug Clark Pat Cronenberger Lance Foreman Deborah Foster Rebecca Kast Dennis Reynolds 2454 HOliSlou n Waring 5796 S. Lakeview Sf. 911 W. Kettle Ave. Mayor Pro Tem 1940 W. Ar.tp:lhoe Rd. Mayor 797-6002 798-4708 797-6330 5243 S. Newton Sl. 730-2639 801 Shadycroft Lane At-Large District IV District II Dif>trictllJ 798-8805 At-Large 798-2129 District I At-Large City of Littleton page 3 (Continued from cover) cost of $40,000.
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