(9 tA ?luhrf PUBLISHED DAZLY under order of THE*friatol PREJIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC ZNFORM.RTION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities [VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1919. No. 525 PERSONNEL OF BUREAU OF PEACE NEW BRITISH RESTRICTIONS CONFERENCE AS FINALLY FORMED REQUIRING SPECIAL LICENSE The personnel of the Bureau of the Peace Conference as provi- ON LONG LIST OF IMPORTS sionally chowen at the open plenary session on January 18, and now finally formed, was reported to the State Department to-day. The TO TAKE EFFECT MARCH 1 personnel follows: President: M. Debearn, Secretary of Em- ESSENTIALS INCLUDED M. Georges Clemenceau, bassy. France. For Italy. AS WELL AS LUXURIES Vice Presidents: Co m t e Aldrovandi, Minister Hon. Robert Lansing, United Plenipotentiary. Reasons for Action Are Ex- States. Mar q uis Charles Durazzo, plained in Statement by Right Hon. David Lloyd George, Counselor of Legation. British Empire. M. G. Brambilla, Counselor of War Trade Board as Effort M. V. E. Orlando, Italy. Legation. to Re- Marquis Saionji, Japan. For Japan. by Great Britain Secretary General: store Her Trade Equilib- M. Dutasta, France. M. Sadao Saburi, Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Af- Secretaries: fairs rium-" Will Tend Toward For United States. Committee on Verification of Economic and Social Sta- Mr. Joseph Clarke Grew, Minis- Powers: ter Plenipotentiary. Hon. Henry White, V7 nit e d bility Throughout the As- Mr. Leland Harrison, Coun- States. I sociated Governments." selor of Embassy Right Hon. Arthur Balfour, Brit- Col. U. S. Grant, 3d. ish Empire. M. Jules Cambon, Eance. The War Trade Board has issued the For British Empire. Marquis Salvago Raigi, Italy. following: Lieut. Col. Sir Maurice Hankey. M. K. Matsui, Japard " British import restrictions, which Mr. Herman Norman, Coun- cover a wide range of commodities, will selor of Embassy. Committee on Drafting: go into effect after March 1, the War Mr. Eric Phipps, First Secre- Mr. James Brown Sctt, United Trade Board stated to-day upon advices tary of Embassy. States. from the American Consul General in Mr. Hurst, British Empire. London. Thereafter exporters of the For France. Mt Fromager, France. specified commodities can ship to Great M. P. Gauthier, Minister Pleni- M. Ricci Busatti, Italy. Britain only under a special British im- potentiary. M. H. Nagoaka, Japan, port license. Cover a Wide Range. "The commodities affected by this ment of which you are;e part will measure cover a wide range, extending POLISH REPUBLIC RECOGNIZED bring prosperity to the Republic of all the way from essentials to what are Poland. commonly classed as luxuries. Among BY U.S. IN CABLE TO PREMIER " It is my privilege to extend to the latter are included such items as per- you at this time my personal greet- fumery and toilet preparations, mouth SENT BY SECRETARY LANSING ings and officially to assure you that organs, and pictures, prints, and engrav- it will be a source of gratification to ings. BY DIRECTION OF PRESIDENT enter into official relations with you " But, on the other hand, this category at the earliest opportunity to render also places import prohibitions upon such PROMISE GIVEN OF AMERICA'S HELP to your country such aid as is possi- extremely essential articles as tools and ble at this time as it enters upon a machinery of all sorts for working in both metal and wood. Government is new cycle of independent life, will The Provisional Polish be in full accord with that spirit of Reasons for Action. accorded complete recognition in a tele- friendliness which has in the past "The gram which Secretary Lansing has sent animated the American people in reasons for such action on the part of Great Britain are not hard to Ignace Paderewski. by direction of Presi- their relations with your country- understand, nor do they require anything dent Wilson. The message extending men." in the nature of justification. For over this full recognition follows: four years .Great Britain has been sub- JOINS FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. ject to the shock and strain of a war "The President of the United which not only required the sacrifice of States directs me to extend to you The following State institution has life and intense human energy, but also as Prime Minister and Secretary for been admitted to the Federal Reserve necessitated the most stringent economic Poreign Affairs of the Provisional System as of date January 29, 1919: readjustment and the sacrifice of private Polish Government his sincere The Shiloh business. wishes for your success in the high Savings Bank Co., Shiloh, " It is not strange, therefore, that Great office which you have assumed and Ohio. Capital, $25,000; surplus, $25,000; Britain should to-day wish to make every his earnest hope that the Govern- total resources, $879,115, legitimate effort to keep her commercial 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1919. falling into Pictures, prints, engravings, and photographs. and economic status from Platting, all descriptions. chaos, and instead to restore it to a state Plated and gilt wares. 