Elements of Historical Anthropology (2nd grade) Instructors: Drago Rotar & Taja Kramberger Spring Semester 2007/2008 (14 courses, 90 min/week; 14 research seminars, 180 min/week) Lectures: Tue, 19.10–20.40: LEVANT 4 Research seminar: Wed, 15.00–18.15: LEVANT2 Office Hours: Wed, 18.15–19.10 (after the seminar in the cabinet) E-mails: [email protected] [email protected] See also Taja Kramberger’s web-page (About the Dreyfus Affair): http://tajakramberger.wordpress.com/afera-dreyfus-the-dreyfus-affair-laffaire-dreyfus/ 1. Course Overview: In the frames of this course – during its lectures – students will get to know different approaches and perspectives in historiography between 18th and 21th Centuries. Special stress will be given to the shaping of a special French paradigm of making history called historical anthropology (anthropologie historique). We will examine its gradual formation, its particularities, some of its concepts for social analysis, its leaders and orbits, its institutions (such as: journal Annales, school EHESS etc.). We will also verify its dissemination outside France and become aware of its criticisms. At the end of the course we’ll debate the achievements of historical anthropology in the light of Slovene historiography, its methods and its discursive representations. 2. Research seminar overview: Starting with this year (2007/2008) we’re launching an undergraduate research seminar, which has an aim to arm an undergraduate student with a model of an investigative praxis, help him/her to form his/her own comprehension of social world and make suitable and coherent arguments. At the same time students will get to know research methods and benefit in using some of the notions and concepts from lectures in the investigation itself. 1 This year’s research seminar is entirely dedicated to dimensions of the Dreyfus Affair (1894–1906). We will minutely explore French context and events in the time of the affair, inquire into different groups (Dreyfusards, anti-Dreyfusards, painters, literates, women, media, Jews, Catholics) and their positions, further we’ll inspect European and Slovenian echoes of the Affair (and those of Trieste). Dreyfus Affair is a very important and constitutive event from the end of 19th Century that in many ways prefigures events in 20th Century (its anti- Semitic outburst was – so writes Hannah Arendt – a prolegomena into later genocide; in its course engaged public intellectual and political Zionism were born; it marked a turning point for European left and socialism; women got 1st daily newspaper in France etc.). Frames of the event are relatively simple: imprisonment and condemnation of a Jewish military captain Alfred Dreyfus (he was innocent) for high treason and espionage at the trial, but its effects and consequences were multiple and long-lasting and had stirred up European history in 20th Century. We will investigate the event through its various aspects (we’ll form thematic groups): chronology of the affair and its relations with other chronologies, family and social ties, artistic praxes, media representations, role of the women in the affair, taking parts etc. Emphasis will be made on the investigation of social mechanisms of exclusion through the Dreyfus Affair, which expose the normative logic of European anti-Semitism and racism as well. Our research seminar is at the same time also the first (pioneer) exploration of the representations of the Dreyfus Affair in Slovenian social space and of extensive and un- reflected anti-Semitism operating in Slovenia and Trieste. 3. Literature (obligatory): All the books mentioned are available in the faculty library or in other Slovenian libraries. Articles are accessible in open-bases (J-Stor, Sage and others). Journal Monitor ISH (from 2004 named Monitor ZSA) and books, published by the University Press ZRS Annales in Koper, you can also buy with student discount in the university bookshop. They might be of use in later years too. Please take reading (or at least leafing through) of articles seriously, this will help you understand the complex situation of the event and you’ll have less troubles in producing a consistent argument. Peter Burke (1993), Revolucija v francoskem zgodovinopisju: Anali 1929–1989. Ljubljana, Studia humanitatis. (Izvirnik 1990.) 2 Georg G. Iggers (1997), Historiography in the Twentieth Century. From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press. Jacques Le Goff, »Mentalitete: dvoumna zgodovina« (v prevodu Draga Braca Rotarja), v: Monitor ISH, vol. III, no. 1–2, 2001, 173–185. Nathan Wachtel in Lucette Valensi, »Zgodovinska antropologija« (v prevodu Taje Kramberger), Monitor ISH, vol. III, no. 1–2, 2001, 155–172. Drago Braco Rotar (1987), »Alberto Tenenti in nova zgodovina«. V: A. Tenenti, Občutje smrti in ljubezni do življenja v renesansi, SH, Ljubljana, 509–518. Don Kalb, Hans Marks, Herman Tak (1996), »Historical anthropology and anthropological history: two distinct programs«, Focaal, 26/27, 5-13. Giovanni Levi (2002), »Kaj je zgodovinska resnica?