16 Pages Thursday, April 16, 2020 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 Safer at Home Order Extended to May 15 LAUSD Campuses to Remain Closed Through Academic Year By SARAH SHMERLING Editor-in-Chief By SARAH SHMERLING Editor-in-Chief s the COVID-19 pandemic continues across the globe, uring an address to the school ALos Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti community on Monday, April has extended the Safer at Home D13, Los Angeles Unified School emergency order—originally set to District Superintendent Austin expire April 19—through May 15. Beutner reported campuses across “Angelenos should continue to the district would remain closed refrain from non-essential activi- through the 2019-20 academic year ties and stay home as much as pos- in response to COVID-19. sible” under the order. “Non-essen- “The remainder of the school tial businesses and activities will year will be completed in the cur- remain closed. Physical distancing rent remote fashion,” Beutner said, Superintendent Austin Beutner Photo courtesy of LAUSD and face coverings for workers and Will Rogers State Beach Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer “and we will hold summer school customers will continue to be re- in a similar fashion.” “The path to reopening school provided more than seven million quired.” for reporting neighbors who are Garcetti said during a briefing. “As The time of the address marked facilities is not known at this time, meals to children and families in Essential businesses, includ- not adhering to the Safer at Home I said, I won’t be happy until we one month since LAUSD first despite any speculation you might need,” Beutner reported. “The stag- ing grocery stores, pharmacies and order and that the National Guard have negative numbers, but in the announced a closure of campus- hear,” Beutner explained. “Social gering size of this relief effort is restaurants offering takeout or de- is enforcing martial law in LA. meantime, this is a huge accom- es—including Palisades Charter distancing and a flattening curve a stark indicator about the grow- livery, will remain open. The temporary Los Ange- plishment that you have achieved Elementary, Canyon Charter Ele- will help an overburdened health- ing need in the communities we The mayor’s Worker Pro- les Surge Hospital, which has through your discipline, through mentary, Marquez Charter Elemen- care system and may save lives, but serve, the impact of this crisis and tection Order for many essential 266 beds, is now open to treat your love, through your adherence tary and Paul Revere Charter Mid- there’s still no clear picture about the need for a safety net, seen in non-medical businesses remains COVID-19-positive patients. The to these orders.” dle schools—on Friday, March 13. testing, treatments or vaccines, other ways as the stress and anxiety in place, requiring employees hospital is the result of a partner- As the Palisadian-Post went to “When we made that decision, which we’ll need to know more continue to mount.” and customers to wear non-medi- ship between Governor Gavin print Tuesday evening, the county there were about 50 known cases of about in order to create a plan to LAUSD is also working to get cal-grade face coverings. The order Newsom, LA County, Dignity had 10,047 cases with 360 deaths. the virus in Los Angeles and none safely reopen schools.” more students online with devices requires employers to provide em- Health and Kaiser Permanente. There were 32 confirmed cases in had any connection to our school Beutner added that school fa- at home, as well as providing high ployees with cloth face coverings The city and county of LA Pacific Palisades. community,” he reported. “Since cilities will not be reopened until school students with headphones to that shield their noses and mouths continue to partner to expand free Those who have tested posi- then, the number of cases has in- state and local health authorities help eliminate distractions. or reimburse them, as well as im- COVID-19 testing to residents tive for COVID-19, have symp- creased almost 200-fold.” tell the district that it is safe and The district has raised more plement physical distancing mea- with symptoms or those who have toms or are waiting for test results The announcement follows appropriate to do so, which means, than $4.5 million in cash and dona- sures for employees, customers and been prevented from working due should self-isolate. Anyone who Governor Gavin Newsom and Su- for now, a virtual graduation for tions to support relief efforts. Those visitors. to contact with someone who has tests positive must notify those perintendent of Public Instruction high school seniors. who would like to contribute can Will Rogers State Beach re- tested positive. Same or next day they have been in close contact Tony Thurmond’s recommendation LAUSD is also working with text NEED to 76278 or visit lastu- mains closed, with signs being testing