10,000 DISABLED SOLDIERS of equilibrium. In fact, to do anything Revolvers and pistols. else would be strange. Salt. BEING EDUCATED INTRADES Sewing machines. Restoring Normal Rasis. Skins and furs, manufactures of. Slide rules for engineers and draftsmen. Officers and Enlisted Men Given "As a natural result of such Stereescopes. a normal, Stores and ranges. Transfers from Service to patriotic aspiration, in order to bring her Straw envelopes for battles. own manufactures to a state of stability Soap. Act as Instructors. approaching that of prewkr days. Great Spectacles and eyeglasses complete, not con- taining gold. Britain finds it necessary to impose such Time-recording instruments of all kinds, and The War Department authorizes the import restrictions for the time being as movements and parts thereof. following from the Office of the Surgeon will permit her the opportunity to re: Vacuum cleaners. General: Wringers and mangles. establish domestic business conditions on Weighing machines, scales, and balances of Ten thousand disabled soldiers are now a normal basis. The import restrictions all descriptions. being given some sort of educational work being imposed by Great Britain are for General License Commodities. in 43 different hospitals. Thousands more such purposes and are not to be regarded are on their way and will receive the same as of a permanent nature. In making General licenses admitting the impor- help. In order to handle properly the for the return of normal domestic con- tation into Great Britain of the follow- educational work in the new hospitals ditions in Great Britain, inducing the ing commodities without special license with the increased numbers of patients, social welfare of the Empire, such mcas- will be continued until July 1, 1919: a material increase in the educational ures will tend toward economic and social Aerated mineral and table waters, unsweet- personnel is necessary. stability throughout the associated Gov- pned. ernments and this country. And such a Almonds. Instructors in Various Lines. Apples. - tendency is to-day recognized as vitally Art, work, of. By a recent order, transfers may be necessary for the formation of a lasting Bananas. made from any branch of the service to Bladders. the educational service in the Medical and fundamentally sound peace." Casings and sausage skins. Cocoa, raw. Department. Acting upon this, officers Formal Announcement. Coffee. and enlisted men with special qualifica- Fruit from all sources, canned, bottled, or tions are being transferred from their The formal announcement of the War preserved. Trade Board follows: Gum copal. present assignments where their services The War Trade Board announces, in a Gum kauri. are no longer needed, to the Division of Hides, wet and dry. Reconstruction. They are to become in- new ruling (W. T. B. R. 557), for the in- Horns and hoofs. formation of exporters in the United Ivory, vegetable. structors or supervisors of the various States, that they have been informed of Marble. lines of school work. Nuts. Instructors and supervisors are still the following announced changes in the Onions. import regulations of Great Britain: Pinentoes, needed for hnost all lines of technical The Sugar Supply Commission have Ruin. work; but the need is most urgent in Sugar cane. the following subjects: Agriculture, car- announced the removal, from Februry 24, Timber (duanage used as temporary ship's 1919, of all restrictions limiting the im- fittings and not entered on bills of lading). pentry, auto mechanics, typewriting, portation and sale of sirup, molasses, Tobacco, unmanufactured and manufactured, drafting, printing, tractor operating, ma- including cigars and cigarettes. leather work. and other articles of like nature. Wood flour, cassa, and ligaea. chine shop, electricity, The following articles, as to which the Officers or enlisted men who are desir- British import prohibitions have hitherto Export Restrictions Relaxed. ous of transferring to this service should been removed, will again be on the list Ambassador Davis, at London, cables, apply to the local educational officer at of prohibited imports after March 1, 1919, under date of January 23, 1919, as fol- the base hospital, or to the Division of and can then only be imported under lows: Physical Reconstruction, Surgeon Gen- special license: The British Board of Trade Journal of eral's Office, Washington, D. C., and full Aluminum, manufactures of. January 23 announces a further relaxa- information wvill be supplied Aluminum powder. ApPirel not waterproofed. tion of export restrictions, transferring.to Baskets and basket ware. Class C the following list or afticles, Baths of metal, all kinds. which may therefore be exported freely including Scrapped and disused recepta- Cartridges, all kinds and parts thereof. eles wholly Cement. to all countries other than European and or partly made of tin plate, Diatomite, or infusorial earth.
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