« V: Časopis za kritiko znanosti, letn. XXX, št. 207–208, 43–55. (Izvirnik: Verità storica e Psicanalisi /referat na 4. psihoanalitičnem kolokviju Società Psichanalitica Italiana, Benetke, 15. december 2001.) 4. Literature (recommended): Marc Bloch (1996), Apologija zgodovine ali zgodovinarjev poklic (v prevodu Gregorja Modra). Ljubljana, Studia humanitatis, 7–36. (Izvirnik 1949.) Lynn Hunt (1986), »French History in the Last Twenty Years: The Rise and Fall of the Annales Paradigm«, Journal of Contemporary History, 21, 209-224. Drago Braco Rotar (1986), »Marginalija k razpravi o razmerju med zgodovinopisjem in etnologijo«. V: Razmerja med etnologijo in zgodovino, Ljubljana, 51–62. Taja Kramberger (2007), Historiografska divergenca: razsvetljenska in historistična paradigma. O odprti in zaprti epistemični strukturi in njunih elaboracijah, (Knjižnica Annales Majora). Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, 3 Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2007. Drago Rotar (2007), Odbiranje iz preteklosti: okviri, mreže, orientirji, časi kulturnega življenja v južnih provincah avstrijskega cesarstva v dolgem 19. stoletju. Koper, Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno- raziskovalno središče, Založba Annales: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko. 5. Literature for research seminar (on Dreyfus Affair = DA): In the faculty library we have prepared for you (on special book-shelves) around 40 books and other copied materials (more than 100 articles are arranges by themes in the fascicles) on the Dreyfus Affair. For the reports please use also web-articles from J-stor, Sage etc. In power-point presentations you’ll get also some very useful web-sites. But it is very important that you use your own research skills too. In Slovenian: Hannah Arendt (2003), Izvori totalitarizma (4. poglavje o aferi Dreyfus, v prevodu Zdenke Erbežnik in dr.), Ljubljana, Študentska založba. (V bazi Scribd imate v celoti dostopno srbsko verzijo, gl. str. 91–123.) Igor Grdina (2006), »Jud v zrcalu slovenske književnosti«, Med dolžnostjo spomina in razkošjem pozabe. Kulturnozgodovinske študije, Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU, 45–72. Taja Kramberger (v pripravi – tipkopis je na voljo v knjižnici), Afera Dreyfus in francoski zgodovinarji (kasneje objavljeno v Monitorju ZSA: glej tule). George L. Mosse (2005), Nacionalizem in seksualnost (v prevodu Sonje Dular). Ljubljana, Založba *cf. Simona Pekolj (2001), O antisemitizmu skozi teorijo in skozi slovenski tisk v 80. in 90. letih (diploma), Ljubljana, FF UL. Drago Rotar (2001) – glej članek v francoščini spodaj Tone Smolej (2007), Slovenska recepcija Émila Zolaja (1880–1945). Ljubljana, Institut za slovensko literaturo in literarne vede, ZRC SAZU. Marko Štepec (1994), Slovenski antisemitizem 1861–1895 (magistrska teza), Ljubljana, FF UL. — (2002), »Antisemitizem, Evropa in Slovenci«, Slovenci v Evropi, Ljubljana, Oddelek za zgodovino Filozofske fakultete, 61–85. 4 Vlado Valenčič (1992), Židje v preteklosti Ljubljane, Ljubljana, Park. In English: Marc Angenot, The Conspiratorial Mind: For a Dialectical and Rhetorical History (članek, dostopen na avtorjevi spletni strain http://marcangenot.com/) Michael Burns (1991), Dreyfus: A Family Affair, 1789–1945. New York, Harper Collins. Venita Datta (1999): Birth of a National Icon: The Literary Avant-Garde and the Origins of the Intellectual in France. Albany, SUNY Press. Alfred Dreyfus (1901), Five Years of My Life (1894–1899), University Press, John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, USA. (Francoski izvirnik: Alfred Dreyfus, Cinq années de ma vie. Pariz, La Découverte, 1901, ponatis 2006.) Christopher E. Forth (2004), The Dreyfus Affair and the Crisis of French Manhood (deloma dostopno na Google Books). Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press. Jane F. Fulcher (1999), French Cultural Politics & Music: From The Dreyfus Affair to the First World War (deloma dostopno na Google Books), Oxford, Oxford University Press. Jeremy Jennings (2000), 1898–1998: From Zola’s "J’acusse" to the Death of the Intellectual. The European Legacy, letn. 5, št. 6, 829–844. Robert J. Smith (1971), "A Note on Romain Rolland in the Dreyfus Affair," French Historical Studies 7, no. 2 (Fall 1971): 284- 287. In Italian: Massimo Sestili (2004), L'errore giudiziario. L'affare Dreyfus, Zola e la stampa italiana, Faenza, Editore Mobydick. Enrico Bradaschia (1997), « L’Affare Dreyfus nella stampa ebraica Triestina », Quaderni Giuliani di storia, vol. XVIII, no. 2,
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