The Newsletter of the Term Limits Movement November 2000 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 9 PUBLIC MANDATE Term Limits Are Here to Stay! Even though the public seems their proposals in every in- split down the middle about who stance. Read the final returns the next president should be, term for these races on page 7. limits received another clear pub- Also, three new self-limiting lic mandate at the ballots dur- members of Congress were ing the November election. elected, who will help replace the Nebraska has joined the 18 departing self-limiters who have other states who have limited the served their country so well. Jeff terms of their state legislatures. Flake (R-AZ), Ric Keller (R- You can read more about this FL) and Tim Johnson (R-IL) exciting victory below. join 36 other self-limiters al- In local news, measures were ready serving in Congress. overwhelmingly passed in Cali- Paul Jacob, national director fornia, Florida, Maryland, and for U.S. Term Limits, responded New Mexico limiting locally- to the election results saying, Last elected officials. And wherever night, voters all across America elected officials attempted to re- resoundingly showed their support peal term limits, voters rejected for term limits. INSIDEINSIDE INITIATIVE SUCCESS Message from Paul Jacob Victory in Nebraska! page 2 Becoming the 19th state to ap- of the legislature and their prove term limits for state legis- bought-off lobbyists vehemently Activist of the Year lators, Nebraskans passed a mea- opposed the activists efforts page 2 sure that limits legislators to two through phone calls and radio consecutive terms in office. The advertisements. Exit Interviews measure, Initiative 415, passed 56- "Finally, we'll have new people page 3 44 percent. and new ideas in the legisla- Guy Curtis, chairman of Ne- ture," Ritnour said of November's braskans for Limited Terms, and election results. Common Sense Randy Ritnour, treasurer, were Term limits will dramatically page 5 elated that their hard work had change how the Nebraska legis- finally paid off. Even after they lature operates in the future. Election Results had turned in nearly 155,000 By 2008 when term limits take page 7 signatures to qualify the mea- effect, there will be over a 90 sure this past summer, members percent turnover among legisla- continued on page 2 November 2000 Issue No Uncertain TERMS U.S. Term Limits 1 10 G St., NE Washington, DC 20002 http://www.ustermlimits.org MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR Oops in Arizona Arizona Governor Jane Hull No requirement that the car use the alternative fuel. doesn't think the average voter And Arizona taxpayers must also subsidize luxury items is quite up to real decision-mak- like leather seats and CD players. ing. So she's pushing efforts to So, the program costs a whopping $420 million a thwart citizen initiatives by dou- full seven percent of the state's budget and is hav- bling the number of petition signatures voters must ing zero impact on smog, according to environmental- collect to get a vote on an issue. Her view is simple: ists. the legislature and the governor are pros who can do Don't worry, Governor Hull, help is on the way. all this better than us. Arizona's term limits law will now bring fresh faces Politicians are so smart that we just can't live with- and real world experience into state government to out them. But then oops! . we get a little peek at replace that insufferable know-it-all attitude. their handiwork, and up in a puff of smoke goes that Term limits were brought by citizen initiative. Blow- particular fatal conceit. ing over $420 million was the work of experienced Governor Hull is blaming the legislature for one of the politicians, working overtime. biggest, stupidest blunders SHE ever signed into law. See, these geniuses offered to pay make the taxpayers pay half the cost of a new car if the vehicle is rigged to run on both regular gas and propane or natural gas. continued from page 1 tors. 2000 Activist of the Year Initiative 415 received en- This year's "Activist of the it is unfortunate that Rep. King. With Mike's help, the dorsements from national Year" award goes to Michael Nethercutt won re-election to Weasel King came to life and Fagan. a fourth term in office, Mike's followed Rep. Nethercutt and local watchdog organi- Mike lives with his wife undying dedication to term lim- around town. And when he zations including Citizens Donna and three children in its and hard work kept the wasn't dressed in the 6-foot Against Government Waste, Spokane, WA, where he works issue in the forefront of costume, he was busy putting National Taxpayers Union, as a purchasing agent for a Nethercutt's campaign, in Spo- up yard signs, writing letters to Americans for Tax Reform manufacturing