The Newsletter of the Bring Bruce Bayside Fund They Said It Couldn’t Be Done! tor Bill Wright has already put aside funds to They said it couldn’t be done. They didn’t finance the publication of the volume when mean the Bring Bruce Bayside Fund, which Bruce has safely returned to his homeland had success blazoned across it from the first and authored his chronicle. day, but the likelihood that I would produce 18 issues of anything. (In my defense, I Auction Update: have done that many issues of a number of We have one winner this time: Larry Big- fanzines, including Focal Point, Folly, Wild man has won G2 (*brg* No. 2 ) for $10. Heirs and Wooden Nickel.) Please note that there are quite a few items I attribute this persistence to the extreme down to their final round. If you've been worthiness of the project and the exceptional pondering bidding on any of them but hold- cooperation the plan to bring Bruce Gillespie ing back, now is the time to strike before to Corflu and Potlatch in San Francisco in they show up here in the winners' column. early 2005. This won’t be the last 4B, either. Following are the latest high bids: Future issues will have more information B25 - [1] - The BNF of Iz by "Carl Bran- about the details of Bruce’s trip to the United don" - Nigel Rowe $15 States. B26 - [3] - The Fantasy Amateur for the Summer 1948 FAPA mailing - Nigel Rowe Con Memberships Donated $10 Art Widner has come forward and gener- B27 - [3] - Bok 1, a portfolio of eight ously volunteered to purchase a Potlatch 8½x11 black and white reproductions of membership for Bruce. Bruce Townley had Hannes Bok artwork - Joel Zakem $15 previously paid for Bruce’s Corflu member- C4 - [1] - Fanac No. 34 (The Fannish) - ship, so our Traveling Jiant is now fully cov- Pete Weston $40 ered in this area. D1 - [1] - The Man in the High Castle by Thanks to both Art and Bruce. Philip K. Dick - Alison Barton $18 D2 - [2] - Philip K. Dick: Piper in Bruce Plans Trip Report the Woods, audio cassette inter- We wish all North American view tape - Joel Zakem $20 fans could have a chance to D3 - [2] - Ten Years in the Red meet Bruce Gillespie during his Light District, edited and published trip, but time and money makes by Calvin W. "Biff" Demmon - Robin this impossible. Bruce has de- Johnson $15 cided to do the next best thing, D4 - [2] - Habakkuk "Chapter 1, though, and share his adventures Verse 1" - Robin Johnson $20 with all of us in a Corflu/Potlatch D5 - [1] - Habakkuk "Chapter 1, Report. Verse 4" - Nigel Rowe $20 Crafty Australian Administra- The Bring Bruce Bayside Bulletin #18, December 3, 2004, is produced for the Bring Bruce Bayside Fund by Co-Chairmen Joyce & Arnie Katz (PMB 152, 330 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89107; Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]). Special Thanks to Robert Lichtman and Earl Kemp for proofreading and editorial support. Full permission granted to reprint and distribute. In fact, please do! Members (and Co-Past Presidents, 2003): fwa. Supporter: AFAL. 1 Contact Information Co-Chairman: Joyce Katz, PMB 152, 330 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas 89107 ([email protected]) Co-Chairman: Arnie Katz, PMB 152, 330 S. Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas 89107 ([email protected]) Australian BBB Fund Administrator: Bill Wright ([email protected]) British BBB Fund Administrators: Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer, 59 Shirley Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 7ES, UK ([email protected]) Treasurer/Auction Manager: Robert Lichtman (P. O. Box 30, Glen Ellen, CA 95442 ([email protected]) Trip Manager: Billy Pettit ([email protected]) Con Liaison: Alan Rosenthal ([email protected]) D6 - [1] - Habakkuk "Chapter 1, Verse haps I've been doing this auction too long 5" - Nigel Rowe $20 and am misremembering. It doesn't help D7 - [1] - Habakkuk No. 6, July 1961 - that I delete e-mails containing bids after I've Nigel Rowe $20 entered them on the computer. If anyone G4 - [3] - Energumen No. 13 - Nigel reading this has already made a bid on any Rowe $25 of them, please place it again. G5 - [3] - Grue No. 29 - Nigel Rowe $25 E1 - [**] - Tappen No. 2 - , August 1981, H2 - [3] - Quandry No. 30 - Nigel Rowe 31 pages, edited by Malcolm Edwards. $30 There's a 2-page editorial by Malcolm, who H3 - [3] - Science Fiction Five Yearly No. also appears in text interpolated elsewhere 6 - Tommy Ferguson in the issue. Next is $15 Chris Atkinson's "Life H5 - [3] - Mota No. The Itinerary With The Loonies, Part 18 - Toni Weisskopf $5 1. Fly Australia