appointments are prioritized with (within six feet apart for 10 that all brick and mortar schools Amazon to expand cloud services dentsmostinneed.org. placed along paths to discourage for individuals over 65 or who have or more minutes), starting from 48 close and remain closed for the in order to strengthen Schoology, As the Palisadian-Post went people from disregarding the clo- underlying chronic health condi- hours before showing symptoms, duration of the school year, with the program students are using to print on Tuesday evening, “de- sure. tions. according to new CDC guidelines. online instruction continued. to conduct distance learning, as cisions regarding extended closure The city launched a COVID-19 On Friday, April 10, LA Coun- “Physical distancing, face cov- Beutner touched on the fact Beutner explained that the system and determination of final grades” myths page for residents to check ty saw 475 new confirmed cases of erings and other hygienic practices that health authorities know a was not originally built to handle had not been finalized for Palisades the accuracy of information coronavirus—a 6% increase from are slowing the rate of increase and good deal more about the virus than 500,000 concurrent users. Amazon Charter High School, which is cur- learned from friends, social media the day before. saving lives,” Garcetti shared in a they did just weeks ago, that it is was also able to help LAUSD es- rently closed through May 1 and and elsewhere. Myths dispelled on “This marks now the fifth day tweet on Monday, April 13. “Now more contagious than they initially tablish a mental health hotline in “will very likely remain closed,” the site include receiving rewards in a row of single-digit increases,” is not the time to ease up.” thought and could be transmitted just a few days. according to an email sent from by asymptomatic individuals. “Los Angeles Unified has Principal Pam Magee. Palisadian Students Share PPCC Sponsors ‘Meals for Heroes’ Program By SARAH SHMERLING ports both the recipients and local Tara’s Himalayan and Coral Tree Distance Learning Experiences Editor-in-Chief restaurants by providing them with Cafe. Donations start at $15 for a business. meal from Maria’s. By LILY TINOCO he Pacific Palisades Communi- “Kudos to the Brentwood Instructions for how to donate Reporter ty Council has teamed up with Community Council and Pacific vary by restaurant, so Palisadians Tneighboring Brentwood Commu- Palisades Community Council for are encouraged to visit pacpalicc. eeks have passed since cam- nity Council to sponsor a “Meals teaming up to deliver 1,000 meals org or 90049.info to learn more puses first closed in response for Heroes” Program—providing in seven days to our first respond- about how to participate. Wto COVID-19 and students are con- boxed meals to frontline health- ers and healthcare workers who are “As long as people in the Pal- tinuing to adjust to learning from care workers, first responders and on the frontline,” Councilmember isades and Brentwood support this home—especially with closures The Adeli sisters at work Photos courtesy Fati Adeli veterans during the COVID-19 Mike Bonin wrote of the efforts. program by paying for meals,” extending through the academic year. pandemic. The list of participating restau- Card concluded, “PPCC and BCC Palisadian sisters Leena and “At the beginning when we just trying to adapt.” “PPCC got involved in Meals rants includes Maria’s Italian, will keep it running.” Layla Adeli shared with the Palisa- started doing online school, it was Palisadian Rowan Jen, a fresh- for Heroes upon learning about it dian-Post about their experiences a little hard to stay on track because man at Harvard Westlake, shared that from Michelle Bisnoff, chair of the so far. it was all so new,” Leena said. “But his school moved to distance learning Brentwood Community Council,” Leena, a seventh-grader at Paul I feel that now it’s slowly starting to about two weeks ago, but the biggest PPCC Chair David Card explained Revere Charter Middle School, uses get easier.” drawback is not being able to keep to the Palisadian-Post. “We joined Schoology to turn in her assignments Leena expressed the challeng- in touch with his peers. forces in sponsoring the delivery of and attends classes on Zoom, follow- es of distance learning: She worries “We’re not able to interact with meals to healthcare workers, first ing a block schedule. about her work being submitted our classmates, you don’t get to feel responders and homeless veterans correctly or a document not going that same energy that you do when from our Palisades and Brentwood through. you’re at school,” Jen said. “But in restaurants.” Her sister Layla, a freshman at terms of schoolwork and the abili- Card explained that PPCC Palisades Charter High School, faced ty to keep up with material, it has asked local restaurants to be a part a few challenges of her own.
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