Precambrian Geology Kakagi-Rowan Lakes Area

Precambrian Geology Kakagi-Rowan Lakes Area

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Copyright: Canadian and international intellectual property laws protect the Content. Unless otherwise indicated, copyright is held by the Queen’s Printer for Ontario. It is recommended that reference to the Content be made in the following form: Johns, G.W. 2007. Precambrian geology, Kakagi–Rowan lakes area; Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary Map P.3594, scale 1:50 000. Use and Reproduction of Content: The Content may be used and reproduced only in accordance with applicable intellectual property laws. Non-commercial use of unsubstantial excerpts of the Content is permitted provided that appropriate credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. Any substantial reproduction of the Content or any commercial use of all or part of the Content is prohibited without the prior written permission of MNDM. Substantial reproduction includes the reproduction of any illustration or figure, such as, but not limited to graphs, charts and maps. 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[email protected] 5691 (inside Canada, United States) Crown Copyright Queen’s Printer Local: (416) 326-2678 Toll Free: 1-800-668-9938 [email protected] (inside Canada, United States) 94°15′00″ 10′ 410000 m 11 12 13 14 15 05′ 16 17 18 19 420000 m 21 22 94°00′00″ 55′ 49°30′00″ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 430000 m 50′ 45′ 31 32 33 34 35 40′ 36 37 38 39 440000 m 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 35′ 93°30′03″ 49 450000 m 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 460000 m 61 62 463000 m 3a 7 3a,8a 8d 8d 8d 1g 1n 45 8a,3g 6a 8a 6b 1n 1n 1n 6a,8f 49°30′10″ : 3a 3a 5a 2f 1a 1a 3a 8ad 6b 3g 3a 6a Dryberry 1a 8dc Otakus 8af 6a 1n 5b 1n 8d 8def 8adf 6a Lake EAGLE DOGTOOTH PROVINCIAL PARK 30′ Fe 3a 3g 5b 6a 6a 3d Lake 8f # 3a 3a 5b 5b EAGLE DOGTOOTH 70 5483000 m 3a 6da 8d 8a 3g 1n 1a 80 5483000 m Ontario Geological Survey 8 2e 2k 65 8a 6a PROVINCIAL PARK ; 75 8d 10a 5b 8f 8 6a 8f 4b 3b 3g 3g 6a 2e 6a,8a 6ab 2 80 1ae 3a 3a 1n 8a 8a 6a 4b 2e 1n 65 3g 8a 7a 7a 2g,8a Atikwa 3a 3g 60 6a 2ge 8a 3a 3a 2jek 6a 8f 8c 2e 8 8a 1n 85 6a 2en 1a Lake MAP P.3594 Yellow Girl Bay 32B MACQUARRIE TP ; 85 3a 8 1n 60 7b 1b 3g 3a 1n 1n 3a 3a 1a 2ge 1n 85 5b 6a 7a 6a 2 3a 8 8a 1a 2e 3a,8a 8a 8 1a 8 8a 6a 1ae 82 2e 3a 3a 8a 2 3a 8c 82 3a 8a 3a 8af 3b 8 8a 3a 80 3a 75 ; 7a 8c PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY 3a 3a 2k 2f DEVONSHIRE TP 10a 1n 1n 7a 1n 6a 2j 3a 3a 8a 5b 2e 6a,7 6a 8 2n 2g 2jg 6a 75 9b 8c 5b 1n 1n 3a 85 7b 8c 6e 3ae 3a 3a 3a 8a 3a 7b 1n 3a 6e Cu,Ni 3a 3a 2e ; 8a 1b 85 # 6e 2e 2j 