7HO %HOOV5RDG .LWFKHQ'HVLJQ 6WRUQRZD\+65$ VXSSO\ ,QVWDOODWLRQ ZZZRSXVFDUSHQWU\FRXN (PDLONLWFKHQVRSXVFDUSHQWU\#JPDLOFRP ±-RLQHU\±&RQVWUXFWLRQ± 22Staff Francis available by Street telephone betweenStornoway 9am and 11am •,QVXUDQFH%URNHUV Insurance Services RMk Monday toIsle Friday, of or Lewis by email: [email protected] 2NB •%XVLQHVV 3HUVRQDO Risk Management t: 01851 704949 ADVICE •([FHOOHQW6HUYLFH Health & Safety YOU CAN www.rmkgroup.co.uk TRUST For Hand Sanitiser th st enquiries please email Thursday June 4 to Wednesday July 1 [email protected] ISSUE 172 www.essenceofharris.com F R "In light;ge]Yf\k]]gmj]p[alaf_ of Government advice around a changing situation E with the COVID-19 outbreak our priority at Harris Tweed Hebridesf]ojYf_]g^@YjjakLo]]\[dgl` is to protect our workforce. We have regrettably E 2020 taken the decision to close all access to the Shawbost mill site and the\aj][l^jgel`]K`YoZgklEadd Harris Tweed Hebrides mill shop located in Stornoway. in Lewis and Harris Mill production and order fulfi lment will continue as normal. EVENTS Website*-Fgjl`:]Y[`Klj]]l$KlgjfgoYq$@K)*IP and shop telephone orders will continue to be fulfi lled. -ʝʖɚ :ʖɚ 6ʦʠSɛԭ ooo&`Yjjaklo]]\`]Zja\]k&[ge www.westernisleslottery.co.uk l2()0-)/(((,.Gh]f)(Ye%-&+(he Ticket Line 0300 30 20 444 3 WEEKLY CASH PRIZES 20 Bells Road AND NOW!! - 703646 MONTHLY £1,000 DRAW OPEN BANGLA SPICE 10am-2pm AUTHENTIC Phone 703646 to place BANGLADESHI CUISINE your order for collection from our car park. NEWLY REFURBISHED WITH A NEW CHEF AND A NEW MENU www.hic-stornoway.com Monday to Thursday 5pm to 9.30pm Little Lionhearts! Friday & Saturday 4.30pm to 10pm ISTANBUL CLOSED SUNDAY Full report: Page 5 KEBABS FISH ‘n’ CHIPS BURGERS CURRIES PIZZAS Church Street RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY Tel: 700418 / 701118 ,VODQG5RDG FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT 6WRUQRZD\+65'6 WITH,QGLDQ&XLVLQH OVER 30 YEARS SERVING THE ISLAND $8723$576 3L]]DVSOMETHING IUHVKO\PDGH FOR%XUJHUV.HEDEV EVERYONE )RUDOO\RXUPRWRULQJQHHGV VDOHV#DSVGLUHFWFRXN OPEN 7 DAYS Tues-Thursday 12pm-2.30pm 4.30-10.30pm -DPHV6WUHHW6WRUQRZD\+641 Open between 9am and 12 noon, Friday-Saturday: 12pm-3pm 4pm till late 12:7$.,1*&5(',7'(%,7&$5'6Sunday: 12pm till late (open all day Sunday) IRUVDYLQJV FOR GAS COLLECTIONS ONLY 24 South Beach Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis Tel: 01851 700299 DQGORDQVLQWKH 2a Rigs Road, Stornoway, HS1 2RF Tel: 01851 705155 Email: [email protected] 2XWHU+HEULGHV CORONAVIRUS CRISIS SPECIAL ZHEVLWH ZZZKLVFRWFRP 7DNHWKHSDLQRXWRISD\UROO«FDOOXV NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS HPDLO LQIR#KLVFRWFRP n light of the current Coronavirus crisis, many of our Iadvertisers are having to work reduced hours, open for WHO 7HO delivery/collection only, or have been forced to cease trading altogether for the time being, in order to keep themselves and their customers and clients as safe as possible. We @gjeYff $QJXV&OLQWRQ have endeavoured to keep all trading information up-to- date, but the situation is changing daily. If you cannot fi nd /$0,1$7('3,1( what you are looking for in these pages, try online - www. ?YjY_] :,1'2:6/7' welovestornoway.com has a dedicated ʻWeʼre still working <ggjk 5LJV5RDG6WRUQRZD\,VOHRI/HZLV+65) /$5*(672&. and tradingʼ section, which is being continuously updated. 7HO)D[ If you would like to advertise changes with us online, 9$5,2866,=(6 get in touch by phone on 07867 861090 or email at info@ (PDLODFOLQWRQ#EWFRQQHFWFRP welovestornoway.com Page 2 - EVENTS www.hebevents.com 04/06/20 - 01/07/20 Promotion for island footie By Annie Delin lead coaches during primary sessions. omen's football in the Western Isles is Once the girls turn 16, the club pays for them to gain Wgetting more promotion than ever, thanks to their SFA coaching qualifi cations. CalMac support last support from CalMac's Community Fund. year enabled the association to pay travel expenses for four girls to attain their SFA club coach award in Dingwall. More than 140 young women from across the islands took part in the fi rst every primary age CalMac's Community Fund supports numerous non- women's football association festival of football, held profi t organisations in the mainland ports and islands in Leverburgh before lockdown began. the company serves. Last year the fund was designed to benefi t the lives of children and young people living Lewis and Harris Women’s Football Association in west coast communities, with awards between £500 coach Euan ‘Moley’ Macleod said: “Our projects have and £2,000 on offer. enabled girls from throughout the Western Isles to meet and compete against each other. In Leverburgh we had Applications were judged by a screening panel of young girls and teams attending from Ness and Barra. In total people recruited from across the company's network, in