Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-29-1945 Bee Gee News March 29, 1945 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News March 29, 1945" (1945). BG News (Student Newspaper). 731. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/731 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. i Boa GOB A/ewd Zi '***** v v ' Official' Student Publication ' .1 fUkSKW BOWLING GREKN, OHIO. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1945 NO. 18 Falcons Finish Greatest Basketball Season Tonight With Bee Gee News Photographer at Garden Game .. anriT 4 r. 1 • r- 1 Meet NYU After Losing Final f> 3 ' r ' " ^BASKETBALL A,, Of Garden Meet to DePaul -VITATION FINALS NBi 4B l a, , n BOWUHC GREEN ' Bowling Green's Falcons tonight will finish their most nr PAUL » BU"*-" inljyr successful season in history when they meet New York Univer- i sity in a consolation basketball game. i«;i AND J ST JQH''.-?,. Defeated Monday in the finals of the Madison Square Gardens Invitational tournament by DePaul of Chicago by a -tUSfiA BUXING score of 71-64, Bowling Green's team is one of the four best r Kiu ' " in the country. Last year the Falcons also advanced to the NfiVA : BAKSI m) tournament for the first time but were defeated in the first . C.!« round by St. John's of Brooklyn, a team which the Bee Gee ■ players soundly whipped this year. - DePaul's Blue Demons, lead by George Mikan, will meet Oklahoma A and M, National Collegiate Athletic Association ... "i champ, tonight in the Red Cross benefit game. The Demons were favored to win the tourney in 1944 but were upset by St. John's in the finals. NYU lost to the Aggies Tuesday. Mikan, whose coach reported that he had a "painful leg injury" two days before the Falcon game, was named most valuable player of the season by C__;_1__.» KJI— - the Garden officials. He set a new dOClOlOgy IVlajOrS high of 120 points for three l^LiUrganize ■■■ ■■ *a* ■ fglINew ■ 1 Uubt^li ili ^.i,,games, 49, netting and thethe mostmm freefield , , , , , , , throws, 22, in the same period.. Grc a v,,iant J cOT^'&'St'wS «rti t th Tt K t nesd.y evening at Dr. C. Glenn "Th "^ n U»H ,„ ^h„ flr , Sv.' Sw.nson's home. Temporary offl- "''h " >\f Jg* '" the.fl"t "v.e .i...-j A .1. __ ""d a half minutes. At the 16- a. trips and special projects. for ,„ cight.point .,„,. The M. Janet Rafferty is temporary con8 nevcr cauKht up during the chairman of the organization plan- re8t 0f the game. -_jning »n_;_;-committee. u Evelyn... •!.-Christian .u Otten,n,. who... scoredj seven.. points,■ ■ w r m h member.memherT MembersSri of• the,t™ group eight" takenminutes ' °to play. ' « «Whitehead■"»" «">< are about evenly divided among was". , „ I._J;__ o„„ r„. .»„.„- tk. -■ ■.,»•«. i .- .- theh leading Bee Gee scorer * iroVo'fTpW^me'nT^riTo; ^JJj^u^w l ^ mlnoring In sociology, according to " "°™ „, "' Dr. S. H. Lowrie of that depart- winning 24 games this season mcnt. In comparison to 3 defeats, the iiimi ,. —„_t ..„j»„» University Falcons have had the be8t Mon in th «Jnt.l „fT„ . t, .H " eir nl.tory. C hed in^rHv^LwEta TKTSS °" »* Harold Anderson, nartm.n? ffiSTh. th n only coach to «••» tw0 different E.fiSL'Jf' PU"hin5 the °V teams to Garden tournaments, the Falcon have had 64 ingtaw faIin it. " heta added.adrfarf Dr.nr ^TMand Mrs. ,., , " « . victories and 2 l S8e8 8,nco Andcr80n came to Lowrie took part with Dr. and J, ?. r, l Mrs. Swanson in the meeting. Bowhn- 0reen thrco vear" a«°- Next meeting of the group will D.Paul (7») G FT be held Wednesday, April 4. Stump, f .6 3 16 Dibenedetto, f 1 2 4 G. Mikan, c 16 4 84 *> • Ohio Returns To Stfe j j J ff:J 1]UJ Eastern War Time Total* 30 u 71 Uni.er.ity clock*, Ilk. all other. J?G (54) G F T ray 9 John Barber, Be* CM News photographer, traveled to New York to tain picture, of Bowling Grean'i Falcons in th* final, of th* Madlion In the etat*, will b* turned ah*ad , ' ' ■ J ,' S*«.re Garden'. l««it.tion.l Baakotball Tournament. Absv* left .how. tko marquee and .or** of Ike rocord-braakinf crowd enterin, for one boar Saturday at midnight to Whitehead, f 7 3 17 nman f Monday', tana, la ik* .pper right picture Boa T.nw.lde, ..n,or wko kitek-kikod to Now York for tk* (a*ae, it ahown onkini between Dean «»ak* Ohio oa Eaatorn War Tim* f, ' « 1 J Arek B. Conlrlin, Ai.i.t.nt Re.i.tr.r Eu,.n. Be.lt,, and Re,i.lr.r (Pfc.) John Bunn, now on lea.a ol ab.ence .t.tioned at Ft. Di». N. J. Lt. for tb* •■ring Jt^^v Knierkm r 1 0 2 Fraaklia SUbbi., BG ir.d.at. and one of the referee, at the local FalconGr.at Uke. (..., ka. hit back to th. camera. "d •«"»">••• J^il» l^lk Payak, g 5 2 12 B {i !