Brief Description The impacts of climate change, particularly sea-level rise (SLR) and pronounced droughts have severe consequences on water and sanitation in the Solomon Islands. Due to SLR, low-lying islands, atolls and flat deltaic regions are faced with salt water intrusion, affecting the groundwater resources and limiting access to freshwater supply. Droughts have severely affected water supplies; during the 1997/1998 droughts that resulted in reduction of freshwater availability in Honiara by around 30-40%. Droughts have also damaged crops and livelihoods. Likewise, climate- related impacts on the quality and quantity of water has a gender dimension; in the context of the ethnic tensions, the safety and security of women and girls are compromised as they need to travel further to collect water, also leading to less time for other activities. In this context, Government of the Solomon Islands, Ministries of Mines, Energy, and Rural Electrification (MMERE), in partnership with Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disas ter Management and Meteorology (MECDM), Ministry of Health and Medical Services – Environmental Health Division, and UNDP is embarking on the Solomon Islands Water Sector Adaptation Project (SIWSAP) through support from GEF LDCF. The project objective is to improve the resilience of water resources to the impacts climate change and improve health, sanitation and quality of life, so that livelihoods can be enhanced and sustained in the targeted vulnerable areas. SIWSAP will work with partners to achieve this objective through 1) formulating, integrating, and mainstreaming water sector-climate change adaptation response plans in the water-related sectors as well as broader policy and development frameworks, 2) increasing the reliability and improving the quality of water supply in targeted areas, 3) investing in cost-effective and adaptive water management interventions and technology transfer, and 4) improving governance and knowledge management for climate change adaptation in the water sector at the local and national levels. At the end of the four years implementation of the project, the Government of Solomon Island will have enhanced systems, tools, and knowledge for water resource resilience at the national and local levels, which will contribute to the implementation and achievement of national priorities outlined in various policies and strategies, including the National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) 2008, National Development Strategy (NDS) 2011 – 2020, National Water and Sanitation Sector Plan (2007). 2 SIWSAP TABLE OF CONTENTS I.SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Climate change - induced problem ........................................................................................................... 8 1.2 Underlying causes............................................................................................................................. 13 1.3 Long-term solution and barriers to achieving the solution .................................................................. 17 1.4 Stakeholder Baseline Analysis .......................................................................................................... 25 II.STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................................. 27 2.1 Country Ownership: Country Eligibility and Country Drivenness ............................................................. 27 2.2 Project Rationale and Policy Conformity ................................................................................................ 28 2.3 Design Principles and Strategic Consideration ....................................................................................... 31 2.4 Project Objective, Outcomes and Outputs/Activities ............................................................................... 34 2.5 Key Indicators, Risks and Assumptions .................................................................................................. 66 2.6 Cost Effectiveness ................................................................................................................................. 67 2.7 Sustainability .......................................................................................................................................... 69 2.8 Replicability ............................................................................................................................................ 70 2.9 Stakeholder Engagement Plan ............................................................................................................... 71 III.PROJECT RESULTS FRAMEWORK ......................................................................................................... 74 IV. TOTAL BUDGET AND WORKPLAN ......................................................................................................... 80 V. MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS .......................................................................................................... 89 VI. MONITORING FRAMEWORK AND EVALUATION ................................................................................... 96 VII. LEGAL CONTEXT .................................................................................................................................. 100 VIII. ANNEXES .............................................................................................................................................. 101 LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1: Climate Change in the Pacific: Scientific Assessment and New Research - Volume 2: Country Reports - Chapter 13: Solomon Islands Annex 2: PPG Inception Workshop Report Annex 3: Criteria for Pilot Site Selection Annex 4: Summary of Key Thematic Messages Linked to the Pacific Regional Action Plan Annex 5: Pilot Site Reports Annex 6: Communications Approach for SIWSAP Annex 7: Terms of Reference for Project Governance, Management Arrangements, and Key Project Staff Annex 8: Stakeholder Engagement Plan Annex 9: Project Implementation Schedule Annex 10: Adaptation Monitoring and Assessment Tool Annex 11:UNDP Risk Log Annex 12: References Annex 13: Co-finance Letters of Support Annex 14: UNDP Environmental and Social Screening Annex 15: Responses to Project Reviews Annex 16: Resilience Framework SIWSAP 3 LIST OF ACRONYMS ADRA Adventist Development & Relief Agency ADB Asian Development Bank APR/PIR Annual Project Review/Project Implementation Reports ALM Asia-Pacific Adaptation Learning Network and the Adaptation Learning Mechanism AMAT Adaptation Monitoring Assessment Tool AOGCMs Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled General Circulation Models AR4 The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report ATLAS QPR Quarterly Progress Report AusAID Australian Aid AVI Australia Volunteers International BPoA+10 Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action CBEWS Community Based Early Warning System at Pilot Sites CCA Climate Change Adaptation CCD Climate Change Division CCWG National Climate Change Working Group CHICH AP Choiseul Integrated Climate Change Programme CRISP Community Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risk in Solomon Islands Project CROP Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific CT Composting Toilet CRiSTAL Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DRM Disaster Risk Management EbA Ecosystem-based Adaptation ENSO El Nino-Southern Oscillation ERC Evaluation Resource Center EU European Union GCOS Global Climate Observing System GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility INaF The Integrated National Framework for Resilient Development IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management IW:LEARN Global Environment Facility's (GEF) International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network IWCAM Integrated Coastal Area and Watershed Management Project IW-ECO Global Environment Facility's (GEF) Integrating Water, Land, Resources and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States JPfA Joint SIDS Programme for Action on Water and Climate KGA Kastom Gaden Association LDC Least Developed Country LDCF/SCCF- Least Develop Country Fund /Special Climate Change Fund LLEE Live and Learn Environmental Education MDGs Millennium Development Goals MDPAC Ministry of Development Planning and aid Coordination MECDM Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology MHMS Ministry of Health and Medical Services MMERE Government of the Solomon Islands, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification MMERE-WRD Government of the Solomon Islands, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification - Water Resources Division MUS Multiple-use Water Services NAPA The Solomon Islands National Adaptation Programme for Action NAP UNCCD National Action Programme 4 SIWSAP NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan NEMS The National Environment Management Strategy NDMO National Disaster Management Office NDS National Development Strategy NGOs Non Governmental Organisations NIWCC National Intersectoral Water Coordination Committee O&M Operation and maintenance PACC Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change Programme PACTAM Pacific Technical Assistance Mission Pacific RAP Pacific Regional Action Plan on Sustainable Water Management PCCSP Pacific Climate Change Science Programme
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