we had over 60 girls in attendance with ten coaches partnership with Young Scot and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's community learning and development team. “The CalMac award has not only enabled the young female footballers to play more football this past year, CalMac's corporate social responsibility manager, but hopefully for many years to come.” Gordon McKillop, said: “I'm delighted we have been able to support the growth in girl's football in the As a way of sustaining the sport, LHWFA proactively Western Isles. We have helped lay the foundations for encourages players to become coaches. Players sustainable growth of the sport across the islands in coming up to age 16 are encouraged to volunteer as the future.” MACFARLANE, WILLIAM. Alasdair Allan MSP/BPA In loving memory of a wonderful Husband, Father, Grampa, and dear Surgery Notice Friend to many, who died on 25th MAY 2019. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, ha Colaiste a’ Chaisteil a’ sireadh dhaoine de gach aois You are loved beyond words and Ta bhiodh deònach a bhith na meantairean dha luchd- missed beyond measure. ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig san àm ri teachd. Tha an sgeama seo airson cothrom a thoirt dha luchd-ionnsachaidh an cànan a Angus & Mairi xxx chleachdadh agus a leasachadh. Bhiodh aig gach meantair ri coinneachadh ri aon duine a tha ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig They say there is a reason, agus a bhith a’ còmhradh riutha ann an suidheachadh neo- They say time will heal, fhoirmeil. Chan fheum sibh a bhith comasach air Gàidhlig Neither time or reason will a leughadh no a sgrìobhadh – chan eil sinn ag iarraidh ach change the way I feel, comas còmhraidh. Gone are the days In light of Scottish and UK Government guidance regarding the Gheibheadh na meantairean am pàigheadh. Ma tha ùidh we used to share &29,'SDQGHPLFP\FRQVWLWXHQF\RIÀFHLVFXUUHQWO\FORVHG agaibh ann a bhith an sàs anns a’ phrògram mheantaraidh seo, But in my heart, My staff and I are still working, although, in line with the current neo ma tha ceistean sam bith agaibh, faodaidh sibh fi os a chur I often took for granted the you are always there, guidance, we are doing so from home. gun a’ phost-dealain seo: things you used to do The gates of memories I can still be contacted via www.alasdairallan.scot as [email protected] You often said “I would miss will never close well as by telephone or email as detailed below. you” - your words oh so true. I miss you more ews Castle College is looking for people of This last year without you is the than anyone knows. Telephone: 01851 700 357 Ldifferent ages who would be willing to be saddest I have known, Love and miss you Gaelic mentors for individuals who are learning I treasure now the memories every day Dad. Email: [email protected] Gaelic. This would involve meeting and chatting when you were here at home, to Gaelic learners on a regular basis. This Remembering you is easy I do it Carolyn xxx www.alasdairallan.scot programme gives the learners the opportunity to use the every day language in an informal situation. You do not have to be able The thought of being without Grampa, you are to read or write Gaelic – this is about speaking the language. dearly missed. Friends of The Nicolson you - it never goes away. The mentors would be paid for their time. If you are A recently formed charitable Trust to assist pupils of Ciaran xxx interested in being a Gaelic mentor, or have any questions, Anne xxx The Nicolson Institute with the cost of travel to the mainland you can contact the following email: In loving memory of Willie our dear Brother, Brother-in-Law, Uncle and Find out how you can help advance the next [email protected] Great Uncle who passed away at 24 Branahuie on 25th May 2019 . generation of Nicolson pupils at www.fotn.org.uk One year has passed God took him home. It was His will, since that sad day But in our hearts, he liveth still. When the one we loved was called away, Ann & Billy, Ian & Janet and Family, Tinie & John HOW TO CONTACT US Editor: Fred Silver [email protected] Design and layout: Andrew Jeffries [email protected] [email protected] General enquiries: [email protected] Annie Delin, senior correspondent (Lewis and Harris): [email protected] Writers: Katie Macleod, Melissa Silver NEXT EDITION: The deadline for information and advertising is Tuesday Tel: 07867 861090 23 June. The newspaper will appear on Wednesday 1 July EVENTS is published by Intermedia Services (Stornoway) Church House, 16 James Street, Stornoway HS1 2QN Tel: 01851 705743 04/06/20 - 01/07/20 www.hebevents.com EVENTS - Page 3 Benefi ts of power-save project he Community LED by Energy Champions of the development, the team could focus fully involved in the overall project.
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