Agence Nationale de la Météorologie (MALI METEO) Meteorological assistance to the rural Community in Mali Mr. D Z Diarra, Chef du Service Agrométéorologie, Agence Nationale de la Mmétéorologie (MALI METEO), Bamako, Mali Antalya , April 2014 PLAN Introduction Priorities of rural producers Hitory Weather assistance to rural world Other carried out action Some results Some Constraints Perspectives Conclusion INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION Mali: Sahelian country – 14,5 Millions people (census of 1st at April 14, 2009) Economy: Largely dominated by Agriculture: 40% of the P.I.B Nearly 70% of the population live in rural environment including 80% directly or indirectly of rain fed agriculture Agricultural production subjected to the annual and interannual variability of rainfall like to its space-time distribution. Rainfall mode: Great dryness of 1972 and successive drynesses Reduction of the average annual rainfall of more than 20% over the successive periods 1951 – 1970 and 1971 - 2000. PRIORITIES OF RURAL PRODUCERS • When will the rainy season begin in different localities? • What quantity of rain will fall throughout the rainy season? • How long will the season last? • Can we predict the weather and the climate for each zone of the country (e.g. on the sub-national or village scale)? HISTORY To face the challenge of drynesses the authorities of the touched countries shared their efforts within the framework of the strategies of parade by the creation of the CILSS with its Specialized agencies (CRA, INSAH). On the level of the countries there was a reinforcement of capacities of the weather and hydrological services (equipment, formation). The concretization of this political good-will resulted in the setting into?uvre pilot project of agrometeorologic assistance in Mali in 1982 to attenuate the impacts of the drynesses. This project was carried out in 4 phases of which: experimental phase; phase of evaluation; phase of popularization; and phase of extension HISTORY (continued) The phases of evaluation and popularization were almost simultaneous because of the very keen demand of recipients to extend the project. This extension occurred since 1987 and nowadays five areas out of eight profit from the direct agrometeorologic assistance in the rural world. BODIES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OFThe WEATHER ASSISTANCE The weather assistance requires several disciplines and sectors for its execution. Thus the Multi-field Working group (GTPA) was set up for the development and the diffusion of information in particular the opinions and councils which are used on the one hand for the authorities within the framework of Early Warning to face the consequences of the possible food crises and with the producers for the planning and the conduit of their work on the other hand. The GTPA is composed by the representatives of the engineering departments, the civil company and the press. Thereafter, creation from 2001 of Local Groups of Weather Assistance (GLAM) to Ségou, Koutiala, Sikasso, Kita and Dioïla with the image of the GTPA to meet the needs for councils of proximity claimed by the producers. The membership of these groups is completely voluntary. ROLE DES ACTEURS DANS LA PRODUCTION ET LA DIFFUSION DE L’INFORMATION AGROMÉTÉOROLOGIQUE Collecte de données (Producteur rural) Collecte et rassemblement ORTM Radio de SDR proximité Courrier Concentration des Diffusion des données informations De structure ODR Réunion du GTPA Concentration Nationale / Elaboration du bulletin Traitement et analyse Agro-Hydro-Météorologique Elaboration du Bulletin décadaire Provisoire DNM Atelier de sensibilsation sur les changements climatiques ISSUANCE OF A TEN – DAY AGROHYDROMET BULLETINS EARLY WARNING COMPONENT AGROMET ADVICE COMPONENT - RAINFALL SPATIAL AND TIME DISTRIBUTION OVER THE COUNTRY - APPROPRIATE TIME FOR AGRI- - HYDROLOGICAL INFO FOR MAIN CULTURAL PRACTICES (PLANTING, WATERWAYS IN THE COUNTRY WEEDING, APPLICATION OF FERTILIZERS - CROPS PESTS AND DISEASES INSECTICIDES, PESTICIDES….) - PASTURES (COMPLETED BY DAILY WEATHER - LIVESTOCK FORECASTS,12 HRS-3 DAYS) - MET, AGROMET AND HYDRO OUTLOOKS - NATIONAL RADIO AND TV - NATIONAL RADIO AND TV BROADCAST BROADCAST - WRITTEN PRESS, LOCAL RADIOS -LOCAL RADIOS - OBSERVERS/EXTENSION PEOPLE DISSEMINATION TO DECISION MAKERS DISSEMINATION TO FARMERS PARTENERSHIP DNM make the products in a partnership with services within : the rural Development structures; the research institutes and Centres ; the farmers’ Permanente Council; the media (écrite et parlée); les NGOs; the Development Partners. CARRIED OUT ACTIONS Development and diffusion of information and products on weather; Transfer of competence by the training of the actors at all the levels; Implications of these