organization. kane and around the country. the editor and picketing and Nebraska Taxpayers As a volunteer, Mike co-chaired Having traveled to every part Nethercutt campaign events. for Freedom. the Eastern Washington of Washington's Fifth Congres- On behalf of freedom fight- We contragulate Guy Term Limits Action Commit- sional District, Mike successfully ers across the county, we con- Curtis, Randy Ritnour tee that most recently, spear- portrayed Nethercutt as the gratulate Mike Fagan on his and other Nebraska sup- headed the campaign to keep "Weasel" he is, literally. Last continued support of limited porters for their contin- Rep. George Nethercutt true year, Doonesbury comic cre- government. Thank you Mike, to his word of serving only six ator, Gary Trudeau, referred to for all you've done for the term ued commitment to better years in Congress. Although the congressman as the Weasel limits movement! government! BOARD OF DIRECTORS No Uncertain Terms is published 12 Peter Ackerman Travis Anderson times a year at an annual subscription price of $30. Third class postage paid, NOVEMBER 2000 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 9 Steven Baer Terence Considine Washington, D.C. POSTMASTER: Send Edited by Eric D. Dixon Edward Crane Cora Fields address changes to U.S. Term Limits. Contributing Writer: Stacie Rumenap Mike Ford M. Blair Hull A Publication of Sally Reed Impastato Paul Jacob Term Limits On-Line! U.S. TERM LIMITS and Kenneth Langone Ronald Lauder U.S. TERM LIMITS FOUNDATION For the latest developments on term Rob Mosbacher Paul Raynault 10 G ST., NE, SUITE 410 limits across America, visit our web site WASHINGTON, D.C. 20002 Howard Rich Joseph Stilwell on the Internet at 1-800-733-6440 Donna Weaver Bill Wilson www.ustermlimits.org 2 No Uncertain TERMS U.S. Term Limits November 2000 Issue 10 G St., NE Washington, DC 20002 http://www.ustermlimits.org KEEPING THEIR WORD Exit Interviews by Michael W. Lynch and Katherine Mangu-Ward Reason October 2000 House Doctor Most people who want to do that have a deep-seated insecu- Rep. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) rity or they wouldnt be up here in the first place. Most of them are egomaniacs, says Tom Coburn of Reason: Have your priorities changed since you first his congressional colleagues. showed up in D.C.? There are not many normal Coburn: No. They include a people up here. marked decrease in the intrusion Coburn was quickly elected to Away from Washing- in our lives by the federal govern- represent Oklahomas 2nd Dis- ment at all levels. A restoration trict in 1994 and quickly became ton, the term-limits of liberty and freedom. I am 52 a player in the annual budget pro- movement has been a years old and I can tell you that cess, working with other conser- you have less freedom compared to vative members to limit spending. huge success. Eighteen what I had. You can measure it A medical doctor who has main- states have enacted and define it. There are not more tained his family care and obstet- than 160 people in the House who rics practice while in office, he term limits on their leg- believe in limited government. They has also made AIDS a top prior- may say they believe in it, and that ity, authoring a bill that would islators; tellingly, all is the difference between a career require newborns to be tested for but two of the laws politician and a term-limited one. HIV if their mothers hadnt been The former will say whatever they tested for the virus. came about via ballot need to get re-elected, but what you Mindful of his declaration that have to do is measure their votes. normalcy is in short supply in initiatives. This year Theyll vote exactly the other way. Washington, its worth pointing alone, 380 state legisla- Reason: Youve been outspoken out that Coburn is convinced that about trying to get Congress to stick theres a national epidemic of ve- tors will leave office to the 1997 spending caps. nereal disease (gonorrhea comes Coburn: We are so far above the up quickly and easily even in due to term limits. budget caps set in 1997. The agree- casual conversation with the con- ment we have made with the presi- gressman). He gives his congres- dent on controlling spending and sional colleagues and their staff an annual presentation decreasing the size of government was a sham. He knew it on the subject, providing C-SPAN with some of its racier and our leaders knew it. And they perpetrated a fraud on moments. Thats no small accomplishment during the Clinton the American people. years. We are just like second-century Rome and Greece. We Coburn doesnt think hell miss Congress and Washing- are declining as a nation because our leadership and our ton and has no plans for future political office.
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