APPENDIX I. CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING MILITARY EFFECTIVENESS AND A GRADING OF THE FINNISH ARMY’S PERFORMANCE IN THE WINTER WAR Allan R. Millett, Williamson Murray and Kenneth H. Watman’s criteria for assessing the political, strategic, operational and tactical effectiveness of military institutions, including a grading of the Finnish Army’s perfor- mance in the Winter War by the author and a mention in which chapter each criterion is discussed (in parentheses). The grading scale used is from 4 to 10: 4 is equivalent to an F grade (fail), 5 to D (suffi cient), 6 to C (sat- isfactory), 7 to B (good), 8 to B+ (very good), 9 to A (excellent), and 10 to A+ (outstanding). The newest, later added criterion 26 is also included in the calculations. POLITICAL EFFECTIVENESS 1. To what extent can military organizations assure themselves a regular share of the national budget suffi cient to meet their major needs? 6 (2) 2. To what extent do military organizations have access to the industrial and technological resources necessary to produce the equipment needed? 7 (2) 3. To what extent do military organizations have access to manpower in the required quantity and quality? 8 (2) © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016 209 P. Tuunainen, Finnish Military Effectiveness in the Winter War 1939–1940, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-44606-0 210 APPENDIX I STRATEGIC EFFECTIVENESS 4. To what degree would achievement of the organization’s strategic objectives result in securing the political goals of the nation? 9 (2) 5. To what degree are the risks entailed in the desired strategic objectives consistent with the stakes involved and the consequences of fail- ure? 9 (2) 6. To what degree were the leaders of the military organization able to communicate with and infl uence the political leadership to seek mili- tarily logical national goals? 9 (2) 7. To what degree are strategic goals and courses of action consistent with force size and structure? 6 (2) 8. To what degree are the military’s strategic objectives consistent with their logistical infrastructure and the national industrial and technical base? Included in the industrial base are manufacturing capabilities and rates, reserve capacities, sophistication, vulnerability, and access to raw materials. 7 (2/5) 9. To what degree are military organizations successful at integrating their strategic objectives with those of their allies and/or persuading them to adopt consistent strategic objectives? 5 (2) 10. To what degree do the strategic plans and objectives place the strengths of military organizations against the critical weaknesses of their adversary? 7 (2) OPERATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS 11. To what extent do the military organizations of a nation possess a professional ethos and integrity that allows them to deal with opera- tional problems in a realistic fashion? 10 (4) 12. To what degree are the military organization’s operational methods integrated? To what degree do organizations attempt to combine combat arms to take full advantage of their strengths while covering their weaknesses? 7 (3) 13. To what extent are the military organizations mobile and fl exible at the operational level? Can an organization move rapidly both intel- lectually and physically in either anticipated or unanticipated direc- tions? 9 (3) 14. To what extent are a military organization’s operational concepts and decisions consistent with available technology? 8 (3) APPENDIX I 211 15. To what extent are supporting activities well integrated with the oper- ational concepts of the military organization? Do the military organi- zations have the capability to support their operational practices with the required intelligence, supply, communications, medical, and transport systems? 8 (5) 16. To what extent is the military organization’s operational concept con- sistent with the strategic objectives assigned to it? 8 (3) 17. To what degree does the operational doctrine of military organizations place their strengths against their adversary’s weaknesses? 9 (3) TACTICAL EFFECTIVENESS 18. To what extent are military organizations’ tactical approaches consis- tent with their strategic objectives? 10 (3) 19. To what extent are tactical concepts consistent with operational capa- bilities? 9 (3) 20. To what extent does the military organization’s tactical system empha- size integration of all arms? 7 (3) 21. To what extent do a military organization’s tactical conceptions empha- size surprise and a rapid exploitation of opportunities? 10 (3) 22. To what extent is the military organization’s tactical system consistent with its approach to morale, unit cohesion, and relations between offi cers, NCOs, and the enlisted ranks? 10 (4) 23. To what extent is the military organization’s approach to training consistent with its tactical system? 10 (2/3/4) 24. To what extent are military organizations’ tactical systems consistent with support capabilities? 9 (5) 25. To what extent do tactical systems place the strengths of military organizations against their adversary’s weaknesses? 9 (3/4) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 26. To what degree is an ability for innovation and adaptation in a national cultural framework demonstrated? 9 (2/3/4/5) Sources: Adapted from Millett, Murray & Watman 1986, 37–71; Millett & Murray 1988, 1–30; Murray & Millett 2010, xi–xix. 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