actors in the process of design and implementation of the assistance; Equipment of the various actors; Adaptation of the weather products to the user's needs; Cloud seeding Program; Devolution of the system by the creation of GLAM. MAIN ACTIVITIES Capacity bulding for all the actors (farmers, technical agents) in the domain of collection, transmission and treatment of data; Sensibilisation and training for peasants observators and vulgarisators on rainfall collection technics and phenological observations; Preparation of formats for data collection and their transmission and définition systems; Collection and treatment of data (meteorological and agronomic in order to elaborate sowing Calendar; Production et vulgarisation of rain gages; IDENTIFICATION OF RURAL POPUALTION NEEDS AND KNOWLEDGE ON WEATHER, CLIMATE Droght of the early seveties in Sahel region affected seriously countries. A lot of damges were caused to agriculture, livestock and even human beings. To assist the rural world to face the challenge, the met service undertook meteorological assistance The exchange with the population is a mean to collect their needs in term of meteorological information and occasion to note some indigenous knowledge in the visited regions. That permit to best estimate the main concern from them expressed in questions among that we can note some as: • when the rainy season will start? • What can be its duration and termination? • will appear dry spells within the season? • can the met service forecast the season three months ahead or more? • can met service forecast for each location? • can be agromet information broadcast in our local language and frequently? THE SENSIBILIZATION / TRAINING After identifying the population’s needs during sensibilization, training sessions are undertake on: measure of rainfall data; observations on crops growing steps, heath and disasters. The observer farmer and agricultural extending technicians take apart to these trainig sessions. Otherwise, special sessions are doen with communicators and elected people standing in the National Assemblee. Exposed themes during the training of extension workers Bague réceptrice la description et l’installation du pluviomètre; la mesure des pluies tombées Seau dans le pluviomètre; la transcription des hauteurs 1,50 m de pluies mesurées sur le fiche de collecte; Support (Pied) le choix des parcelles 0,50 d’observations et poquets et plants à observer; m comment faire les observations sur les cultures dans un champ; comment évaluer les phase de développement des plantes, les mauvaises herbes et les dommages dans le champ; comment faire les carrés de rendement et la détermination des rendements. SANJI SQBQN JAMANA : ………….. MARA : …………. KAFO : ……………… KOMUNI : ………………. ………… DUGU : ……………… ……………………………KALO SAN 201... K%L%SILIKELA T%G% N’A JAMU : ………………………………………… Kalo Wulafq Kalo tile Sùgùma Hakqw Ko kùlùsilenw I n’a fù fiven, tile waati 18 waati 8 kafolen sanpqrqn, kaaba yqgqru, nan nan sanbqlqni, u daminq tuman ni u ban tuma ; u ye tivqnni minnu kq 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 09 09 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 01 Hakqw kafolen Kalo kùnù sanji nalen hakq: mm …………… O sanji nadon hakq: tile: …… Kalo kùnù sanji nalen cayalenba haks: mm ……….. O sanji cayalenba na don: Kalo tile: mm ….. K’a ta zanwier kalo tile fùlù la fù ni kalo tile 30 (31) sanji nalen hakq: mm …… K’a ta zanwier kalo tile fùlù la fù ni kalo tile 30 (31) sanji nalen don hakq : tile …… Tile tan sanji nalen hakq K’a ta ………………..…… kalo tile ..……. Fù a tile ………………. San 201… Kalo Wulafq Kalo Sùgùma Hakqw Ko kùlùsilenw I n’a fù tile waati 18 tile waati 8 kafolen fiven, sanpqrqn, nan nan sanbqlqni, u daminq tuman ni u ban tuma Hakqw kafolen Kunafoni wqrqw k’a vqsin forow cogoya ma: ……………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………… Kalo tile tan : ………………. Sumanw kùlùsili sqbqn Jamana: …………….. Kubeda: …………….Dugu: ………………….. Kùlùsilikqla tùgù n’a jamu: …………………………………………… Sumansiw Kùlùsil Dakun Sumanju Baara Sumanw Binjuguw Sumanw i 100 la kqlen ccogoya hakq kqnqya cogo kqdon hakq min n’u Banaw Tixqni bq kqdon fqnw dakunna Kalo tile tan : ………………. Sumanw kùlùsili sqbqn Jamana: …………….. Kubeda: …………….Dugu: ………………….. Kùlùsilikqla tùgù n’a jamu: …………………………………………… TEST TEMOIN Sumansiw Kùlùsil Dakun Sumanju Baara Sumanw Binjuguw Sumanw i 100 la kqlen ccogoya hakq kqnqya cogo kqdon hakq min n’u Banaw Tixqni bq kqdon fqnw dakunna TechniquesTechniquesTechniques ddd’intervention:’’intervention:intervention: PROGRAMMEPROGRAMME DEDE PLUIEPLUIE PROVOQUEEPROVOQUEE VoieVoie aaérienneérienne :: --Avion Avion LaboratoireLaboratoire ((King-Air);King-Air); •• ProduitsProduits dd’ensemencement’ensemencement pourpour vecteursvecteurs
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