3a 2e 8a,3a 6a 2g KAKAGI–ROWAN LAKES 2g,3a 8a 2e 6a1b 7a 2e 3a 3a 8 8a 8a 3g 3d 1n 60 1ae 6b 2f,1ek 2ge 2j 2j,1a 7a 7a Au,Cu# 8d 6a 8a 1a 2ej 2jf 2eg 9a 6e 3a 3a,7a,8c 2e 7a 9b 6e 5b 3g 2e 3a 2e 81 6a 2e 3a 3a 2j,1a 6a 6a 8a 9a,3g 2e 1a 8c 81 AREA 6a 2je 8 2f 3a 2j 6a 6e 5a 7a 8a 80 2e 6b 2e 80 2n 3d ; 3a 3a 7b 8 ; 2e 2j 2f diat 6a 2f 9a #Cu 6a 2a 3a 3e,a 2j 6a 2e # 1n 6a 7b 9b,1n 3a 2f 5b 6ab 3a 2g 5a 1n 2g 3a 3a 3a 6a 1a 3a 8 2ef 6a 6a Berry Lake 2e 2e 3a 3a 9b 1a 1ak 6e,1a 6a 3a 3a ; 5b ; 2gj 2g,1e 2e 9a 2e 2n 2j 2ge 3a,2e 2e 3a 3a 6c 1n 3a 2g 2f 3a 3a 2e 2e 7b 3a 2j 6a 1n 6a 2jk 85 8 6c 3a 9b 8c Scale 1:50 000 2e 8 3a 2f 6ad 10a 3a 2e 6a ; 6e 1b 2e 3a 6a 8a 6c 80 6a 8c 1a 3a 8 7b 8a 6e 2f 6a 8 2eg 1a 6a 5480000 m 5480000 m 1a 3a 3a 2ge 1000 m 0 1 2 km 8ca 8a 80 3a 2j 8 2ge 8a 6c 9a 8c 8a 7a 2f 8 9b 2f 1a 2e 2f 2e 9b 6e Au 7b 3a 2e 3a 6a 8a 6a 9a 3a 2f 70 # 70 7b 2f 6a 6a 3a 9a 1a 6a ; 2k 6c 3a,1n 2f 3a 70 753a 1a 7b 6a 5a 6a 6ad 8 1n 3a Dirtywater 1a 6c 2e 3a 3d 8a 2f 2f 1ad 1d 2ej 3ae 7b 3d 2e Lake 8c NTS Reference: 52 E/1, 8, F/3, 4, 5, 6, 12 3a 2f 6a 9b 3a 8ca,1ak 3a # 2e 2f 3e 10a 7b 1a 79 2fn Fe 2hj 85 6a 6c 1e 6a 85 79 8c 1n 10 80 7a 2e 8 8 8a 2f 70 8a © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2007. 8ca 1a 3g 3a 2k Kenu Lake 9e 1a 8ca Cu,Ni,Zn# 2ej ; ; 2e 1,3a 2eg 9b 8 2e 2n 3ae 1nk 9b 7a 8d Cu 8c 7a 7a 3a 3a,2e 6a 3a 6a # This map is published with the permission of the Director, Ontario 2ge8 1n 5b 6e 8a 3a 9b 9a 6a Geological Survey. 3a 9b 8f 70 2e 2g 1n,8a 9b 8a 1ae 3ae 8a 1m,8a 1ae 2je 1n 7b 8c 1a 1e,7b GUNDY PETTYPIECE S ell 85 78 78 COLENSO GIDLEY 1a Ke MAFEKING 80 2e 6a 5b 9b BRODERICK PELLATT nora JACKMAN MUTRIE RUGBY 1a 8c 3ab 3a Kishquabik 8c A MACNICOL BRITTO JAFFRAY BRIDGES 10a B EWART HAYCOCK TUSTIN MUTRIE 80 2gk 6a FORGIE BOYS LANGTON MUTRIE COYLE Lake 2e Flora O SANFORD 8a 8c 85 DESMOND ETON 8c 10 6a 2e 3a 7a T WAINW 9b I 7a,1ab 2fn 2fn Long Bay 7a 3 1a KIRKUP 17 7c 9b Lake AUBREY 2jg 6d N GLASS 2h 3a 9e TEMPLEDE Dryden Whitefish Bay 32A MCMEEKIN 3a 9e A 8a 7b 9a LE MAY VAN M HORNE 8ca 3a 3a Shoal L 8af La AKE MANROSS CODE Ea 2f 2fekj 85 1a 6e ke WORK gle 1a 7a 10ab Lak 8a 2e 2f 1a 1e 6e 8c 8a e 77 1nd 8a 8a 7b 77 OF MACQUARRIE DEVONSHIRE 75 8a 8a 1e 2f 9b 65 Sioux 1g 2 2kg 9a 3 2 1e 8d Narrows 8a 1a 2kje 2ef 7b 7b 2eg ; WILLINGDON 9c 1a MCGEORGE 8f 8a 1de 7a 2f 2f 7b 9e 8a 8c Upper 3g 3a 7b 2n,5a Cu 8c THE TWEEDSMUIR Manitou 3a 1a 1ae 7b,3a 3a # 70 8cf 8c Lake 2e 1a 6a 8a 1e,8a 1eg Kakagi 6e PHILLIPS L 3a 3 ower Mani 7a BIG ISLAND Lake tou 78 3 7b 2jf 9b 2g 1e 2f,6 1ab 1ae 8a WOO Lake 1a 1a D C 2f 2eg 3a 8c S row Lake 76 3ag 2f Au 60 76 GODSON 3ag 7b ; 8c 8af Au 3 3d 2f # 7b 8a 2e 7a 6e U.S.A.

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