to LA, then on to Seattle 1," about her job as a L1 - [1] - The Aco- via domestic flight, on Thursday (Feb. Duty Social Worker with lyte No. 11 - Nigel 17); many anecdotes about Rowe $60 2. Spend Friday to Tuesday (Feb. 18- her clients. This is fol- P1 - [2] - The Way 22) in Seattle; lowed by Colin The Future Was, a 3. Fly to San Francisco on Wednesday Greenland's "Desert memoir by Frederick (Feb. 23); Asteroid Discs," about Pohl - Alison Barton 4. Attend pre-Corflu party in the Holiday which of his favorite mu- $17 Inn Civic Centre hotel on Thursday sic he would take to an W7 - [1] - The Best (Feb. 24); isolated location, and of Susan Wood - Nigel 5. Attend Corflu (Fri. to Sun., Feb.25-27); Christopher Priest's "Of Rowe $30 6. Visit fans and sightsee in the Bay Feet and Madness," X1 - [3] - Fancyclo- Area until Potlatch (Monday to Thurs- which begins, "I used to pedia II - Thomas Bull day, Feb. 28—March 3); share an office with $30 7. Attend Potlatch (Fri. to Sun., March Darth Vader. There, it's X2 - [3] - A Sense of 4-6 at Ramada Hotel International) out now." A short letter- FAPA - Alan Rosenthal 8. Fly to Los Angeles on Tuesday col is next, and the $100 (March 8); issue concludes with a This is embarrass- 9. Visit LA fandom, including the LASFS 2-page column, "Open ing: I could swear I re- meeting on Thursday (March 10); and Flie," by Leroy Kettle. ceived bids on the items 10. Fly from Los Angles to Australia on Minimum bid: $5. listed below, but per- Friday, March 11, 2005. E2 - [**] - Tappen 2 No. 4, June 1982, 43 pages, still the fanzine finally [1] as it progresses. If a higher bid of Malcolm Edwards who, as in the issue comes in prior to the next round, the counter above, appears here and there throughout is reset to a [3], and the cycle begins again. the issue. The lead article is "Philip K. Dick: I will make note of items won as we pro- A Cowardly Memoir," by Peter Nicholls, a gress. The exception to all this is that items 10-pager which recounts (with excerpts) his receiving no bids will be designated with a correspondence with PKD in 1974-1976. [**] in subsequent listings and subject to be- This is followed by Chris Atkinson with an- ing dropped at my whim before the three- other installment of "Life With The Loonies," round play-out. A minimum initial bid is continuing as described above. Next is noted for each item. The first bid received Dave Langford's "The Novacon Records," an prevails in the case of tied bids. Please entertaining report on 1981's outing. A letter make and raise bids only in whole dollar in- column is next with contributions from Bob crements. Postage will be added to each Shaw, Gary Deindorfer, rich brown, Bruce shipment. I prefer that all bidders use the Townley and others. And once again the following format when placing a bid: Put issue wraps up with an installment of Kettle's each item bid for on its own line, prefaced "Open Flie." Minimum bid: $7. with the item number, followed by your H1 - [**] - Sikander No. 8, August 1983, name, and your bid. An example: A3 Joe 70 pages, edited by Irwin Hirsh. This issue Fann $5.00. The current high bidder, only, is dominated by a 44-page fanzine review will be listed. No eBay-like "bid history" will article, "Lost In Oz," by Ted White, focusing be available. critically on Australian fanzines and, to say Once again, it would be appreciated if the least, somewhat controversial. Other those who are done bidding would contact contributors include Hirsh with an editorial, me at [email protected] to settle your David Griggs, Christine Ashby, and a letter account. column with Leigh Edmonds, rich brown, --Robert Lichtman, December 2, 2004 Bruce Townley, Cherry Wilder, David Brat- man, Eric Mayer and Chuch Harris. Mini- Bruce in America: The Itinerary mum bid: $5. Bruce has, with some help from the BBB H4 - [**] - Mota No. 16, April 1976, 19 Fund mob, has nailed down the basics of pages, edited by Terry Hughes. Cover a col- the itinerary for his forthcoming trip to the laboration by Dan Steffan and Steve Stiles. US. Contributors include Lee Hoffman ("A Travel- Here is the schedule as it now exists: ing Jiant Calls") and Bob Shaw ("Income 1. Fly Australia to LA, then on to Seattle Taxi"), plus Terry's editorial and a letter col- via domestic flight, on Thursday (Feb. 17); umn with Robert Bloch, Chuch Harris, Mike 2. Spend Friday to Tuesday (Feb. 18-22) Glicksohn, Malcolm Edwards and Gary Dein- in Seattle; dorfer. A small piece missing from back 3. Fly to San Francisco on Wednesday page but no text lost.
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