■ tb* center rlfkt picture, Ernie Dibendetto (31) Demon forward, can't atop • foot 11 lack Sid Otlen at tk* injured George Mikan (M) °pBlt*' .1 \[ \ ^ jnW Kubiak, g 1 2 4 looka on. Whitehead, University V-12 forward, jump, for a high one in the lower left .hot. Here again Dibenedetto'. guarding it futile. Allen nai bMn „#d l\^**e'*^^^*tlf]k Pie], K 10 2 Sawdjr, Baa Gee trainer, gl*a* Johnny Payak a quick rubdown during a time-out juat before Otten left tk* gam* OB personal fouls. Other player. here in th* Bv^ \M^7/MY — — — (I to r) are Whitehead, Gray, Knieram, aad Otten. warm ....on. XkLjL&Zjf Totala 22 10 64 line* tka be- ^SBS-jtw*^ Score at half: DePaul 30, Bow- 8 - Doreen Stouffer, Pat Qoos \S»T&&£L Thibault To gr*?" "* 7°I V ^ . ' iNeeaed as r roctors uni».r.ity civUi.. .nd •«««*• Coeds Face Great Have University Play Leads JLTXzFLZJZilz Sing April 12 1!IS££SJIHE Probiem-Haines n4 Ali Yod * . ■ ter to serve as proctor, in the wo- " * p " "gj* °" ■*•* 'V'." Si *" " " Doreen Stouffer, sophomore from Fostoria, and Patricia men.. dormitories Tuesday nights s assembly fea- »•»• "»» «° «• ■*■ Saturday P 7 Croos., sophomore from FainW Post. NY; wilj1 play the lead TSJTSZll in applying S^STSu, ^Sa," *Z ! , , . E H^k^ SStS.SlK TO es in "Ladies in Retirement," University Theatre production #., ' „f(h_.Mli(|m,1.„'i * postponed until Thursday, April date, April 12. were made early ou, adviser for YWCA entitled scheduled for June. Others in the cast are Patricia Howell, '"•"•"'*~*** lT™ &.£?$£-£ JH ^ Monday mornin«' Pr»"'8" M^Aw junior from New York City; Marjorie Scharer, junior from "p ■ Dean Areh B- Conklm« of" *?"*»**■*■■■■«* the Ent"- Schwarx added. K -it ,„ves a. flM wa8 cho8e n becaU8e Toledo; Mary Jane Lloyd, junior from Cleveland; Kenneth - tamment committee. Thls tnning assembly win im- » bait to get an audience." she Keagle, freshman from Ashtabul*; At the present time there are 12 Thibault s temporary ill health mediately precede the appearance pointed out to the coeds that there « C L. 1 1 »nd Leliah Shepherd, freshman proctors, Dean Conklin said, caused this change in his plans, of Alexander Kerensky, Premier is no great need for us to think OlUTlIYier DCilOOl IS from Cleveland. E'Kht »re in Shatiel Hall and four which was communicated to Pro- of the Provisional Government of about what we are now, and what | *>i* . A*M» 17 Doreen will play the part of in the Women's Building. fessor Schwara last Saturday. Russia in 1917, who will speak at we hope to become. A •lime .CO CO /\Ug. 11 El|(n creed, a retired actress. training class for next year's The arrangements for the new 10 a.m. on Friday, April 13. "The college girls are facing a - - „fc~,i -in k—<„ i„— PatrieU Cloo'a is cast as Leonore proctors is being planned to pre- — — difficult problem in itself in having Summy echool will begin June p,. con,pfJlion to MiM Creed- pare the women for their duties «|tl /tl.f O, tl k • 1 to decide whether or not they 26 and close August 17, according p.t Howell and Marjorie Scharer tot 1946-46, he said. As compen- /\ Ifihri I flf *J ^tlltt A nimnlQ should remain in universities now, to Dean Clyde Hlsaong. Classes »re Leonore's two sisters, Louisa «'i°n for their work, proctors re- ^* Lr' •*• V/,u ■ •WMM! »T»I «f I MHO or quit and join one of the wo- are being offered In biology, edu- and Emily. ceive their rooms. _ _ _ _ i •«» r* i. t men's service corps. What are cation, hfartory, mathematics ao- Kenneth Keagle has the put of F(\f /Vpmpr/flflfl^ WaT RpllPT IZ^Vj'f "" "" cial rtudies, sociology, »d speech. Albert, nephew of Ellen Creed. T 1 J •»/•!•• J II1SU USrUUKib fVUF IWLIKI away to war? < n, lden,,fi ,, The river laboratory, under Dr. E. Leliah Shepherd will be Sister I OleuO VlOllIalSt u . ^ t .
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